Chapter 546 Leave no one behind

Luo Yuan carefully watched the information about these warriors and found out that the Masters of the Universe from various forces in the Universe Sea would basically carry various treasures, even the most powerful treasures, in order to enter the God King's legion. In the world of Jin, they can have the most powerful treasures. The new warriors of the treasure are all the masters of the universe from powerful tribes. Ordinary native creatures do not have this advantage. After all, in the world of Jin, only by joining the God King's legion can you obtain the various treasures and powerful inheritances you want.

Moreover, Luo Yuan knows that there are actually some supreme treasures in the universe sea that are not low in level, even reaching the level of the Void True God. However, they are all called supreme treasures in the universe sea, and only the world of Jin can distinguish them so clearly. A group of Lords of the Universe with various inheritances and powerful treasures came to the world of Jin. They naturally have more advantages than the local warriors here. Of course, this advantage is only limited to the level of the Lord of the Universe. Those above the True God level will have the opposite advantage. come over.

Luo Yuan was very happy to find this, because it meant that he could gain greater gains, and only warriors who joined the God King's Legion could collect detailed information so easily. If he did not join the God King's Legion, he would choose to join the Jin King's Legion. It is difficult to find those who are wandering around the world of Jin. After all, the world of Jin is too big, but Luo Yuan knows that this situation is rare. The strong men from the universe sea enter the world of Jin not just to provide their own strength and obtain the treasure. .

Anyone who has some thoughts and strength will choose to join the God King Legion, otherwise it will be meaningless. Luo Yuan also knows that the time has come to take action. This time, he will directly kill all the elite universe masters who are hostile to the human race. Even if he wanted to make these forces pay the price, it was also for the future of the human race, so Luo Yuan did not hesitate and carried out the plan he had prepared long ago. Luo Yuan activated the equipment ring on his wrist and let the intelligent brain-light man directly contact the God King Legion. The four eternal true god-level generals. If he wants to do this, he cannot bypass these four generals, otherwise it will be very troublesome and everything needs to be planned.

At this time, in the world of exchange for independence, in addition to Luo Yuan, four figures also came here soon. These are the four generals. In their view, Luo Yuan is the inheritor of His Majesty the God King, and he has also been given the The strongest power in the world, it can be said that Luo Yuan is the strongest in the entire world of Jin except His Majesty the God King. This is the authority granted to Luo Yuan by His Majesty the God King. From this we can see the importance His Majesty the God King attaches to Luo Yuan. The level is far beyond that of their subordinates.

So when Luo Yuan sent a contact signal to the four generals, the four generals did not hesitate and came directly. General Xue Yong, who dominated the Eastern Army, was the first to speak: "Hunyuan, you rarely come to us, what's the matter? Do you want our help?" Luo Yuan pondered for a while, and then said seriously: "I want to kill some soldiers who have just joined the legion, and I have some conflicts with them." The four generals frowned when they heard this, although the Lords of Law were there In their eyes, they are just ants.

However, it would not be a good thing for the legion to kill a large number of Law Lords for no reason, so General Xue Yong said: "It is not difficult to kill some Law Lords, but the number cannot be too many, and in the end it should not exceed 100 million. Otherwise, it will have a huge impact. You have this authority, so you can’t do anything random."

Luo Yuan shook his head when he heard this and said: "I know all this. I just want to destroy less than five hundred law lords. This is okay for everyone."

The expressions of the four generals relaxed after hearing this. For Jin World and the God King Army, the number of Law Lords can be said to be endless. Even their four generals don't know the specific number, but it must be in the hundreds of billions. Above, in any small conflict between various tribes in the world of Jin, the number of fallen law lords is at least tens of thousands. Therefore, Luo Yuan said that less than 500 law lords were destroyed. For the four It's not a problem at all for a general.

General Xue Yong smiled directly and said: "Hunyuan, with your current status and authority, if you want to destroy less than five hundred law lords, you can make your own decision. You don't need to explain it to us. We all believe that you can't." He will act recklessly." Luo Yuan also smiled after hearing this: "Four generals, you are the top managers of Jin World and the God King Army. I still have to inform you of any big moves I want to make, and I will find you. There are other reasons that require your help.

These less than 500 Lords of Law are in the four branches of the God King's Army: the east, west, north and south. If I want to deal with them, I need to be able to directly eliminate them with crushing strength at the same time, and It is to completely disintegrate their original souls, leaving them with no chance to react or resurrect. It is not easy to do this. After all, I can't control them at the same time, so I need your four generals to help me and use your One Thought Void. Ability.

The small universe of the Eternal True God is stronger and more solid than the True God of the Void's ability to think of the void. When I am ready to take action, I need four generals to use this ability to trap all the Lords of Laws in the camp, and then in the four With the absolute strength of these generals and my power to control the world, I will ruthlessly wipe them out without leaving any trace. Although I can use the power of the world, I cannot directly cover the entire world of Jin. This is the best way. save trouble. "

Although Luo Yuan's requirements are somewhat complicated, the four generals are still willing to cooperate. After all, it is not difficult for them, but they can't deal with five hundred Lords of Law. If they want to erase them, they only need a thought. Luo Yuan does not need to use the power of the world. Isn't this looking down on them? So the four generals said that this kind of thing is too simple. Although it takes some effort, for the world of Jin, these masters of laws are just a drop in the ocean. .

So General Xue Yong smiled and said: "This is not difficult. Send us a copy of the information and source auras of the five hundred law lords you want to deal with. When you take action, we will cooperate with you and absolutely guarantee that those Catch all the Lords of Laws in one fell swoop without leaving any traces." Luo Yuan nodded gratefully upon hearing this, and then said to the intelligent light man in the hall: "You can directly use the information about the Lords of Laws that I extracted and compared before. And the breath is shared with the four generals.”

The intelligent light man heard the words and respectfully replied: "Okay, Your Highness Hunyuan." Immediately, the equipment rings on the wrists of the four generals were improved, and the specific information of nearly five hundred law lords suddenly appeared in their minds. It is detailed, including their original aura, which can directly locate the four generals. However, because these warriors are scattered among the four legions, the number of warriors that their four generals have to deal with is different. This is nearly five hundred laws. Most of them are in the Eastern Army. After all, Luo Yuan is in the Eastern Army now, and most of the forces hostile to the human race have joined the Eastern Army. This shows that they want to deal with Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan said: "Generals, the number of these warriors is specifically 443. I would like to trouble you to use void blockade and then lock these warriors. After I confirm the breath of these warriors, I will send them directly. The news prompted the four generals to take action to erase them all, ensuring that no one was left behind."

The four generals all expressed understanding of Luo Yuan's words, and then Luo Yuan said directly: "It is not during the mission. The soldiers are basically in the camp, so now we can directly implement the plan I mentioned." So the four generals The general went offline and went directly to the sky above each camp. At this time, in the camp of the Eastern Army, General Xue Yong looked solemnly at the ant-like warriors below, and then directly displayed his own small universe. Suddenly, the entire Eastern Army The camp lights up. I saw a transparent cosmic boundary wall appear, covering the entire Eastern Army camp in the blink of an eye. All the soldiers in the camp suddenly did not realize this sudden change. After all, their strength was too weak, and only those at the Void True God level The various commanders discovered the changes in the entire camp, but they also knew that the only one who could cover the entire camp in their own small universe was their general. Although they were a little worried, they did not appear panicked.

They know that the general will not do this for no reason. He must be doing something, but there will be no danger to them. After all, they are the commanders, not the weak Lords of Law. In fact, the status of the Lord of Law in the Jin World is actually It is the lowest. After all, there are too many. If any strong person above the commander level is dissatisfied with the Lord of Laws, even if they are wiped out, no other strong person will interfere, and their generals will not interfere. .

Luo Yuan's current status is special, so he is not afraid of those commanders. It would be different if he were other warriors, and this time their general only used a small universe to cover the entire camp, which was not enough to deal with those Lord of Laws level warriors. No problem, but it is not that simple to directly eliminate the True God of the Void. In other words, this time their general will have to deal with those warriors at the level of the Lord of Laws, but what warrior can have such an honor to let the general do it himself.

Just when these commanders were confused, their general's voice rang in their minds: "Commanders, this matter has nothing to do with you. There is no need to panic. Just wait quietly. I will deal with some soldiers next. Soon It's over." The Void True God-level commanders immediately calmed down after hearing this. They knew something was going to happen, but it had nothing to do with them. They only needed to obey the general's orders. When the matter passed, they would naturally know what happened.

General Xue Yong's mind quickly locked onto the warriors from the hostile forces of the Cosmic Sea requested by Luo Yuan. He notified Luo Yuan immediately after all targets were locked. At the same time, the other three legions did the same. Soon the four legions in the southeast, northwest and northwest all locked on those warriors. The warrior aura that needs to be dealt with can be wiped out directly just by Luo Yuan's order. Luo Yuan is currently sitting on the throne of his own island temple, drinking Chaos Divine Wine and waiting patiently, looking extremely leisurely.

When Luo Yuan received the summons from the four generals, he compared the information and confirmed that all the nearly 500 Lords of Law had been locked. Luo Yuan's eyes flashed coldly, and then he directly sent the message: "Everyone Get in position, generals, let's take action together." Following Luo Yuan's message, the four generals received it at the same time and immediately executed it. Immediately, countless powerful divine powers attacked the locked warriors, directly hitting the origin of their souls. , show no mercy.

For these four generals, it was very easy to just erase the souls of less than five hundred ordinary soldiers. They did not ask Luo Yuan the specific reasons for dealing with them, because with Luo Yuan's status and potential, they He doesn't care, even if Luo Yuan wants to kill more warriors. They can get to their current position and become the general who dominates the side. They didn't come from countless battles. They killed thousands of warriors. Not surprising at all.

At this time, among the four legions in the southeast, northwest and northwest, those soldiers from the Purple Moon Chamber Holy Land and the Allied Forces camp who were hostile to the human race were suddenly enveloped by powerful power, and then fell down one by one without any resistance, and everything happened quietly. They sounded as if they had never existed at all, and even the expressions on their faces remained the same as before. Even the original or clones in the cosmic sea fell at the same time, because their original souls were directly erased by the four generals. , no matter what methods and clones they had, it was of no avail. Suddenly, all the forces in the entire universe sea except the human race were in chaos.

Moreover, these Lords of the Universe who were wiped out by the four generals were the top leaders and peak combat power of various forces and ethnic groups in the Universe Sea. With their fall, these forces and ethnic groups were confused for a moment. The leader who was talking to them just now Suddenly he lowered his head and lost his breath. They didn't know what happened. At this time, Luo Yuan's clone in the world of Jin was drinking wine while looking at the light curtain in front of him. It was the universe sea. A chaotic scene.

Without the pinnacle experts in charge, all ethnic groups in the entire cosmic sea and the original universe suddenly began to fight, and the human race happened to take action to occupy those territories. Such a situation would happen in various time periods, but when the human race was targeted by the coalition camp before, there was no The young human race was wiped out by those alien races, but now it's the other way around. As Luo Yuan sent a message to the Lord of Chaos City, the strong men of the human race were immediately ready to take action against the hostile alien races, and the universe became chaotic.

Luo Yuan watched countless planets and civilizations being destroyed indifferently, because if it were an alien race, then the human race would be in such a situation now. Luo Yuan could never forget the scene when the alien races joined forces to deal with the human race when the founder of the giant ax fell. Compared with these, Luo Yuan has already become hard-hearted.

As the four generals transmitted the information, Luo Yuan knew that they had completed the task perfectly. This time, nearly five hundred Law Lord-level warriors who were hostile to the human race had been wiped out. No one could survive, and it was The original soul has completely fallen, and it is impossible to resurrect it. Luo Yuan drank the Chaos God Wine with a stern expression and only coldness in his eyes. The future of the human race needs to be based on the demise of these alien races. After that, there will be the future of the human race. The human race will surely rise. .

In fact, the biggest losses this time were the ethnic groups and forces in the original universe's coalition camp, and the Cosmic Sea also suffered serious losses from forces such as the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Divine Eye Clan that had huge conflicts with the human race. However, for the overall strength of the Cosmic Sea, In fact, the impact is not big, but after this action, the human race will not be able to resist that force. Although these forces do not know what happened specifically, they also felt the abnormality through the power of these fallen warriors.

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(End of this chapter)

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