Chapter 541 A thought of emptiness

In the training room of the Earth Temple where Luo Yuan's true self was, he looked at the Wu-Slaying Wings floating in front of him with joy on his face. At this time, the Wu-Slaying Wings had been collected, reaching ten wings. Now for Luo Yuan, in addition to the stars Outside the tower, Wu Qishen and Wu Yuyi, the two ultimate true god mechanical treasures, are the top ones. Wu Qishen is okay, and Wu Yuyi, Luo Yuan has already understood it for a long time. As Luo Yuan integrates the divine power In Killing Wu's Wings, the secret pattern array is activated.

After accelerating time ten thousand times, Luo Yuan's understanding of Wu Yuyi finally reached the third level. You must know that this level can only be understood and mastered if you reach the true god level, but Luo Yuan did it with the realm of the Lord of Laws, so then As Luo Yuan's divine power was integrated into more and more, a bright white stream of light suddenly appeared on Wu Wu's wings, and endless white mist filled the air. Immediately, the white mist quickly enveloped the surrounding space, reaching hundreds in just the blink of an eye. Light years.

Then Luo Yuan felt that the space within hundreds of light years was under his control. Isn't this the power of the void used by the true gods of the void? Luo Yuan has seen a lot. This is the so-called ability of a single thought of void, which is unique to the true gods of the void. Some special abilities, and Luo Yuan only relied on the third level secret method of killing Wu Yuyi. This means that Luo Yuan can now fully achieve the abilities possessed by the Void True God, but the amount of divine power consumed is also huge. After all, Luo Yuan is not The true God of Void.

However, Luo Yuan's reserve of divine power is huge, so he can use this move to kill Wu Yuyi. If it is a void thought, other law masters cannot use it even if they master the third secret method of killing Wu Yuyi. It's just Luo Yuan. In order to achieve the ability of the true God of the Void, Yuan immediately used one of Duandonghe's secret skills, Duan Mie. As the divine power burned, Luo Yuan could shrink and expand the area of ​​the void according to his own will, and its power Not bad indeed.

Luo Yuan knew that the domain-type true god-level treasures could limit the ability of a void, but there was still a big gap between it and the one-thought void controlled by the powerful true god of void. After all, it would take a long time to use the comprehension-type power, and the divine power would also be consumed. It is very large, especially the domain-type treasures have limited abilities and cannot achieve the powerful control power of a single thought of void, so the power of void is much more powerful than the power of domain-power treasures, just when Luo Yuan comprehends various secret techniques.

In the world of Jin, powerful men from various forces in the Universe Sea are also paying attention to Luo Yuan's whereabouts, especially the Lords of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land. At this time, there are two outside the Manghe Legion where Luo Yuan is. The soldiers have been staring at the surrounding situation. They have guided the two Void True God-level commanders to deal with Luo Yuan through their layout. Now they want to know whether Luo Yuan's results have achieved their goals, but they have waited for almost ten days and have not seen that person. The two commanders left.

"What's going on? Those two commanders are both at the Void True God level. They are probably more powerful than our ancestor. If we take action against the human Luo Yuan, it should be over long ago. Why haven't they left yet? Shouldn't they? Is there a flash of light? The ancestor is still waiting for us to reply with the final result."

The Lord of the Universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land, who had been exploring the news here, was also very anxious at this time, and their ancestor said angrily to the two divine clones of the Lord of the Universe in the temple of the Purple Moon Holy Land: "Why haven't you already?" When the news comes back, what happened to the human race Luo Yuan? Go check it out quickly."

A Lord of the Universe below the temple said: "Master Ancestor, although we now have hundreds of Lords of the Universe who have entered the God King's Army, none of them have entered the Mang River Army, and the various special legions of the God King's Army have The defenses are very strict, and we cannot directly enter them to explore the small ones, so we can only wait outside to see the situation, and we only have Lord Chengmu who has entered the Houhou Legion, but now Lord Chengmu has fallen as a layout."

Following the Master of the Universe's speech, other Masters of the Universe also spoke out about their difficulties. After all, the World of Jin is not their territory of the Purple Moon Holy Land, and the World of Jin has a complete hierarchy. The strong ones There are countless others. If they do anything wrong, they may be eliminated directly. Compared to the world of Jin, these masters of the universe in Ziyue Holy Land are just a drop in the ocean. Ziyue Ancestor also knows this, but he is still dissatisfied.

Just when the powerful men in the temple were helpless, a master of the universe suddenly said: "Master Ancestor, we don't necessarily have to focus only on the situation in the world of Jin. You must know that the human Luo Yuan has several clones. Through our investigation, in the original secret realm of the human race in the original universe, the clone of the human race Luo Yuan's Endless Nether Sea is still intact, and the aura is getting stronger and stronger, which means that Luo Yuan has not died, and is even stronger. .”

Ziyue Ancestor couldn't help feeling incredible and angry when he heard this: "How is it possible? We have planned it for so long and have calculated every detail. It was two top True Gods of the Void who took action. How could we not let the human Luo Yuan fall? How is it possible? It will fail. This is impossible, absolutely impossible. Lord Chengmu, please tell me why the human Luo Yuan did not fall. Didn't you gain the trust of the commander in the first place? Or did you have a flaw in some way? "

The Lord of Chengmu couldn't help but feel bitter and helpless when he heard this. He had lost his true self, and now he didn't dare to be just a clone. It could be said that he had suffered heavy losses, but it still had no impact on the human Luo Yuan. So he said: "Lord Ancestor, I didn't have any flaws at that time. It's just that the people sent by Ziyue Holy Land to the world of Jin were all the Lords of the Universe. Both in terms of strength and status in the world of Jin, they were all from the bottom. So weak.

We also seemed a little helpless in exploring the information and layout. After all, the local strong men in the world of Jin could not trust us 100%. If it weren't for the fact that I used the death of myself to lure out the commander, the commander would not know how to do it. Take what I say seriously, so this time the human Luo Yuan did not fall, and there is nothing impossible. It's just that we can't find out what happened now, and we can't confirm the situation with the swan commander. "

The ancestor of Ziyue could only shake his head helplessly when he heard this. He also knew that Ziyue Holy Land was considered the top force in the universe sea, but in the world of Jin, it was not even as good as the most ordinary tribal force, no matter how many Lords of the Universe were sent. In the World of Jin, they are just low-level warriors. After all, in the World of Jin, the number of Lords of the Universe can be said to be countless. This makes the Purple Moon Holy Land have no advantage at all in the World of Jin, but Luo Yuan cannot He is not willing to die.

"It's really hateful. Why is the human race Luo Yuan so difficult to deal with? How should I let him fall? Letting him continue to live will definitely be a serious problem for me in the Purple Moon Holy Land. Moreover, the failure of this layout has aroused his vigilance. Next It is very difficult to deal with him. Why is such an outstanding peerless genius not from our clan? Although the human race is much weaker than our clan, their strong ones emerge in endlessly. It is really troublesome. How did Luo Yuan avoid this? crisis."

While the ancestor of Ziyue was still thinking about how to deal with Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan was still quietly cultivating in the world of Jin. At the same time, he was also preparing for the next move of Ziyue Holy Land. As long as he waited for the next era to come, no matter what Whether it is the cosmic sea or the various forces in the primitive universe, they will definitely send a large number of strong people into the world of Jin to fight, naturally including those from the Purple Moon Holy Land. However, Luo Yuan can bring all the forces that are hostile to the human race to the world of Jin. Catch all the strong in one fell swoop.

As time passed quickly, the era of the third era finally came. In the original secret realm of the original universe, Luo Yuan's clone of the Endless Nether Sea had divine power and the sea water condensed into Luo Yuan's incarnation. A clone of the Lord of Chaos City was also here. , he couldn't help but sigh when he saw Luo Yuan's incarnation of divine power: "Our human race's opportunity has finally come. As long as a large number of strong men from these forces enter the world of Jin, it will be up to you to take action. Luo Yuan, as you said before, can Is it true that they caught them all in one fell swoop? After all, the world of Jin is not small. When so many powerful people enter the world of Jin, they must be distributed in all directions and have contacts.

If you take action, you need to wipe them out at the same time. Otherwise, once a strong person dies, other strong people will know about it and they will definitely flee. "

Regarding the Chaos City Lord, Luo Yuan also knew his consciousness. After all, all these powerful people who entered the world of Jin must have left behind clones or incarnations of divine power. They could communicate synchronously and react immediately to any situation. Except In addition to escaping, if they directly die by themselves, it will not be that great for Luo Yuan, because once Luo Yuan takes action, he will not only destroy their clones, but also completely destroy them along with their souls. Therefore, if Luo Yuan wants to kill all those strong men who are hostile to the human race, he must be able to eliminate them at the same time without leaving them a chance to react. If he wants to do this in the world of Jin, even that The four eternal true gods may not be able to do it, so it is not surprising that the Lord of Chaos City is confused.

Luo Yuan looked at the Lord of Chaos City and said seriously: "Teacher, since I said that I can catch them all, I am sure of it. As my teacher, you have to believe me. After all, I am not a person who is aimless. This time it is for the human race." This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will not only relieve the crisis of the human race, but the future will be unlimited. ’

The Lord of Chaos City felt relieved after receiving Luo Yuan's affirmation. After all, what Luo Yuan said would have a great impact on the human race, so he said: "You also know that the strong foreigners who joined the Hongmeng are just for profit. , as well as the attraction of our human race's strength and inheritance, so they are not absolutely loyal, especially after the dozens of universe masters sent by the Hongmeng tribes saw the power and resource inheritance of the world of Jin, others All tempted.

So this time, will the Lord of the Universe from the Hongmeng go to the World of Jin? This is just an opportunity for our human race to test them. If they have different intentions, you can also directly take action to keep them in the World of Jin. It can be regarded as eliminating the unstable strong men and providing our Hongmeng with cohesion and control. In fact, it is also the same for the coalition forces that are hostile to us. After all, the treasures in the world of Jin are too attractive, and some strong men will Give birth to alien thoughts. "

Luo Yuan also nodded seriously when he heard this, and then said: "Don't worry, teacher, I know how to do it. If they have second thoughts, I will not show mercy. After all, this opportunity will determine the future situation of our human race and various forces." , and also affects the future of the human race. If it succeeds, it will be the world of the human race."

At this time, with the arrival of the third era, the various forces that will be the cosmic sea or the primitive universe in the future have already known through the exploration of the previous two eras that the resources and treasures of the Jin world are valuable, especially in the Jin world, even if they are transcendent There are many inheritances of reincarnation and breakthroughs to the True God of Void level. After all, in the world of Jin, there are many True Gods of Void. The leader of any tribal force is the True God of Void. There are also higher inheritances and treasures of the Eternal True God level.

How can this not make the strong men of various forces excited and excited? Now the human race controls the Duandonghe inheritance. If these forces want to compete with the human race in the future, they must enter the world of Jin to gain opportunities, especially with the human race. Various forces in the hostile coalition camp have sent a large number of universe masters to the World of Jin to obtain treasures and inheritance. In the eyes of these forces, the World of Jin is a treasure trove waiting for them to develop, which will affect the future of the ethnic group.

While all the forces in the original universe were sending a large number of strong men to the world of Jin, only the three ancestral gods in the Ancestral Mystery Realm remained extremely calm, because as the executors of the original will of the original universe, they knew more than those forces. After all, this time it can be said that it is just the layout of the original will of the original universe, and it is also to enhance the power of these forces, because the entire universe sea will face a huge crisis in the future, such as the world beast.

As the original will of the original universe handed down more information, the three ancestor gods also felt the pressure. Only then did they understand how the original will of the original universe was kind enough to advance the strong men of various forces. It turned out that it was to allow them to take action against them. Realm beasts, but realm beasts are so powerful. For example, realm beasts appeared in a long time ago, and the world of Jin was born at that time, but it was the cosmic sea and suffered heavy losses. Unexpectedly, it encountered such a crisis again this time.

Just as various forces in the Cosmic Sea sent strong men to the World of Jin, the human race also started to do so. Mainly the alien members of the Hongmeng League, there will be hundreds of Masters of the Universe going this time, and as the pioneer explorers, Luo Yuan naturally wanted to send them there, so one of Luo Yuan's strongest clones drove the Star Tower to the void of the original universe. After collecting the hundreds of Universe Lords into the Star Tower, they began to move towards the world of Jin in the Universe Sea. They were all excited to move forward.

With the protection of Luo Yuan Star Tower, these universe masters from Hongmeng were naturally safe along the way, and they still had time to talk to each other about what they would harvest next. Although they knew the cruelty of the world of Jin, they had never experienced it personally. , on the contrary, he was more excited and excited. Seeing this, Luo Yuan shook his head in his heart.

You must know that even with Luo Yuan's strength, before he obtained the power of the world, even Luo Yuan had to be careful in the world of Jin, and there was a risk of falling at any time, not to mention these ordinary masters of the universe, they arrived in the world of Jin There will only be warriors at the bottom of the world, and most of them are not even qualified to enter the God King's Legion. Besides, except for the universe masters of the human race, Luo Yuan will not protect the alien universe masters of Hongmeng. After all, Luo Yuan is not nanny.

Luo Yuan's clone is also using divine power to communicate with the Chaos City Lord's clone, arranging the next action. Once Luo Yuan completes it, the human race will take action against the various forces in the original universe. The territories of the various forces in the original universe have also begun to expand, giving the human race To develop and acquire more cultivation resources and territories, the alien universe masters of the Hongmeng did not dare to disturb Luo Yuan and others. After all, they only chose to join the Hongmeng out of profit and did not have much loyalty.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at the densely packed teams of various forces heading to the World of Jin, and couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Luo Yuan, this time the World of Jin and his team will be an excellent opportunity for the human race to make a complete comeback. The opportunity to dominate the primitive universe in the future depends on you. When the original ancestor was permanently suppressed by the original will of the primitive universe, it was the founder of Giant Ax who resisted. But after the fall of Giant Ax, we must also resist, and better .”

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this. If most of the universe masters who are hostile to the human race can be wiped out this time, it will be the day when the human race rises.

As Luo Yuan controlled the Star Tower to go to the World of Jin, he immediately attracted the attention of other forces. These forces were also a little wary, but Luo Yuan saw the arrival of a large number of strong men from these forces with smiles in his eyes. After all, these forces Most of them are forces hostile to the human race. The more they come, the more Luo Yuan will weaken those forces when he takes action.

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(End of this chapter)

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