Chapter 547 The Rise of Human Race
  As the Lords of the Universe who entered the World of Jin from the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Allied Forces fell one after another, although these two forces were very angry, they calmly analyzed which force was behind it, and then through various channels, they soon It was soon discovered that the Lords of the Universe who belonged to the Hong Alliance of the Human Race in the world of Jin were unscathed. Doesn't this mean that the ones who took action were probably the Human Race. After all, they are all forces that have great conflicts with the Human Race. It is obvious.

Although the senior officials of the Purple Moon Holy Land and the coalition camp found it incredible, the previous layout of the Purple Moon Holy Land led a Void True God-level commander from the World of Jin to attack Luo Yuan, but in the end Luo Yuan turned out to be safe and sound. This in itself seems very strange. It’s not normal, there are a lot of universe masters dying now.

"Damn it, all the universe masters we entered into Jin's World this time have fallen. This must be the hand of the human race, and it has nothing to do with the human race's Hunyuan Lord. How many warriors are there in Jin's World? The only person who can find out so quickly and accurately who belongs to the Lord of our Universe also comes from the Universe Sea."

In the highest temple of the Ziyue Holy Land, all the powerful people were analyzing and finally came to the truth of the matter quickly. After all, Luo Yuan had no intention of hiding it. The Ziyue Ancestor, who was sitting on the throne of the temple, had a face as deep as water at this time. He listened to the voices of the strong men below and said impatiently: 'Okay, I understand, you go down. ’ Ziyue Ancestor’s tone contained boundless anger and murderous intent, while the powerful men who were still discussing knelt down one after another, their bodies trembling and feeling very uneasy.

After all, in endless years, they have never seen their ancestor look like this. After all, with the death of all the universe masters who entered the world of Jin, the Purple Moon Holy Land also suffered a big blow, because those fallen universes The masters are all elites and are the future of the Purple Moon Holy Land. The cost of cultivating these strong men is unimaginable. Now they are gone all of a sudden. It would be impossible for them to remain calm. There are now a large number of Masters of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land. reduce.

After all, there are now less than a hundred Lords of the Universe in the entire Ziyue Ancestor. Although there are some who have reached the ultimate strength, they still have to pay a high price to break through to the Lord of the Universe. Even if they The strength reaches the Lord of the Universe, but the number can only be guaranteed to be less than a hundred.

Although the ancestor of Ziyue asked everyone to step back, no one really left. After all, the Ziyue Holy Land has suffered so much loss now, and what to do next is very important, so the senior Lord of the Universe said respectfully: "Master Ancestor, This time we entered the world of Jin and the masters of the universe have fallen. Do we still need to continue to the world of Jin? After all, the cultivation resources and treasure inheritance in the world of Jin are too precious. If I don’t go, I will just Will fall behind.

The ancestor of Ziyue could only let out a long sigh when he heard this. Even if the human race caused huge losses to the Ziyue Holy Land, they could not do anything to the human race, and from Luo Yuan's writing this time, they knew that Luo Yuan must have his own power in the world of Jin. A huge adventure, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this level. If we continue to send the Lords of the Universe who have already announced the information, we will be falling into a trap. So the ancestor of Ziyue thought for a while and said: "The Luo Yuan of the human race must be in the world of Jin." He has his own powerful force, so you can’t go. Wait until the new Lord of the Universe is born in our Purple Moon Holy Land before going, but you must keep your identity secret.”

The Lord of the Universe below the eyebrows couldn't help but admire the wisdom of the ancestor of Ziyue, especially with the death of a large number of Lords of the Universe, leaving quotas for those extreme lords to break through to the Lord of the Universe, and this time everyone They have a share, and after breaking through, they can go to the world of Jin to gain opportunities. They only need to pretend a little bit, and then keep their specific information secret. Then it will be difficult for the human race to know their situation, and they can only treat them as Jin Zhi. Native creatures of the world.

The previous masters of the universe who went to the world of Jin were too confident. They did not expect that anyone would attack them at the same time, so they did not cover up. Not only did other forces know their information, they did not change their appearance, and they did not even change their appearance. The names have not been changed. This is one of the reasons why Luo Yuan was able to find them all from a large number of Lord of Law warriors so quickly. In fact, the original aura of the strong can also be changed through secret methods. This time they learned wisely. .

After dealing with these matters, Ziyue Ancestor directly asked the Lords of the Universe to leave. In the entire temple, only Ziyue Ancestor sat on the throne and sank like water. This time, Ziyue Holy Land not only suffered heavy losses, but also lost face. Only the two Holy Lands are the strongest and can be regarded as the top forces, but this time they fell into the hands of Luo Yuan. How could this not make the ancestor of Ziyue angry, and finally had to order his subordinates to hide their identities? He looked very embarrassed.

Ever since Zi Yue Ancestor transcended reincarnation and was promoted to the Holy Land Universe, no master of the universe has ever been able to turn Zi Yue Holy Land into such a situation. This made Zi Yue Ancestor increasingly fearful of Luo Yuan, and he also understood that Luo Yuan The growth rate is really too fast. If Luo Yuan continues to grow, it will definitely be the end of Ziyue Holy Land. But now Luo Yuan has grown up. Even if the ancestor of Ziyue is unwilling and angry, there is nothing he can do. Luo Yuan is really too strong.

Luo Yuan gave Zi Yue Ancestor too many surprises. Zi Yue Ancestor couldn't figure out how Luo Yuan had such strength in the world of Jin in less than three eras, but no matter what, it was impossible for him to give up just like that. Dealing with Luo Yuan, Ziyue Ancestor murmured: "Human Luo Yuan, you are indeed beyond my imagination. No matter how you do it, it is impossible for you to hide from the next world beast that attacks. Yes, I want to see what you and the human race will do."

But then the ancestor of Ziyue became anxious again. After all, the attack of the world beast this time is aimed at the entire cosmic sea. Even the two holy places will be affected. If one of them is not good, the Ziyue Holy Land may be directly destroyed. This also means The ancestor of Ziyue was about to fall, which was also a fatal threat to him. How could this not make the ancestor of Ziyue angry? The ancestor of Ziyue suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. He even regretted that he should not have taken action against the human race and Luo Yuan. .

It's just that it's too late to regret now. The conflict between the Purple Moon Holy Land and the human race cannot be resolved. Even when the Purple Moon Holy Land was at its peak strength, Luo Yuan was helpless. Now that a large number of universe masters have been lost, the Purple Moon Holy Land is even less likely to deal with it. Luo Yuan was threatened, so Ziyue Ancestor could only be incompetent and furious, and finally asked his subordinates to be more honest and not let Luo Yuan discover the flaws. At the same time, there were also various ethnic groups and forces in the coalition camp who had huge hatred for Luo Yuan and the human race.

Among them, the Machine Tribe, the Zerg Tribe, the Monster Tribe, the Hell Tribe and other tribes are the most popular because Luo Yuan directly killed all the Masters of the Universe of these tribes. The strength of these tribes was not strong to begin with. Now after losing a large amount of their peak combat power, The strength naturally declined immediately. In addition, the human race occupied a large amount of territory at this opportunity, which made the coalition forces unable to pose a threat to the human race. The original situation against the human race was self-defeating, but there was nothing they could do.

But not all forces choose to be patient. Among them, the Zerg suffered huge losses this time, because it is impossible for the Zerg to send Zerg warriors to enter the World of Jin. After all, the Zerg warriors are not clones. Without the control of the Zerg Queen, once they enter the World of Jin, will lose mobility, so the only way to go is the Zerg Queen. However, the Zerg Universe Lords are originally very few in number. If it were not for the support of a true god-level Zerg Queen, the Zerg would not be able to become the pinnacle force.

But this time the Zerg queens who went to the World of Jin to gain opportunities all fell into Luo Yuan's plan, and the relationship between the Zerg queens was very good, almost like sisters, so after the death of many Zerg queens At this time, the few queen queens who were still alive in the Zerg race directly launched an angry war against the human race. Countless Zerg warriors covered the territory of tens of millions of humans and wanted to avenge their shame, but they underestimated the current strength of the human race and the development of the human race over the years. Extremely fast.

Just when the Zerg Mother Queen led the Zerg army to the human territory, before the real war started, they were immediately blocked by a powerful force, as if the void was suddenly frozen, and then Luo Yuan's strongest The clone came out of the crack in the void, with powerful power and dull eyes. When the Zerg Queen saw Luo Yuan's figure, she was shocked and angry. Her eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent, but Luo Yuan ignored them. Luo Yuan was still feeling the ability to control the void obtained from the secret method of silver wings. This was only the void. The power can only be used by true gods, and Luo Yuan can now use it as just the Lord of Laws. Although the power cannot be compared with the real true god of void, it is more than enough to deal with the strong men of these Zerg races. Luo Yuan is not as powerful as these Zerg races. nonsense.

After all, with Luo Yuan's current strength, even the true god-level queen of the Zerg tribe would have to die here directly, so Luo Yuan just thought of it and imprisoned all the Zerg strongmen who came to the human territory this time in the void. , the power of the void vibrated, and the Zerg strongmen in it did not even have time to react and turned into flying ash and dissipated. Even the Zerg Mother Queen who was the Lord of the Universe was like this. This is the power of the top strong ones. The strength seems to strike at any time.

For Luo Yuan, the Zerg strongmen who came here completely underestimated the current strength of the human race. Even if they lost a large number of universe masters, they directly came to take revenge without understanding the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves. This was just sending death, Luo Yuan After Yuan did all this, he disappeared directly. The human race's territory was guarded by him. Now that the human race was in a period of rapid development, there was no need to take risks, so Luo Yuan sent one of the strongest clones to guard the edge of the human race's territory.

At this time, in the original universe, in the Galaxy Earth Temple, Luo Yuan opened his eyes, looking as calm as ever. There are not many things that can make him make huge waves now. This is the confidence brought by strength. And power, the earth at this time has completely changed into what it is. This is the base camp of the earth lineage, so Luo Yuan built this place into the most powerful place in the entire original universe. The technology and martial arts are also the top in the universe. Strong There are countless people.

Luo Yuan looked at the three peak venerables standing respectfully below and said, "How is the matter going?" The older of the three venerables came out and bowed respectfully, and then reported: "God Lord, We have personally taken action to clean up the Zerg legions near the human territory, and this time the Zerg launched a massive attack.

We wiped them all out before they could actually take action. The Zerg Queen who was sitting there fled directly after feeling the powerful power of the God Lord. "

Luo Yuan nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, and then said: "You have done a good job. If other forces invade in the future, it will still be the same. Go down and receive the reward."

I remember that in the past few months, various ethnic groups from the coalition camp have been coming to the human territory, wanting revenge, but they were all left outside the territory by Luo Yuan. These ethnic groups immediately suffered heavy losses, and some weak forces did not dare to see this. If you take action, you can only endure it, because Luo Yuan's strength is too strong. Even if the true god comes, he is beaten away by Luo Yuan. In the original universe, it is difficult to directly make the true god fall, but if it is in the universe The sea is different.

Suddenly, all the forces felt the power of the human race. They knew that the human race was about to rise, and they were stepping on all the hostile forces to achieve glory step by step. The status of the human race has increased, and it has directly become the top force in the original universe. In the future, the human race may directly dominate. The entire original universe, even the cosmic sea.

The coalition camp that was still able to maintain a balance with the human race completely lost the strength to deal with the human race. They had no choice but to evacuate. They just hoped that the human race would not come to trouble them. Suddenly, the demon race, the Zerg race and the Zerg race, which had the most intense conflict with the human race, The Machine Tribe directly started the race inheritance plan, fearing that the Human Race would take over from them that day. Seeing that the situation was over, the three tribes did not need the Human Race to send strong men to occupy the territory, so they evacuated on their own initiative, in great embarrassment.

From then on, in the original universe, the territory of the human race continued to expand, while the territories of the various ethnic groups in the coalition camp continued to shrink, but they were helpless. This was the change brought about by strength. If they did not evacuate, Luo Yuan would really take action. When snatching, it is not that simple, but it may directly wipe out the three tribes, so the various ethnic groups in the coalition camp began a great migration, leaving their original homes and heading to the desolate areas at the edge of the universe.

Soon all the peak ethnic groups in the original universe began their great migration. This was the time and opportunity Luo Yuan left for them. If they didn't know what was good, don't blame Luo Yuan for being rude. After all, Luo Yuan didn't let them. Instead of migrating, they directly chose to wipe them out. When the human race was weak a long time ago, these peak ethnic groups did the same to the enemy race. Now that the human race is strong, it is naturally the opposite. This is the law of the jungle in the universe.

As the peak strength took the initiative to admit defeat and compromise, those weaker coalition forces could only evacuate and migrate. Suddenly, most of the territory of the original universe became the new territory of the human race without bloodshed, and the human race also ushered in a huge victory. , in order to plan the future of the human race, the human race held a supreme meeting. In the highest temple of the virtual universe, all the powerful men above the Lord of the Universe in the human race appeared one after another, with beaming faces.

When Luo Yuan came here, he found that his throne had been moved next to the Lord of Chaos City, and the size of the throne was the same as that of the Lord of Chaos City. In the human race, only true god-level powerhouses have this qualification, but there is no lord of the universe. It feels strange that although Luo Yuan's current state is only the Lord of the Universe, his true combat power is that even the true gods will fall. Even the original will of the original universe directly sent three ancestor gods to win over him. He also said that Luo Yuan's current strength is actually He is the most powerful person in the universe sea. This is a title that even the ancestors of the two holy places have not obtained, and the two ancestors are both the True God of the Void and powerful.

Especially the senior leaders of the human race were even more shocked when they found out what Luo Yuan had done in the World of Jin. Luo Yuan directly killed nearly 500 Masters of the Universe who went to the World of Jin, and he did so in a completely crushing manner. This was not necessary It is said that he is a true god. Even the True God of the Void cannot do this. Now he has made the various ethnic groups in the original universe who belong to the coalition camp take the initiative to migrate and give up their territory to the human race. Such achievements have allowed Luo Yuan to achieve a very high level in the human race. status.

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(End of this chapter)

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