Chapter 525 Divine Body Breakthrough
  Luo Yuan finally went directly to the divine power route to break through the passage of the true god. He also wanted to see how the inheritance left by the mountain guest as the god king compared with the Duandonghe inheritance. As for the inheritance of treasures and secrets, it was not important to Luo Yuan. It is not very attractive. After all, in this test on the first three floors of Wuqi Tower, Luo Yuan has obtained a lot of treasures from other warriors, especially high-level mechanical treasures. The inheritance In terms of aspects, there is nothing higher than the Duandonghe inheritance.

As for the law route to break through the true god, now after Luo Yuan compared the divine power route, he found that the law route is not bad as an auxiliary training method, but it is not as good as the divine power route in terms of potential and strength improvement. Moreover, Luo Yuan It seems that both the Cosmic Sea and the World of Jin are just a springboard. The real starting point will be the Origin Continent. Luo Yuan believes that in the Origin Continent, the divine power route is not uncommon and is the mainstream.

The law route is only a route taken by those universe lords who have no potential and courage. It is impossible to reach the end through the law route. You must know that the last Hunyuan Lord basically took the divine power route, and the throne The inheritance left by the mountain guest as the God King must be extraordinary. If he can get it, it will definitely be a good harvest for Luo Yuan. After Luo Yuan chose the black passage that represents the divine power route, the leaders of the God King Valley felt incredible. and admiration.

"This warrior named Hunyuan is very ambitious. He actually dares to choose the most dangerous and difficult divine power route. Although the divine power route has the greatest potential and strength improvement, it is not something that ordinary strong people dare to choose. After all, taking this path It’s too difficult, and only a handful of people can succeed in the end, otherwise everyone wouldn’t follow the legal route.”

"No matter what, I admire the courage of Hunyuan very much, especially since His Majesty the God King spent a lot of effort to build this divine power route channel. The inheritance is extremely precious. I have never seen anyone so far. Choosing this path, after all, this path either becomes the strongest, or it can only be limited to the realm of the Lord of Laws, and in the end it is just a waste of time. However, this Hunyuan's choice makes us look at him with admiration, and I am looking forward to him more and more. The stronger.”

At this time, the commanders of the God King Valley were all staring at Luo Yuan's figure on the light screen, and couldn't help but admire. After all, as the monitors of Wuqi Tower, they naturally knew everything about Wuqi Tower. Other powerful people I don’t know which of these four paths is the strongest, but their four commanders know it very well. They naturally also know that the divine power path is the most precious, and what their God King needs is the strongest peerless genius, and only one can Only those who take the divine power route are qualified.

You must know the rules left by His Majesty the God King back then. If you want to obtain the title of Grand Master in the realm of the Lord of Laws, you need to meet two requirements. One is that you must be a true god who takes the most difficult route of divine power to break through, and you must be a true god. For a super strong person whose genetic level has reached at least 90,000 times, another requirement is to crack all the rhino emperor's bureaus, but these two requirements are too difficult, not to mention the Lord of Laws, even the Eternal True God may not be able to Do it.

That’s why there is a level-adding task, but the requirements for this level-adding task are also not low. Otherwise, how can one be qualified to successfully add a level to a powerful person? Naturally, if you want to pass the standards of His Majesty the God King, taking the divine power route is only the basic requirement. , because in the eyes of the God King, only the Lords of Law who take the divine power route are the most valuable to cultivate, and they can reach the peak in the end. However, very few people who follow the law route can reach that level. The value of the natural divine power route is extraordinary.

It can be said that when His Majesty the God King was refining Wu Qi Tower, it was actually used as a tool to select successors, and the four roads on the fourth floor were also established after careful consideration. The layout of the divine power routes is what Wu Qi Tower is. The most valuable passage on the fourth floor, and only the Lord of Law who chooses this passage can climb to the highest floor of Wuqi Tower. At this time, Luo Yuan was walking in the passage of the divine power route, and then he saw The corridor is full of various seals.

Although these testaments have no life breath, the power they exude is still very strong. They are still creatures from various ethnic groups. Luo Yuan suspects that these testaments are the peak warriors who came to fight in the past, but now they can only become ruins. , but Luo Yuan still walked unswervingly. His body was originally just a clone, so Luo Yuan was not worried about falling. As long as the original body was fine, everything could be repeated. It was just that Luo Yuan was looking for the God King to stay. inheritance.

I don’t know how long I walked through this passage. As long as Luo Yuan saw the desolate scene and the testaments of those fallen strong men, where was the information about the divine power route to break through the true god left by the God King? Luo Yuan was thinking at this time Somewhat confused, he could only search carefully, and then Luo Yuan finally stopped at those testaments. The more he looked at them, the more he felt that there were some rules. If so, it meant that these powerful testaments might not be What the warriors left behind.

It was probably left by His Majesty the God King. After all, the so-called testaments left behind by the fallen warriors were just Luo Yuan's conjecture. These testaments seemed to be placed in a haphazard manner, but there were too many of them, as many as tens of thousands. Luo Yuan did not believe that there were trillions of geniuses who would choose the path of divine power. However, when Luo Yuan looked at these trillions of testaments as a whole, he discovered that the difference was that these trillions of testaments turned out to be A secret pattern formation pattern was formed, which was still very complicated.

After all, Luo Yuan had spent thousands of years on the research and understanding of secret patterns, so he immediately discovered that the secret pattern formed by trillions of inheritances was extraordinary, but this secret pattern was not two-dimensional, it was It is composed of the inheritance of trillions of strong men. From this, we can see the generosity of the mountain guest when he was the god king. Luo Yuan analyzed this three-dimensional secret pattern from the perspective of the secret pattern array and discovered that this is actually the A structural diagram that elevates the level of life to the level of perfect genes.

If a creature whose genetic level has not reached the perfect level can reorganize its genetic structure through the composition of this array, it will be possible to directly realize the transformation of the perfect genetic level, and the God King also considered coming here when leaving these secret patterns. The original life forms of the creatures in the channel were different, so Luo Yuan discovered that the secret pattern array contained the perfect genetic structure of various life forms, whether it was carbon-based life, silicon-based life, plant life, etc.

However, Luo Yuan had previously collected the components of countless living beings to analyze the genetic structure, allowing his genetic level to achieve a breakthrough to the perfect genetic level. Therefore, for Luo Yuan, the realization of this perfect genetic level was very simple, but Luo Yuan also understood that this perfection The genetic structure secret pattern diagram is only the most basic guidance left by the God King. There must be more and more waiting below. That is what Luo Yuan dares to be interested in, but he can only fully understand the outermost genetic structure. In order to continue moving forward, it is like breaking through a level. Only by cracking the previous level's barrier can the next level be broken through. However, the improvement of the perfect genetic level of other life forms can also be used as a reference for Luo Yuan, so Luo Yuan will use these The genetic structure was analyzed. The more he looked at it, the more he was amazed. It was so detailed. So Luo Yuan moved forward without stopping. When he came to a quaint gate, there was a fragment of a picture on it. It was very strange. interesting.

Luo Yuan understood that he had now reached the end of the first level, and this door was the door leading to the second level. However, he could only pass by completing the remaining diagrams on the door. This pair of testers knew about the genetic level and secret patterns. Comprehension and control have extremely high requirements. If the requirements are not met, there will be no clue. But this is not difficult for Luo Yuan at all. After all, with Luo Yuan's current genetic level and secret pattern control, he can complete it in the blink of an eye with divine power. .

As Luo Yuan's finger fell, the secret pattern on the door suddenly seemed to be activated, shining brightly and forming a perfect whole, and the door also emitted a ray of light that enveloped Luo Yuan. Yuan only felt the power of time and space around him change, and then his figure disappeared directly. The commanders of the God King Valley who had been watching all this all let out incredible admiration when they saw this scene. They didn't even know what they had discovered. What.

"Oh my God, how did this Hunyuan do it? He actually completed the first test in the blink of an eye. Those genetic secret patterns are difficult for us to control, but he cracked them so easily. This is Has he entered the second light? What comes next is a secret pattern that far exceeds the level of perfect genes. I don’t know if he can control it. If he can do it, then the mission His Majesty the God King left for us may be If it can really be completed, this Hunyuan will become a powerful person with additional levels."    "Yes, if this Hunyuan can complete the first test so easily, then his genetic level must have reached the level of perfect genes, or even more High, and he chose the divine power route from the beginning, but I found that he also has a strong control over the law. He wouldn't have chosen both. No, no, this is impossible, but with what he has shown The potential and ambition are really possible. He definitely won't just want to break through to the true god. This is not right for him.

After all, the strength shown through this Hunyuan battle even surpassed those true god-level experts in terms of law understanding and control. If he wanted to break through to the true god, he could do it at any time, but he still chose the most difficult path. If If he can really do it, then once he breaks through to the True God, he will definitely be the invincible existence of the True God. "

At this time, the leaders of the God King Valley became more excited and surprised the more they analyzed it. After all, the surprise Luo Yuan brought to them was too shocking. At this time, they were all looking forward to Luo Yuan's next performance, which determined Luo Yuan's ability in the future. No matter how far you go, you might really be able to become the inheritor of His Majesty the God King. After all, even the commanders of the God King Valley don’t know about the higher tests left by His Majesty the God King. After all, they are just monitors, not passers-by. And no one has reached this level before.

Moreover, when His Majesty the God King was refining Wu Qi Tower, he also placed many restrictions. Even the commander of the God King Valley had no right to investigate, especially the higher-level secrets. They did not know, even the secrets of Wu Qi Tower. They cannot understand the advanced layout of the divine power routes on the fourth level. After all, if they can understand it so easily, then what is the point of His Majesty the God King setting these standards? After all, all intelligent creatures have selfish motives. This God King Valley The commander-in-chief is no exception.

You must know that the higher the inheritance, the greater the restrictions. Each one is a secret, and the structural secret pattern that can improve the genetic level is the core inheritance of the super strong. It is precious and abnormal. Only those who are inheritors are qualified to have access to these. Yes, and in the final analysis, all the creatures in the world of Jin are just tools used by the God King to conquer all realms. Naturally, they will not be given the same authority as the inheritors, and Luo Yuan understands that he, as a disciple of Zuoshanke, is also one of them. Tools of revenge.

There are no unreasonable benefits in this world, otherwise Zuo Shanke would just leave some life-saving treasures to Luo Yuan and then ignore them. After all, in Zuo Shanke's view, Luo Yuan can grow to the point where he can use it to deal with the god kings of the Origin Continent. It’s hard to say that he is an assistant, so there is no need to pay so much. Therefore, the relationship between Luo Yuan and Zuo Shanke is actually not that close. It is just a relationship of mutual help. When Luo Yuan grows to the level of Zuo Shanke, naturally he will not be bound by it.

However, this world of Jin has made up for many of the flaws in Luo Yuan's inheritance. The Duandonghe inheritance only allowed Luo Yuan to learn without any strong guidance. Luo Yuan also discovered that the Duandonghe inheritance also had some flaws, that is, the foundation The inheritance in this aspect is too broad, like a hodgepodge. After all, it is all collected by successive Duandonghe, so the success depends on the inheritance of the inheritor. Apart from the three secrets of Duandonghe, other inheritances They are basically stolen.

And now Luo Yuan has seen how extraordinary the inheritance of the God King is. After all, the inheritance left by the God King must be a carefully selected and complete inheritance. It can be said that these genetic secret pattern structure diagrams are the unique characteristics of every force or strong person. Even if the secret of the inheritance is destroyed when he falls, it will not be left to other strong people. Naturally, it does not exist in the Duandonghe inheritance. The various forces or strong people in the ancient civilization must have kept it as heirloom treasures. At this time, Luo Yuan Finally came to the second level.

At this time, what Luo Yuan saw in front of him turned out to be a river with no end in sight. Except for the countless strong men in the corridors on both sides who were trying to redeem their wishes, Luo Yuan stood above the river, observing carefully, and his spiritual thoughts directly swept across the entire river. River, I was shocked to find that this was not a real river, but a sea of ​​divine power condensed by immeasurable divine power. Moreover, these divine powers were ownerless, which meant that any strong person could absorb them at will. These divine powers were very refined. Pure, perfect.

Luo Yuan was overjoyed when he saw so much divine power that could be absorbed. After all, in the past, the ability to absorb a large amount of divine power could only be achieved by breaking through the realm and absorbing it from the ocean of original laws of the original universe. Moreover, it could not be absorbed arbitrarily. After all, it was influenced by the original universe. It is limited by the original will. If you absorb it all, what will other strong men absorb when they break through? If Luo Yuan can absorb these divine powers, then his divine body can achieve a certain breakthrough. However, these divine powers should be left by the God King. It was used to consolidate the strength of the inheritor when he broke through the genetic level of the divine body. Although Luo Yuan did not lose any divine power, he naturally wanted it for free.

So Luo Yuan directly controlled the divine power in this sea of ​​divine power to come towards his strongest clone. Suddenly, a giant black hole formed in front of Luo Yuan's divine body. The terrifying devouring power made these divine powers turn into rivers and flow toward his divine body. , Luo Yuan accepted them all unceremoniously. After all, Luo Yuan consumes a lot of divine power now. He doesn't want to consume his divine body in exchange for divine power. Moreover, the massive divine power here can also give Luo Yuan the confidence to continue to improve his genetic level. , so Luo Yuan reorganized the divine body through the correct genetic structure analyzed by the clone of the endless sea of ​​​​the original universe. He did not know how long it took before he stopped.

Luo Yuan felt it and found that his life gene level had broken through to nearly 30,000 times. Although there was still a big gap between the 100,000 times limit that he wanted to reach, Luo Yuan was still full of confidence. After all, Luo Yuan had previously By analyzing the genetic sequences of countless creatures, he has broken through his genetic level to nearly 20,000 times, and now he is using this massive divine power to push his genetic level to nearly 30,000 times. This can be considered a small goal.

So Luo Yuan was even more looking forward to the next benefits of this divine power route channel. The more Luo Yuan began to continue exploring, then Luo Yuan saw the genetic structure diagrams of various life forms, but they were of higher levels, starting from The structural diagram of ten thousand to thirty thousand times the gene level is much more responsible than the perfect genetic structure diagram he saw before, and Luo Yuan started to analyze it directly. Although the level of his life genes at this time was close to thirty thousand times, But it can also be learned and improved.

Time passed like this, and Luo Yuan spent more than half a month directly raising his genetic level to the level of 35,000 by comparing these genetic secret pattern structures, which truly exceeded the first level of 30,000 times. It is a small level. After all, the stipulation for the gene level in the divine power route is that every thirty thousand times is a stage level, and Luo Yuan's divine body has also directly increased by more than ten times. This is achieved by continuously absorbing the massive amount of divine power here. Here is Treasure land.

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(End of this chapter)

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