Chapter 551 Will becomes holy
  In order to obtain a high status in the universe sea, you still need the most powerful people, that is, the number of true gods. Although the number of universe masters is large enough to pose a threat to the true gods, in the original universe, no matter how many universe masters join forces, they can't even think of destroying them. A true god, because with the speed and ability of a true god, it is impossible to catch up with him.

Even in the Universe Sea, the True God's strength is barely suppressed, and he is even more capable of dealing with the Lord of the Universe. This is because there has never been a Lord of the Universe who can destroy the True God in countless years. Only Luo Yuan has done it, so Luo Yuan Only then will the deeds be widely spread in the universe sea and become famous.

And if you want to deal with more dangerous realm beasts, your strength has not reached the true god realm and you are not even qualified to get close. However, no matter how hard all the forces in the universe sea try, the number of true gods is still too small, and the newborn realm beasts are as powerful as the void. The strength of the true gods has reached one billion. It is impossible for all the forces in the universe sea to rely on numbers to fight against the realm beasts. The realm beasts will not leave them such a long time to grow. In the end, they can only rely on top strength. or.

All the forces in the cosmic sea are now serious about pooling their resources to cultivate a few super strong people to fight against the realm beasts. Through strength ranking, in this long period of trillions of epochs, the strength of eight super strong people has been obtained by everyone. Agreed, these are the eight overlords of the current cosmic sea. Among them, the human race occupies two, namely Luo Yuan and the Chaos City Lord. With the blessing of various cultivation resources and mechanical flow treasures, the Chaos City Lord also has the ultimate true god strength. .

These eight overlords are the First Lord of the God Eye Clan from the first era of reincarnation, the Skeleton Lord from the Skeleton Clan, the respected lone true god Bei Chi Star Lord, the True God Juehe of Juehe Hai, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, from The Nine Nether God of the Ancestral God Sect, the Chaos City Lord and Luo Yuan from the human race of the original universe, these eight overlords are the strongest in the universe sea, but everyone knows that if you want to rank these eight overlords, there is no need to be the number one overlord. The suspect is Luo Yuan.

Especially since these trillions of epochs, Luo Yuan has been practicing in seclusion. Other strong people don't know how strong Luo Yuan's real strength is. During this period, there were strong people who challenged Luo Yuan, but they were all directly defeated by Luo Yuan. He was defeated with a crushing posture. No strong man could make Luo Yuan attack with all his strength, not even the ultimate true god. This naturally made the top strong men in the universe sea fear Luo Yuan and restrain themselves. Forces should not take action against the human race.

At this time, at the highest point of the temple of True God Juehe, there was a huge round stone table, but this stone table was actually made of extremely precious chaos stones. Then surrounding the round table were eight giant thrones, all made of Made of extremely precious divine ingredients, the stone table is filled with all kinds of precious food, such as star fruits, etc. Each one is placed outside, and even the Lord of the Universe will be greedy when he sees it. This shows that True God Juehe is very interested in this time. The Supreme Council of the Universe Sea paid great attention to it and made arrangements in place.

Luo Feng and the other seven overlords sat down respectively. First of all, the host, True God Juehe, said: "The various forces in our universe sea previously asked the human race's True God Huanxin and True God Tongmo to go to the dim place where the world beasts are, and we will meet each other. I have also obtained some information. Lord of Chaos City and Lord of Hunyuan, as the top leaders of the human race, you should also have some understanding of the current situation in the Dark Land. Please share the information there with everyone so that we can discuss it together. "

The True God Huanxin is Hong, so the Lord of Chaos City said directly: "What the True God Juehe said is right. Whether it is the True God Huanxin of our human race or the True God Eye Demon, we chose to let them explore the dark land in the first place because they The spiritual will of the two is the best among the true gods, and they can effectively restrain the illusion attacks of the realm beasts. However, when they first arrived, they were directly besieged by several realm beasts before they could get close, even though the spacecraft they drove was of a high level.

But they also suffered a lot of damage, but the soul-like attacks of those realm beasts made the two of them feel mentally suppressed. Moreover, those realm beasts cooperated with each other to attack in an orderly manner, which showed that there was a stronger force behind them. The world beast was commanding, so the True God Huanxin and the True God Demon Eye had no choice but to flee immediately.

Therefore, through the investigation of the two true gods, we can learn two crucial pieces of information. The first is that we have underestimated the power of the soul attacks of those world beasts. It is very dangerous to rely on our own soul will to resist. We must know that the illusion The willpower of the True God of the Heart and the True God of the Eye Demon has reached a level comparable to that of the True God of the Void, but even so, they still feel the pressure, so if they want to deal with the world beasts, in addition to their own strong soul will, they also need soul-like true god-level treasures. That's fine, otherwise we will end up losing our lives, and the attack power of the realm beast is beyond our imagination, and ordinary true gods are no match.

Everyone knows that realm beasts are the opposite of the original universe. All the peak experts in the original universe use divine power, but the energy used by realm beasts is the power of darkness that is opposite to divine power. This special energy can effectively Eroding our divine power, of course, no matter how much energy those world beasts want to consume us, they themselves will also consume the corresponding power of darkness. Moreover, when the Lord of Hunyuan dealt with the Lord of Haolei before, he discovered that he also had this power of darkness. "

As soon as the Lord of Chaos City finished speaking, all the overlords present looked shocked. The true god of the universe sea could actually use the power of the world beasts. Could it be that there are already true gods who have chosen to take refuge in those world beasts? This is not a good thing for everyone. After hearing the news, Luo Yuan also frowned. When he killed the Haolei Star Lord, he discovered the special power in him and studied it with the Chaos City Lord for a while. However, he lacked the corresponding information, so in the end he had to leave it alone.

But this time, the True God of Huanxin and the True God of Demonic Eyes were extremely prepared. Even though they brought powerful mechanical treasures with them, they were still beaten by the beast and had no power to resist. This is not a good thing, and the dark power of the world beast can actually corrode the mechanical flow treasure, which is really terrifying.

The No. 1 Lord of the God Eye Clan also said with a serious expression: "Through the information shared by the True God of Chaos, everyone also understands that if you want to deal with those realm beasts, the ordinary True God level is really not enough, even if there is a strong spiritual will and mechanical flow to Baolian attack There is no chance, but this way everyone does not know the specific situation in the dark place. How strong are the realm beasts now, how many realm beasts are there, and how much time is left for everyone. .”

Star Lord Bei Chi also agreed upon hearing this: "That's right, now we basically know nothing about the situation in the dark place. We only know that those realm beasts have extremely strong soul attack capabilities, especially those realm beasts. The energy used is also opposite to the divine power of everyone in the Cosmic Sea, which makes it impossible for us to sneak in secretly. Those realm beasts can easily discover our whereabouts and then besiege us. Although those realm beasts will not only devour each other but also Become stronger, but when a foreign enemy comes, they will immediately put aside their conflicts and join forces to deal with us without hesitation, so this is not a good thing, the situation is very serious."

The overlords present all nodded in agreement. Originally, everyone thought that the world beasts should be hostile to each other and in a state of disunity. However, they did not expect that they were only like this internally. Once an external enemy arrived, they would not hesitate to put aside their conflicts. , and then unanimously announced it to the outside world. This is more united than all the forces in the Cosmic Sea. This makes all the forces in the Cosmic Sea's plan to divide and destroy those world beasts come to nothing. It is really difficult to deal with the world beasts.

Luo Yuan, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this time: "Huanxin True God is my sworn brother, and I know his strength best. Although he has just broken through to the True God level, his spiritual will is definitely above the Void True God level, and The true gods of the Universe Sea have actually been struggling in the world of Jin for trillions of epochs, and most of them have reached this level of spiritual will. However, not all true gods are like this, but the spiritual will of the true god level cannot deal with world beasts. "     Due to the restrictions of the supreme rules, the information above the True God in the universe sea is blocked by the rules. It is impossible to speak, and it is impossible to leave relevant detailed information.

The Nine-headed Demon Lord also spoke at this time: "If we want to deal with the world beasts, we must know more information about them, otherwise we will always be in a passive position. After all, the strength of those world beasts far exceeds all the forces in the universe sea. It's definitely not possible for us to break in by force. We don't know anything about their current specific numbers and attack methods. How can we fight? This world beast can only appear in the era of tens of thousands of reincarnations, but it doesn't happen. Let us meet."

The No. 1 God of the God Eye Clan also said with a frustrated face at this time: "Almost two trillion eras have passed now, and the era of reincarnation is almost over. If we cannot destroy all the world beasts before the end of this era of reincarnation, , then all that awaits us is destruction, and there is not much time left for us.”

The birth of the realm beast has made all the powerful people in the universe sea feel endless pressure. Now all the forces in the universe sea, no matter how many conflicts they have with each other, can only put it aside temporarily and deal with the realm beast together, otherwise everyone will end up We can only finish playing together. In fact, the number one god of the God Eye Clan does not have much worries in his heart at this time. After all, as a force in the first era of reincarnation, their end is approaching. Even if the world beasts are destroyed, if they cannot transcend reincarnation, Becoming the True God of the Void will only lead to death in the end, but with the emergence of the World of Jin, there is still some hope for those strong men in the first era of reincarnation.

Therefore, the No. 1 Lord of the God Eye Clan suggested: "It won't help if everyone is sitting here and anxious. Let's think about how to deal with those realm beasts. To deal with the realm beasts, the first step is to obtain their more detailed information." information, so I think we should organize another exploration plan for the Dark Land."

Hearing this, True God Juehe also said: "That's right, if it doesn't work once, just organize a second time. I don't believe that we can't find out more information about the world beasts. Only when we have enough understanding of those world beasts can we Laying out a plan for the next confrontation as a foolproof plan is the most important thing at this time.”

Over nearly two trillion long years, all the forces in the Cosmic Sea have obtained many inheritances and treasures from the ancient civilization era from the world of Jin. Everyone is absorbing and consuming them and turning these into their own power. It can be said that they will Their potential has been developed to the extreme, and their strength has reached a point where it cannot be improved. Three of the eight overlords are from the first reincarnation era. They can no longer see the way forward. Even if they are given more time, it will be difficult to improve. .

Compared with the strong men of the Universe Sea, the growth potential of the realm beasts is infinite. As long as they continue to be devoured, they can become the strongest realm beasts with enough strength to destroy the entire universe sea. Therefore, the realm beasts' strength increases much faster than If all the strong men of the Universe Sea continue to wait, the strength of the Universe Ocean and the realm beasts will only grow bigger and bigger, so now it is time for a decisive battle. Take action before the realm beasts have fully grown up. There is still a chance of winning.

The Lord of Chaos City also pondered for a while and then said: "Well, what everyone said makes sense. We should indeed mobilize all the forces in the entire cosmic sea to form a powerful True God team to explore the realm beasts in the dark land. Only by getting the relevant realm Only with detailed information about the beasts can we all discuss a practical plan of action, otherwise it would be too dangerous to directly fight the beasts, because this exploration mission is very dangerous, so everyone must be cautious."

All the overlords present nodded when they heard this. Everyone cannot give up their determination to deal with the world beasts just because the first exploration failed. The eight overlords currently in power can be said to be the most powerful ones in the entire universe sea. It is also the last hope. You cannot take risks blindly. Once you take action, it must be a thunderous blow.

Luo Yuan also smiled when he heard this and said: "In that case, let me lead this exploration mission. It just so happens that we can see what the real world beasts look like, and then select one from each of the three reincarnation eras." Just a powerful true god will follow me to the dark land, and finally I will select a deputy team, so that a team to explore the true god will be assembled. This time is related to the safety of the entire universe sea, so no force can stay out of it, everyone Face it together.”

Hearing this, the other overlords looked at Luo Yuan with admiration and said, "When the Lord of Hunyuan speaks, then this exploration mission will be settled. With the strength of the Lord of Hunyuan, the strongest person in the universe sea, to explore the dark land, it will definitely The only person in the entire universe sea who can bring back detailed information about the world beasts is the Lord of Hunyuan himself."

Luo Yuan listened to the praises of the overlords present and just nodded without any expression. After all, he would only go to the dark land to explore his strongest clone this time. His true self would not take risks, so even if he died It's okay, and since the genetic level of his divine body increased to more than 90,000 times, Luo Yuan has not really made a move. It's not that he doesn't want to make a move, but that there is no strong person in the entire universe who can really make a move. .

In terms of spiritual will, Luo Yuan's spiritual will has long reached the top eternal true god level, and has even touched the level of will-to-saint. This is a level that only the Lord of Chaos can achieve. In terms of divine power, more than 90,000 genes of the divine body allow Luo Yuan has endless reserves of divine power, plus a god-king level inheritance, and a top-notch mechanical treasure, so how can Luo Yuan be afraid of the world beast that has not yet fully grown up.

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(End of this chapter)

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