I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 526 6 times divine power gene, law of chaos

Chapter 526 Sixty Thousand Times Divine Power Gene, Law of Chaos
  Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel happy when he felt his stronger body, so Luo Yuan continued to move forward until an ancient wooden gate blocked his way. Luo Yuan understood that this was the end of the second level and the path to the third level. The entrance, but there is also a residual image on the wooden door. Luo Yuan knows that this is the same as the residual image on the previous stone door. They are all residual images of the genetic structure. Only by completing them can we move forward. It's just that this residual image It's 30,000 times, so it's not difficult for Luo Yuan.

After all, Luo Yuan's genetic level at this time has exceeded 30,000 times, so it is easy to complete the remaining map. As the secret pattern gene map is activated, a ray of light envelopes Luo Yuan, immediately teleporting him to the third level, and then Luo Yuan Yuan observed the environment of the third level and found that it was no different from the second level. There was still a boundless sea of ​​divine power, and the corridors on both sides were also genetic secret patterns composed of countless strong men. However, this genetic secret pattern The level of the picture is much higher.

Luo Yuan just scanned his mind and knew that the genetic secret pattern of this third level was 30,000 to 60,000 times higher. Luo Yuan was very happy to see this, but he also knew that it would take some time to pass these three levels. Time, after all, when Luo Yuan entered the passage of the divine power route, his genetic level reached nearly 30,000 times, so he passed the previous level smoothly, but the level of this third level was far more than 30,000 times, so Luo Yuan Start directly from the genetic secret pattern map closest to you.

When Luo Yuan saw the 36,000-fold genetic secret pattern, he was confused. Because this had exceeded Luo Yuan's current genetic level, it was not surprising that he couldn't understand it at this time. Luo Yuan tried to memorize it. , but strangely, he couldn't do it at all. This also made Luo Yuan understand that this was probably a restriction of the rules, and only by thoroughly understanding it could he remember and transform it into his own power, so Luo Yuan faced this genetic secret map. Begin to understand, carbon-based life types.

Just like this, Luo Yuan stared at this picture. Time passed, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Luo Yuan's original body was still controlling the clones in the endless sea of ​​​​the original universe to continuously analyze and experiment to find out how to improve himself. The optimal solution at the genetic level. After all, there are many groups of carbon-based life forms. Luo Yuan could only understand the most suitable gene sequence for himself from this genetic secret map. At the same time, he also used the inheritance space of Duan Donghe to accelerate time ten thousand times. , very efficient.

Although it has only been half a year, Luo Yuan has actually spent five thousand years in the inheritance space class, and finally understood it thoroughly. Then Luo Yuan directly realized the genetic improvement of his original body and clone, and the strength of his divine body was further enhanced. Luo Yuan continued to look at the next genetic secret. As time goes by, Luo Yuan spends more and more time comprehending the patterns. Naturally, his life gene level also improves higher and higher. In less than two years, Luo Yuan's gene level reached 40,000. Multiple times, keep going.

A hundred years later, Luo Yuan's genetic level has exceeded 50,000 times. This is much faster than he could collect the genetic sequences of powerful people everywhere before. It is indeed the inheritance left by the God King. It is indeed extraordinary, but when Luo Yuan After reaching 50,000 times the genetic level, it will become increasingly difficult to continue to improve. After all, the higher you go, the harder it will be. Luo Yuan also knows that a thousand years will pass by in a blink of an eye, and Luo Yuan's genetic level will still remain at 50,000. Times, it was difficult to get promoted, and Luo Yuan was unwilling to give up. After all, Luo Yuan had paid a price to come here, especially since the inheritance in the channel of this divine power route was the inheritance of the God King.

It is very precious. Even the Duandonghe inheritance does not have this information. Luo Yuan believes that these genetic structure secret patterns are extremely precious even if they are placed on the origin continent. It is impossible for any strong person to take them out for other strong people to understand. So Luo Yuan can't give up. Luo Yuan plans to understand it, otherwise it would be a waste to just give up and leave. However, Luo Yuan also knows that the execution time of the sealing task cannot exceed one era, because every era is about to open a crow. Qi Lou, if Luo Yuan cannot obtain enough benefits before the end of this era, then using it will be a waste of resources, and it will take more time in the future.

Just as Luo Yuan continued to comprehend the secret genetic patterns in the passage of the divine power route, warriors were teleported away from other passages one after another. Because those warriors reached the limit of what they could achieve and could not continue to move forward, they were naturally teleported away. , but Luo Yuan can continue to stay because he has a higher level of clearance. This also means that Luo Yuan can go further in the future and get more benefits. The four commanders of the God King Valley are paying attention to Luo Yuan. , although they no longer have the authority to know the specific situation above the fourth level, Luo Yuan has not yet been transmitted, which means that Luo Yuan is not over yet and will reach a higher level.

According to the rules of Wuqi Tower, the longest test time on the fourth level cannot exceed five thousand years. After all, there are still five levels to go through. It depends on Luo Yuan's ability to use his magical genes in these five thousand years. The level has been raised to that level, and Luo Yuan no longer pays attention to anything. He focuses on understanding these genetic secret patterns. He also doesn't know that the fourth level only has five thousand years to break through, and time flies so fast. Two thousand years passed in the blink of an eye. Luo Yuan, who had been staring at the secret gene pattern diagram in front of him, suddenly opened his eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and he analyzed another gene secret pattern diagram.

Since then, Luo Yuan's divine power gene level has finally exceeded 60,000 times, which means that his life gene level has reached a later stage, and his divine body has exceeded the size of tens of billions of light years, and can be fully controlled and can do whatever he wants. Using various secret techniques, his flexibility was not affected at all. Those huge celestial bodies were like dust in front of Luo Yuan's divine body, so Luo Yuan completed the remaining pictures on the door at the end of the third level and was teleported to the last level by himself. According to the previous setting, the genetic secret pattern map of the last level should be from 60,000 times to 100,000 times, but when Luo Yuan came to the last level, he was stunned and there was only blank space.

There is nothing in this last level, whether it is the ocean of divine power or the higher-level genetic secret pattern array, there is nothing at all. Luo Yuan does not know what is going on. Luo Yuan also plans to directly achieve the genetic level of 100,000 times here. Improvement, or that the next gene secret pattern was presented in other ways, so Luo Yuan searched in the passage, but no matter how Luo Yuan searched, there was no trace, and then Luo Yuan heard a voice.

This figure seemed to come from a long time and space, going from blurry to clear. Then Luo Yuan saw countless light particles appearing in front of him. Then these light particles continued to condense, and finally formed a blurry figure. This made Luo Yuan was surprised, because the power of this figure was very strong. Luo Yuan couldn't help but guess that it was a spiritual thought left by a mountain guest. Then Luo Yuan heard a voice coming from this vague figure: "You can leave. Here, it's very good. It also means that you have reached an extremely high level on the divine power route and can break through to the true god realm at any time. However, if you want to reach the extreme of the divine power route, you have to rely on yourself.

The inheritance I left here can only increase your divine power route to 60,000 times. The next road needs to be explored by yourself. You are very good. I hope you can reach the top of Wuqi Tower. Where can I leave you? The core inheritance of the next generation, little guy, work hard. "As soon as the words fell, the figure disappeared without a trace.

Luo Yuan just listened. Although he couldn't see the appearance of this figure clearly, he knew from the coercion he showed that this was probably a trace of spiritual thought left by His Majesty the God King, a mountain guest. But It's just that the strength of this spiritual thought is estimated to be stronger than the third-generation ancestor who was the strongest in Duandonghe. This makes Luo Yuan have higher expectations for the next few levels of tasks. After all, he has this Wuqi Tower I don't know, the previous information was just guessed by Luo Yuan himself.

However, with the hint from this figure, Luo Yuan knew that he was not wrong. If Luo Yuan could complete this sealing task, he would not only obtain the title of sealing, but also obtain the core inheritance of the God King. That God King The top-level machinery that he refined himself can also be obtained directly from Baowu Qishen. You must know that Wuqishen is an artifact that allows Luo Yuan to directly possess the eternal true god's combat power. Just when Luo Yuan was thinking about various possibilities, a line of light appeared in the sky. A golden beam of light enveloped Luo Yuan.

Then Luo Yuan felt the change in time and space, and he was directly transported to the fifth floor of Wuqi Tower. Luo Yuan discovered that the fifth floor turned out to be a strange world made entirely of ice and snow. The scenery was pretty good, but he didn't know where to go. What tests and benefits will there be? After all, Luo Yuan has gained a lot from the benefits of the fourth level, which directly increased his divine power gene level to more than 60,000 times, which is greater than the gene level that he spent tens of millions of epochs to improve before. Luo Yuan started to look forward to it.

At this time, in the palace not far from Wuqi Tower, the commanders of the God King Valley also noticed that Luo Yuan had been teleported to the fifth floor of Wuqi Tower. They suddenly showed expressions of joy, because Luo Yuan's performance Judging from his strength and talent, he is most likely to meet the requirements of His Majesty the God King and reach the top of Wuqi Tower.

"This Hunyuan is really strong. I thought he would not be able to reach the fifth level until the end of five thousand years. Unexpectedly, it was nearly a thousand years earlier." "That's right, after so many epochs, there is finally a law. The Lord-level warrior has reached the fifth level, and the next benefits will only be better. I don’t know how far he can go.”

The four commanders of the God King Valley are all looking forward to it at this time. They want to complete the mission that His Majesty the God King originally left for them. If they can complete it, then they will be free, and at the same time they can also complete the mission for His Majesty the God King, but they also I know that the difficulty of the tasks in the next few levels will only be more difficult than the previous four levels combined. After countless epochs, there are actually warriors who have reached the fifth to eighth levels, but they are very rare. So far, there is only one warrior. Reached the eighth floor. But it failed in the end, and now Luo Yuan went from the first floor to the fourth floor of Wuqi Tower very easily, and it was not really difficult for him. That's why these four commanders have great expectations for Luo Yuan, and they also Knowing that Wuqi Tower is actually the inheritance place left by His Majesty the God King, they don’t know what is on the top floor, but it is definitely a secret that they cannot reach. Otherwise, all the situations from the fourth floor to the ninth floor, these four The commander also has no right to watch.

It can be said that among the sealing tasks in the world of Jin, the Lords of Laws face the most difficult and demanding tasks. It is so high that no warrior has been able to achieve it so far. This shows that the sealing of the Lords of Laws Luo Yuan would not think so much about how high the level of the super strong man was at this time. He was more looking forward to the benefits that would follow. Luo Yuan observed the ice and snow in front of him, and then discovered that he was the only warrior there. Could there be no other warriors? success.

Just when Luo Yuan was still wondering, there was a sky full of wind and snow in this strange world made entirely of ice and snow, and then the voice of Wu Qilou's weapon spirit sounded in his mind: "Warrior Hunyuan, you don't need to see So far, you are the only one who has successfully reached the fifth floor. The other warriors who have been tested with you on the fourth floor have failed. Now you need to continue to pass the level. The test on the fifth floor is also simple, and an opponent will appear. And your test is to defeat him.”

The test on the fifth floor of Wuqi Tower is simple, it is just fighting, and the weapon spirit also said before that there will be no life and death crisis from the fourth floor, so Luo Yuan is not afraid, he wants to see what opponent can compete with him now As an enemy, just in the blink of an eye, the wind and snow condensed in front of me, and then a humanoid figure appeared. It looked almost like an earthling, but it was dressed in white and looked handsome. It looked like a noble prince, but its aura was very strong. Strong cannot be underestimated.

Luo Yuan didn't know what kind of existence this man in white was, whether he was a simulation or a real person. However, the man in white looked at Luo Yuan with interest, and then said with a smile: "Warrior Hunyuan, congratulations. To be able to get here, it has been many epochs since no Law Lord-level warriors came here. I have also seen how you broke through the first three floors before. It was very good. I think your sword skills are good, so I will use my sword skills to fight you. Fighting, the realm is the same as yours."

After the man in white finished speaking, a wind and snow suddenly swept over him, and a magical sword made of ice appeared in front of him. The man held the handle of the sword, and a powerful sword intent suddenly filled the air. This invincible pressure At the same time, they also came to suppress Luo Yuan. Seeing this, Luo Yuan did not have any fear, but became excited. Since Luo Yuan created the Overlord Sword Technique, he has never really used it. Now having such a powerful opponent is even more desirable, so Luo Yuan also took out the blood shadow knife.

A fighting spirit comparable to that of the man in white emanated from Luo Yuan. Feeling Luo Yuan's fighting spirit, the man in white said with appreciation: "Look at the knife."

As soon as the man in white finished speaking, he waved the ice blade in his hand violently, and billions of sword lights suddenly appeared and enveloped Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan looked at the dense sword lights and just sneered: "Just a fantasy, I want to Scare me." Powerful spiritual thoughts were emitted, and the sword light in front of him suddenly disappeared. Then Luo Yuan found that the man in white had raised his sword and came in front of him. Luo Yuan raised his blood shadow sword and slashed across it. The two of them fought fiercely with their swords. The ground collided together and sparks flew everywhere.

It's just that Luo Yuan didn't move at all, and the man in white was directly knocked away by Luo Yuan's powerful power. The man in white turned around and quickly raised his knife to strike at Luo Yuan. The momentum he exuded was stronger than before, as if he himself had become a human being. This peerless sword can split the world of ice and snow with just one strike. Seeing this, Luo Yuan directly used the first move of the Tyrant Sword Technique to open the sky. Suddenly countless sword lights formed a world of swords and enveloped the man in white. Withstood its attack.

The man in white seemed to be irritated, and raised his sword to strike out with a stronger strike. At the same time, the huge divine body seemed to be turning into a whirlwind and kept spinning. At the same time, the sword light it struck out became more and more powerful, hundreds of times. Knives, thousands of knives, ten thousand knives, each one was stronger than the last. Luo Yuan could deal with it easily at first, but he also felt pressure, and at the same time excited and excited, because this sword technique was very wonderful, and it had a great impact on his sword skills. Inspiration, fighting here and there, guiding myself.

This man in white has profound knowledge in the way of swordsmanship, and during the battle with Luo Yuan, he intentionally guided Luo Yuan on how to perfectly integrate the ten basic laws of the universe into his own way of swordsmanship. It is also a bottleneck that troubles Luo Yuan. Although Luo Yuan has a deep understanding of these ten basic laws, the end of these ten laws is the fused law of chaos. Only by merging them together in some way can he... It's possible, and what Luo Yuan is thinking of is his own sword art. After all, the ten basic laws are invisible existences that require a carrier to control them perfectly, and the laws of chaos are even more mysterious.

And the man in white in front of him was able to perfectly integrate the ten basic laws of the universe into his own sword skills. It was as if these laws had become something that actually existed, and could be combined at will, and the combat power exerted was naturally exponentially greater. Growth, this makes the power of each sword far beyond that of ordinary true gods, which can be called heaven-defying.

After all, the man in white is still the master of laws. He does not have the support of Luo Yuan's boundless divine power. He can exert the strongest attack by using the least divine power. Luo Yuan is just fighting with the man in white. , the application of the ten basic laws is deeper than the previous tens of millions of epochs. This is not fighting, it is simply inheriting the secret method. The more Luo Yuan fights, the more excited he becomes. This will be extremely helpful for him to control the laws of chaos in the future. s help.

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(End of this chapter)

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