Chapter 545 Original Will
  When Luo Yuan heard the generous words of the three ancestral gods, he couldn't help but sneered: "When did the three ancestral gods become so flattering, irritating the generals, and using all kinds of meaningless principles to persuade me? Don't you think it's ridiculous? , everything in the Universe Sea is based on strength. You say that I am the strongest person in the Universe Sea now, and you want me to deal with that realm beast. Do you think I am a three-year-old child? And this so-called strongest person in the Universe Sea Who is to say that it will not be certain in the future?

I am just the Lord of the Universe. The strength that surpasses the True God now is only possible with the blessing of various treasures. Moreover, I will not admit that you are the strongest person in the Universe Sea, even if you say it. Who would believe that this time, various forces in the Universe Sea have sent a large number of strong men into the world of Jin. When they also obtain various true god-level treasures, and even mechanical treasures, their strength may be stronger than mine. Not necessarily.

As for that realm beast, it depends on my mood whether you want to take action or not. Can't your Ancestral God Sect force me to deal with that realm beast? At worst, everyone is done. "

The three Ancestral Gods all looked sulky when they heard this, but Luo Yuan ignored them completely. The oldest Ancestral God said: "Lord of Hunyuan, do you know that once the realm beast grows up, it will be annihilation for everyone?" Disaster, how can you escape as the strongest person in the universe sea, and the longer you delay, the more dangerous it will be. We also know that it is unrealistic for you to deal with the beast just through these words, so the original will of the original universe can agree to your proposal. Some requirements.

If you can play a huge role in dealing with the world beast, then the original ancestor of your human race and the original will of the original universe cannot be put back. "

As soon as the voice of the ancestor myth fell, the Chaos City Lord on the side was full of shock. After all, the original ancestor was the ultimate true god, the strongest human race, and also the teacher of the Chaos City Lord. However, he had been permanently suppressed by the original will of the original universe and had nothing to do. Now he heard that the ancestor god He was naturally very excited to be able to return the original ancestor, and Luo Yuan also felt a little happy. After all, the only strongest people in the human race were the Chaos City Lord and himself, but he only wanted to improve his strength and was not interested in other things.

If the original will of the original universe can put the original ancestor back, then for the current human race, he will be a top combat force. There will be no problem in the development of the human race in the future. Luo Yuan will also be able to get rid of these trivial matters. I broke through my strength wholeheartedly and prepared to go to the Origin Continent. It was an unexpected surprise.

When the three Ancestral Gods saw Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City moving, the young Ancestral God continued: 'You also know the reason why the original will of the original universe suppressed the original ancestors. The current strength of the original ancestors has reached the limit of a true god. And he has the ability to transcend reincarnation and be promoted to the True God of the Void at any time. The original will of the original universe originally planned to let the original ancestors perish when the universe dies, but now the emergence of world beasts poses a threat to all forces in the universe sea.

For the original will of the original universe, the credit for releasing the original ancestor is greater than any requirement, and only by destroying the world beasts can one be qualified. ’

Although Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City were very excited when they heard this, they were always wary of the original will of the original universe, so they did not make an immediate decision. The ancestor god also knew that he only asked Luo Yuan to deal with that person based on a verbal promise. Realm beasts are also unlikely, so he said: "We have finished the message that the original will of the original universe asked us to convey. If you have any intentions or questions, we will always be waiting for your arrival in the ancestral mysterious realm. At that time, we can directly Contact the original will of the original universe, and then tell you all the information, okay, that’s it, we’ll leave first.”

After the three Ancestral Gods finished speaking, they drove the palace treasure away directly. The Chaos City Lord and Luo Yuan looked at their retreating figures with complicated expressions. The Chaos City Lord said: "The appearance of the world beast this time is a unique opportunity for all the forces in the Universe Sea." It’s a huge crisis, but our human race can’t take risks just because of the words of these three ancestor gods. After all, Luo Yuan, you are now the hope of the future of the human race. Although their request to release the original ancestors is very attractive, compared to you It's still low.

This is also what the original ancestor means. Your importance to the human race is now higher than that of the original ancestor, and your contribution to dealing with the world beasts far exceeds that of releasing the original ancestor. The original will of the original universe has a good plan. If you Go deal with that realm beast, and if something unexpected happens in the end, if they don’t release the original ancestor, then our human race will be in danger, so you should put yourself first before making a decision. You can’t just deal with that because the original ancestor has lost his sense of proportion. Realm beasts are too risky.

Now you are just the Lord of the Universe. With the blessing of various treasures and secret techniques, you can have combat power that surpasses the True God of the Void. If your realm breaks through to the True God level, you will be comparable to the Eternal True God. We will deal with it then. That realm beast will have greater confidence. Don't rush to take risks now. Those three ancestor gods represent the original will of the original universe. They are so anxious to let you deal with that realm beast now. It's really just because they are afraid of that realm beast. Is the beast growing too fast?

The original will of the original universe was too anxious. It suppressed the original ancestor forever because it was afraid of the potential of the original ancestor. But your performance is much stronger than that of the original ancestor, so the original will of the original universe must have also been interested in you. You are on guard, most likely because you want to let the world beast make you fall. After all, your existence has broken the balance of power among the forces in the cosmic sea. It is definitely not easy for the world beast to make the founder of the giant ax fall so easily. .

That realm beast can destroy all the universes and forces in the cosmic sea, so its methods must have gone beyond what we think. After all, it is the incarnation of the rules of the universe, and it is impossible to just rely on instinct, especially since the realm beast is also It can breed endless super warriors, and only by directly disintegrating its soul can it be possible to truly eliminate it. If the original will of the original universe simply wants you to deal with the beast, that's okay, but if it has other Mind, that would be dangerous. I already suspect that the original will of the original universe may have given birth to its own independent consciousness. If so, it would be terrible.

Luo Yuan, you should also know that the original universe will not be destroyed in nature. Even if it is destroyed by the beast, the original source will not disappear in the end. As time goes by, it will condense into a new original universe. A new era of civilization has begun, so the original universe is actually eternal. However, the original will of the reborn original universe will change, just like the birth of new consciousness like reincarnation, and the original original will is actually dead.

Therefore, the original will of the current primitive universe is definitely not willing to let itself disappear. Even if a new primitive universe is born, it will not be real anymore. Therefore, I think the original will of this primitive universe must have its own purpose and may be dangerous. layout, we still have to guard against it being detrimental to the human race. "

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. If the original will of the original universe was just instinctive consciousness, then even destruction would be just a new reincarnation for him. But if the original will of the original universe gave birth to an independent subjective consciousness, it would definitely not be possible. Being willing to let yourself die is like after a person is reincarnated, even if the true spirit remains unchanged, the consciousness that originally dominated the true spirit has disappeared and a new consciousness is born. In fact, it can be regarded as the original consciousness has disappeared. .

Realm beasts and the original universe are completely opposite. If the original universe represents new life and hope, then the realm beasts represent death. The original universe will disintegrate after every reincarnation era, and then the origin will not be destroyed and reborn. Different beasts, the time when a world beast is born is uncertain. It may take thousands of reincarnations to be born. However, once a world beast is born, it means that everything in the universe sea will be destroyed, and it also means the restart of civilization.

However, no matter how the world beast destroys it, the origin of the original universe is eternal. Therefore, the fear of the world beast by the original will of the original universe seems very abnormal. Luo Yuan will naturally not blindly deal with the world beast. Luo Yuan After listening to the analysis and prompts of the Chaos City Lord, he nodded and said: "Teacher, I know that I will not let the original will of the original universe succeed. No matter what its purpose is, after all, the original ancestor was suppressed by the original will of the original universe. of."

The Lord of Chaos City also said: "Since the original ancestor was suppressed, I have no trust in the original will of the original universe. I don't believe it when it says such a reward that is very attractive to us. After all, the original will of the original universe It is not good for the original ancestor to be released by the original will. If you are gone, the human race will be worried." Luo Yuan did not deal with the realm beast. For Luo Yuan, the realm beast was nothing. After all, his ultimate goal was In the Origin Continent, as long as the highest plane is his real stage, and according to the three ancestor gods, the world beast still needs a long time to grow. There is almost an era of reincarnation. Luo Yuan just spent less than tens of millions of years. Having reached his current strength, he will definitely succeed in reaching the Eternal True God before this era of reincarnation ends.

At that time, for Luo Yuan, the realm beast was just a toy in his hand. It would be good to turn the realm beast into his own pet and then take it to the Origin Continent. It was equivalent to a good combat power, so Luo Yuan also temporarily Put down the matter of world beasts, and make plans to catch all the strong men from the forces that are hostile to the human race. Although it is only the masters of the universe from each force who come this time, they are also the elite and strong men of these forces. If These major forces were lost.

Then these forces will not be able to fight against the human race. By then, both the original universe and the cosmic sea will be the world of the human race. However, this will take time and patience. Wait for the universe masters of those forces to enter the world of Jin, and then close the net to deal with it. , half a month passed quickly, Luo Yuan was practicing and waiting, and in the Earth Temple of the original universe, Luo Yuan's true self was comprehending the third level secret method of the Star Tower, which was comparable to the secret method of killing Wu Yuyi More profound.

Luo Yuan found that by understanding the secret methods of Killing Wu Yuyi and the Star Tower, it was of great help to him in cultivating his divine power route. After all, the secret methods integrated into these top treasures were of very high levels, and the requirements for the purity of divine power and the level of life genes were also very high. High, there are some side analysis, which can be used as a reference.

Suddenly Luo Yuan sensed a black token trembling in the storage space. This was a communication token given to him by a mountain guest. As long as he was in the universe sea, he could directly communicate through this token. Luo Yuan couldn't help but become serious. After all, As the former God King of Jin, Zuo Shanke would not contact him if nothing happened, so Luo Yuan directly took out the summons token and said, "Does the teacher have anything to do with me?" Soon the token came out The mountain guest's steady voice seemed calm.

"Luo Yuan, did the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect ask you to deal with the Realm Beast, and made you many promises, such as releasing the original ancestors?" Zuo Shanke teased.

Luo Yuan was shocked when he heard this: "Teacher, how did you know? You are really clever, as if you were at the scene at that time. Is there any secret?" "

Hearing this, Zuo Shanke just smiled and said: "The original will of the original universe is not simple, but now he can only place his hope on you, but you don't have to deal with the beasts in the dark place. After all, where is it?" There are now one billion world beasts, which is equivalent to one billion Void True God-level experts. If you go now, there will be absolutely no return. The original will of the original universe has its own purpose. You must first accumulate strength. Well, don’t worry yet, isn’t there still an era of reincarnation before the realm beast matures? When you are strong enough and want to deal with the realm beast, come to me first and then decide whether to go or not.”

Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this and said: "Well, does the teacher know some secrets and will you tell me then?" There was a sudden silence on the other side for a while, and then the mountain guest continued: "You know this now, it doesn't make any sense, wait for you Come to me when your strength meets the requirements, and you will know then, okay, that’s it.”

After Zuo Shanke finished speaking, Luo Yuan waited for a while and realized that Zuo Shanke had cut off the connection between the two. It seemed that there was really some secret. Luo Yuan now regretted more and more that he had not told the original story After reading the last part, he is now missing a lot of important information. This is also the reason why Luo Yuan was so stable later. He lost the advantage of knowing the plot well. Luo Yuan must be careful and steady in whatever he does. After all, this world is very dangerous. .

At this time, Luo Yuan's clone in the world of Jin also opened his eyes, and then planned the next plan. Since he decided to take action, he must keep all the masters of the universe who are hostile to the human race in the world of Jin to let these forces know The power of the human race taught them an unforgettable lesson. Dare to be enemies of the human race and dare to deal with him, Luo Yuan, would have to pay a huge price. A year passed quickly. Luo Yuan directly activated the equipment ring on his wrist and went directly to the exchange. Main hall.

Soon the intelligent light man appeared and said respectfully to Luo Yuan: "Lord Luo Yuan, what are your orders?" Luo Yuan said directly: "Well, so far, all the people in the first three eras have entered the southeast, northwest and northwest of the God King's legion. Bring me the information of all the Lords of Law and True God-level warriors from the four branches."

For Luo Yuan, the world of Jin is very big, and only the God King Legion has detailed information on all the warriors. Although the Lords of the Universe who come to Jin World from the cosmic sea forces that are hostile to the human race will not all join the God King Legion. But those who can join the God King Legion are definitely the top masters of the universe from each force. They can be said to be the future strongmen of each force. Therefore, Luo Yuan only needs to catch all these top masters of the universe. By then, the human race will be the most powerful. powerful.

However, Luo Yuan focused on dealing with those strong men from the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Allied Forces camp. Following Luo Yuan's order, the intelligent light man immediately dropped the detailed information Luo Yuan wanted. These warriors all entered the God King's legion. The original aura was recorded, which could not be hidden, so Luo Yuan was not worried about those warriors disguising their identities. At this time, Luo Yuan compared the information of these warriors with the information of the powerful people from various forces in the universe sea, and quickly found out.

In addition to the previously found information about warriors who were hostile to the human race, Luo Yuan also found nearly seventy masters of the universe. Finally, Luo Yuan concluded that among the warriors who entered the world of Jin in the past three eras, they belonged to Ziyue. There are 205 universe masters in the Holy Land, and there are 238 warriors belonging to the coalition camp, which is more than those in the Ziyue Holy Land. This also means that most of the elite universe and independent forces of the two major forces are Came to the world of Jin.

For these forces in the Cosmic Sea, the World of Jin is a treasure, but Luo Yuan was a little surprised that these Lords of the Universe in the Cosmic Sea have a higher probability of passing the screening of the God King Army than the native creatures of the World of Jin. Some, but it’s not surprising when you think about it. After all, all the inherited secrets and resources in the world of Jin are basically concentrated in the God King’s legion. If they want to obtain these, they must enter the legion’s full mission and obtain military merit to redeem them.

However, the Universe Lords of each force in the Universe Sea are all peak powerhouses. They have easy access to those cultivation resources and secret techniques. Naturally, their overall strength is stronger than the native creatures in the world of Jin. However, this is limited to the fact that they have not joined the God King. The legions are just ordinary universe masters, but the warriors who join the God King's legion are much more powerful than the strong men of the universe sea.

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(End of this chapter)

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