Chapter 543 Hope
  The youngest of the three Ancestral Gods said: "Although we have encountered the birth of world beasts in this era of reincarnation, we have not yet reached the point of waiting for death. The world beasts are still in their early stages, and their strength is not yet strong enough to ignore all the strong ones. Let me first tell you the details of this realm beast. There are two time periods from birth to maturity of realm beasts. One is the early stage of birth. At this stage, billions of realm beasts will be born in the universe sea, and then among these realm beasts They continue to devour each other and become stronger.

In the end, only one realm beast can survive. Of course, through devouring, the strength of this realm beast will be increased to the most powerful level, and it will reach the maturity stage. At that time, its combat power will threaten all the forces in the universe sea, and only the Eternal True God can It is possible to survive by luck, so everyone still has a chance to turn defeat into victory. "

As soon as the young ancestor's voice fell, all the strong men present felt incredible. It turned out that there were a billion realm beasts when they were born. In the end, only one of the strongest realm beasts survived by devouring each other. If this is the case, it means that even if the realm beasts are born, It will take a lot of time to grow before you come out, and everyone still has a chance to win.

The most senior Ancestral God felt that the mood of the powerful people present had become relaxed, and he suddenly felt unhappy. According to the instructions of the original will of the original universe, they needed to keep all the forces in the cosmic sea busy, so he said: " Although it will take a lot of time for this realm beast to reach maturity, this does not mean that everyone has enough time to grow. According to the news shared by the original will, the strongest realm beast is likely to appear at the end of the current reincarnation era.

At that time, the realm beast will be an invincible existence. Even if all the powerful men in our entire universe join forces, they will not be its opponent. They will all be reduced to nothingness. Especially the realm beasts in the mature stage also have an internal world, and they have more power than the most powerful ones. The peak starry sky beast also has a much more powerful gestation ability, which can give birth to countless powerful warriors in its world. Even the True God of the Void and the True God of Eternity may appear. When the time comes, there is no need for them to do it themselves, and their clones will be born. Invincible.

So if we want to solve this crisis, the only way is to kill all the realm beasts before they reach maturity. After all, although the number of newly born realm beasts is large, each realm beast is not very strong. , and do not have the ability to breed super warriors. If we destroy them all, then these world beasts will not be able to complete the devouring and evolution, and finally they will be disposed of. We are here to inform everyone that before they grow, Take action. "

All the strong men present felt that what the ancestor god said made sense. They could not deal with the mature realm beasts, but they could still deal with the birth realm beasts. However, even the birth realm beasts had enough power. One billion heads, but I don’t know its specific strength. But think about it and know that the world beasts in their birth period must be very difficult to be strong. Otherwise, the original will of the original universe would not attract the God King Yidui and the World of Jin. In order to strengthen The strength of these powerful men in the Universe Sea.

All the powerful men present were waiting for the Ancestral God to explain. Sure enough, they didn't wait long. The oldest Ancestral God continued: "I think everyone is concerned about the strength of the realm beasts in their birth period. I can tell you clearly that the universe's The master does not have the strength or qualifications to deal with the realm beasts. That is to deliver food to the realm beasts. Only true god level powerhouses can do this, and they are not ordinary true gods. It is best to have high true god level strength, and also have defense and soul. A true god-like treasure.

The defense and soul-type true god-level treasures I mentioned are must-haves. It is best to have extremely strong mechanical flow treasures. Otherwise, even high-level true gods are likely to fall. Otherwise, it will be a gift, so this The emergence of the world of Second Jin is to allow you to improve your strength and break through to the true god level, and you will also have the opportunity to obtain military merits to exchange for the true god level treasures I call defense and soul, as well as more precious mechanical treasures. It's just hard. "

As soon as the Ancestor God finished speaking, the strong men present all started making noises. This was too powerful. To be able to possess both defense and soul-like true god-level treasures, as well as more precious mechanical treasures, one must have the strength to reach the level of a high-level true god. Only then are they qualified to deal with those realm beasts in their birth stage. Doesn’t that mean that those realm beasts in their birth stage have strength comparable to the true god of void? How can we deal with this? You must know that there are one billion realm beasts, that is, one billion A powerful man comparable to the True God of the Void.

And now there are only a dozen or so people in the entire universe who have reached the true god level. As for the true gods who can possess both defense and soul-type true god-level treasures, as well as the more precious mechanical flow treasures, there are no true gods who want to achieve it in less than one person. It is almost impossible to give birth to a true god who can deal with a billion world beasts in the era of reincarnation. Moreover, the world of Jin is very dangerous. The cultivation resources and various treasure inheritances in it also have to be obtained by life. What's more, the world of Jin is very dangerous. Difficult.

So after the ancestor god finished speaking, all the strong men present felt panic and despair, because it was really impossible to do it, and everyone started to discuss it.

"My God, what kind of existence is this realm beast? It's too powerful. A realm beast in its birth stage must have at least the strength of an ultimate true god. You must know that we want to increase our strength to the true god level. I don’t know that it will take endless years to possess both defensive and soul-type true god-level treasures, as well as more precious mechanical treasures. Even the two holy places can’t put together a few sets of such equipment. Defensive-type equipment It’s easy to say that it’s a treasure, but it’s hard to find a soul.”

"Hey, most of us are just elementary universe masters now. Even if we are given three reincarnation eras, we may not be able to do it. It is impossible for us to go."

"What? Even if we can reach the true god level before the end of this reincarnation era, so what? It is impossible to obtain the defense and soul-type true god level treasures, as well as the more precious mechanical flow treasures. We don't dare to go directly. Facing those realm beasts, if we fall because of them, then why are we practicing so hard?" There are many masters of the universe who have this idea, and they don't want to risk their own lives to deal with that sound. A terrifying world beast.

All the forces present basically have this idea, even members of the Hongmeng such as the human race. But if these masters of the universe don't face it, then who will? If there is no strong person to deal with it, in the end only Being able to wait for the world beasts to grow up and then destroy everything in the cosmic sea, and then restart the original universe, also means the restart of civilization. After all, this process has been experienced so many times, Luo Yuan also felt the pressure, he could only choose face.

As the Ancestral God described the world beasts, most of the powerful people present began to shrink back. It was good for them to live for an era of reincarnation. As for the final universe being destroyed by the world beasts, so what? It takes a long time, and even if they increase their strength to the True God of the Void during this period, even the holy land and the universe will be destroyed by the beast. What's the point, unless a strong man appears who can solve all this? .

Many masters of the universe are taking chances. After all, there are true god-level strongmen above them. If the sky falls, it will be up to tall people to hold it up. However, not all strong people choose to deal with it passively. Suddenly, there is a person. The Lord of the Universe, who had a strong sense of responsibility, asked: "Lord Ancestral God, please tell us the specific location of that realm beast."

The young Ancestral God among the three Ancestral Gods did not hide anything, but said directly: "The birthplace of the world beast this time is in the Dark Land. Everyone should know that the Dark Land is in the core area of ​​Qingfeng Realm. , is a very dangerous place. Even true god-level experts will fall into it if they enter. The founder of the giant ax of the human race fell into it. So far, no one who has entered the dark land has been able to come out. Yes, everyone thinks about it.”

As soon as the young ancestor god finished speaking, the face of the Lord of Chaos City changed. Even Luo Yuan showed an angry look. This ancestor god directly set a negative example by the founder of the giant axe, but it was hard for him to say anything, but this It also let Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City know that the founder of the giant ax had fallen into the hands of a world beast. No wonder the founder of the giant ax had fallen so quickly with a strength comparable to the peak true god level. After all, the giant ax at that time did not have defense capabilities. and soul-type true god-level treasures. As for powerful mechanical treasures, that is even more impossible. At that time, the founder of the giant ax also knew how powerful the world beast was, so he did not tell the truth. The oldest ancestor god also explained in due course: "Everyone knows that this world beast is actually transformed by the rules of the universe, and its existence is to destroy the existing universe and civilization, and then give birth to a new universe and civilization, so as to ensure the stability of the universe. Normal operation, and the realm beasts were born in that dim place, because of the special geographical location and the entrance to reincarnation. If there is an extreme true god who wants to break through reincarnation and obtain transcendence, he must go to the dim place to know, and the realm beasts will stop.

So now even if there is a true god whose strength reaches the level where he can successfully enter reincarnation, before he comes back, his promotion to the holy land universe will be directly destroyed by the realm beast, and he will only fall by then. It can be said that the realm beast has not been eliminated. , no one can break through that reincarnation, nor can they achieve transcendence and become a true god-level powerhouse in the void, so now this world beast must be eradicated for all of you powerhouses. No one can escape or be spared, but everyone still Have the opportunity.

Now the only hope and opportunity for everyone is in the world of Jin. Only in the world of Jin can we improve our strength through its cultivation resources and various treasures, and even obtain extremely precious mechanical treasures. Maybe we survived and won the battle with the realm beasts. This time, the original will of the great original universe allows us to convey the message. If there is a strong man who can destroy those realm beasts, he will obtain the inheritance of various treasures given by him. .

Whether it is precious high-level inheritance from ancient civilizations or various treasures of heaven and earth, as long as the original universe has it, it can be given to you, as long as you can do it. "

Then the three ancestral gods said some generous words, inspiring all the strong men present to go to the world of Jin to obtain benefits and deal with the world beasts. After they finished speaking, they completed the instructions given to them by the original will of the original universe, and then They left here directly on the flying treasure without stopping. Although the ancestor gods left, it was like a huge boulder smashed into the ocean, setting off a huge wave that shocked the sky. The strong men from all the forces present were immediately in chaos.

After all, the news brought by these three ancestral gods is really scary. The realm beast has the strength comparable to the Ultimate God or even the True God of the Void in its birth period. Moreover, there are a billion such realm beasts. If they are not dealt with in time, , when those realm beasts continue to devour each other, and finally grow up and become an invincible realm beast, it will be the end of all the forces in the universe sea. This is too terrible, and the time left for everyone is less than one reincarnation era, how can we fight .

Moreover, the realm beast actually has a world inside its body and can give birth to super warriors on its own. There is no need for the realm beast to take action personally. Even the super warriors under it are enough to destroy them all. This is no longer as simple as a realm beast. Instead, we are fighting against an independent and powerful world, so we can win.

At this time in the world of Jin, Luo Yuan's strongest clone also received the news of the incoming world beast. He also frowned, and then directly activated the equipment ring on his wrist and came to the exchange hall. Suddenly, the exclusive smart light When the person appeared, Guangren immediately bowed respectfully when he saw Luo Yuan, and then said: "What does Master Hunyuan want to exchange for this time?" Luo Yuan thought for a while, and decided to exchange some news about the world beast first. After all, he had no interest in the original The original will of the universe and the ancestral gods are wary.

You must know that the original ancestor of the human race was permanently suppressed by the original will of the original universe. He would not completely believe the words of the three ancestor gods. He believed that the world beast must have been born, but was the specific information what they said? It was still difficult to tell, so Luo Yuan said: "Calling up detailed information about the world beast." The intelligent light man did not hesitate when he heard the words. A huge light screen immediately appeared in front of Luo Yuan, and then densely packed text and images were displayed.

With Luo Yuan's current highest authority, it is free to retrieve any information about the world of Jin, and his qualifications and permissions are sufficient. If it is another soldier who checks this information, even if he has sufficient military merit but does not have the corresponding level permissions, it will be Impossible, and then Luo Yuan started to look it up, but what surprised Luo Yuan was that the information about the world beasts collected by the World of Jin was not as detailed as he thought, but it was definitely much more detailed than what the three ancestor gods said.

The World Beast is a product of the rules of the universe. It was born to destroy all universes and restart the original universe. This is the truth that the original universe cannot escape destruction, and there is an independent realm of darkness in the body of the World Beast, which can With his ideas, various types of super warriors are born, and there is no limit to the number. This is much more powerful than the starry sky beast. You must know that the number of clones bred by the starry sky beast is only a few, and the strength is average.

The strength of the super warriors bred by the realm beasts is determined by their own strength. If the realm beasts are strong, they can even breed super warriors of the same level as themselves, and these super warriors will absolutely obey the realm. The order of the beast, and the mature realm beast itself represents the pinnacle warrior of a realm, so when all the warriors in the universe sea have to face not just one realm beast, but countless super warriors, until they are completely destroyed All.

It is impossible to convince this world beast, and it does not care about any treasures or inheritance, because its strength is born with it. Once it is born, it has the instinct to destroy everything in the universe sea, especially the mature world beast. The beast is invincible, and no force is its opponent. We can only take action before it grows up and destroy all these realm beasts that are still in the growth stage. Otherwise, the longer it takes, the harder it will be to deal with it, and the final price paid will be unbearable. imagination.

Then there are some legends and images about the realm beasts. There is not much other information. Luo Yuan is also helpless. After all, according to the above records, the God King of Jin has not really seen the mature realm beasts and does not know about the realm beasts. Of course, the information collected is very limited, but there are also some records about mature world beasts. It is said that in the ancient civilization era, a god-king-level powerhouse led countless eternal true gods and void true god-level legions to deal with a mature beast. Realm beast.

In the end, it was impossible to eliminate the mature realm beast. He could only let the mature realm beast leave safely under heavy losses. This shocked Luo Yuan. Originally, Luo Yuan only thought that the mature realm beast was The strength is equivalent to the top eternal true god. Now it seems that the power of the realm beast has been underestimated. So the three ancestor gods said that the realm beast is weak, or they actually don’t understand the realm beast very well. , after all, not even the God King can deal with it.

In fact, there are three stages in the growth of realm beasts, namely the gestation period, the juvenile stage and the mature stage, and even the infant stage of realm beasts cannot be dealt with by ordinary eternal true gods, and they can only be dealt with when the realm beasts are in the gestation phase shortly after their birth. It is possible to deal with it, and it must be eradicated at this time, otherwise there will be no chance. Now the hope of all the forces in the universe sea is only the world of Jin. Only when it grows up, breaks through the true god and obtains the powerful treasure There is only a glimmer of hope.

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(End of this chapter)

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