Chapter 532 Purple Gold Divine Light
  The Purple Gold Divine Beast, the spirit of the secret technique, looked at Luo Yuan. It has extremely high wisdom and can naturally see Luo Yuan's plan. It is very dangerous to start practicing if you don't understand the secret technique, let alone the god-king level secret technique. , and the requirements for the Nayin Secret Technique, which is the prerequisite for the God King-level secret technique, are not low. Even if the Eternal True God comes, it will be difficult to understand and learn it, let alone the Lord of Laws, precisely because the requirements are extremely strict. , so the previous seven-level test was an all-round test.

So the Purple Gold Divine Beast, the spirit of the secret technique, said: "Warrior, I know that your coming here proves that you are extremely strong in all aspects, but I still want to remind you to act within your ability. After countless reincarnations, I will not I know how many peerless geniuses I have seen come to break into this Wuqi Tower. In the end, only one warrior came here, but in the end he still failed. Of course, the geniuses who wanted me to recognize him were not just in this world of Jin, but none of them succeeded, 豼The chances of success are not high.”

Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel speechless when he heard this. Before he even started, the purple-gold divine beast with the spirit of secret arts came to attack him, and from the tone of the purple-gold divine beast with the spirit of secret arts, one could hear its arrogance, and Disdain for countless peerless geniuses, in his eyes, only the master who created himself is strong, and other creatures are like ants. Although Luo Yuan does not know how many peerless geniuses this secret spirit purple gold beast has seen, but Luo Yuan thought it would be different.

So Luo Yuan ignored this purple-gold divine beast, the spirit of the secret technique, and began to seriously interpret the previously recorded Nayin Secret Technique. He only needed to learn this prerequisite secret technique, and then he could obtain the God King-level secret technique, and then Climb to the top of Wuqi Tower, complete the task of adding a level, and lay a solid foundation for his invincibility. After all, in Luo Yuan's eyes, even the God King level is just a benchmark on his way. That's all, there are many powerful people who are stronger than the God King.

Seeing Luo Yuan's indifferent look, the Purple Gold Divine Beast, the spirit of the secret technique, suddenly felt a little angry. He was another young man who didn't know how high the sky was. After waiting for so many years, he finally waited for a peerless genius, hoping to bring him more pleasure. Well, then the purple-gold beast, the spirit of the secret technique, lay down directly and began to rest with its eyes closed. He also wanted to see how long this young warrior could last, and Luo Yuan was constantly analyzing every element of the Nayin secret technique in his mind. Practice steps.

Suddenly, the purple palace on the eighth floor of Wuqi Tower became quiet. In order to fully understand the secret technique of attracting as soon as possible, Luo Yuan simply put all the clones into practice mode, and also used the Yixin he picked up from the Thousand-Eyed Toad. Qian Yong's innate magical power, the speed of realization has been greatly improved. This is different from thousands of Luo Yuan who are practicing the secret technique of attracting at the same time. If other strong people know about it, they will not be stunned, because this has never happened before. Who did it.

At this time, many of Luo Yuan's clones are basically comprehending the secret technique of attracting in the dedicated training ground, but one clone is special after all, and that is his Endless Nether Sea clone, which is still in the endless void of the original universe at this time, because This clone has the function of protecting the human race and will not be taken back casually. Therefore, when Luo Yuan understood the secret technique of Nayin, it naturally produced power fluctuations. In particular, the will emitted by it impacted several powerful people and inadvertently spread to the surroundings. Spread it out.

This is completely unconscious. After all, Luo Yuan's willpower has now reached the ultimate level of the True God of the Void. Even the two ancestors of the Cosmic Sea may not have as strong a willpower as Luo Yuan, and the power of the strong is that no matter where they stand, Every move he makes carries unparalleled power, so those strong human beings who pass by the clones of the Endless Nether Sea, as long as their willpower does not reach the level of the Lord of the Universe, will fall directly into a coma, and they have no ability to resist. However, this The will shock emitted is not destructive, so it is just a coma, and there is no obvious damage, and there are benefits.

But the sudden change in Luo Yuan's Endless Nether Sea clone immediately attracted the attention of the powerful people on the human race. They didn't know what happened for a while, why Luo Yuan's clone emitted such a terrifying will impact, those willpower The weak and powerful human beings had to take a detour, and the Chaos City Lord of the human race immediately issued an order, asking the Lords of the Universe to protect the unconscious strong human beings, and then seal the surrounding void, not allowing any strong people to pass.

The other powerful human beings don't know what happened specifically, but the masters of the universe who are the top leaders of the human race know that one of Luo Yuan's strongest clones is currently roaming the world of Jin, and it can emit such powerful power at this time. It is very likely that he is practicing an extremely powerful secret technique, and this secret technique is probably obtained from the world of Jin, because there is no such strange secret technique in the universe sea. The Lord of Chaos City also realized this, and then he immediately contacted Luo Yuan.

But Luo Yuan didn't respond at all. After all, Luo Yuan is now fully concentrating on understanding the secret technique of Nayin, which is very important to him. Naturally, he will not pay attention to other things, and the changes brought about by Luo Yuan's behavior also make the human race The senior executives became worried. Although they didn't know what happened specifically, they could only wait.

At this time, in the purple palace on the eighth floor of Wuqi Tower, Luo Yuan was still sitting cross-legged in the void, with golden light flashing constantly on his body, and a powerful impact of will sweeping around, looking like a god descending, a sacred Majesty, and at this time in Luo Yuan's divine body, Luo Yuan used his ultimate control over divine power to outline the mysterious and complex secret pattern, and finally integrated his own life mark. This step is very dangerous. Once it fails, he will directly Will fall.

This test is not only the control of divine power, but also the strength of its soul. After all, these divine powers are controlled by soul power, which can also be called spiritual power. The Nayin Secret Technique is a protective god-level secret technique. The requirements for the prerequisite secret skills are naturally very high. This is like building a secret lock in the body of a god. If the secret lock is not subtle and powerful enough, it will directly allow other strong people to break it and obtain the inherited secret skills. Therefore, this step is Critical.

When practicing the secret art of attracting, Luo Yuan needs to always use his willpower to suppress the power emitted by the secret pattern array constructed by divine power, so as to maintain the stability of the secret pattern array. After all, this secret pattern diagram does not follow the rules. Luo Yuan's willpower was constructed by Luo Yuan, so this caused Luo Yuan's willpower to be integrated into the power of the divine body. Suddenly Luo Yuan's willpower, an illusory power, began to be controlled by Luo Yuan, but using his divine body as a carrier, it could become Substantial attack power.

After all, this Nayin Secret Technique is essentially a will-type secret technique. It is similar to the Divine Eye Secret Technique that Luo Yuan obtained before. Only by completely integrating willpower and divine body can this special powerful power be used. This makes Every strand of Luo Yuan's divine body possesses the will attack power. Even if he leaves the divine body, his will can be immortal and he can always emit a powerful will impact. This is also the divine blood energy refined on the silver wings that Luo Yuan obtained before. The cause of becoming the most precious thing of will.

Time passed like this, and nearly a thousand years passed quickly. The golden light on Luo Yuan's body suddenly strengthened, and at the same time, the impact of will emitted by his original body and all his clones became even more powerful, reaching the point where the Lords of the Universe could To the extent that everyone is afraid, this is under Luo Yuan's intentional control, otherwise even the Lord of the Universe would have to pass out directly, which would be a pain to the Hongmeng Universe Lord stationed in the original universe. After all, Luo Yuan's Endless Nether Sea clone No protection.

At this time, on the eighth floor of Wuqi Tower, the majestic figure wearing royal clothes who had appeared before had been observing Luo Yuan's movements. This figure could actually be seen as an idea left by the mountain guest when he was a god king. The clone, but after so many years, this clone does not know what is going on outside, and naturally has no way of knowing the relationship between Luo Yuan and the mountain guest. It just regards Luo Yuan as a local warrior in the world of Jin. At this time, the figure in the king's uniform looks like Luo Yuan was amazed at the changes in his body.

"It's really different. I didn't expect that I could practice the Nayin Secret Technique to the second level so quickly. This is much stronger than the previous warrior. This is simply a miracle. I didn't expect that the world of Jin created by myself was really born. To meet such a genius and a peerless person, you must know that even if this secret technique is placed in the highest plane, countless peerless geniuses have not been able to comprehend it to this extent so quickly. There are very few who can even comprehend the first level, let alone The second level is to succeed." The figure in the king's uniform is full of expectations at this time. After all, he has been waiting for countless years. He left the world of Jin and collected countless ethnic groups just to cultivate such a person. A peerless character became his helper in making a comeback. With such a huge base, the character he wanted was finally born.

At this time, in the purple palace, the purple-gold beast with its eyes closed to rest, suddenly opened its eyes, and then looked at Luo Yuan's figure in disbelief. He never expected that this young warrior would actually do this. It’s here, and it took less than a thousand years to practice the Nayin Secret Technique to the second level. You must know that the Nayin Secret Technique is a pre-protection method for the God King-level secret technique. You can imagine how difficult it is, and the Nayin Secret Technique is The secret technique is only at the third level in total, and Luo Yuan has reached the second level. You must know that the purple gold beast, the spirit of the secret technique, has existed longer than the world of Jin, and it is the top inheritance in the Origin Continent.

Over the endless years, countless geniuses from the Origin Continent came to him to accept the test, and the number who could successfully cultivate to the second level would not exceed half a hundred. You must know that those are all top geniuses in the highest plane. , I don’t know how many heavenly materials and earthly treasures have been used to cultivate him since he was born. Both the resources and the natural genetic blood are top-notch, but even so, no one is truly successful. What is the origin of this sudden young warrior.

Luo Yuan, who was immersed in practice at this time, didn't know what the strong men in the outside world were thinking. He was still practicing. At this time, as he approached the later stage of the Nayin secret technique, he felt more uncomfortable and strenuous. After all, Nayin The secret technique is a protective secret technique. When constructing the secret pattern array within the divine body, it will also cause pain to itself, just like the materials are calcined and beaten when refining a treasure. Therefore, start from the second level of practicing the secret technique of attracting. , Luo Yuan felt uncomfortable.

His divine body was like a smelted divine material, feeling endless pain. After all, his divine body was not a real divine material. It contained not only his own divine power, but also the imprint of his own life source, and every trace of his soul was contained in it. , so when I was practicing, I felt that my original soul was being repeatedly melted. This kind of pain was unimaginable. It was more than a thousand times more painful than what I felt in the Star Tower. However, I was protected by the Chaos Bead at that time, so I could endure it. .

But now that he is the Lord of the Universe and his body has been transformed into a divine body, even the Chaos Bead can only guard his soul and consciousness. Speaking of the Chaos Bead, Luo Yuan has not used it until now because he knows that this is his breakthrough in the future. To rely on the Holy Realm of Chaos, even the God King will be greedy for this thing. This secret has never been mentioned to anyone, even the Lord of Chaos City who has a close relationship with Luo Yuan. After all, it is his trump card. .

At this time, when Luo Yuan was practicing the Secret Technique of Nayin, he would endure no matter how dangerous and painful it was. This was the price of becoming stronger. Only by obtaining these powerful inheritances could he have an unobstructed path to the God King Realm. After all, this At this time, there is no strong person in the Universe Sea and Jin World that is worthy of Luo Yuan to pick up attributes, so his system has almost become a decoration now. A high level does not mean that the attributes in all aspects must be high. After all, these strong people are not Knowing how many years they have practiced, even these true gods of Jin World, the True God of the Void, and even the Eternal True God-level powerhouses, their upper limit is only like this, and it is difficult to break through to the saint realm.

However, as Luo Yuan practiced the secret technique of attracting faster and deeper, Luo Yuan found that his divine body began to break, so Luo Yuan quickly used a large amount of divine power to repair the divine body, but the power contained in the divine body could be restored. The mark of life was also threatened and might be broken, but Luo Yuan could not give up.

Although this is just the strongest clone of Luo Yuan, this clone is very important to Luo Yuan now, because this clone carries too many things. If this clone dies, it means that he is in this world of Jin. One line is greatly compromised, so Luo Yuan must persist in practicing no matter what. He has now reached the second level of the Nayin Secret Technique. As long as he persists in practicing the third level, all crises will be solved and it will be time to reap the rewards. .

At this time, the secret spirit purple gold beast stared at Luo Yuan's figure and sighed in his heart. In fact, this secret spirit was not created by the God King of Jin World. The strong man who created it was even more powerful than the God King. , but the God King of Jin snatched it over, and then it was brought to the World of Jin by the God King of Jin, and became a test for him to cultivate super strong people. However, after countless epochs, there has never been a person who can do this in the World of Jin. Those who meet the requirements can't even reach the second level of Nayin's Secret Technique.

At this time, the Purple Gold Divine Beast, the spirit of the secret technique, was also full of expectations for Luo Yuan. After all, the meaning of its existence is to pass on the secret technique it carries. However, in endless years, no strong person has been able to do this. At this time, Luo Yuan Yuan has already received the second level. He only needs to continue to persevere. As long as he reaches the third level, he will be eligible to receive the inheritance of the secret technique. His final achievement will not be worse than the God King of Jin. Although once the inheritance of the secret technique appears, Or, it means that this purple-gold divine beast, the spirit of the secret technique, will dissipate into nothingness, but this purple-gold divine beast, the spirit of the secret technique, does not think so. It has existed for endless years and has lived long enough.

If it can fulfill the meaning of its existence, the purple-gold divine beast, the spirit of mystery, will have no regrets. When it dissipates, it will be its most glorious moment. At the same time, the figure in the king's uniform who is paying attention here is also looking forward to it. After all, even if In the Origin Continent, there were only a dozen or so people who could practice the Nayin Secret Technique to the third level, and only three survived in the end. However, none of them had truly become the inheritors of the Secret Technique. In fact, the top two people in the Nayin Secret Technique were There is no life-threatening danger to the third level, but once the third level is reached, if you cannot learn to control it, you will only perish. This is like a blank that cannot be formed and can only become a waste product in the end.

Even in the ancient civilization era, those peerless geniuses who had gone through the test and the three warriors who managed to survive in the end paid a huge price to save their lives, but even so, they were still useless in the end. This mysterious spirit purple gold beast also It didn't know that what was in the purple palace at this time was just a clone. Although based on its understanding of the world of Jin, it knew that the local strong men among them did not have clones. They were all the original deities. If the original deity fell, it meant that he had fallen.

At this time, the divine light on the surface of Luo Yuan's divine body had changed from golden light to purple-gold divine light. Luo Yuan immediately integrated his divine power into the secret pattern array he constructed. Then Luo Yuan discovered that the secret pattern array was here. Shi has also turned into purple gold, looking mysterious and noble, and has a strong will to attack in all directions. This means that Luo Yuan has officially cultivated to the third level of the Nayin Secret Technique. This is the endless world of Jin. The only warrior in the past years who has reached the third level.

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(End of this chapter)

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