I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 533 Lie Yuan Shu, God King of Jin

Chapter 533 Lie Yuan Shu, God King of Jin
  Compared with the spirit of the secret technique, the figure in the royal uniform in the purple palace at this time, the god king Cannian, is even more hopeful that Luo Yuan can successfully complete the secret technique of Nayin. In fact, when the god king of Jin refined Wu Qilou, It is just an attempt to cultivate peerless people who can practice this powerful secret technique. Even among the countless peerless geniuses in the highest plane of the Origin Continent, none of them can succeed, let alone the native creatures of this world of Jin. If it appears, Such strong men are truly a miracle.

There was a warrior who climbed to the eighth floor of Wuqi Tower before, but he couldn't even successfully cultivate the first level of the Nayin Secret Technique, let alone the entire three-level secret technique. But now it has appeared, so this is not a miracle. No one believed it. After all, compared to the number of powerful people in the Origin Continent, the World of Jin could only be said to be a drop in the ocean, let alone the top bloodline and cultivation resources of those peerless geniuses in the Origin Continent. This was true even in the ancient civilization era. There was no Anyone can succeed.

At this time in the purple palace, the secret spirit purple gold beast also looked at Luo Yuan expectantly. If Luo Yuan could successfully learn the secret technique of Nayin, then he could hand over the core inheritance secret technique to Luo Yuan. After completing his mission and being able to dissipate between heaven and earth, it is enough to be trapped in this purple palace. At this time, Luo Yuan is insisting on cultivating the secret technique of attracting and inducing to build a special secret pattern array within the divine body. , not only extremely difficult, but also extremely painful.

At the same time, strong people who practice the secret art of attracting will be pulled into a terrible illusion. This is actually a test of the soul and spirit of the cultivator. And once they reach the third level of cultivation, if they cannot control it, they will either perish or become useless. But If you can successfully control it in the end, you will realize the transformation of your life level and become stronger.

As Luo Yuan continued to practice, he knew that he could not give up, because giving up would mean the death of this clone. Then everything he had done before was useless, so no matter how painful it was, Luo Yuan would persist, but when After Luo Yuan practiced the Nayin Secret Technique to the third level, he felt that his soul and will were under great pressure, as if his soul and will would be disintegrated at any time, but at the same time, the origin of his soul also began to change. Miraculous transformation.

So whenever Luo Yuan couldn't hold on any longer, his soul became stronger, and then Luo Yuan could continue to hold on. This was actually a good cycle, which made Luo Yuan couldn't help but wonder if his physique was different from that of Na Yin. The secret technique is very adaptable. Doesn't that mean that he is the destined one? When he recognized the Star Tower as the master, the chaos beads in Luo Yuan's Dantian helped him, and now his special physique helps him. All of this It seems that there is a certain number somewhere.

Whether in the Star Tower or the Nayin Secret Technique, it is a great test for one's will and soul, but this Nayin Secret Technique focuses more on soul power. After all, it is much easier to improve willpower than soul power. A strong man Even the Lord of Laws can even directly increase the strength of his willpower to the level of the Eternal True God through various practices. However, it is impossible to increase the power of the soul to this level because the power of the soul matches the power of the divine body.

Luo Yuan's soul power at this time was at the ultimate true god level at most, but with the practice of the Nayin Secret Technique, he found that his soul power was constantly being consumed. After all, the secret pattern array was built through soul power. Constructed by guiding divine power, Luo Yuan's divine power is endless, so he is not worried about divine power, but his soul power has not yet reached the requirements. But when it is continuously consumed to the limit, Luo Yuan will feel that his soul power begins to transform and increase.

Luo Yuan knew that it was difficult to cultivate soul power, especially to improve his soul power to several major realms. But at this time, his soul seemed to be undergoing extremely high-intensity training. When reaching the limit, there will be a breakthrough, which makes Luo Yuan feel the relief of soul transformation. This feeling is the same as the feeling when he exercised his body before, so this is a good thing for Luo Yuan. It is rare to have such a special soul exercise. The method is very interesting.

Therefore, the previous peerless geniuses who practiced the secret art of attracting to the third level were more and more painful the more they practiced, but the more Luo Yuan practiced, the more happy they were, and their soul power was still growing. In addition to Luo Yuan's own profound accumulation, , it is his unique physique. This reminds Luo Yuan that Babata once said that the people of the Luo clan have a special physique. Is this true? After all, his surname is also Luo. Time passed like this, and a hundred years passed quickly. Luo Yuan also succeeded.

That's right, Luo Yuan really succeeded in completely cultivating the Nayin Secret Technique. He completely mastered the three levels in total, and also constructed a complete secret pattern array within the god's body. This is an achievement that has never been achieved by the Lord of Laws, but Luo Yuan did it, so Luo Yuan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of excitement and joy. At this time, he only felt that his soul power had been greatly improved, at least it had reached the level of the Void True God, and originally The spirit of the secret art, which was closing its eyes and concentrating on the side, also understood this. When it came out, it felt unbelievable because it was overjoyed. After all, even in the ancient civilization, no strong person could do it.

Just when Luo Yuan came back to his senses, he saw the purple-gold beast of the secret spirit coming to his eyes in just a flash. The purple-gold eyes kept looking at Luo Yuan, and the pair of beast eyes were as big as mountains. , seeing Luo Yuan, he only felt his scalp numb, so Luo Yuan immediately stepped back and asked: "What do you mean to be scary?"

The Purple Gold Divine Beast, the spirit of the secret technique, just rolled his eyes when he heard this, and then said: "This scares you. You are not even afraid of the secret technique of Nayin. Now I am very curious about where you came from. If it is this Jin Zhi The world's native creatures are a bit too incredible. After all, even those peerless geniuses in ancient civilizations couldn't do it, but you did it, and you were able to do it in such a short period of time, but I didn't see anything. So I still contribute to you completing the test, and then I will teach you the top secret skills created by our Lord, so you must study hard, because other peerless geniuses do not have this qualification and opportunity."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but be happy when he heard this. He felt that the purple gold beast, the spirit of the secret technique, had a completely different attitude towards him at this time and was much closer to him. So Luo Yuan said: "Since you want me to learn this top secret technique, you should also Tell me the origin of this secret technique. I feel like this secret technique was left behind by His Majesty the God King. Otherwise, the requirements set by His Majesty the God King would not be so harsh. After all, even the Eternal True God may not be able to fulfill these requirements. , so your Lord should be stronger."

The Purple Gold Divine Beast, the spirit of the secret technique, couldn't help but grinned when he heard the words: "Yes, it seems that you have some knowledge. My main name is Yuan, an extremely powerful super strong man. Even the god king must be respectful when he sees it. Although you You have never met my lord, but if you learn my secret skills, you will be regarded as my lord’s disciple. You need to bear in mind.”

Luo Yuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this. It turns out that this secret spirit purple gold beast is a secret treasure created by Yuan. No wonder it is so mysterious. This is a heaven-defying opportunity. Yuan is the pinnacle powerhouse of the Origin Continent, and finally achieved it. Lord Hunyuan's invincible existence makes even the God King look like an ant in front of Yuan, simply invincible.

The Purple Gold Divine Beast, the spirit of the secret technique, did not see anything from Luo Yuan's expression, because in its consciousness, Luo Yuan could not be just as powerful as his main element, so naturally it did not need too much explanation, so it said: "I After waiting for so long, I finally waited for the successor who can inherit the top secret technique created by my lord. Since you have completed the practice of the secret technique of Nayin, you are the successor my lord is waiting for, and you are qualified to inherit my lord's mantle, so Let’s start passing down the secret technique now.”

After saying this, the purple-gold divine beast, the spirit of the secret technique, began to disintegrate directly, and then turned into countless golden light particles. Then, these light particles rushed towards Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness. Suddenly, a large amount of information was transmitted to Luo Yuan's mind, and The secret spirit purple-gold beast also smiled. Its mission was finally completed. At the same time, the words that were as dazzling as stars outside began to disintegrate quickly and turned into information flowing into Luo Yuan's divine body. This change made the The figure in Wangfu was shocked.

But soon the king-clothed figure also realized that Luo Yuan had actually completed the practice of the Nayin Secret Technique and became the inheritor of the Yuan Secret Technique. Naturally, his mission was completed and he disappeared in laughter. , at the same time, the purple palace also disappeared, and the illusion turned into ashes. At this time, Luo Yuan was standing in the void above the continent, comprehending the secret technique of Yuan. I don’t know how long it took, and those golden words were collected by Luo Yuan. The consciousness sea storage is protected by the secret pattern formed by the Nayin Secret Technique. No strong person can take it away, and Luo Yuan also knows the specific information of this top secret technique. This is really the Lieyuan Technique. This Lie Yuan Technique is many times more powerful than the Divine Eye Secret Technique that I obtained before. After all, the Divine Eye Secret Technique is a God King-level secret technique, but the creator of the Lie Yuan Technique, Yuan Shi, far surpasses the God King. Being a super strong person in the Realm of Elements naturally makes the cultivation level of Lieyuan Technique much higher. The minimum level required to practice the Secret Art of Divine Eye is the True God of the Void. However, to practice Lie Yuan Technique requires the willpower to reach the Holy Realm of Chaos, which is higher than A super existence that is countless times more powerful than the God King Realm.

Moreover, although the Divine Eye Secret Technique is considered a God King-level secret technique, it can only have a great effect on strong men from the True God level to the Eternal True God level. It will be much weaker after the Chaos Holy Realm is dominated, and Lie Yuan The art is just the threshold of cultivation, which is the will to become a saint. This is the standard that only the Lord of Chaos can achieve. This shows that it is powerful and precious. Even the God King level powerhouse will be greedy after seeing it. Even if it is placed in the Origin Continent, it will attract countless super powers. The strong ones take action.

It's just that Shanke, the God of Jin Throne, couldn't practice it when he got the Lie Yuan Technique. After all, his path had already been formed, so he wanted to cultivate a super strong man who could practice Lie Yuan Technique in his own world. I can have a very strong helper, but over the endless years, countless peerless geniuses have tried and failed. Only Luo Yuan has done it. It was originally Luo Yuan who was the destined son of this world by chance, but Luo Yuan will not be polite. Now It became Luo Yuan's opportunity.

In the face of absolute great opportunities, Luo Yuan will not hesitate. After all, everything is meaningless in the face of absolute strength. This is the rule of the world of the jungle. At the same time, when Luo Yuan gets the original opportunity of the protagonist, he will also bear the responsibilities that he should bear. , and Luo Yuan is obviously better than Luo Feng. Luo Yuan also knows that if he only relies on his own system to pick up attributes, he cannot achieve this level. After all, Luo Yuan's system will not create such a powerful secret. technique.

Moreover, these top secret techniques have extremely high cultivation standards and protection requirements. Even if Luo Yuan picks them up through the system, he cannot practice them. In the early stage, Luo Yuan can give Luo Feng some help to grow, but in the later stage, with the resources When it comes to opportunities, Luo Yuan will not share them with any strong people. If you want to climb to the top, you must fight. Only by fighting for that glimmer of opportunity can you board the invincible road. Luo Yuan does not feel sorry for anyone. After all, he now relies on Obtained by oneself.

Luo Yuan knew very well that his attribute picking system could only continue to play a huge role in the later stages when he went to the higher origin continent. However, there were very few useful attributes that could be picked up in the Universe Sea and the World of Jin. After all, Luo Yuan's current In all aspects, the limits of these two places have been reached. Except for the realm, Luo Yuan can be said to have left all the strong ones far behind. After Luo Yuan obtained the complete inheritance of Lie Yuan Shu, it meant that Luo Yuan finally Completed the eighth level test.

Suddenly a golden beam of light appeared from the sky and enveloped Luo Yuan, and then Luo Yuan's figure disappeared. When Luo Yuan came back to his senses, he found that he had reached the top floor of Wuqi Tower, which is the legendary third tower. Ninth floor. Being able to climb to the ninth floor means that Luo Yuan has completed the test of this sealing level task. Next, there will be the inheritance of the God King waiting for him. As long as he can get it, he can not only get the sealing, but also directly become the eternal true god. The same status as a general.

Moreover, Luo Yuan can also obtain Wu Qishen, the ultimate mechanical treasure refined by the God King himself. He will have eternal true god-level combat power in the realm of the Lord of Laws. Luo Yuan will not need to fear the universe sea and Jin Zhi in the future. Naturally, Luo Yuan, a powerful person in the world's missions, can also obtain a large amount of cultivation resources in the world of Jin, so that his cultivation can be smooth.

Luo Yuan began to look at the environment in front of him with expectation and joy, and found that there was only a simple and ancient courtyard on the ninth floor of Wuqi Tower, and the style of this courtyard was very similar to the style of the ancient civilization recorded in the Duandonghe inheritance. There are also mysterious patterns on the walls of this courtyard, which are like decorations.

Just when Luo Yuan was looking at this quaint courtyard, an old voice suddenly came into Luo Yuan's mind: "Young man, you are finally here, just come in by yourself." Luo Yuan did not hesitate after hearing this, so he raised his leg Then he walked towards the courtyard. The passage leading to the courtyard was paved with many quick stone slabs. Although these stone slabs looked ordinary, Luo Yuan found that there were many lines on these stone slabs, like a secret pattern, full of mystery. There is some Taoist rhyme circulating there.

This made Luo Yuan interested. He would also look at the lines on these stone slabs while walking. He felt that these stone slabs were simple and majestic. They should be left by the god king. When Luo Yuan came to the gate of the courtyard, he found that It opened automatically, and then Luo Yuan stood at the door and looked inside, and saw a man in very gorgeous clothes staring at a lot of mechanical parts in front of him and thinking about something. This man was actually the same as before. The figure in the royal uniform is the same.

When Luo Yuan walked into the yard, this noble man also looked over. His appearance was majestic, completely different from that of the mountain guest. So Luo Yuan couldn't help but guess that this was probably the will left by the mountain guest before his death, and then Wu Qishen's virtual existence, the noble man smiled at Luo Yuan and said: "Yes, you are very good. Come sit down and let me chat with you. I know you must have a lot of questions to ask me." The noble man said After finishing, a gorgeous throne immediately appeared next to him.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan was not polite and sat directly on the throne. Although Luo Yuan already knew the bottom line of this noble man and knew his purpose, he still couldn't show it, otherwise he would arouse his suspicion. After all, time travel is a matter of The matter is the biggest secret in Luo Yuan's heart. He will not tell anyone unless he has become the strongest existence and does not need to worry about it when he falls. Moreover, Luo Yuan's acting skills are very good. He has done a lot of it in recent years. Combined with his acting skills, he can be called an acting god.

Luo Yuan also sensed the noble man in front of him. This man did not have any momentum or pressure. He was just an ordinary person. He gave Luo Yuan a very relaxed feeling, but he had the charm of a strong man. At the same time, Luo Yuan felt that He also raised his guard. With Luo Yuan's current soul strength and willpower, Luo Yuan still unconsciously lowered his guard and developed a liking for him. This shows that this noble man is by no means just the virtual thought of a god king. It seems that Has strength.

The noble man looked at Luo Yuan, as if he had seen through Luo Yuan's thoughts. In fact, Luo Yuan knew that this was impossible, it was just an unfathomable feeling. The noble man said: "After endless years, you are the only one who has climbed the mountain. The strong man on the ninth floor of Wuqi Tower, you must be curious about my identity. I can tell you the truth directly. I am the controller of the world of Jin, the God King of Jin, who is the king of Jin after his death. The regrets only exist in a virtual form."

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(End of this chapter)

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