Chapter 557 Ultimate Beam
  The Nine-Headed Demon Lord wanted to understand the key, so he said to the other true gods: "Everyone, what the Fire Worm Lord said makes sense. This is the cosmic sea, and there is no dark power that the realm beasts need. Everything we do now is constantly consuming the realm beasts' power. Energy, the longer it takes, the better it will be for us, wait for Hunyuan and the others to deal with it together."

The other true gods all agreed after hearing the words, so they concentrated their divine attacks on those black threads. In order to maintain the power supply, the realm beasts must not be able to evacuate, and the massive divine power and the dark power of the realm beasts immediately canceled each other out. This made the world beast start to become anxious. After its energy was consumed, it was difficult to replenish it. When it came to this cosmic sea, it wanted to devour some small universes and then feel withdrawn. It did not want to be stuck here with these true gods, waiting to be used up.

At this time, under the joint attack of many true gods, the world beasts were distracted to resist, so the devouring of the Fire Worm Allah became much weaker. Seeing this, the Fire Worm Lord immediately burned his divine power to attack the cocoon. He also said anxiously: "Dear gods, please work harder. I can feel that the strength of this world beast is declining. The cocoon covering me is about to be destroyed by me. It only takes a little time. Don't reserve your strength. No. If you defeat the realm beast, everyone will be in danger."

The true gods outside heard the words and immediately understood what the Fire Worm Allah said was right. They could rush to support the Fire Worm Lord immediately because their small universe was very close to the Fire Worm Lord's small universe. If the Fire Worm Lord's The small universe was swallowed by this world beast, so it would be their turn next, so they had to use all their strength, so these true gods immediately increased their divine attacks, even if they used secret methods to burn the divine power, the world beast Must lose.

Under the joint attack of the Fire Worm God and other true gods, it didn't take long for the cocoon condensed by the black silk threads of the world beast to break into a mouth. Seeing this, the Fire Worm God immediately flew out of it excitedly, and suddenly he had A kind of joy after a disaster. Although most of his divine power has been consumed, everything is easy as long as he does not die. However, the Fire Worm Lord also understands that he has no possibility of transcending reincarnation. This world beast has devoured the origin of his small universe for more than 100 years. Eighty percent.

At this time, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was fighting with the Realm Beast. The two peak experts showed their strongest strength, especially the Nine-Headed Demon Lord who fully mobilized his mechanical flow treasure, the power of the Realm Beast. After being weakened, it can suppress the realm beasts. However, the realm beast's soul attack is very strong and cannot interfere with the attack of the nine-headed demon lord. Therefore, the realm beast has not yet been defeated. But when the realm beast sees that it was originally attacked by its own The Fire Worm Lord shrouded in power actually ran out, and he was angry.

The world beast named Morosa sneered: "You little bug, why don't you just be swallowed by me? You want to escape. In this case, I will kill you directly."

The food that reached his mouth actually ran away. Morosa felt very embarrassed, so more and more black threads were emitted from his body. Soon these threads condensed together to form a powerful light. This light was dark and in the void. It looked very inconspicuous, but the attack speed of this light was extremely fast, and it quickly attacked the Fire Worm Lord. Before the Fire Worm Lord could react, part of his insect shell was immediately erased, and then the light contained in the light was very inconspicuous. The power doesn't stop.

The dark power of the Realm Beast not only eroded the divine body of the Fire Worm Allah, but also consumed a lot of energy. This may indicate that it is determined to destroy the Fire Worm God. Moreover, the Realm Beast swallowed eight pieces of the Fire Worm God's small universe. The source of cost, so he is not worried that the energy consumed will make him lose his combat power immediately. At this time, the Fire Worm Lord also begins to be afraid. If he is really attacked by the light attack from the world beast, then he can only be attacked by If they fall here, the Fire Insect Clan is finished.

So the Fire Worm Lord rushed towards his palace treasure. As long as he could return to his palace treasure, he could save his life. When the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and other true gods saw this, they also hurriedly took action to block the black light emitted by the realm beast. Attack, but the speed of this light attack was too fast. Soon the Fire Worm Lord was caught up. The moment the light came into contact with the Fire Worm Lord, half of the Fire Worm Lord's divine body was immediately annihilated, and then the remaining divine body was Light enveloped it.

Before the other true gods could react, the Fire Worm Allah in the light was completely annihilated into nothingness, leaving only a few true god-level treasures of the Fire Worm Lord suspended in the void. All this happened too fast, The Fire Insect Lord just disappeared, and at the same time, the Fire Insect Lord's small universe immediately began to disintegrate, and countless void cracks appeared. Then all the Fire Insect clan creatures in the small universe turned into fly ash and dissipated. The other true gods who saw it also Terrified.

But the Realm Beast who has done all this does not have much emotion, because even if he destroys the Fire Insect Allah, all the power of his small universe will only be re-transformed into its original source and absorbed by the cosmic sea, which will not be of any benefit to the Realm Beast. If It's not that the Fire Worm God doesn't appreciate praise, he won't directly kill him, which is a pity.

The original power contained in each true god's small universe is what the world beasts crave. If they can get it, their strength will be improved. In this way, these original powers will be absorbed by the cosmic sea, which is a bit of a waste for the world beasts. Although the world beasts Some regrets, but he had just been besieged by many true gods and had lost his mind.

Moreover, for the world beasts, devouring the True God does not actually have much energy. Only the original power of the True God's small universe is what interests them.

When the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and other true gods saw the Fire Worm Lord being annihilated by the Realm Beast right in front of them, they all had a feeling of sadness as if a rabbit had died and a fox had died, and then they were filled with boundless anger. If this Realm Beast was allowed to survive, what would happen to them? It was a fatal threat to the small universe, so their siege on the world beasts became more intense.

At this time, the world beast named Morosa knew from the situation of the Fire Insect Allah that if the true god died, their small universe would immediately collapse and the origin would disappear. This is completely meaningless to the world beasts to destroy the true god, because they He was only interested in the original power of the true gods' small universe, and he had already achieved his goal. There was no need to continue fighting with these true gods. Especially the strength of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord made Morosa feel troubled, so he decided to evacuate and leave here. .

Morosa decided to leave here first, and then wait for a while before taking action against other small universes in the universe sea, so he chose a direction and ran away. How could the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and other true gods let this world beast escape when they saw this? If they were allowed to run away, all their previous efforts would be in vain, and the fall of the Fire Worm Lord would be completely meaningless. So these true gods launched an even more violent attack on the beasts, sealing off the void and letting it escape. Realm beasts cannot escape.

The realm beasts are very angry at these annoying bugs, but the air-locking formations used by the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and other true gods are too powerful, and are blessed with the power of domain treasures. They cannot teleport. If the realm beasts want to leave here It was difficult. Even though his flying speed was very fast, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, who possessed the treasure of mechanical flow, was even faster. Suddenly, the world beast was under siege by the true gods present. The world beast only felt its own power. As I consumed more and more, I became worried.

At this time, Luo Yuan was leading the strong men to take the Star Tower to come here, but suddenly he received news from the Nine-Headed Demon Lord. The Fire Worm Lord was actually destroyed by the world beast. This made Luo Yuan The powerful ones were a little surprised. After all, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord led more than ten high-level true gods to besiege this realm beast. In the end, one of the true gods was destroyed by the realm beast. This is a bit unbelievable. It seems that this realm beast is not very powerful. Generally, fortunately, this world beast is now surrounded by the true gods. The Nine-Headed Demon Lord came over and said in a somewhat urgent tone: "Hunyuan, this world beast is very powerful, and it has also swallowed up 80% of the original power of the Fire Worm Lord's small universe. Although it is trapped by us now, you can imagine It is difficult to destroy it, unless we lose several more high-level true gods. This kind of loss is unbearable for us, so we are just surrounding it now, and we are just waiting for you to come and deal with this world beast together. , this realm beast’s methods are really too powerful.”

Luo Yuan said directly through the summons token: "Devil Lord, tell me about the situation of the beast, so that I can have a response plan. Well, why is there no sound."

After Luo Yuan sent the message, no sound came back after a while, which made Luo Yuan feel that something was wrong. As expected, not long after, the voice of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord came: "Hunyuan, I don't know how to use that world beast." He managed to escape by some means and we didn't catch up with him, so things are probably going to be difficult now, that's a threat."

Luo Yuan couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. It seemed that he had underestimated the ability of the realm beast. He could safely evacuate under the siege of an extreme true god who possessed the ultimate treasure of mechanical flow and more than a dozen high-level true gods who possessed the most powerful treasure. The world beasts whose strength and methods are not so easy to deal with, but can also get some information about the world beasts. Two days later, Luo Yuan and other powerful people arrived, and everyone worked together to make a report on the situation of the world beasts. He concluded with a solemn expression.

In the lobby of the Star Tower, several overlords and true gods sat around a round table. Luo Yuan asked directly: "Nine-headed Demon Lord, tell everyone what happened at that time. The world beast consumed a lot of energy. Under such circumstances, how did you escape the joint siege of you guys? The space was blocked by you at that time."

The Nine-headed Demon Lord heard this and said seriously: "We have all underestimated the realm beast. In fact, the strength of the realm beast is only at the level of a high-level true god, but his methods are very strong, so strong that even we can't resist it, and it is It does not belong to any inheritance. It is most likely the innate ability of the world beast. Therefore, when they are used, they are not only powerful, but also do not consume much divine power. Let me tell you the specific situation. This world beast has a strong devouring ability. , using the power of darkness.

That world beast can condense the power of darkness into threads that silently wrap around the True God's small universe, and then it only takes less than ten days to devour the origin of a small universe with a diameter of hundreds of millions of light years. , but if it is attacked during its devouring period, its devouring speed will slow down rapidly.

The black thread released by the complete world beast can not only swallow the small universe, but also the true god, and the energy it contains just restrains the divine power. Once entangled, it will be difficult for the true god to ask for mercy. This is also the fire insect god. The reason for the fall is that no matter how precious the treasure is, it cannot withstand the erosion of its energy. "

Luo Yuan and other powerful people felt incredible when they heard this. They also understood why the world beasts were called products of rules that were completely opposite to the original universe. The dark power possessed by the world beasts completely restrained the divine power of the true gods, even if Even if the true gods have powerful treasures, they cannot avoid being corroded by the power of the realm beasts and become useless. Therefore, if the true gods are left alone, they cannot confront the realm beasts head-on, even if the realm of the realm beasts is lower, they will only fall.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord analyzed: "Although the energy possessed by this world beast has a strong restraint effect on our divine power and treasures, it does not mean that we cannot harm it. After all, when our divine power is consumed, At the same time, the special energy of the realm beast is also being consumed. As long as our attack is strong enough and the power of divine power exceeds the energy attack of the realm beast, the realm beast cannot stop it, and it will definitely be injured in the end. Therefore, the realm beast is not as powerful as we think. It’s so powerful and invincible.”

The true gods present also nodded when they heard this. Luo Yuan also felt that what the Nine-Headed Demon Lord said was reasonable, but judging from the information the Nine-Headed Demon Lord said, the realm beast could condense its special energy into various kinds of energy at will. form, and then launch an extremely powerful attack. Even the true gods may not be able to react and fall directly. This is very dangerous. You must know that the true gods of the universe sea only have this kind of power when they use the most powerful treasure, and It is still not possible to complete the control of the most powerful treasure power.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord continued: "That realm beast has a very powerful move, which is that it can condense all the black threads into an ultimate beam of light in an instant. The speed of this beam of light is extremely fast, so fast that we can catch up at the fastest speed without restraint. At that time, the Fire Worm God was very close to his palace treasure, but he was caught up by the beam and annihilated into nothingness before he could enter. Even I did not dare to face this terrible light attack, and I guess the palace treasure may not be useful.

Moreover, after the light beam catches up with the Fire Worm Lord, it can turn into countless threads in an instant and cover everything around it. Once entangled, it will be difficult to escape, unless there are at least a dozen true gods in the outside world who join forces to attack the world beast. Only by distracting the trapped true god can it be possible for the trapped true god to escape, but this requires the trapped true god himself to be very strong, otherwise he will be directly devoured by the world beast before other true gods can take action. , that beam is the world beast’s trump card. "

Luo Yuan and other strong men also felt incredible when they heard this. The methods of this world beast are very strong. Even if it is not strong itself, with such powerful methods, even strong men who are several levels higher than it can use it. It cannot be defeated, and may eventually be swallowed by a realm beast. The beam of light can quickly catch up with the true god, and then split into countless threads to cover the true god. Then it will continue to consume the true god's divine power and swallow the true god. It can connect the true god to the realm beast from beginning to end. No shadow can be seen.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord continued: "In addition to the previously unknown abilities of the realm beasts that I mentioned, there is another ability that everyone knows, which is soul attack. However, everyone still underestimates the power of the realm beast's soul attack. My The spiritual will has reached the limit of the True God of the Void, but it will still fall into a short-term stagnation when faced with the soul attack of the realm beasts. Therefore, if you want to deal with the realm beasts, you need the will of the true god to at least reach the high level of the Void True God. Unless you are similar to me, you can act alone."

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(End of this chapter)

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