Chapter 516 Wuqi Tower, fighting
  When Luo Yuan heard Xu Zhong's question, he knew that this was a veteran from the Self-Dragon Army. There were many opportunities for strong men of the same level in the Special Legion to perform the same mission. Naturally, many of them knew each other, but Luo Yuan was Naturally, the newcomer was not familiar with the other soldiers of the special legion, so Luo Yuan said directly: "I just arrived."

As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, Xu Zhong's expression couldn't help but become complicated. He was shocked and confused. Even the other four warriors present had shocked expressions. This was the first time they heard that a newcomer had come to perform the task of increasing the level. Knowing that these warriors are veterans who have experienced countless missions, even disaster-level and reincarnation-level missions, and they have also continuously improved their strength in countless missions, they dare to challenge the sealing mission. .

Xu Zhong looked at Luo Yuan carefully, and then said doubtfully: "So you are a newcomer, and there is no information about you in the information I collected, which means that you have been with the Eastern Army for less than three epochs, and each special legion has Those powerful warriors, we all have records among each other, and only the most powerful warriors have the qualifications and courage to perform the sealing-level tasks, but you are just a newcomer and can perform the most dangerous sealing tasks, which shows that you are very strong. , destined to become famous.”

Luo Yuan just smiled slightly at Xu Zhong's praise, so the qualifications of soldiers who apply for seal-level tasks will be reviewed by those senior officials. Of course, they will only be judged based on their performance in past tasks. Although Luo Yuan has only performed one disaster-level mission, He was able to obtain the testaments of so many true god-level powerhouses, so he was naturally rated as the top elite powerhouse among the Lords of Laws, and those who could come to the God King Valley to break into Wuqi Tower were naturally the top Lords of Laws.

But even so, the masters of these laws also know that Wu Qilou has a narrow escape, so they naturally want to find companions. Cooperation can naturally increase the chance of survival. Zhongxu and Luo Yuan are both from the Eastern Army. Naturally, he wanted to get in touch with Luo Yuan so as to help each other, and Luo Yuan knew it and did not refuse.

While chatting with Xu Zhong, Luo Yuan also waited with them for the other warriors to arrive. After waiting for a few days, he finally gathered ten warriors. The True God of Alien Beasts who was responsible for guiding said: "Okay, now you guys Ten warriors have been gathered together in one batch. As the fifth batch of warriors entering Wuqi Tower, I still want to remind you to be careful. Almost all the previous batches of warriors who entered have died. It is impossible to break through to the ninth floor. , but surviving is the most important thing.”

The ten warriors present were all shocked when they heard this. After all, they heard that almost all the previous batches of warriors had perished. How could this not shock them? They must know that the warriors who can come here are all among the Lords of Law. The best of them can be said to be the top experts among the elite. Whether it is secret techniques or treasures, they are also top-notch. But even so, they have no choice. After all, they knew the dangers of the seal-level mission before coming here, and they want to quit now. It's also impossible.

Soon, the door on the first floor of Wuqi Tower slowly opened. This door was huge. Luo Yuan just explored it and was surprised to find that the door was hundreds of light-years in size. The average small universe is about this size. The door After opening it, only the bright light could be seen, and no one could see clearly what was inside, but the coercion emanating from it made Luo Yuan and other warriors feel frightened and shocked, so the True God of Alien Beasts said: "Okay, everyone go in, This sealing mission has begun.”

So Luo Yuan and the ten warriors looked at each other, and they could see firm looks in their eyes. After all, the warriors who can come here are prepared to fall. If they succeed, they will directly reach the sky in one step. If they fail, He died, but even if he could not complete the task, surviving would provide experience for the next level. So everyone flew towards the gate. They did not teleport directly, but were cautious. After all, the danger involved was unknown.

After Luo Yuan arrived at the first floor of Wuqi Tower, he found that this place turned out to be a small independent world. However, this world was full of deserts, which looked very desolate. The temperature was extremely low, the cold wind was howling, and there was a desert on the surface. A layer of frost, this scene surprised Luo Yuan. This was the first time he saw the hot desert full of ice, and at the edge of this world was the huge light gate. At this time, Luo Yuan Yuan finally understood that this door was the door to time and space.

Just as Luo Yuan was observing this strange environment, nine other warriors also flew in from the light door. After seeing the strange environment here, they all immediately observed carefully. After the ten warriors came in, the A huge light door disappeared directly. Luo Yuan probed out his spiritual thoughts, and then found that this world full of deserts could not find any boundaries at all. This was the first level of Wuqi Tower, and there seemed to be nothing. It's dangerous, but don't let your guard down.

At this time, Xu Zhong sent a message to Luo Yuan's divine power and said: "This is also my first time to enter this Wuqi Tower. After all, each leveling task is different. I only know that this Wuqi Tower is very dangerous, but let's come here." Nothing unusual has happened here, so how could this danger appear? It cannot be in the desert."

Luo Yuan just shook his head when he heard this. It was his first time here, so how could he know where the next danger would be. Luo Yuan also had time to carefully observe the ten warriors present. In addition to Luo Yuan and others The six tribe warriors and the remaining four warriors were all alien beasts. They who were originally calm seemed to be panicking at this time. After all, before they came in, they heard the alien beast true god say that the batches of people who came in before The warriors' chances were lost.

Although this cold world full of deserts was very quiet at this time, it also made them understand that this was only temporary, and there would definitely be danger in the future. They just didn’t know which direction the danger would come from. It was safe to cooperate with each other in this situation. Yes, Xu Zhong and Luo Yuan soon walked together so that they could help each other deal with the next danger. After all, these soldiers were only the two of them from the Eastern Army. They had a good relationship with each other before, and now they are working together well. .

Just when everyone was on guard, a deafening sound suddenly erupted from the originally quiet world, and then a powerful energy wave centered on the place where the sound was made, radiated out to the surroundings, sweeping the entire place. Luo Yuan and other ten warriors Looking towards the place where the sound and powerful power came from, I saw that the sky in the distance was already covered with dark clouds. However, these dark clouds were in the shape of a vortex. In the center of the vortex, a pillar of light formed by thunder and lightning appeared in the sky, and then this pillar of light appeared. It soon bombarded the desert below, and suddenly this beam of light connected the sky and the earth, and the terrifying power was emitted unbridled.

This sudden appearance of the light beam made Luo Yuan and other ten warriors feel incredible, because the power it exuded even frightened them. This power far exceeded the true god level powerhouse, and even reached the level of the void true god, but This time the sealing mission is at the level of the Lord of Laws, and the difficulty is not so outrageous, so the ten warriors present are confused. After all, this is only the first floor of Wuqi Tower, and the eight floors above are only It will become more and more dangerous.

If the danger level of each level increases in this way, then they don't need to continue to enter, and they can just wait here to die, because this is a completely impossible task, and it is impossible to even survive. Just when everyone is confused At that moment, words suddenly appeared on the pillar of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. These words were also the lingua franca of the world of Jin, but all the words exuded a terrifying murderous intent. This murderous intent seemed to directly control their consciousness. .

Luo Yuan's will has already reached the level of the ultimate true god, but when faced with the murderous intent emitted by these words, he was also affected. The murderous intent in his eyes was filled with murderous intent at this time, and his heart seemed to be burned by monstrous flames. Qiong's anger and murderous intent almost made him lose his mind and turn into an angry beast. As these words continued to appear, coherent sentences soon formed. Luo Yuan and other ten warriors interpreted the meaning of these sentences while holding on to their will.

"This pillar of light is the only way to the second level, and it is also the mission of the first level. However, not all warriors are eligible to enter. Only when you kill a warrior will you be eligible to enter. In this passage, if the next warriors enter the first level, all the warriors who have not yet entered the light pillar passage will be erased by the rules here, and palace-type treasures cannot be used to escape this battle, otherwise Just get erased, let’s get started.”

These words were blood red, just suspended above the lightning beam, emitting powerful power and murderous intent, which made all the soldiers present feel frightened. At the same time, it also made them understand that the meaning of these words was not a joke. If If you don't follow these requirements, you will be directly erased. I don't know who specified these rules, or whether they were formulated by the building spirit of Wuqi Tower. After all, there are buildings at this level of Wuqi Tower. The spirit is not strange.

At least the ten warriors present now will not doubt the meaning of these words. Not to mention the dangers you will face when entering this thunder and lightning pillar, but to enter it, you must kill a warrior. The ten warriors present, If they fight in pairs, only five will survive in the end. For this, Luo Yuan finally understands why almost all the previous batches of warriors died, but half of them must be destroyed to pass the first level.

This can't help but remind Luo Yuan of the selection of warriors he faced when he first came to the God King's Legion. It was also so cruel. It can be seen that this world of Jin is actually the place where Shanke trained his subordinates when he was the God King, and allowed countless warriors to fight against each other. The one who survives in the end is the strongest and is qualified to become his subordinate, so the strength of those warriors who survived will be so strong. Then at this time, the ten warriors looked at the other warriors warily. Luo Yuan also considered Who to destroy.

For a time, the relationship between the ten warriors became subtle. After all, the Lord of the Law who came here was not a top strong man. Naturally, he would not show mercy. As each other's power spread, even this space and time began to change. He stopped, doing this to guard against other strong men taking action. In this depressing atmosphere, suddenly a warrior took action. As soon as he took action, other warriors also took action at the same time, killing the warrior they selected. Only This is how you can live.

At this time, a strange beast was attacking Luo Yuan. This strange beast looked like an insect and a wild beast. It had a big mouth and rushed towards Luo Yuan. At the same time, two other tribe warriors were attacking Luo Yuan. When they came, one of the tribal warriors was wielding a mace-type weapon. The mace also had thunder and lightning shining on it. The power it exuded made Luo Yuan immediately understand that this ugly-looking mace was actually a powerful weapon. Mechanical flow treasures all took action against Luo Yuan.

Logically speaking, the ten warriors should be fighting in pairs, but now three warriors are attacking Luo Yuan at the same time. This is making Luo Yuan soft. Seeing this, Luo Yuan can't help but feel speechless. He has already guessed that this may be the result of what he had to do before. When Zhong inquired about his information, the soldiers heard that he was a newcomer, so they felt that Luo Yuan, as a newcomer, was not strong, but they did not know that Luo Yuan said this because he was not worried about these soldiers at all. He takes action.

Luo Yuan now has the Golden Claw God, a high-level mechanical treasure, which can destroy even the true gods, let alone these Lords of Laws. Even the top strongest among the Lords of Laws are still Lords of Laws, but now ten During the melee between the two warriors, Luo Yuan directly took out a true god-level domain treasure that he had obtained before. Suddenly, snowflakes scattered all over the sky, and an invisible domain power spread out to the surroundings. The three warriors were immediately enveloped. Slow them down.

The three law masters who attacked Luo Yuan at the same time were all very strong. Except for the alien beast, one was holding the mace-shaped mechanical flow treasure, and the last one was extremely fast. It was possible that There are powerful speed secrets or treasures that can increase speed. Luo Yuan did not pay close attention to the extremely fast warrior before, but after using his domain treasure, he immediately saw the extremely fast warrior clearly. Only then did he realize that this soldier turned out to be Xu Zhong.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw this. Although he knew that the world of Jin was very dangerous, especially these strong people who didn't even have a basic bottom line in order to survive and become stronger. It can be seen that Xu Zhong, who had a good relationship before, was now directly confronting him. Luo Yuan naturally felt unhappy when he took action. He said angrily: "Xu Zhong, why did you take action against me? Didn't we agree to support each other before? We are both from the Eastern Army, but we just couldn't bear to treat me on the first floor." Have you taken action?"

Xu Zhong couldn't help but sneered when he heard this: "Here the strong live and the weak perish. I got involved with you before just to find out information about you and use you as a shield for the next step. Now I just need to destroy you." You have a chance to ascend to the second level. You are just a newcomer and the weakest, so I will naturally destroy you."

After Xu Zhong finished speaking, he also took out a bell-shaped domain treasure, which emitted purple light. This light was in conflict with the snow light emitted by Luo Yuan's domain treasure. Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect this Xu Zhong There are also true god-level domain treasures, but Luo Yuan was not afraid at all. Instead, he sneered. Luo Yuan was very unhappy with Xu Zhongzhong's warriors who had no moral bottom line, and immediately used Dream Bubble to attack Xu Zhong very quickly. go.

After Luo Yuan cast Dream Bubble, he was so fast that the three warriors didn't even have a chance to react. Their attacks had no effect on Luo Yuan at all. This shocked the three warriors. They are all top-level lawmen. The master of the law is the best among the masters of law in terms of strength and speed, but the movement technique performed by Luo Yuan at this time makes them unable to keep up with the shadow. This movement technique is definitely a secret technique above the true god level. Therefore, This shows how powerful Luo Yuan is.

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(End of this chapter)

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