Chapter 524 Choice
  The alien warrior with more than a dozen pairs of wings said angrily: "Hunyuan, I know you are very strong, but you are still the Lord of Laws. I don't believe you are much stronger than me." Luo Yuan heard the words and just sneered: "How strong I am, you will know next. If you return the treasure to me now, I can let you live." After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he only saw this alien beast warrior Unexpectedly, he was still indifferent, so Luo Yuan said angrily: "If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine, and you are courting death."

So Luo Yuan burned his divine power to activate the rapid-speed mechanical flow treasure of the Chin Bird. Luo Yuan's figure disappeared directly, and appeared next to the alien warrior in the next moment. Then Luo Yuan waved the blood shadow knife in his hand and fiercely attacked him. All this happened between lightning and flint. The alien warrior didn't even have time to react. He was directly hit by Luo Yuan's powerful attack and fell to the ground. The pit created was deeper than the previous one. The bell needs to be huge, and then Luo Yuan is replaced by the Golden Claw God.

Chin Bird, a mechanical treasure, is very powerful in terms of speed improvement, but the Golden Claw God can fully enhance the strength of Luo Yuan's two realms, so it is better to equip the Golden Claw God in battle, but when chasing and escaping, it is better to equip it. The Chin Bird is still more powerful, but now this alien warrior has been seriously injured by Luo Yuan and cannot escape, so Luo Yuan only needs to exchange for the Golden Claw God to gain stronger attack power. Luo Yuan will come in an instant When he arrived in front of the huge body of the alien beast warrior, he said coldly: "You still dare to snatch treasures from me. I'm really impatient." Seeing this, the alien beast warrior wanted to continue to fight against Luo Yuan and mobilized his defense.

But how could Luo Yuan give him a chance, so Luo Yuan directly used the first move of the Tyrant Sword to open the sky. Suddenly, countless sword lights formed a sword field to envelope the alien warrior, along with the heavy claw shadows used by Luo Yuan. , and finally crushed the alien beast warrior down. In less than twenty seconds, the alien beast warrior was directly annihilated into nothingness by Luo Yuan. The treasures that had been snatched by the alien beast warrior before were also obtained by himself. The treasures suddenly piled up on the ground like a mountain.

Luo Yuan snorted coldly, and then put the treasure away directly, while the other warriors just watched Luo Yuan finish all this, and did not dare to take action from the beginning to the end. After all, Luo Yuan's strength was too strong. If It wasn't the aura fluctuations on Luo Yuan's body or the Lord of Laws. They thought that Luo Yuan was actually the Lord of Laws disguised as a powerful true god. It can be said that Luo Yuan's strength was comparable to the invincible existence among the Lords of Laws, even ordinary ones. The true God is no match.

After all, the more than thirty warriors present were all killed from the first level. They can be said to be the elite among the elite. Now they are fighting each other. The ones who can survive until now are the top strong ones among the Lords of Law, but they are still being Luo Yuan was destroyed in a crushing manner. Is this still the Lord of Laws? The strength shown by Luo Yuan has completely subverted their understanding of the Lord of Laws. Therefore, the remaining warriors only feel fear and worry at this time. Fortunately, they had not taken action to snatch the plant warrior's treasure before, otherwise they would have been destroyed now. They were glad for their caution, but Luo Yuan didn't care what they thought.

At this time, Luo Yuan happily counted the treasures he had harvested secretly. His mind swept across the mountains of treasures in the storage space and he immediately felt happy. Especially those powerful mechanical treasures made Luo Yuan feel that his trip was worthwhile. , after all, each of these mechanical treasures will have no less than 300,000 military merits. If placed in the universe sea, even the ancestors of the two holy places of the universe will salivate when they see these mechanical treasures, but they cannot obtain them at all. , can only be greedy.

The One Eye in the vortex of the sky does not pay attention to the fighting between the warriors below. It is just continuously increasing the power of will impact. Now it has begun to approach the ultimate true god level. If it continues like this, it is very likely to directly reach the void true god level. , if that is the case, then there is no chance that the soldiers here can survive. After all, the strength of will of the soldiers here is only at the true god level, and Luo Yuan's will strength is at the ultimate true god level, which is dangerous.

So at this time, the surviving warriors are fighting more and more crazily. They can only survive by reducing the number of warriors, and cannot pass the test by resisting the impact of will. In other words, the third level of the test is not completely perfect from beginning to end. The impact of will, but the winner who can survive fighting other warriors under the impact of will. There are only fifteen places, so they can only fight. So the number of warriors begins to decrease rapidly, and soon there are only fifteen left. A warrior.

At this time, the will impact emitted by Tianqiong's one eye has really reached the level of the ultimate true god. If it continues, it will definitely be enhanced to the void true god level. Among the fifteen warriors who survived at this time, only Luo Yuan can still Remain calm, but the other warriors are exhausted, and their divine bodies are less than one thousandth.

Luo Yuan knew very well that his will impact had actually reached the ultimate level of true god, which is the level of true god level invincibility. Even if he really encountered the void true god level will impact, he could still persist for a short period of time. As early as when he accepted the test of Duan Donghe, Luo Yuan's will impact has actually reached the true god level, but later he continued to wander in the cosmic sea, and after tempering his will in the stone pillar space, it took tens of millions of years to finally rise to the ultimate true god level, invincible.

Later, he learned various secret techniques to control and improve resistance to will impact in Duandonghe's inheritance space, so now he can face the will impact from the one-eyed man without changing his expression. Originally, Luo Yuan's will had already reached the mechanical true god level. Now in the battle situation here, resisting this powerful will impact, Luo Yuan's will strength finally increased to another level, truly reaching the Void True God level, which made Luo Yuan feel happy, and this harvest.

You must know that the Lord of Laws is also at the level of the Lord of the Universe. If you can raise your willpower to the level of a True God, you are already an elite among the elites. And as a Lord of the Laws who can directly raise your spiritual will to the True God of the Void, Luo Yuan may still be the number one. Well, at least Luo Yuan has not seen it so far. If the will impact of a true god-level powerhouse is raised to the void true god level, Luo Yuan would not find it strange, but it is almost impossible for the Lord of Law. Unless there is an unexpected encounter.

Luo Yuan is just a newcomer to the local strong men in the world of Jin, but Luo Yuan's rich background is not comparable to other masters of the universe, even those true god-level strong men, especially when they have After inheriting Duan Donghe, Luo Yuan has no shortcomings in all aspects. You must know that according to Duan Donghe's inheritance records, every Duan Donghe was almost invincible when he broke through to the Lord of the Universe, and in terms of willpower If you haven't reached the Void True God level, you would be embarrassed to say that you are the inheritor of Duan Donghe. After all, Duan Donghe's inheritance is too strong. As the current Duan Donghe, how can Luo Yuan lag behind.

As the number of warriors present was reduced to fifteen, the one-eye in the sky disappeared, and the powerful will impact also directly dissipated. Luo Yuan and other warriors suddenly felt their souls relax, and then they were projected from the sky The next fifteen golden light pillars enveloped each of the fifteen warriors and teleported them.

The space circulated, and Luo Yuan and other fifteen warriors were immediately teleported to the fourth floor of Wuqi Tower. At this time, in the highest hall of the ancient palace not far from Wuqi Tower, the four highest commanders of the God King Valley were like this Staring at everything happening on the light screen, I felt incredible, especially Luo Yuan's performance was even more relaxed.

"The test on the third level of Wuqi Tower is over. I see that the warrior named Hunyuan is completely relaxed, not affected at all, and has gained the most. Looking at his performance, his willpower has definitely reached the void. True God level, it is really powerful, among the Lords of Law, this Hunyuan is invincible."

The only female commander among the four commanders was also amazed and said: "This Hunyuan's strength is very good, especially the use of the mechanical flow treasure is as pure as fire, and it can be used freely. Although the golden claw god... Yes, but it consumes too much divine power, and this Hunyuan has extremely high attainments in sword skills.

After integrating the sword technique into the claw technique, each of his claws has combat power comparable to that of a true god, and this is far from the limit of his use. It is powerful. "

The male commander who was as strong as an iron tower also praised: "Yes, this Hunyuan can be said to be an invincible existence among the Lords of Law in all aspects. We have observed countless reincarnation eras here, and among countless geniuses and strong men, None of them can reach the level of Hunyuan. Now let's see if this unique and strongest genius can finally reach the ninth floor of Wuqi Tower and obtain the inheritance left by His Majesty the God King. If he can do it, , then our mission is completed. We have been guarding this place for countless years. His Majesty the God King only issued this mission to us before he left. We have waited for so long and we are ashamed." At this time, other commanders heard this strong statement The commander's words all felt swaying. They are all absolutely loyal subordinates of His Majesty the God King. It can be said that His Majesty the God King is their only belief. The tasks left to them by His Majesty the God King of Nature must be completed, but they I don't know how many reincarnation eras have passed by this time, so long that they have completely forgotten the concept of time. Now they find that there are outstanding warriors who may meet the requirements of His Majesty the God King. They are happy.

So the four commanders did not continue the discussion, but stared at the situation on the fourth floor displayed on the light screen. They were actually curious about what kind of treasures Luo Yuan could obtain in the next test. After all, these treasures were all It is left by His Majesty the God King and will be given to the warriors based on their performance. No one knows the result.

At this time, on the fourth floor of Wuqi Tower, the fifteen surviving warriors were teleported directly. They were in a good mood now. Although their divine bodies were severely consumed, the weapon spirits of Wuqi Tower also said , the next test will not be a life or death crisis, but will be beneficial. They only need to perform well, so their pressure will naturally be reduced a lot. At this time, they are all looking forward to what kind of rewards they will get next. After all, This is the masterpiece of His Majesty the Divine King.

The test that His Majesty the God King personally arranged, the treasures that could be obtained must be unimaginable. Luo Yuan was also looking forward to it, but when he arrived at the fourth floor of Wuqi Tower, he did not relax his vigilance, but carefully looked at it. Looking at the environment here, I discovered that there are many passages here, which are scattered like spider webs. They seem to extend in all directions, and I don't know where they will end up. Moreover, there are still many strong men's testaments left on the road in these passages. both sides.

Luo Yuan didn't know what these testaments were. Could they be left behind after the death of the previous warriors who broke through the barrier? But didn't the Wuqi Tower Artifact Spirit say that there would be no life-and-death crisis from the fourth floor onwards, but Luo Yuan Yuan still kept an eye on it. He radiated his spiritual thoughts and found that they were directly blocked. However, Luo Yuan's spiritual thoughts were already very strong. Even though they were restricted, he still found something strange. That is, these passages were like a maze. General, no rules.

At this time, Luo Yuan was at a crossroads, with roads open in all directions. This made Luo Yuan not sure where to go next. However, there were fourteen other warriors who encountered this situation, so Luo Yuan simply did not act rashly like other warriors, but waited for Wu Qilou's weapon spirit to explain the rules of the next test. After all, in order to test, one must first know the rules of the game. Sure enough, fifteen golden rays of light soon appeared in the sky. All warriors.

Suddenly the cold voice of Wuqi Tower's weapon spirit sounded in every warrior's mind: "Fellow warriors, congratulations on your ability to successfully reach the fourth floor of Wuqi Tower. I said before that there will be no such thing from the fourth floor onwards." In a life-and-death crisis, naturally I will ask you not to attack each other in the future, otherwise we will have to destroy them."

As soon as Wuqilou Weapon Spirit finished speaking, the warriors who were still on guard against each other suddenly relaxed a lot, especially their fear of Luo Yuan. After all, after the battle on the third level, both their divine bodies and their A lot of divine power has been consumed. It would be good to have one thousandth of the previous strength at this time. If you are fighting other warriors, the possibility of death is very high, especially Luo Yuan, who has a complete divine body, is the biggest threat to them. The threat must be guarded against.

Wuqilou's weapon spirit continued: "You also know that starting from the fourth floor, there will be various benefits, but it depends on your performance. After all, the benefits are so easy to get, but for you, they are all This is a rare opportunity. You have also seen that there is a passage in front, behind, and left of them. Your test is to choose a passage to enter. Of course, these four passages are definitely different, and naturally the benefits obtained are also different. The higher the difficulty, the greater the benefits. big.

You have also seen that these four passages emit white, gold, purple and black respectively, and the white passage can be regarded as a passage with many treasures. If you enter it and accept the test, you can obtain various treasures. For example, the one you are most concerned about now can... The treasures that restore the divine body to its peak, as well as the mechanical treasures that you need to spend a lot of military power to obtain, the golden passage contains countless inheritance passages, and you can obtain various inheritance secrets by entering them.

If you perform well, you can obtain those extremely powerful inheritances that are difficult to access. These are sky-high price inheritances in the equipment war exchange list, but you can get them here. The purple channel allows you to gain guidance experience to break through to the true god. But it is only the law route. If you enter, you have a high chance of becoming a true god. The last black passage is also the way to break through to the true god, but it can only be taken by the Lord of the Law who takes the divine power route. Although the divine power route is very strong, Moreover, divine power can break through to a level that is difficult for other true gods to achieve, but the path to divine power is difficult and there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

Okay, now you can make a choice. You can only choose one of these four paths, and you cannot choose more than one. The level of treasures you obtain from the path you choose determines whether you can successfully lead to the third path. Qualifications for the fifth level, but don’t keep it secret, after all, the treasure is passed down to the charming eye. "

The ancient and indifferent voice of Wuqilou's weapon spirit stopped talking after speaking, leaving the fifteen warriors present with time to choose. So the warriors present began to choose the path according to their own circumstances, but it was not a big deal. Some still choose the path of breaking through to the true gods, but it is all the law route. After all, they are all the masters of the ultimate law. Naturally, what they are most concerned about now is to be able to break through to the true god level. After reaching the true god level, do you have to worry about not having treasures when your strength increases.

There are also a few who choose inheritance and treasure channels to touch the tone. After all, some warriors themselves have the guidance to break through to the true gods. Many of them are talented and strong men who were born in super powers. It is not difficult to get the guidance of the true gods, but treasures It is not easy to obtain the powerful secret method, but they did not choose the divine power route. After all, the divine power route is too difficult, and the gains outweigh the losses. It is safer to take the law route, so they all walked towards the law route passage.

But Luo Yuan is very interested in the divine power route. After all, Luo Yuan himself decided to take the divine power route first, and his Duandonghe inheritance has a lot of experience in passing through the inheritance of true gods through the law route, but there are still few in the divine power route. If you know a little bit, then this divine power route was left by the mountain guest when he was a god king, so the breakthrough method must be different. If he can get good guidance, then Luo Yuan will make a lot of money.

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(End of this chapter)

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