I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 550 The Supreme Council of the Universe Sea

Chapter 550 The Supreme Council of the Universe Sea

The human race now occupies most of the original universe, so there is no doubt about the dominance of the human race. In these tens of billions of eras, more and more ethnic groups have chosen to join the Hongmeng. However, the human race only accepts vassals from ethnic groups that have masters of the universe or above. , so after so many epochs, the number of universe masters in the Hongmeng has already exceeded a thousand. Even the true god-level powerhouses have eight. Plus the dozens of true gods from the human race, this strength is unparalleled in the universe sea. Invincible.

It can be said that the emergence of the World of Jin has greatly improved the strength of the entire Cosmic Sea, which has caused more and more powerful people to devote themselves to the World of Jin to obtain resources. As the inheritor of the God King of Jin, Luo Yuan is in Jin. The supreme status in the world, even the four eternal true god-level generals still respect Luo Yuan. In addition, Luo Yuan was given the power of the world by the God King of Jin, and he can directly judge all creatures in this world. , but those forces in the Universe Sea didn't know that some forces thought they were powerful and attacked the strong human race in the world of Jin. Luo Yuan directly used the power of the world to wipe them all out.

From then on, the various forces in the Universe Sea also became more honest and did not dare to take action against the powerful human race. They also understood that the era of the human race had come.

After tens of billions of epochs of development, the strength of various forces in the Cosmic Sea has reached a peak, and then began to slow down. After all, the cultivation resources in the world of Jin are not infinite, and there are limits to the strength improvement of the strong men of each force. It is impossible to improve without limit, but during this long period of time, more and more geniuses have emerged from the human race. This is also because after the expansion of the human race's territory, the base of the human race has increased a lot, and there are more natural geniuses.

However, for the entire cosmic sea, the fastest growing strength of various forces was in the first few hundred epochs. After that, they continued to accumulate and reached their peak. However, the growth rate also slowed down. The gears of time continued to rotate, and soon it was over. Nearly two trillion epochs later, Hong, the eldest brother Luo Yuan met on Earth, unexpectedly broke through to the realm of true god. Because of Luo Yuan, many strong men from the cosmic sea were also paying attention to Hong and the other three, but they just kept them there. What's puzzling is that even Luo Yuan's sworn brother has broken through to the true god realm, but Luo Yuan is still the master of the universe. This is really unbelievable, but no one explained to them.

After trillions of epochs of understanding and research, Luo Yuan finally raised his life gene level to more than 90,000 times, but it was still a little short of the final 100,000 times. He also knew that he wanted to reach a limit that was unprecedented and unprecedented. The difficulty is unimaginable. Generally, when the master of the universe chooses the route to break through to the true god, he will give priority to the law route. After all, the divine power route is too difficult, let alone someone like Luo Yuan who wants to reach the limit of the divine power gene level.

The transformation of life levels is like a lock that firmly locks the path forward for almost all living beings. Even though Luo Yuan has used trillions of eras, he has not yet reached the final step, but his strength has improved significantly. Although his realm is still only The Lord of the Universe, but no strong man dared to underestimate him. During this long period of time, powerful true gods challenged him, but he was easily crushed by Luo Yuan every time. This unparalleled strength convinced all the strong men. Don't dare to fight.

In the eyes of all the powerful people in the Universe Sea, Luo Yuan's delay in breaking through to the True God must be because he is increasing his background. Luo Yuan can become the strongest person in the Universe Sea when he is in the realm of the Lord of the Universe. Then if Luo Yuan breaks through to the realm of the True God , then his strength is really unimaginable, and he will probably be able to compete with the Eternal God.

In these trillions of epochs, the world beasts located in the dim land of the cosmic sea are constantly devouring and becoming stronger. This is like a sharp sword that has been hanging over the heads of all strong people. This is also the effort of each force to become stronger. One of the reasons is that no strong person in the cosmic sea will forget the threat of this world beast. So in nearly two trillion epochs, the human race and other alien races selected two true gods to go to the dark land to explore the situation of the world beast. One was Hong, There is also the True God Eye Demon.

Although the strength of the two of them is average among the true gods, in order to ensure their safety, they are equipped with powerful mechanical treasures, and their spiritual will is considered top-notch among the true gods. This is also to prevent the world beasts from using soul attacks. However, when these two true gods came to the dark land in the most powerful and precious palace spaceship, they were only at the edge. Before they could get close, they were driven away by the powerful attack of the world beast.

This also made the strong men of various forces in the Universe Sea know the power of the realm beasts, and they became more cautious, and they also worked harder to practice and improve their strength. No one wanted to be directly swallowed by the realm beasts in the end. The Universe Sea can be called It is boundless and filled with chaotic airflows everywhere. These chaotic airflows are also the energy source of various small universes and primitive universes. However, only the Lord of the Universe dares to fly directly in this chaotic airflow, otherwise it will be directly annihilated into nothingness.

In the Cosmic Sea, in addition to the original universe and the small universes of the true gods, there are now four Jedi. However, although it is dangerous for the peak powerhouses of the Cosmic Sea, the opportunities therein are also extraordinary. However, in addition to these four Jedi, there are also There are some other dangerous areas, but they are safer than the Jedi everywhere, and the true god-level powerhouses are at the top of the pyramid in the cosmic sea, so they have the strength to occupy these dangerous places and turn them into their own palaces.

For example, in the vast sea of ​​space, there is a dangerous place called Juehe Sea. Originally, everyone called it the Sea of ​​Golden Sands because there is a special zone formed by countless landmasses like golden sands, and it is not known whether these landmasses are. No matter what material it is made of, the true gods must be careful when flying in it to avoid collision with these lands. However, there is a strong man named Juehe True God in the cosmic sea who occupies this place. He has gained great benefits in the world of Jin.

Therefore, the strength of True God Juehe improved very quickly, and is now comparable to the Ultimate True God. After occupying the Golden Sand Sea, he built a palace on the largest landmass, and then changed the Golden Sand Sea to Juehe Sea, which was a declaration that this place was In his territory, there is no other strong opposition to this. After all, Juehehai does not have many cultivation resources, but the environment is somewhat special. There is no need for them to offend a powerful true god for this desolate land. The gain outweighs the loss.

At this time, there was a first-born red horn in the Juehe Sea. The very mighty Lord of the Universe looked seriously at the many universe sages guarding the scene and said coldly: "This time, the seven overlords of the Universe Sea are in our Juehe Sea. Holding the highest meeting of the universe is a grand occasion of great honor for us, Jue He Hai, so you all should guard and serve carefully. If there are no mistakes, then I will have to take action myself. Do you understand?" All the universe venerables below They all nodded.

After the Lord of the Universe at Chek Kok announced the minutes of the meeting, these Universe Lords all went about their own business. Although they could only serve as ordinary service personnel this time, the excitement and excitement in their hearts was beyond words. After all, This is an opportunity to see the top overlord-level powerhouses of the Universe Sea with your own eyes. Ordinary Universe Lords would never have the chance to come. This choice of convening the Supreme Council of the Universe Sea in the Juehe Sea was also motivated by the True God Juehe. Strength.

True God Juehe is a lone traveler in the cosmic sea. However, he has gained a lot in the world of Jin. Therefore, after his strength increases, his status in the cosmic sea also rises. Naturally, many ethnic groups choose to vassal True God Juehe. , seeking asylum. This time the seven overlords of the Cosmic Sea chose to hold the highest meeting here, so he must take it seriously. However, with his extreme true god strength, he can also be regarded as the eighth overlord of the Cosmic Sea. This time, the Supreme Meeting of the Universe Sea was held on the territory of True God Juehe. In addition to their eight overlords, the staff who arranged the venue were naturally indispensable. Therefore, True God Juehe had to carefully select some powerful people from his vassal group. The strongest lord of the universe came to serve as an attendant, which was considered an act to support the scene.

"This is the highest meeting of the Universe Sea. Next, the seven most powerful overlords of the Universe Sea will come. We, the venerables, can also see the elegance of these peak powerhouses with our own eyes, and in the future we can also meet with other companions and friends. It’s just bragging rights, but our true gods are also very strong and qualified to participate in the meeting.”

These cosmic sages were discussing excitedly. While they were waiting in anticipation, two figures finally flew from a distance. In just a blink of an eye, they arrived at the door of the temple of Juehehai. True God Juehe sensed it immediately. , he immediately teleported out of the temple, and then greeted with a smile: "Bei Chi Star Lord, Divine Eye God, welcome you to my Juehe Sea, you are welcome from afar, you two are the first The other five must be here soon, come on, please come in."

True God Juehe said, taking Star Lord Beichi and God Eye Lord into the temple while laughing and joking. Not long after, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and the Skeleton Lord also arrived one after another.

"Buzz~~" Suddenly three bright divine lights flew quickly into the distance, and in the blink of an eye they arrived at the door of Juehe Temple. The light dissipated, revealing three figures. They were the Chaos City Lord and Luo Luo who came from the original universe. Yuan, and the Jiuyou Lord they met on the road. Except for Luo Yuan, the other seven are all extremely powerful true gods. However, no true god dared to underestimate Luo Yuan, because Luo Yuan just stood there quietly, The aura emanating from his body made their hearts tremble.

This kind of power can only be felt by the powerful ones above the True God of the Void, but Luo Yuan is still the Lord of the universe. The overlords present understand why the original will of the original universe declared Luo Yuan to be the strongest person in the universe sea. The reason is because Luo Yuan is too strong. These overlords can't imagine how Luo Yuan did it, because in their extremely long years, they have never seen the Lord of the Universe possess such a heaven-defying power. Of strength.

The five overlords present saw Luo Yuan and the three coming together, and they immediately came out to greet them in person. After Jiuyou Lord broke through to the true god, with his innate ability of the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, his divine power reserve far exceeded that of other true gods. This allowed him to He became one of the super powerful people in the Universe Sea and ranked among the eight overlords. However, the overlords present all understood that the strongest person in the Universe Sea was Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan could only rely on the Master of the Universe realm to suppress all the powerful people. If you break through to the true god, how powerful he will be. Even if the two ancestors join forces, they will not be Luo Yuan's opponent. This also means that the pattern of the cosmic sea has completely changed.

With the opening of the World of Jin, various forces in the Cosmic Sea have gone there to gain benefits. In addition to the precious true god-level treasures, even if they are powerful inheritances, these inheritances all come from the ancient civilization era. After all, the ancient civilization era is very bright. There is a perfect cultivation and a inheritance of realm breakthroughs, and with these inheritances, the number of strong men from various forces in the Cosmic Sea has increased rapidly, but in the end, what determines the status of a force is its peak combat power.

That is, the number of true gods, but limited by the rules of the universe, only the creatures in the original universe are qualified to break through to the true gods. In the cosmic sea, whether it is the first and second eras of reincarnation, or the two holy places, regardless of the master of the universe No matter how hard they try, they cannot break through to the true gods, which also means that their strength stops at the Lord of the Universe. The number of true gods of these forces is considered constant, and it will be even less if they fall, so the strength of the original universe will exceed these forces.

In the cosmic sea, countless people have to reach at least the true god level to have the status of a group or to deal with the next world beasts. Without the true god, no matter how many universe masters there are, they will not be able to become the pinnacle group and force, so no matter whether it is the first In the first and second reincarnation eras, the number of true gods in the two major holy lands is not as many as in the original universe. The balance of natural strength is closer to the original universe, but now in the original universe, the human race has the largest number of true gods and is also the most powerful.

With the current distribution of strength in the original universe, the human race ranks first in strength and is the supreme hegemon. With the help of the original will, the Ancestral God Sect has become the second strongest force after the human race. As for the third force, it turns out to be the number of ethnic groups. The least starry sky beast alliance, this surprised Luo Yuan, but this ranking of strength was recognized by all the forces in the original universe, and the three tribes of Zerg, Machinery and Monster that were enemies of the human race were directly eliminated by Luo Yuan. Yuan and the human race were suppressed and became the forces at the bottom of the second echelon. This was caused by Luo Yuan causing these three races to lose a large number of universe masters.

After all, in the original universe, apart from those strong men who had already broken through to the true gods, the most important thing was the later masters of the universe. They were the future of the race, and only they were most likely to break through and become the new true gods. At that time, all races The Lords of the Universe who entered the World of Jin were all kings among the elite, and they were also the future hope for the rise of various ethnic groups. But when Luo Yuan used the power of the world to kill them all in the World of Jin, it also meant that the hope of the rise of those ethnic groups was wiped out. , I don’t know how much time and resources it will take for those ethnic groups to regain their strength, but the strength of the human race will only grow faster, and they will always be far ahead.

Therefore, after these trillions of epochs, the number of true gods of the three tribes that had huge conflicts with the human race did not exceed five fingers. Compared with the dozens of true gods of the human race now, these strengths are no threat at all. At that time, the Ancestral God Sect and Xingkong The Behemoth Alliance has no conflicts with the human race and is considered neutral. Therefore, their strength remains intact. Naturally, they took advantage of the opening of the World of Jin to take off rapidly. Therefore, they have a large number of true gods born, so that they can have in today's primitive universe. second and third position.

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(End of this chapter)

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