Chapter 527 The Knife of Law
  The swordsmanship performed by the man in white in front of him is very strong, especially he can integrate the ten original laws into the swordsmanship at will. The artistic conception of each sword can produce huge power, and consumes very little divine power. It is just a simple sword. It shows how far he has understood the ten original laws. Luo Yuan is not only incredulous, but also admires him. After all, it is difficult for ordinary strong people to reach such a level of a law. .

Not to mention being able to use all ten original laws at the same time to the extent of ease, and being able to combine and use these laws at will. This allowed Luo Yuan to follow the movements of the man in white to practice sword skills, and Luo Yuan himself came directly to Duandong. In the He inheritance space, when practicing at the same time by turning on ten thousand times the time acceleration, each sword will take a long time to be understood. However, although the sword technique practiced by the man in white at this time is very strong, it has not exceeded Luo Yuan's highest combat power, so Luo Yuan gain the upper hand.

After the man in white slashed hundreds of swords, he looked at Luo Yuan and temporarily put away the sword. When Luo Yuan was confused, the man said: "You are also very good at swordsmanship. Although you are not as good as me in understanding the law, your combat power is already there." It is far beyond your current realm, so the sword skills I used before have no effect on you. Next, I will use more powerful sword skills and secret techniques. I hope you can also get the artistic conception of sword skills you want." The man in white After saying that, he raised his skate and the light suddenly flashed.

Luo Yuan immediately saw a powerful golden beast god contained in the light. This was the application of the golden law to a new realm, materializing the power of the void law and forming a real golden beast god. The man in white dropped the ice blade, and the powerful golden beast god suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar at Luo Yuan. Then the golden beast god turned into a bright golden light and merged into the ice blade. Immediately, the man in white used the sword technique The power has been greatly enhanced.

The power of the sword technique is directly increased by one level compared to the previous one, and it also contains the power of the law of space. This means that the man in white in front of him directly merges the law of gold and the law of space to form a new sword technique. The natural power is also stronger. After all, each sword before only contained one original law, but now each sword incorporates two laws, and these two laws are completely integrated, and the natural power is doubled. In this regard, Luo Yuan had to use Ba He used Kaitian in the Sword Technique to the extreme, and began to incorporate the power of the Golden Sky Law into it to resist, but Luo Yuan found that he would consume more divine power than the man in white.

The divine power used by the man in white now is equivalent to that when he only used one source law before. But now after the two laws are integrated, the energy remains unchanged, but the power is increased several times, which makes Luo Yuan start to take action. Yuan also guessed that the fifth floor of Wuqi Tower was probably a test of the talent of the passers-by in the secret arts. Whether it was the reserve of divine power or the sword was not important. Only warriors with high understanding of the secrets could pass the level. Think about this. Comprehensive test.

The commanders of the God King Valley who were paying attention to Luo Yuan's situation at this time were also full of praise for Luo Yuan's performance. Although they could not see anything deeper, the battle between Luo Yuan and the man in white was still within their authority. Some commanders praised Luo Yuan. : "This warrior Hunyuan's reaction ability is very strong. He can actually see the test standards on the fifth floor of Wuqi Tower so quickly. In addition to the test, it is also of great benefit to the passers-by, especially in terms of understanding the rules. Take it to the next level."

"That's right, have you seen that the strength of this warrior Hunyuan is actually very strong, far surpassing that of ordinary true gods, but he has never displayed all his combat power. If he showed it, even the man in white would not be able to Resistance, but the warrior Hunyuan has been deliberately guiding the man in white to use sword skills. He wants to learn more useful methods of using laws from the man in white, especially the flexible use of the power of laws and sword skills. He can only become more and more skilled. Come and look forward to it."

At this time, the four commanders were increasingly satisfied with Luo Yuan's outstanding performance. They also believed that Luo Yuan had the potential to climb to the top of Wuqi Tower. If other warriors came, they could only passively resist the attack of the man in white, and Luo Yuan could only passively resist the attack of the man in white. Yuan turned the man in white into his own swordsmanship instructor, always in a dominant position, and the man in white could only display stronger swordsmanship, which would eventually become the foundation for Luo Yuan's growth, and Luo Yuan also I am always understanding and improving my own strength.

Many powerful people in the universe have a good understanding of the ten original laws. It may be rare to apply these laws to this extent. After all, the various powerful secret techniques used by strong people are still the application of the laws, but those secret techniques It is an indirect application, but if you can directly apply the law, then even a simple move can bring powerful power of the universe. This is about simplifying the complex and returning to the basics. This is the way of the law.

When a strong man understands the power of law to a very high level, he can create various powerful secret magic powers at will. Of course, these secret magic powers are actually just moves. Even if someone comes later and learns them, There will never be a strong person who directly controls the power of the law. The various secret techniques created by Luo Yuan, including sword techniques, are actually moves, which are indirect uses of the power of the law. The man in white in front of him is just holding an ordinary Ice knife, cut it out at will.

Each sword looks simple and incompetent, but its power is extremely powerful. In front of the law controller, all the gorgeous moves are a joke, like a clown juggling,

Although these moves look good, their power can only be limited to a limit point. In the end, they will only have great limitations. However, if they are blessed by laws or other aspects, their power will be greatly improved, such as Luo Yuan's divine power gene has been increased to more than 60,000 times, so his strength is naturally stronger.

Luo Yuan benefited a lot from the sword skills performed by the man in white. At the same time, his sword skills became stronger and stronger. This was much easier than working behind closed doors. It saved him a lot of detours, and every time the man in white made a move, The power of the sword became stronger and stronger. When he slashed the 400th sword, his whole body seemed to turn into a storm. Suddenly, countless sword lights condensed by golden light appeared, densely packed, constantly superimposed, and finally towards Luo Luo. The source swept forward with great momentum.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and showed a delighted smile. This move had brought the Law of Gold and the Law of Space to their peak, and Luo Yuan was not to be outdone. He raised the Blood Shadow Sword in his hand, condensing the incomparable sword intent. Then he slashed out violently, and the dense storm of sword light was immediately split open by a huge sword light. Where the two collided, everything was annihilated into nothingness, whether it was visible matter or the invisible power of law. Time, space and energy collapsed into light particles, as if they no longer existed. The void seemed to have been wiped out by a strong man using supreme power, and the white man was directly knocked away.

The man in white steadied himself in the void. He looked at Luo Yuan with shock and disbelief in his eyes. Luo Yuan just stood holding the knife, his expression as calm as ever, because this time Luo Yuan did not use any sword skills or secrets. Technique, just by using the power of law to add power to the Lord of Law level, he has reached the true god level combat power. Luo Yuan has finally reached the level that the man in white has reached so far, so Luo Yuan is very happy and contented in his heart. Finally did it.

Luo Yuan understands that the so-called secret magic powers are just indirect borrowings of laws, and they always have limitations. A truly strong person will eventually trace back to the origin and directly control the laws. Then he will not care about the so-called moves, he only needs to control the laws. , each move can exert unparalleled power. Even if it only uses a small amount of divine power, it can have power far beyond the current level. This is why some peerless geniuses can have strength that far exceeds those of the same level and reach invincibility. level, and the sealed-level powerhouses are such peerless figures, because they control the most difficult and strongest way of law and the way of origin.

As the understanding of the law of gold and the law of space reaches its peak, other laws can also be improved through analogy. This sword technique was named the sword of law by Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan understood it in Wuqi Tower, which also made Luo Yuan has the confidence and strength to reach the top, so anyone who blocks Luo Yuan's progress will be chopped into nothingness by the sword in his hand. At the same time, Luo Yuan also re-perfects his tyrannical sword and incorporates the use of the power of law. Not only Improving the power of the sword technique and improving his understanding of the law, killing two birds with one stone, Luo Yuan also decided to integrate the sword of law into the blood shadow sword with secret patterns after this leveling task was completed. Luo Yuan's current artistic conception of swordsmanship has reached a very high level. Even in the Duandonghe inheritance records, there are not more than two people at Luo Yuan's age who can reach such a high level, and with the improvement of swordsmanship, With the improvement of law understanding, Luo Yuan's understanding of secret patterns has also directly improved to a higher level, which means that Luo Yuan can continue to understand the more advanced secret methods in Star Tower and Wuslaying Wings. These secret methods are actually the application of laws. , complementary to each other.

Although after reaching the realm of the God King, the blessing of the divine weapons to the strong will not be that great, the treasures Luo Yuan possesses are basically growable and can become stronger as Luo Yuan's strength increases, especially the blood The Shadow Sword is made from precious Yuan embryos. As Luo Yuan's own strength becomes stronger, he can also integrate various powerful sword skills he has learned into it. His level has never been improved. Luo Yuan now controls the stars. The first two levels of secret techniques, Tower and Wu Yuyi, have been greatly improved.

Luo Yuan is also looking forward to what breakthroughs there will be in the third level of the secret method. At this time, in the palace of the God King Valley, the four commanders also discovered that Luo Yuan's Law Sword was directly upgraded from the sixth level to the seventh level. level, that is, realizing the transformation from the Lord of Laws to the True God. This is something that many warriors cannot achieve, so they are very shocked, because those who can reach this step are peerless geniuses, and each of them can grow to unimaginable levels in the future. of higher rank, such as the four generals.

You must know that the man in white on the fifth floor of Wuqi Tower, as the tester this time, can only display the seventh level of strength after fusing the power of the ten original laws. Of course, this is because he limits his energy to After all, the testers this time were all Lords of Law, but Luo Yuan also reached the height reached by the man in white in a short period of time, and then Luo Yuan crushed the man in white. Fighting, he had no choice but to admit defeat.

As Luo Yuan slashed out, the power of various laws suddenly turned into various knives of laws and crushed them towards the man in white. It looked densely packed. The man in white suddenly looked very embarrassed and was blown away. The wind and snow dispersed. , suddenly found that the entire ice and snow world was divided into two parts, and then the man in white used the ice skate as a support, then reluctantly stood up, looked at Luo Yuan with a complicated expression and said: "You are very good, very strong, and you have reached the standard. , passed.”

After the man in white finished speaking, he threw the skate away, and it suddenly turned into a snowstorm and disappeared. It was as if this person had never appeared. Luo Yuan was a little surprised. This was passed. He thought the man in white would still improve, right? But if that were the case, it would be a true god-level mission, and Luo Yuan would not be afraid. If it had been another warrior, he would have been defeated long ago, and Luo Yuan felt a pity. If the man in white could continue to fight, his improved strength would be even greater. powerful.

Now for Luo Yuan, this man in white is not a test, but a guide who has long been perfecting and improving his sword skills and the power of the law. After all, the sword skills that Luo Yuan spent thousands of years to create and perfect are not as good as this. The improvement was rapid in time. Luo Yuan originally wanted to continue to integrate his sword skills with the power of law, and finally upgrade the sword of law to the eighth level, but Luo Yuan knew that this would be difficult. After all, in the previous Duandonghe, he could There are only two people who have achieved this step in the realm of the Lord of the Universe, and all Duan Donghe have been the top geniuses in every era of ancient civilization. However, after the man in white left, it would be difficult to complete it.

Luo Yuan also understood that the fifth level test was to directly create the power of understanding the laws and the ability to comprehend the secret techniques, and it could not be achieved by relying on the secret techniques incorporated into the Supreme Treasure. After all, the secret technique in the Supreme Treasure was a refiner. What he comprehends is not the user's own power, so it is naturally the case. This also means that Luo Yuan has successfully completed the test on the fifth floor of Wuqi Tower, so at this time, a golden light pillar is projected from the sky to envelope Luo Yuan. , and then Luo Yuan's figure disappeared. This was to teleport him to the sixth level, and only Luo Yuan, a warrior, could do this. He didn't know what the next test would be like.

Luo Yuan's figure appeared on the sixth floor of Wuqi Tower. He looked around and found that the place he was in was another strange world. He raised his head and looked at the hills all over his body, which was boundless. Suddenly, the weapon spirit of Wuqi Tower suddenly The voice appeared in Luo Yuan's mind: "Warrior Hunyuan, congratulations on successfully reaching the fifth floor. Next, you only need to survive on the sixth floor. That will be considered as completing the test and successfully entering the seventh floor. Work hard, and you will have a chance to climb to the ninth floor of Wuqi Tower." The voice of Wuqi Tower's weapon spirit resounded throughout the world. Luo Yuan also smiled when he heard this. Just survive the test on the sixth floor. It doesn't seem simple.

After all, the lower the requirements, the higher the test. The reason why it is set so low is because there are very few warriors who have completed it. Suddenly, the entire hilly world shook, and then the vast land split directly, and countless rocks rolled down. There was a huge creature emerging from the ground. Luo Yuan guessed that a powerful opponent would appear, but he didn't expect it to be a strange beast. Looking at the size of the divine body, he knew that its strength was not simple. When the strange beast fully showed its body.

Luo Yuan found that it turned out to be an ugly toad, but there were countless eyes on the surface of the skin. Luo Yuan felt his scalp numb when he looked at it. This was too ugly. Then the strange beast kept roaring at Luo Yuan, completely It wasn't the croaking of a toad. Then Luo Yuan saw that the countless eyes on this strange beast were emitting golden beams of light and attacking the surroundings. These beams were so powerful that everything attacked was turned into fly ash. The surroundings turned into ruins.

Luo Yuan just teleported away from this strange beast. He even counted the number of eyes on this strange beast. There were a thousand of them, and it could emit a golden light beam that was comparable to a true god-level attack. It was quite powerful. , I don’t know if it will be enhanced, after all, it was just an attack it randomly distributed.

This strange beast seemed to have been suppressed for a long time. It was released at this time and seemed very excited. After roaring for a while, it looked at Luo Yuan and said: "Soldier, you are very good. It has been a long time since you can come to this seventh floor." The warrior can come here, don't worry, I finally came out, I won't defeat you immediately, I will slowly play with you until I get tired of it, so I also hope you can persist a little longer, otherwise I will It will be very boring. The more you struggle, the more excited I am. You must know that I am the only living creature in the world on the sixth floor of Wuqi Tower. You should live well. After all, if you cannot defeat me, you will have to perish."

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this. This strange beast was too confident. You must know that Luo Yuan is now at his peak state. Not to mention the six-fold divine power gene. If he fully releases his divine body, one finger will be enough to kill this beast. A strange beast will crush him to death, but this will directly be suspected by the powerful people monitoring here. After all, the specifications of Luo Yuan's divine body have completely exceeded the knowledge of the world of Jin. It will definitely attract the attention of those eternal true gods, which will be very dangerous.

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(End of this chapter)

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