Chapter 542 World Beast Attacks
  Luo Yuan was surprised to see that the Ancestral God Sect of the original universe had also arrived. After all, the Ancestral God Sect had the protection of the original universe. They generally did not need to venture to the cosmic sea. After all, their own strength was only among the fifth-level universes. It is only the strength of the Lord. It will be very dangerous if it reaches the world of Jin. Unless the original will of the original universe is blessed with some power, and this time the three ancestor gods of the Ancestral God Sect have arrived, otherwise these three ancestor gods will exude an energy comparable to the real one. God's pressure.

This made the strong men of all abilities present feel frightened and envious. After all, it would be very difficult for the Lord of the Universe to break through to the True God. Although the three Ancestral Gods had only obtained the temporary blessing power of the original will of the original universe, it was still less powerful than the original will of the universe. They, the Lords of the Universe, are much more powerful. The Lord of Chaos City on the side also said seriously: "The arrival of these three ancestor gods seems to be an instruction from the original will of the original universe. For example, they will not come, so what? .

We discovered the World of Jin when the God King's testament came out, and then the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect came and told us how to enter the World of Jin. Now that we are here, we are not just here to join in the fun. , the original will of the original universe is getting stronger and stronger, and it will be dangerous if subjective consciousness is born. " Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. It seems that there are many strong people who know these things. After all, no strong person thinks that the Ancestral God Sect is so kind.

Noticing that more and more forces were coming from the Ancestral God Sect, they also began to discuss, "Why are the Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect coming again? This world of Jin is not something they can come to, and these three Ancestral Gods have the original will of the universe. Their protection does not need to be so risky. As long as the original universe is immortal, nothing will happen to them. However, seeing them release true god-level pressure so unscrupulously, it seems that it is the original will of the original universe that allows them to bring instructions, which is interesting. "

At this time, strong men from various forces in the Cosmic Sea, whether they are the Lord of the Universe or true god-level strong men, will not ignore the information of the original will of the original universe. After all, the Cosmic Sea is very mysterious, and the original universe is undoubtedly the most powerful universe. As The original will of the original universe naturally knew more information. As time passed quickly, more and more powerful people from various forces in the cosmic sea came, and soon they gathered, waiting for the coming of the third era of the Jin World. Turn on.

The three Ancestral Gods also noticed that the strong men from each force were almost here, so the oldest Ancestral God teleported with the other two Ancestral Gods to stand in the void, and then used divine power to spread his voice to every strong man. In the ears, because the Ancestral God came to represent the will of the origin of the original universe, no strong person refused, and they all listened carefully. The Ancestral God said: "Everyone, gather here. The strong men from all your forces have also gathered, including the three. An era of reincarnation.”

The words of the ancestor god made more than a dozen true gods and thousands of universe masters at the scene look at them honestly. They also wanted to know what information the will of the original universe would bring. Soon the ancestor god said: "Everyone must be aware of it now. Although you are doubtful about our arrival, you should also guess that we are here to represent the will of the original universe. We want to inform you of a very important matter, related to the survival of all the forces in the universe sea and the origin of the world of Jin.

In fact, the huge human-shaped object you see is the will of a super strong man. From the news returned by the strong man you sent to explore the world of Jin, you should have guessed that the realm of the Lord of the Will is Jin. God King, this was a super strong man countless times more powerful than the true God, and he still fell, but the world of Jin in his divine body is an extremely precious treasure for everyone, and this treasure is actually the original It was specially brought here by the original will of the universe. "

As the voice of the oldest ancestor god fell, the strong men from all forces present felt incredible, even the strong men from the human race. However, only Luo Yuan could remain calm. Although he did not know the plot behind it, he could not believe it. It does not affect his speculation. This God King's will will not suddenly appear for no reason. It is impossible without the intervention of a powerful force. And in the cosmic sea, the only person with this power to do all this is the original will of the original universe. .

Just when all the powerful men looked at each other, the ancestor god continued: "I know you are surprised, but this is a fact, and the original will of the original universe will not be unreasonable. When you discovered the world of Jin, you did not We informed you of the way to enter. Otherwise, if you try to find out the method on your own, you won’t know how many powerful people you will lose. You think so, so we don’t have to lie to you.” The powerful people nodded after hearing this.

You must know that the God King’s inheritance is very huge, and even the world of Jin is only a very small part of it. If you rely on various forces to explore, let alone the method of entering the world of Jin, there is not even a place where the world of Jin is. I know, and there are crises everywhere in the God King's testament. Without anyone to give guidance, the final losses will be extremely huge. All forces are definitely not willing to suffer this loss. With the guidance of the Ancestral God Sect, everyone can save a lot of exploration. time.

The ancestor god sighed and said: "If the one who is most concerned about the safety of the universe sea is the original will of the original universe, and according to the rules of the universe, if a major crisis occurs, the original will of the universe is obliged to inform the universe sea If the creatures face it, they will have a chance to survive, and these crises will be fatal to all the forces in the cosmic sea. Everyone should put aside their conflicts with each other first and face them with all their strength."

The words of the ancestor god made the strong men of all the forces present change their expressions. Especially the huge crisis made them all feel a sense of doomsday. After all, how dangerous is a crisis that can affect all the forces in the three reincarnation eras at the same time? , has not appeared for many epochs, but the three Ancestral Gods represent the original will of the original universe. It is impossible to make irresponsible remarks, and it has no meaning at all. Therefore, all the strong men present looked at the Ancestral Gods anxiously.

The youngest of the three Ancestral Gods said: "Everyone should know that the universe, time and space, and everything in heaven and earth are mutually reinforcing and interdependent. All living beings were born in the original universe. Wherever there is rebirth, there will naturally be destruction. And The powerful existence that can destroy the entire universe is the legendary world beast."

The strong men present were extremely shocked when they heard this. After all, their existence would not last more than three eras of reincarnation. After all, most of those who have exceeded three eras of reincarnation have perished. Except for the two major holy places, there are records, so most of them Most powerful people only felt confused when they heard the information about the realm beast, but Luo Yuan sighed in his heart when he heard the words. It seemed that his previous speculation was true. The realm beast was really coming, and it was coming early. Could it be that he Caused the butterfly effect?

All the powerful people present were shocked, and the ancestor gods also knew that the news was incredible, so they did not continue to explain immediately, but waited for the powerful people from various forces to adapt to the news in their hearts. After all, the universe is also based on fixed rules. The rules work. If there is creation, there will naturally be so-called destruction. Otherwise, if the universe is constantly being created, then the cosmic sea will be full long ago. There will be no extra space for the strong ones to survive. You must know that immortality can lead to immortality.

For the entire cosmic sea, if the number of immortals is not controlled, the entire universe will collapse sooner or later, and then the world beasts that represent the rules will appear.

And among the thousands of strong men, there is still a powerful old man hidden. This is a mountain guest. He naturally knows the ins and outs of everything. But this time so many strong men gathered, even the Ancestral God Sect came. Naturally, he came to join in the fun and revisited his old place. The mountain guest only felt that things were different and people were different. After all, this Divine King Body and the World of Jin were originally his, but after being reincarnated into the original universe, all of this had almost nothing to do with him. , it is not an exaggeration to think of him as a clone of the God King of Jin, but a mountain guest will not enter the world of Jin. He is too familiar with everything there, and there is no need to go in and take risks, he just wants to join in the fun. When the mountain guest heard the realm beasts mentioned by the ancestor gods, his eyes showed a solemn expression. After all, the realm beasts are indeed very strong. It is indeed a huge crisis for the current cosmic sea and the original universe, but The mountain guest will not pay attention to it. Based on his knowledge, revenge is the only thing he cares about most.

After all the powerful men present calmed down, the three ancestor gods continued to explain: "Let's first talk about the origin of the realm beast. This realm beast was actually born naturally from the cosmic sea. It is a product of rules, and it is extremely powerful. , he is not necessarily born at the same time as the original universe, and is the opposite of the original universe. If the original universe is the founding god, then the world beast is the so-called god of destruction. Naturally, it is an extremely powerful and terrifying existence, and extremely dangerous.

Moreover, it usually takes a long time for a world beast to be born, but if it appears, it means that the original universe is in danger of being destroyed, and countless living beings will perish. According to the birth time of the original universe, originally this third reincarnation era should There is still a long time, but the sudden appearance of the world beast is beyond the expectations of all of us strong people, even the original will of the original universe, but the creatures in the universe sea have not grown up yet, and it will be a big crisis by then.

Think about it, everyone, why after countless reincarnations, only the two holy land universes can always exist, and other forces have disappeared without a trace. It was caused by the world beasts. The original universe was so huge, and countless peerless figures were born. Even if the strength reaches There are many true gods of the void, but they are all gone.

In fact, in ancient times, there were a lot of holy land universes. Even the world of Jin could give birth to so many True Gods of the Void, even the Eternal True God. However, the number of strong men in the Universe Sea was limited, and the strongest one would not surpass the True God of the Void. And there are only two ancestors of the Holy Land. This is precisely because of the existence of the world beast. When the world beast is born, it will not care about anything but destruction, destroying everything in the universe sea, and turning the universe into nothingness. .

Whether it is the largest primitive universe or the small universes of the true gods, even the powerful Holy Land universe will eventually be completely destroyed by the world beasts. "

The strong men from various forces present were shocked or despaired upon hearing this. After all, this world beast was not just here to destroy some strong men. It was going to directly destroy all the universes in the universe sea, even the eternal ones. The same is true for the Holy Land Universe, and the strength of the realm beast that can do this is terrifying. Even the Eternal True God cannot do this. How can we deal with that realm beast? Is the Universe Sea really going to face this time? Is it a disaster? I am not willing to accept it.

The Ancestral God said: "The power of the world beasts is beyond your imagination. Even the Eternal True God may be destroyed when he comes. However, the universe cannot resist. In the end, it can only be completely destroyed by the world beasts. In the end, all the creatures in the universe sea will be destroyed." After it is destroyed, under the operation of the rules of the universe, a new primitive universe will be born and civilization will be restarted."

At this time, when the ancestor gods were conveying the message of the original will of the original universe to the various forces in the universe sea, the ancestors of the two holy universes also got the news. They were all very panicked, especially the ancestor Ziyue who originally thought about how to deal with Luo. As for Yuan and the human race, the information about the world beasts makes them anxious. Other forces don't know the bottom line of the world beasts, but the ancestors of the two holy lands know it. They have been around for a long time, but the birth of the world beasts doesn't take a long time.

The birth of a general realm beast requires at least tens of thousands of reincarnations. After all, the birth of a realm beast is difficult, and only one realm beast can be born in such a long time. This is the incarnation of the rules of the universe, and it is extremely powerful. No universe can. Resistance, and the two holy places have not existed for a long time, and they have not experienced attacks from world beasts. However, they also know that there is this danger, so they have been thinking about reaching the level of the Eternal True God, and then surviving the attacks of world beasts. .

But with the arrival of the realm beasts, all the strong men in the universe sea felt a huge crisis. After all, with their current strength, they could not resist at all. Just when they were anxious, the ancestor god said again: "The realm beasts born this time Because time is short, all the strength is not as strong as everyone thinks. If we work together to deal with him, it is still possible to destroy him, and now is the only chance. If the power of this world beast is enhanced, all the universe will be reduced to nothingness. .

It's just that everyone's strength is still a little weak. In order to deal with this world beast, the original will of the original universe has brought the world of Jin to enhance your strength. There are countless treasures and inheritances in the world of Jin. This is an opportunity for everyone to improve their strength, and then they will be able to wipe out all the world beasts. However, there is not much time left for everyone. At most, there is only this era of reincarnation. If we miss it, we will all be reduced to nothingness, without exception. .

Are you curious about the origins of the three Jedi in the Cosmic Sea? In fact, they were all created by the strong men in the past to deal with the world beasts, but even so, they were still completely destroyed. For example, the space ship was turned into ruins. , at that time, countless strong people tried to escape the doomsday by relying on the space boat, but they still failed, and those strong people turned into nothingness. "As the Ancestral God explained, the strong men present also learned the ancient secrets. They only felt shocked and desperate, and they were all frightened.

The mountain guest who was hiding in the corner of the void couldn't help but sneered when he heard this. As the former God King of Jin, he knew the universe sea and world beasts in more detail than any strong person. He listened to the explanation of the ancestor god, and felt in his heart I can't help but think: "It seems that the original will of the original universe is making plans and has begun to use strategies. It seems that the birth of subjective consciousness is not far away. The three ancestor gods are probably deceived by the original will. The space ship's It exists not to deal with world beasts, but to frighten the powerful men of various forces in the universe sea. It actually started to make up random things. However, it is difficult for these forces to judge the nine truths and one falsehood. It is really interesting."

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(End of this chapter)

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