I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 548 The Overlord of the Universe

Chapter 548 The Overlord of the Universe
  Luo Yuan's current position was achieved by himself. No one present would question Luo Yuan's strength. Even if a true god-level powerhouse came, he would have to submit. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City looked at the many human race powerhouses sitting on the throne. Then he smiled and said: "Now with the rise of the human race, the various peak ethnic groups that are hostile to our human race in the original universe have begun to actively migrate, and their territory has been vacated. Naturally, other ethnic groups do not dare to compete with our human race for territory. This It’s an opportunity.”

The Lord of Ice Peak also showed a smile on his stern face and said: "The Lord of Hunyuan took action to eliminate all the invading Zerg army before, which fully demonstrated the strength of the human race. Coupled with the death of a large number of Universe Lords from those races, how can they still survive?" If they dare to be enemies with our human race, they still know the current situation and know how to take the initiative to move. If they don't give up their territory, then the strong men of our human race will take it in person. Then they will directly face the situation of destruction. How could they not escape."

The Lord of Xujin also laughed and said: "The Lord of Ice Peak is right. The current human race is not the human race we thought it was. There are a large number of powerful treasures brought back by the Lord of Hunyuan. Everyone's strength has improved by an unknown amount. Coupled with the implementation of the opportunity for the rise of the human race, the strength of our human race will only become stronger and stronger. The current coalition camp has lost a large number of elite universe masters and has naturally become a mess. Who of the lone true gods who helped them before will dare to do it now? Come on."

At this time, the senior leaders of the human race were discussing. Although Luo Yuan decided to wipe out all the hostile forces of the universe masters who had entered the world of Jin, everyone had already expected this situation. But when it all became a fact , they were still very shocked and surprised. The human race finally began to rise. With the active migration of the other five peak ethnic groups in the original universe, the original universe will be dominated by the human race in the future, and even the original will cannot be changed.

At this time, the Lord of Darkness also said calmly: "Although most of the hostile universe lords have been wiped out this time, their hatred for the human race will only deepen. Although the powerful men above the immortal level of the hostile forces are not interested in me, they will wait for me." It is said that there is no threat, but if they attack the human race, it will be very troublesome. In this case, why not eliminate them directly ourselves and pave the way for the future development of the human race. The best way is to eradicate the weeds."

As the Lord of Darkness expressed his suggestion, someone from the Lord of the Universe present objected: "Everyone knows what the Lord of Darkness means. None of us wants to directly eliminate them all. By then, it will be our human race's world, but The true gods of those peak tribes have not yet fallen. They chose to migrate and retreat after most of the masters of the universe fell this time. If we still attack their strong ones, killing them all will cause those true gods to join forces and fight for their lives."

Immediately, the top human race leaders present were divided into two factions. One side wanted to directly wipe out all the powerful people above the immortal level of the peak race group that was hostile to the human race. The other side said that they could not do this, causing the true gods of the peak race race to join forces to fight against the human race. The fight was dead and the net was broken. The discussion on the scene was very intense. After all, the human race now has this strength, but it also has to pay a high price. With the continuous analysis of the pros and cons, a targeted plan was finally come up, and the Lord of Chaos City took command.

The Lord of Chaos City said: "Everyone, now the other five peak ethnic groups in the original universe can no longer be enemies with our human race. They have even given up most of their territory and migrated to desolate places to survive. But they are not without the ability to fight to the death. Now The human race is in the stage of rapid rise and it will take time, so our human race can first occupy the large territory they gave up. At the same time, those forces that vassalize the other five peak ethnic groups also need to be dealt with.

I have decided that outside the territory of the five peak ethnic groups, the forces that vassal them will also give up the territory. If they are not willing, our human race will directly send strong men to occupy it. In this way, most of the territory of the original universe will become our human race. Then Our human race now has enough territory to develop, and our human race is even stronger. "

As the Lord of Chaos City issued the final decision, the human race immediately began to implement the plan, and a large number of strong human race men immediately took action to occupy the territories of the other five peak ethnic groups. Because these ethnic groups had voluntarily given up their territories, it was easy to occupy them. As for those who originally When the vassal forces of the five peak ethnic groups saw the arrival of the strong men of the human race, they had no choice but to give up their territory and began to migrate. Those ethnic groups that did not obey the orders were directly cleared by the strong men of the human race.

The combined territory of these ethnic groups directly expanded the territory of the human race by more than a hundred times. The foreign forces that chose to join the Hongmeng at that time only felt lucky. Fortunately, they were on the side of the human race. Otherwise, they would now be occupied and forced to migrate. There is their ethnic group in the team. This is the powerful power of the ethnic group. The larger the territory, the more cultivation resources will naturally be produced, and the number of human races will also become greater. By then, there will be more and more powerful human races. more.

After all, the population base has increased, and the number of geniuses born has also increased. Such large-scale changes in the original universe have naturally attracted the attention of various forces in the cosmic sea. Although they cannot enter the original universe, it does not mean that they are in the original universe. There are no affiliated forces in the world to pry for information. After all, when Luo Yuan took action against nearly 500 elite universe masters in the world of Jin, the various forces in the universe sea were also afraid, worried that something would happen to them.

Fortunately, Luo Yuan only took action against the Lords of the Universe belonging to the Purple Moon Holy Land in the Universe Sea. Originally, they were just suspicious. It can be seen that these changes in the original universe are certain. It is the active hand of the Hunyuan of the human race. Although They didn't know how Luo Yuan did it, but the fear in their hearts could not be alleviated. Since Luo Yuan could take action against a large number of Universe Lords in Ziyue Holy Land, he could naturally take action against them, but these powerful Universe Lords The number of Lords cannot be compared with the two holy places, and the number of Lords of the Universe they sent to the world of Jin this time is also quite large. They are still the elite of the ethnic group and nothing can happen to them.

"Oh my God, the human race in this primitive universe is about to rise. The other five peak ethnic groups can only take the initiative to migrate and give up a large amount of their territory, and the human race is not polite to occupy them all. Now most of the territory in the primitive universe has changed If you become a member of the human race, then the human race is actually the dominant force in the original universe."

"After countless reincarnation eras, there has never been a situation where one clan is dominant in the original universe. Even the God Eye Clan in the first reincarnation era did not achieve this step, but the current human race has achieved it. This is simply invincible. , there will still be that force that dares to be an enemy of the human race in the future. Even the Purple Moon Holy Land has lost most of its Lords of the Universe and its vitality has been severely damaged. The ancestor of Ziyue will probably go crazy with anger. Fortunately, we did not take action against the human race. Otherwise it would be dangerous.”

Now all the forces in the entire cosmic sea have decided not to be enemies with the human race, otherwise they will be targeted next. Even the Purple Moon Holy Land has been defeated, let alone them. All they have is fear and fear of the human race. This has started In the era of the rise of the human race, neither the primitive universe nor the cosmic sea can stop it.

After the human race occupied most of the territory of the original universe, it began an era of rapid rise. There was no such ethnic group or force to disturb it, and all the forces in the cosmic sea put their time and thoughts on the world of Jin. More and more powerful people Those who went to the world of Jin to obtain cultivation resources and treasure inheritance, and no powerful people dared to go to the dark land to find the trouble of those world beasts, suddenly the entire cosmic sea and the original universe entered a period of peace, and everything was peaceful.

In a star field in the human territory of the Milky Way, there is a special planet here, because this planet was created by Luo Yuan himself, and there are still some magical humanoid creatures living on this planet at this time. Creatures were also created by Luo Yuan through the Endless Nether Sea. Among them, six creatures that looked like human children were the strongest. With the arrival of Luo Yuan, these six children teleported to Luo Yuan and greeted him respectfully. Named Luo Yuan as Father God. This star field is Luo Yuan's exclusive area, and Luo Yuan creates new lives here. These lives have perfect genetic sequences as soon as they speak, and are more powerful than the creatures of the earth's lineage. However, in order to make their souls stronger, These creatures will be born on the earth, and then live for many years before moving to this star field, so they can also be regarded as earthlings. However, because they were created by Luo Yuan, these powerful creatures are born to remain absolutely loyal to Luo Yuan. .

This is the strongest race created by Luo Yuan. It is the most perfect in terms of soul power and genetic level. They have immortal strength from birth. It took Luo Yuan a lot of time and effort to create this race. Thoughts, but the most perfect are only the six in front of me. These six children are actually thousands of years old, but compared to the endless life span, they are still children, and these six children are similar in appearance to humans on earth. There is no difference, except that their hair is as red as flames, and golden light flashes from time to time, making them look very extraordinary. This is the power of the perfect race.

When Luo Yuan saw the six children happily milling around him, he also smiled and said, "You must be able to adapt to your life here. It's not as good as Earth, but it's suitable for you."

Golden light flashed on the red hair of the six children. They looked at Luo Yuan happily and said with a smile: 'Father God, this is a good place, we like it very much. ’

Luo Yuan looked at these six children with joy in his heart. They were actually created by Luo Yuan when he understood the genetic sequence of the divine power route, but he did not expect to create such a perfect life. Each of these six children has the ability to become a super strong person. Luo Yuan did not give up on them after creating them, but chose to cultivate them. They can grow into independent superpowers to serve Luo Yuan in the future, and can also become resistance to his own expedition to the Origin Continent.

These six children are extremely powerful and can naturally master the law of fire. It is also easy to be promoted to a venerable. Luo Yuan is very optimistic about them, but they cannot give birth to new members of the same race. This may be a limitation of the highest rules of the universe. The more powerful and perfect they are, the more powerful and perfect they are. The more genes you have, the harder it is to continue, but it doesn't matter to the eternal and powerful. The continuation of life is actually the continuation of genes, which can be regarded as an alternative kind of immortality of genes, but it has no connection with the original owner's life.

For a strong person who can live forever, the continuation of life is actually dispensable. At this time, Luo Yuan smiled and looked at these six lives and couldn't help thinking, wouldn't it be better if he could create a perfect life that could continue on its own? After all, they are born to be absolutely loyal to themselves, and they will also be their best warriors. When they join forces with the strong men of the earth's lineage to fight for the continent of origin, they will be much more relaxed, especially if they can create a divine body that can also speed up the process. evolution.

Now Luo Yuan's divine body evolution is stuck at 60,000 times. Luo Yuan has spent a lot of time over the years thinking of various ways to continue to improve, but there is no gain. After all, Luo Yuan's goal is to reach the most perfect level of divine body evolution, 100,000 times. The gene sequence is still 40,000 times worse, and the higher you go, the harder it is to improve. Even the highest level that the divine body can reach in the inheritance of the God King of Jin is only 60,000 times, so Luo Yuan must find a new research direction. Just fine.

Most of the advanced beings in the universe are unable to reproduce offspring. This is actually a limitation of the rules of the universe. It is also because their genetic levels are blocked and they cannot break the restrictions. This shows how powerful the Nine Tribulations Secret Book that Luo Yuan obtained was. , can achieve the evolution of the gene level of life, which is completely against the rules of the universe, so it is restricted by the rules of the universe, but even so, the Nine Tribulations Secret Code can only increase the level of life genes to tens of thousands of times.

Therefore, Luo Yuan believed that if he could create a higher life that could reproduce on its own, wouldn't it be a disguised violation of the limitations of the rules of the universe? And then combined with the genetic structure sequence of powerful life to compare, then Luo Yuan could find out how to continue to improve his genes The opportunities for levels will also increase a lot. Even if it is very difficult, Luo Yuan still has to try. To become a strong person, he must become the strongest one. Even the original mountain guest failed to achieve this step, but he must.

Luo Yuan knew that if he wanted to break through the genetic level of his divine body to 100,000 times, and then use this breakthrough to become the strongest true god, wouldn't this be easier than becoming the eternal true god? The time and effort required are immeasurable, but only to achieve this The perfect level has the qualifications to be compared with those peak beings in the Origin Continent, and it is also the ticket to become the Lord of Chaotic Source. Luo Yuan would rather be slower than regretting it when he cannot break through in the future. This is what he must fight for.

At this time, after Luo Yuan took action against the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Allied Forces, these two forces lost most of the Lords of the Universe, making their strength greatly reduced and unable to fight against the human race. Therefore, they all chose to compromise with the Human Race, and finally the Allied Forces camp collapsed. , the Purple Moon Holy Land kept silent, and at the same time kept very strict information about the newly promoted Lord of the Universe, and sent them to the world of Jin. However, they would actively avoid the strong people of the human race when they saw them, and the human race began an era of great rise.

In particular, as the cosmic sea forces that entered the world of Jin acquired more and more treasures, and even very precious mechanical treasures, all forces immediately worked harder to complete tasks in the world of Jin and obtain military merit exchanges. Treasures, but if they want to obtain the mechanical treasure, they need higher authority. In order to prevent them from becoming powerful and threatening the human race, Luo Yuan found four generals and raised the requirements for exchange authority.

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(End of this chapter)

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