Chapter 549 The Ten Billion Era
  As various forces in the Cosmic Sea sent a large number of strong men into the World of Jin, the news that they obtained various treasures also spread in the Cosmic Sea. This made those strong men who had not entered the World of Jin become excited and greedy, even if Even those true gods began to waver, so in the next few epochs, more and more powerful men from the universe sea entered the world of Jin, and those lone true gods were no exception. However, if they want to obtain the treasure of the mechanical stream, they can only join the special legion.

It is not that easy to join the special legion. Only a few talented and powerful people from various forces in the universe sea can join the special legion. They have turned into task masters to carry out various tasks issued by the God King Legion. For example, The local strong men in the world of Jin need to be more active, and the most active among them are those forces from the first era of reincarnation. After all, their time is approaching. If they cannot escape reincarnation before the end of the three eras of reincarnation, they will have no choice but to perish.

Luo Yuan is also paying attention to these strong men from the Cosmic Sea, and does not care how they obtain benefits. After all, these strong men have improved their strength and will have some knowledge against the beasts in the future, but let the gods from the first reincarnation era Several gods from the Eye Clan also came to the World of Jin, and these gods were quite good. Among them, the first god actually successfully joined the special legion. By completing tasks, he gained a lot of military merit and exchanged it for a mechanical treasure.

The Mechanical Flow Treasure is an extremely precious treasure in the Universe Sea. The First God intends to publicize the fact that he has obtained the Mechanical Flow Treasure everywhere, which makes the strong men of the Universe Sea fight even more intensely. However, the First God also drifts away. He I don’t know that for the current Luo Yuan, the mechanical flow treasure is not a precious treasure. Especially after the three ancestor gods of the Ancestral God Sect announced the information that Luo Yuan is the strongest person in the universe sea, the First God is even more unconvinced. .

After all, in the eyes of the First Allah, no matter how powerful Luo Yuan is, he is only the Lord of the Universe. In addition to some powerful true gods, there are also two ancestors of the Holy Land in the Universe Sea. Even the First Allah is not convinced by the identification of the original will of the original universe. So the First God directly challenged Luo Yuan, and also released the challenge information to all forces in the universe sea. He used this provocation method to make Luo Yuan take action. Luo Yuan was also helpless. If he didn't take action, it would be detrimental to the current status of the human race. influential.

So Luo Yuan directly sent one of his clones to fight with the First Allah in the Universe Sea. There were only two people in this battle, and other strong men were not allowed to watch the battle, so the other strong men only knew that the battle between the two would soon end. It’s over. As for the outcome, they don’t know, but they are still optimistic about the First Allah of the God Eye Clan. After all, the First Allah has existed for nearly three reincarnation eras. Whether it is the secret method he has mastered or the combat experience, he is one of the best in the universe. , especially after obtaining the mechanical flow treasure, the First Allah has absolutely no other strong opponent except the original ancestor, so he is so unscrupulous.

What surprised all the forces in the Universe Sea was that after the battle between the First Allah and Luo Yuan, the arrogant Shenyan clan actually succumbed to the human race, and even took the initiative to show their goodwill to the human race. Finally, they concluded a treaty of friendship and alliance with the human race. Several Allahs He also took the initiative to flatter Luo Yuan. Although Luo Yuan had conflicts with the God Eye Clan when he was wandering in the universe sea, it was not impossible to resolve. After thinking over and over again, Luo Yuan accepted the olive branch offered by the God Eye Clan. The First God became Luo Yuan. 's younger brother.

This performance of the God Eye Clan made the various forces in the Universe Sea understand that Luo Yuan was likely to be the winner in that battle, which made them even more afraid of Luo Yuan.

In the view of the various forces in the Universe Sea, Luo Yuan's rapid growth is probably inseparable from the treasures obtained in the World of Jin, so the various forces in the Universe Sea became more active in exploring and completing tasks in the World of Jin. Obtaining military merit can be exchanged for treasures and inheritance. After all, they have clones, so they have nothing to fear.

As a result, the various forces in the Cosmic Sea entered a period of rapid development, and because of the threat of bounded beasts, there were few conflicts between the various forces in the Cosmic Sea. The Cosmic Sea suddenly became peaceful and quiet. Soon, a hundred epochs passed, and the Universe All the forces in the sea showed a flourishing scene, and the number of Lords of the Universe doubled than before. However, some true gods fell in the world of Jin, and only a few powerful true gods obtained the treasure of mechanical flow. The pattern of the universe sea Some changes have taken place, but the human race has always been at the top because of Luo Yuan's existence, and various forces have begun to take the initiative to be friendly with the human race alliance.

Luo Yuan did not expect that his second teacher, Lord Ganwu, would also break through to the realm of the Lord of the Universe. You must know that Lord Ganwu is a veteran of the Universe. He owed an unknown amount of foreign debt in order to break through to the Lord of the Universe, but when After Luo Yuan broke through to the Lord of the Universe and became a high-ranking member of the human race, the debtors of the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom all took the initiative to forgive the debts of the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom, and their contacts became closer. With the intentional support of other senior leaders of the human race, Luo Yuan finally broke through.

Another thousand epochs passed, and the number of Lords of the Universe born to the human race was increasing. However, the most exciting thing for the human race was that Lord Peng Gong actually became the second true god of the human race after the Lord of Chaos Kingdom. The strength of the human race Become more powerful, but no one thought that except for the Lord of Chaos City, the first person to break through to the True God Realm would be Lord Peng Gong, who had always been carefree. At the gathering of high-level people in the human race, many people in the universe who had a good relationship with Lord Peng Gong The Lord spoke to ridicule him.

Under the leadership of the top leaders, led by the Lord of Chaos City and Luo Yuan, the human race is thriving. However, the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect have begun to spread the word that Luo Yuan is the strongest person in the universe sea under the instruction of the original will of the original universe. Almost all the powerful people know this news, especially the news that the true god-level Allah of the Shenyan Clan was defeated by Luo Yuan was also confirmed. Even his first Allah has now become a worshiper of Luo Yuan, and no one Not convinced.

Therefore, the person who could become the second true god of the human race after the Lord of Chaos City must be Luo Yuan, but they never expected that it would be Lord Peng Gong. Even the Lord of Darkness laughed and said that Lord Peng Gong is the one who hides his strength the most. After all, the cultivation resources obtained by the Masters of the Universe are almost the same, which shows that what they said is true.

Time flies, and soon four thousand eras have passed. Luo Yuan's true form has been studying how to continue to improve his divine body genes in his own exclusive star field. It is not that he cannot break through and become a true god, but that Luo Yuan wants to build the strongest for himself. Foundation, to break through the True God, you must become the strongest True God, so that you can rise in the Origin Continent in the future. After all, 60,000 times the genetic level is not uncommon in the Origin Continent. This is learned from the inheritance left by the God King of Jin. It is very shocking. .

However, now that the genetic sequences of almost all life groups in the entire cosmic sea have been collected and analyzed by Luo Yuan, it is still impossible to continue to improve his life gene structure, so Luo Yuan found another way and experimented by himself to change the life gene structure to create A stronger life, if it succeeds, it means that his attempt is correct. This also allows Luo Yuan to create many new ethnic groups. These ethnic groups all live in this star field and call Luo Yuan Father God.

These new lives created by Luo Yuan are very powerful. Their life gene levels are at least ten thousand times higher. They are immortal gods when they are born. They are loyal to Luo Yuan and grow very fast. They can become Luo Yuan's future warriors in the Origin Continent. A great foundation, but these new lives cannot reproduce on their own, which is of little significance for Luo Yuan to improve the genetic level of his divine body. Moreover, life that cannot reproduce cannot form a group, and its growth level is limited. Therefore, Luo Yuan has been studying the modification of the genetic structure of life for thousands of epochs, and wants to create a powerful life form that can reproduce on its own. However, it is difficult. Luo Yuan does not know if it is due to the restrictions of the supreme rules. All those born with higher levels of genes The taller the creature is, the less likely it is to give birth to offspring, and any creature that reaches the perfect genetic level at birth is basically unable to reproduce on its own, which puts Luo Yuan into a bottleneck for a time, but it is not completely without help and improvement.

After nearly 5,000 epochs of hard work, Luo Yuan's divine body gene level has finally been raised to nearly 80,000 times, but there is still a long way to go before the goal of 100,000 times the gene level, and the higher you go, the harder it is to improve, so Luo Yuan He could only continue to research. During this period, he also created several new lives that could reproduce on their own. However, the strength of these new lives did not meet Luo Yuan's expectations, and their growth potential was not as good as that of humans on earth. However, it was still a good start. In the future Can be expected.

The universe does not count years, and soon tens of thousands of epochs passed. Hong, Lei Shen and Luo Feng, who had a good relationship with Luo Yuan, all broke through to the realm of the Lord of the Universe. Even Hu Yanbo, Luo Yuan's cheap teacher on earth, also broke through to the realm of the Lord of the Universe. In the realm of beings, Babata became a real life form and reached the level of immortality. However, Babata has been with Hu Yanbo since his resurrection. Luo Yuan also teased Luo Yuan when Luo Feng and others gathered in the virtual universe. He said a few words to Luo Feng.

Because Babata's physical form turned out to be a cute and quirky girl, which made Luo Feng feel uncomfortable when he saw her. After all, they had been getting along for a long time.

Ever since Luo Yuan took out the inheritance of ancient civilizations about cultivating strong men from the Duandonghe inheritance and then formulated a human race training plan, the human race's geniuses and strong men have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and the realms of the original strong men at each stage have also been greatly improved. However, Hu Yanbo and Ganwu Kingdom Lord do not dare to present themselves as teachers in front of Luo Yuan. When they see Luo Yuan, they respectfully address the Lord of Hunyuan. Although their help to Luo Yuan is limited, it is not bad.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of epochs have passed. The number of the human race's Lords of the Universe has reached nearly fifty, and the number of Universe Lords is nearly 100,000. As for the number of Immortal Kings, the number is even greater. In the 60,000th epoch, , Jiang Fang and the other girls around Luo Yuan also broke through to the realm of Universe Lords one after another, and several Lords of the Universe were also born in Luo Yuan’s Divine Kingdom Legion, and they were still humans on earth. In addition to their own powerful talents, Luo Yuan also spent a lot of money on them. It takes a lot of practice resources, but it’s worth it.

It's just a powerful legion in Luo Yuan's mind. The Lord of the Universe is just the most basic soldier, so there is a long way to go. After all, the kings of the Origin Continent are all god kings. Even the Eternal True God can only serve as the general of a legion. If we don't raise the standards, how can we compete and fight with those forces?

Time continued to pass, and soon millions of epochs passed. Another true god was born in the human race, the Lord of Darkness. He was the third human race to become the true god of the universe. With the three true gods in the human race, the power of the human race was impregnable. What only attracts the attention of the top leaders of the forces in the Universe Sea is why Luo Yuan has not broken through to the True God Realm. After all, with Luo Yuan's talent and strength, it is easy to break through to the True God Realm. Of course, Luo Yuan will not explain anything to them.

Tens of millions of epochs later, Luo Yuan finally created a new powerful life group that can reproduce on its own through unremitting efforts. It looks similar to humans on Earth, but their genetic level is much higher. Even if they don't practice, they will be planet-level at birth. , adulthood is the cosmic level. With the birth of this group, Luo Yuan has also achieved considerable results in the research on the genetic structure of life. This has also raised the genetic level of his divine body to 89,000 times. He just wants to continue to improve. It is becoming more and more difficult, and the strength of the human race has become more powerful. The number of Lords of the Universe is steadily increasing, but the number of true gods has never exceeded ten fingers.

The gears of time continue to rotate. In the tens of billions of eras, the number of true gods in mankind has finally reached thirty, and the number of Lords of the Universe has reached nearly three hundred. Even Jiang Fang and the girls who are closely related to Luo Yuan have also reached The Lord of the Universe, this surprised Luo Yuan. Although the girls got a lot of cultivation resources from him, to become the Lord of the Universe not only relies on resources, but also requires extremely powerful talents. The native creatures of Jin Zhi World It is because the natural genetic level is perfect, so it is so easy to give birth to the Lord of the Universe, but it is difficult for most races in the Universe Sea to reach the Lord of the Universe.

This also made Luo Yuan understand that the talents of Jiang Fang and the girls are actually good, but their resources are limited, so their strength improves slowly. Now that they have their own resources to help, they can improve quickly. Hong, Lei Shen and Luo Feng have all reached the ultimate master of the universe realm. , they also had to prepare for the breakthrough to the True God, but both Hong and Lei Shen chose to take the law route, while Luo Feng still chose the divine power route. Luo Yuan thought about it and helped him, and he had the life gene structure he studied. Figure, Luo Feng will improve much faster. This can be regarded as grabbing the compensation that originally belonged to Luo Feng's chance, but it is impossible for Luo Feng to reach 100,000 times the gene.

As the strength of the human race is steadily increasing, other forces in the cosmic sea are also constantly improving, and the number of strong people emerging has also increased a lot. However, these forces and ethnic groups cannot have as good conditions and resources as the human race, so the improvement It's not as big as the human race. After all, many of the treasures Luo Yuan obtained in the world of Jin were put into the human race's treasure house as heritage. Of course, they are all things that Luo Yuan can't use or look down upon, but for other strong people, It is a priceless treasure.

But the strong men of various forces in the Universe Sea also work very hard. They have been exploring the world of Jin for tens of billions of eras, and have obtained a lot of treasures. The number of strong men they have naturally cultivated has increased a lot, but the number of true gods among all the forces is not the highest. There will not be more than five, which is completely incomparable with the current human race. In addition, the number of ethnic groups of various members of the Hongmeng, headed by the human race, has increased a lot. Although each is not many, they can be added together to be considerable. .

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(End of this chapter)

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