I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 523 The treasures are all mine, whoever steals them will die!

Chapter 523 The treasures are all mine, whoever steals them will die!

Xu Zhong only felt frightened when he heard Luo Yuan's words. Although what Luo Yuan said was very reasonable, what he was dealing with was that he would not think so. After all, Xu Zhong had done this kind of thing before, but he never did it. The thought of meeting such a powerful newcomer as Luo Yuan completely overturned his previous impression. Originally, in Xu Zhong's eyes, Luo Yuan was just a newcomer who was not deeply involved in the world. Otherwise, how could he tell his true story directly, but now he thinks He came over and was chased and beaten by Luo Yuan, only to die.

For Luo Yuan, in fact, all the warriors here are not taken seriously by him, and there is no need for him to destroy them all. Although these top warriors have a lot of treasures, Luo Yuan is not the kind who likes to attack other people for no reason. A strong warrior, but what Xu Zhong did violated Luo Yuan's bottom line. Luo Yuan hated people who betrayed him the most. Luo Yuan just wanted to kill all the betrayers, otherwise his thoughts would not be clear, and this Xu Zhong Zhong has no bottom line.

So Luo Yuan chased Xu Zhong like this. Although there was a strong will impact that was suppressing them at this time, it had not reached the level where they could not move. With Luo Yuan's strength, it was not difficult to deal with Xu Zhong, but this Xu Zhong The Mechanical Style Arcana owned by Zhong is very strong in escaping, and is faster than the Mechanical Style Arcana owned by Luo Yuan, so the dodge speed made Luo Yuan frown slightly. It seems that if he wants to catch this Zhong, he needs to increase his speed, so Luo Yuan's burning divine power increases the speed.

Especially after Luo Yuan unleashed the first level of annihilation science, his speed immediately reached the speed of Xu Zhong's full force to activate the mechanical flow to the treasure queen. When Xu Zhong saw Luo Yuan's figure, his figure suddenly increased too much. , also chased after him, and he was suddenly frightened, so he immediately sent a message with his divine power: "Hunyuan, why bother, please let me go, I really know that I was wrong, I shouldn't take action against you, you Why do you have to kill me to death? Don’t force me."

Luo Yuan heard this and sneered: "Don't you think it's too late for you to say this now? If I didn't have the strength to fight against you, I would have fallen long ago. When you are destroyed by me, then everything about you will be mine." So, accept your fate, you will only perish after you attack me." So Luo Yuan stopped talking nonsense and rushed towards Xu Zhong at a very fast speed. In fact, the range that the two of them could move was not very large. It's only a few hundred million kilometers in size. After all, they are currently being suppressed by One Eye.

What makes Luo Yuan feel strange is that Luo Yuan chased this Xu Zhong for almost a few minutes and still couldn't catch him completely. However, when he saw that Na Xu Zhong was burning his divine power and body with all his strength, he was running for his life desperately. In addition, the mechanical style treasure used is average in other aspects, but it is first-class in terms of escape, comparable to the top mechanical style treasure, and Luo Yuan has not yet exerted his strength. At this time, Luo Yuan is thinking about whether to use the annihilation science. The second level is just denial.

After all, Luo Yuan is pretending to be a native creature of Jin World at this time, and all the local strong men in Jin World are inherited from the God King Legion. If Luo Yuan uses the inherited secret method that does not belong to the God King Legion, he will be immediately banned. Discovered, because all their performances in Wuqi Tower are under the surveillance of those high-level officials, and the first level of destruction is similar to the secret method of burning divine power in the basic inheritance of the God King Legion, Luo Yuan decided to be more cautious. as well.

So Luo Yuan continued to chase Xu Zhong. He didn't believe that Xu Zhong's divine power and divine body could be consumed forever. Luo Yuan had plenty of time and divine power to consume it. He would see how long Xu Zhong could consume it. At this time, Xu Zhong could only Being able to keep running away, he only felt regret and unwillingness in his heart, but there was no way. He couldn't change Luo Yuan's mind. He didn't know how long it had been before the one eye in the vortex in the sky shone with golden light, and then all the warriors present He immediately felt that the impact of the will became stronger immediately, especially the impact of the will that had been strengthened to the ultimate level of the Lord of Laws, which was the limit that these warriors could withstand.

At this time, these warriors only felt that their souls were still being pressed by a towering mountain. Pain hit them. Those warriors with weaker willpower immediately knelt down. Only a small number of warriors' willpower reached the true god level. After all, many of these warriors were top-notch. The Lord of Laws, and some relied on mechanical treasures to resist and survive. Moreover, these warriors did not know whether the next will attack would become stronger, so they all thought of ways to reduce the number of warriors. .

After all, before the test on the third floor began, the weapon spirit of Wu Qilou said that there were only fifteen places for survival in this test. If the number of warriors present could be reduced to fifteen, wouldn't it be possible to directly This test is over, then they may survive, and as long as they successfully survive the third test, there will be no danger of falling in the next test. So after these warriors made up their mind, they immediately fought with each other. When I got up, the scene suddenly became chaotic.

These warriors were fighting together while resisting the impact of this powerful will. Those warriors with weak willpower and serious depletion of their divine bodies were naturally attacked immediately. This was a battle of survival of the fittest, so those weak warriors fell. It also caused the number of warriors to drop sharply immediately. At the same time, the willpower impact from One Eye also continued to grow stronger, and soon reached the true god level. Suddenly, those warriors whose willpower did not reach the true god level immediately felt the pressure.

Immediately, several more warriors were stunned by the powerful impact of their will, and were completely unable to resist. Immediately, the other warriors saw this and immediately attacked without hesitation. These warriors were annihilated into nothingness in the coma. , their various treasures were piled on the ground, like a hill. Luo Yuan couldn't help but be happy when he saw this. He was extremely fast, and before other warriors could react, he immediately came to these treasures and collected them. .

Then he continued to chase Xu Zhong. The other warriors did not dare to say anything when they saw this, as long as Luo Yuan did not come to deal with them. At this time, Luo Yuan also had other thoughts when he saw these warriors. In fact, the treasures of these warriors , most of them are looked down upon by Luo Yuan, but these warriors are all top masters of law. Basically every warrior has one or two mechanical treasures, and they are also very high-level mechanical treasures, so Luo Yuan has no regard for these. The treasures are still very thoughtful.

In particular, these warriors are all strong men who have won the following battles. The treasures of those fallen warriors have naturally become their trophies, so these warriors can be said to be treasure trove-like existences, and at this time they have been Xu Zhong, who was escaping, also felt that his divine power was almost exhausted, and even his divine body had consumed less than a quarter. The main reason was that the increasingly powerful will attack made him feel unable to resist, and like other warriors, he could only resist forcefully.

For these warriors who can still hold on for a while, they can survive as long as the number of warriors is reduced to fifteen, so they are resisting desperately, but it is getting harder and harder to resist. At this time Under the impact of strong will, Xu Zhong's consciousness became more and more blurred, and he felt that he would fall into coma at any time. If he fell into coma, it would mean death, so Xu Zhong kept shaking his head to keep himself awake, but what happened next Luo Yuan followed closely.

Xu Zhong looked at Luo Yuan's eyes full of murderous intent, and Luo Yuan's figure getting closer and closer. Suddenly Xu Zhong felt that he would fall here at any time, but he was unwilling to do so. As long as he survived this third level, he would not be able to survive. He will fall, and there will be rich harvests in the next few levels, so he must not fall here, so Xu Zhong can only grit his teeth and persist, constantly attacking himself to keep himself awake, but this is only temporary, and this change The strong will impact has not had much impact on Luo Yuan.

So Xu Zhong only felt that Luo Yuan was simply a monster. If he continued, Xu Zhong would really fall, so he could only keep begging Luo Yuan for mercy during his escape. He did not dare to say harsh words anymore, but Luo Yuan How can we give Xu Zhong a chance to live? If betrayers like this are not eliminated, it will only make Luo Yuan confused. Therefore, Luo Yuan, who is equipped with the Golden Claw God, is extremely fast, and Xu Zhong is getting faster and faster. The slower he got, the faster he caught up, and Luo Yuan attacked directly.

As the giant golden claws grabbed hold of it, Nasu Bell, which was originally flying swaying in the air, suddenly fell to the ground like a meteor, bombarding a deep pit with a diameter of one million kilometers on the vast prairie ground, and Nasu Bell He fell in the center of the pit. Seeing this, Luo Yuan dodged and came to Xu Zhong's side. At this time, Xu Zhong was already unconscious and had no ability to resist, but the white mechanical flow to Bao Chin Bird was still on his body. , and the loud noise caused by the battle between Luo Yuan and Xu Zhong also attracted the attention of other warriors. Although they were also covetous of the treasures on Xu Zhong, they did not dare to compete with Luo Yuan for the treasures. Luo Yuan made those soldiers leave with just a cold look, so Luo Yuan directly grabbed the unconscious Xu Zhong into nothingness with one claw. After all, the loss of Xu Zhong's divine body at this time was less than 1%, any rule The master could destroy him whenever he came. As Xu Zhong fell, the treasures on his body appeared one after another, especially those mechanical treasures that shone brightly. The soldiers present were all greedy, and Luo Yuan directly Treasures are stored in the storage space.

After doing this, Luo Yuan immediately attacked the other warriors. After all, the test can only be ended by reducing the number of warriors to fifteen. This method is safer than facing the impact of the increasingly strong will. Although Luo Yuan's The willpower has reached the ultimate true god level, but if the impact of will emitted by this one eye exceeds the true god level, it will be dangerous. Even Luo Yuan will not be able to hold on when he collapses. By the way, he can also harvest some valuable treasures, which is very good.

Then the melee continued. The strong warriors survived, but the weak warriors could only perish. As time went by, the number of warriors present continued to decrease. They were either unable to withstand the impact of strong will and were annihilated, or they were fighting At this time, a warrior had just fallen. Three warriors were flying over to snatch the treasure left by the warrior. When Luo Yuan saw that there was a good mechanical treasure among the treasures, he also flew over quickly with an astonishing momentum.

"Anyone who doesn't want to die, get out of here. These treasures are all mine, and whoever robs them will die!" Luo Yuan yelled directly. The three warriors who originally came to rob him immediately retreated when they saw it was Luo Yuan. Now these warriors are all Knowing that Luo Yuan is very strong, no one can beat him. After all, the strength of Xu Zhong, who fell before, can be ranked at the forefront, but he was still chased and beaten by Luo Yuan, and finally fell into Luo Yuan's hands. , moreover, Luo Yuan consumed all his divine power and then fell under the impact of his will.

Although treasures are good, they are nothing compared to their own lives. If they are targeted by Luo Yuan for snatching treasures from Luo Yuan, and end up with the same fate as Xu Zhong, it will be very uneconomical for these warriors. Judging from the situation of the battle, the strongest among these warriors at this time were Luo Yuan and the plant warrior who mocked Luo Yuan at the beginning. And only in terms of the number of treasures snatched, the plant warrior The warriors gain the most.

And Luo Yuan also noticed this unique plant type warrior. No wonder this plant type warrior dared to taunt him when he knew that other warriors were afraid of Luo Yuan. It seems that he still has some strength. From the perspective of this plant type warrior, The size of the divine body displayed by the warrior at this time is very strong, because the entire expansion of the plant warrior's divine body has reached a size of hundreds of millions of kilometers, which is rare among the Lords of Law. Except for comparison with Luo Yuan, This plant warrior is really strong.

Being larger than the divine body means more divine power reserves, and naturally the longer it can persist. However, Luo Yuan found that this plant warrior did not perform very well in terms of willpower, which was at the level of an ordinary true god. Therefore, as the impact of will from the one-eye in the sky becomes stronger and stronger, the resistance of this plant warrior becomes weaker and weaker, and its huge divine body cannot bring it much advantage, and Luo Yuan will not take action. , just waiting for its demise.

There are many warriors who have the same idea as Luo Yuan. This plant warrior has grabbed the most treasures. The treasures left after his death are enough for them to make back their money. However, this plant warrior feels that his consciousness It became more and more blurry, and he was on the verge of coma. He let out an unwilling roar. If it was just a competition for divine power reserves, this plant warrior would definitely be able to persist until the end. But now when it comes to competition for willpower, he can only fall at a disadvantage, and the other warriors are all Greed looked on.

Finally, the plant warrior finally fell down and fell into a coma, so the surrounding warriors took action one after another, launching various powerful attacks. Even though the plant warrior's divine body was huge, he still could not avoid his fall. After his divine body turned into nothingness, The treasures piled up like a hill were scattered on the ground, so the warriors who had been watching around them all took action to attack these treasures. After all, this plant warrior was one of the strongest among these warriors, so naturally he grabbed the mechanical There are also many flow treasures. Other treasures are easy to say, but the value of mechanical flow treasures is hard to estimate. Each one is exchanged for a large amount of military merit.

Luo Yuan, who had been staring at the plant warriors, also showed a happy expression when he saw this. This was a good time to grab the treasures, so he rushed towards the hill-like treasures. Although the other warriors were afraid of Luo Yuan's strength, they could The treasures in front of them made them take action. Now they are all coming to those mechanical treasures. Each mechanical treasure can be said to be a large amount of military merit exchanged by a top warrior who did not know how long he spent performing tasks. of.

At this time, an alien beast warrior with more than a dozen pairs of wings flew over very fast. He was much faster than the other warriors, and he was already very close to the place where the plant warrior fell. Naturally, he was the first to arrive at this time, so when he arrived, he took away all the treasures left by the plant warriors. Seeing this, Luo Yuan also accelerated his speed and rushed over, saying angrily: "Leave them for me." , if you don’t want to perish, take out all the treasures.”

Seeing this, the alien beast warrior with more than a dozen pairs of wings moved away directly, and said through divine power: "Hunyuan warrior, I know you are very strong, but in terms of speed, our clan has a natural advantage. Although your gold The Claw God can increase your speed a lot, but you still can't catch up with me, so just give up."

Seeing this, Luo Yuan couldn't help but sneered: "Are you really saying that my speed can only reach this level? It's just that you are not qualified enough to let me use all my speed. But then you won't be able to run away. Do you dare to steal my treasure?" , you have to be prepared to save your life." After Luo Yuan said that, he put away the Golden Claw God directly, and then took out the mechanical flow-to-precious-chin bird that Xu Zhong had used before, and recognized its master in the blink of an eye. , and then equip it on the body, and the speed immediately doubles. After all, the Golden Claw God is a mechanical treasure with all-round improvement, and it is still inferior to the Chin Bird in terms of the special ability of speed.

The alien warrior with more than a dozen wings was dumbfounded when he saw that Luo Yuan had directly equipped the chin bird, a mechanical treasure. Especially when he saw Luo Yuan's figure, whose speed was several times faster than before, facing him. Flying at such a rapid speed, this alien beast felt incredible. This was a top mechanical treasure, how could it be controlled so quickly.

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(End of this chapter)

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