Chapter 552 Cunning World Beast

Luo Yuan looked at the overlords present and said: "Everyone, go and prepare. This time we will organize the true god team to go to the dark land to explore the world beasts. Our original universe will dispatch three people. As for your first and second reincarnation eras, we will only You only need to identify a true god, but the premise is that the spiritual will of the true god you recommend must be strong, and finally it must be above the level of the void true god, or equipped with a powerful soul-type supreme treasure, otherwise it will just deliver food. ’

The first God of the Divine Eye Clan in the first reincarnation era and the True God Juehe of the second reincarnation era both nodded seriously when they heard the words. The First Allah of the Divine Eye Clan smiled and said: "This time the Lord of Hunyuan is dispatched, I I believe other true gods will definitely be willing to go if they know about it, after all, the opportunity to see the Lord of Hunyuan in person is rare."

All the overlords present nodded in agreement with the statement of the God's Eye Clan's No. 1 Lord. After all, Luo Yuan's strength was recognized by all powerful people. They felt extremely powerful just sitting next to Luo Yuan. Aura, they knew that this was under the premise that Luo Yuan deliberately restrained his aura. This shows how strong Luo Yuan is. Even the ultimate true god cannot be Luo Yuan's opponent, and Luo Yuan is still only the king of the universe. Just the Lord.

If Luo Yuan breaks through to the True God level, then even if the True God of the Void sees Luo Yuan's strength, he will have to take a detour. After everyone discussed the plan to deal with the world beast, they immediately left. This also means that this time The Supreme Meeting of the Universe Sea ended. Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City, who belonged to the original universe, returned on the Palace Treasure. Jiuyou Allah from the Ancestral God Sect happened to be along with them. Luo Yuan also happened to have some things to explain to Jiuyou Allah, so that The Ancestral God Sect takes action.

So Luo Yuan thought for a while and said to Jiuyou Allah: "Jiuyou Allah, this time the world beasts are a huge threat to the entire cosmic sea, and the number of true gods in the original universe has far exceeded that of other forces in the cosmic sea. After all, they are also It is impossible to give birth to a new true god, so this time our original universe will send out three strong men. In addition to me, you should inform the Ancestral God Sect and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance that they must send a strong true god to join the investigation. Team, do you understand?"

Jiuyou Lord could only nod his head after hearing this. How could he dare to say no? Before Luo Yuan had grown up, he almost fell into the land of Jiuyou when he went to the Ancestral God Sect to seek opportunities. Jiuyou Lord was now afraid that Luo Yuan would hold a grudge. After all, Luo Yuan's current strength is enough to crush him, and among all the forces in the original universe, the human race ranks first in strength, and the second and third are the Ancestral God Sect and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance respectively. These two forces There are a lot of true gods, and they will definitely come out.

However, the God of Jiuyou intended to close the relationship with Luo Yuan, so he said with concern: "Lord of Hunyuan, the birth of the world beast this time is very dangerous. Even the original will of the original universe deliberately brought Jin into the world in order to deal with the world beast. The world was released, and the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect were asked to go around to persuade the strong to deal with those realm beasts. It can be seen that the original will is also very afraid of those realm beasts. You must be careful when you lead the True God team to explore those realm beasts this time, otherwise It’s not worth the loss.”

Even the Lord of Chaos City on the side heard this and said with concern: "Luo Yuan, Jiuyou is right, that world beast is not trivial. According to the records passed down by ancient civilizations, when a world beast is born, it will destroy the entire universe and turn the entire universe into a sea. If you do nothing, even the founder of the giant ax will fall into the hands of the beast, so you must be careful."

When Luo Yuan heard the reminder from the Lord of Chaos City and Jiuyou Lord, he nodded seriously and said: "I will, I will not underestimate the strength of the realm beasts. This time I sent a team to explore the realm beasts in the dark land. It’s just the strongest clone, even if the clone dies, I will not be harmed in any way, so don’t worry.”

After hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City realized that Luo Yuan had a plan for a long time. He knew that the strongest clones of Luo Yuan were actually controlled by his spiritual will, and could cut off contact at any time. Then Luo Yuan's clones would follow The set plan acts on its own, and it can be regarded as a puppet without a soul, so no matter how strong the soul attack of the world beast is, it can't do anything to Luo Yuan. In addition, Luo Yuan's divine body genes are powerful, and the divine power reserve far exceeds the ultimate true god, so No need to worry.

At this time, Luo Yuan was actually still thinking about something on his mind. This world beast was not easy to deal with, and Luo Yuan didn't know them well. This time he led the True God Team of the Cosmic Sea to explore the situation of the world beasts in the Dark Land. Luo Yuan had to guarantee Their safety cannot be blindly explored, so he decided to take time to find Zuo Shanke to learn about the details of the world beasts. After all, Zuo Shanke was the former God King of Jin, and the information he knew about the world beasts was definitely better than anyone else in the universe. They are much more specific.

Moreover, going to the dark land to explore the situation of the world beasts this time is a matter of narrow escape. Those true gods from other forces may not necessarily be willing to take this risk. After all, for all forces, every true god is at the peak of his combat power. If you don’t want to Loss, it takes countless long years to break through to become a true god. Those true god-level experts don't want to let their years of hard work go to waste. Naturally, it will take a lot of time for other forces to select candidates for the team.

At this time, in the dark place of the Qingfeng Realm far away in the cosmic sea, there is countless black mist filled with it. These are energies completely different from divine power and full of devouring power. The closer to the center of the dark place, this black mist The stronger it became, and there was a powerful aura flowing in it. Suddenly, a black stream of light flew rapidly through the void. It did not stop until it reached the entrance of the dark place, and its true body shape was also revealed. It turned out to be a head. Realm beast.

I saw that this world beast was completely black. If it was hidden in the darkness, it would be completely impossible to find it. Moreover, it was extremely large, with two heads, a single horn on the top, and a ferocious face. The dark face looked a bit like the black rhinoceros of the earth. Like, but it only has one huge vertical eye, and the same dark eyes have blood-red pupils, exuding boundless murderous intent to vigilantly explore the surrounding situation, but this world beast is very embarrassed at this time, with body Scars all over.

There was blood flowing out of those huge wounds, but the blood was also pitch black. The world beast suddenly let out a roar, and then absorbed the surrounding black mist into its body, and its wounds healed in an instant. It was obviously a lone realm beast that was injured in the battle.

This world beast's eyes were full of anger at this time. It let out an extremely unwilling roar and murmured to itself: "Damn Bedi, you only know how to use these boring methods. If you weren't lucky enough to pick up and devour other powerful beasts... Realm beasts cannot have the strength to deal with me. They want to devour me. It's beautiful to think that I am the winner who can live to the end. Let you be proud for a while first, and then I will become more powerful after devouring other realm beasts. Qiang, I will come to settle accounts with you again, just wait for me.

It's just a pity that two guys from the outside arrived at the door before, but the three-headed realm beasts guarding the door turned out to be so useless. They joined forces to siege them and let them escape. Otherwise, they could be used to devour them to increase their strength. Forget it, damn it. Bedi, I can't deal with you now, but I have enough patience. I just need to wait here and wait for the food to come to your door. If I take action personally this time, I don't believe that they will escape. The food will definitely Will come again.

But it would be a waste of time for me to wait for them to come. Next, I can try to pretend to be the strong men of the Cosmic Sea, and then go outside to look for delicious food. I will still be able to become stronger by then. Damn Bedi, you give me I'm waiting. When I become stronger than you, that's when I'll devour you, ha. "

The world beast couldn't help laughing when he thought of this, but soon he realized that there were no spectators around, so it was very embarrassing to laugh like this, so he calmed down and flew away into the distance, and soon he came to a place in the void. There is a very huge spaceship floating here. When this world beast appeared, two powerful figures immediately appeared. They immediately respectfully called me the king to the world beast. These turned out to be two true gods, or were they the giants before? The founder of the ax takes action from the strong man. These two true gods are Qiuyan Ancestral God and King Zhenjia. It is obvious that these two true gods are very afraid of this world beast. The world beast's one eye looked at Qiuyan Ancestral God and King Zhenjia for a while, and then its figure immediately changed. The transformation, in an instant, turned into a new creature with the characteristics of both Qiuyan Ancestral God and King Zhenjia. Even its own dark power was simulated as divine power. Then the world beast looked at Qiuyan Ancestral God and King Zhenjia and asked: "Do you think I have changed? Do I look like you?"

Ancestral God Qiuyan and King Zhenjia are both veteran true gods. They used various probing and secret methods to find out the true form of the realm beast in front of them, so they all respectfully praised: "My king, your ability to change is really impeccable. If we didn't know your true identity, it would be impossible to discover your disguise, it's really amazing."

Ancestral God Qiuyan and King Zhenjia could not help but feel their scalps numb when they saw that the realm beast was still looking at them. They had been wandering around in the endless sea near the dark place, and they usually hid whenever they saw the realm beast. If you can't avoid it, just call me king respectfully. After all, they have offended Luo Yuan. They know that Luo Yuan has gained a lot of benefits in the world of Jin and is still looking for them, so they can't go to the world of Jin. I can only hide here.

But the realm beast that suddenly appeared in front of them was different. It actually pretended to be a creature from their cosmic sea. What was it going to do? Just when they were wondering, the realm beast in front of them said: "Now you will know what you know." All the information about the Cosmic Sea tells me, especially the information about the powerful people in the Cosmic Sea,

Tell me everything in detail. If you don't obey me, don't blame me for being rude. "After hearing this, Ancestral God Qiuyan and King Zhenjia were shocked and delighted.

The Realm Beast in front of us is powerful, but now it actually plans to leave this dark place and go to the Cosmic Sea. This is a good time for us to let this Realm Beast deal with the Hunyuan Lord of the human race, so that they can go They have gone to the World of Jin to get treasures. They have been hiding here for so many years and have not picked up any benefits. They can only watch the strong men from various forces in the Universe Sea obtain various benefits in the World of Jin. Why not let them Feeling aggrieved.

So Ancestral God Qiuyan said directly: "My king, all the forces in the Universe Sea are rapidly becoming stronger, and the reason why they can become so strong is because a place called the World of Jin has appeared in the Universe Sea. , in this world, there are those extremely powerful warriors from ancient civilizations living in it. The true gods are just ordinary warriors in it. I heard that there are stronger existences in it, and there are many powerful inheritances and treasures everywhere.

Nowadays, almost all the elites of the forces in the Universe Sea are fighting in the world of Jin, but the most noteworthy among them is Luo Yuan, the Lord of Hunyuan. "

The world beast couldn't help but become interested when he heard the words. He asked: "Do you think that the Lord of Hunyuan, Luo Yuan, is very strong? It makes you, a true god, so afraid. Tell me."

King Zhenjia on the side said quickly: "This Lord of Hunyuan, Luo Yuan, is not a simple strong man. He is a Lord of the Universe from the human race in the original universe, but we cannot underestimate him because of this. Hao Yuan, who has been acting with us, The Thunder Star Lord was destroyed by him, and he also gained the greatest benefit in the world of Jin."

The Realm Beast couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this. He had never heard of the Lord of the Universe who could destroy the True God. This was too powerful. This Realm Beast knew that the Haolei Star Master and the two True Gods in front of him were both True Gods. The top existences in the world, and they all chose to join their realm beasts and became subordinates of the realm beast forces, and were also given the power of darkness. Otherwise, it would be impossible to survive in the dark place where the realm beasts gathered, but Luo Yuan's The information truly shocked the realm beast.

Ancestral God Qiu Yan continued to chat: "Yes, although the Lord of Hunyuan said that his realm is only the Lord of the Universe, he has received great benefits in the world of Jin. He can directly wipe out millions of elite Lords of the Universe, and For these endless years, there have been powerful Ultimate Gods in the Universe Sea who have challenged the Lord of Hunyuan, but in the end it was the Lord of Hunyuan who won, directly crushing all the top experts, even the original will of the original universe. Directly and publicly show that Luo Yuan, the Lord of Hunyuan, is the undisputed strongest person in the universe sea."

When the world beast heard this, he was not only shocked but also doubtful. He asked: "What you said is all true. Why do I feel that you are deceiving me? The Lord of the Universe can dominate the entire universe sea. What big joke are you telling me? "

Ancestral God Qiuyan smiled bitterly when he heard this and said: "My king, I know you won't believe it too much after hearing this, but this is a fact. You will know this when you go to other places in the universe sea. The two of us brothers are hiding here for nearly Two trillion epochs, we are just worried that Luo Yuan, the Lord of Hunyuan of the human race, will find us and then wipe us out. Now that Luo Yuan was so powerful when he was the Lord of the Universe, if he breaks through to the true god level, he will probably not be able to even Even the king can't do anything to him, so now is the time for my king to take action."

The world beast suddenly became serious when he heard this. As a world beast, it has extremely powerful soul power and can clearly distinguish whether what the two true gods in front of him said is true or false. He originally felt disdainful when he heard that Luo Yuan was just the Lord of the Universe. But now I keep Luo Yuan's name firmly in my heart, and I can aspire to conquer the entire universe sea with the realm of the Lord of the Universe. This kind of strength and talent, even the most powerful realm beast cannot do it. If it is the same realm, then Luo Yuan, the Hunyuan Lord of the human race, is enough to crush their group of world beasts.

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(End of this chapter)

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