Chapter 558 Pressure
  After the Nine-headed Demon Lord said this, he paused for a while, then waved his hand, and a huge screen suddenly appeared in the void. Inside was the scene of the realm beast named Morosa escaping at the end. Only the realm beast could be seen. Complex golden secret patterns suddenly appeared on his body, and then his huge body turned directly into a bright golden light, and this golden light split into countless beams of light and fled in all directions at a speed directly exceeding ten million times. speed of light.

This scene shocked the powerful people present, and the Nine-Headed Demon Lord said helplessly: "It's not that we don't want to trap that realm beast, but its secret technique of escaping is too exaggerated. With so many beams, just one It's useless if I don't catch up, and I deliberately kept chasing a beam of light, but in the end I just disappeared. The figure of the world beast was not seen. I have never seen such a weird secret technique of movement. I still haven’t figured it out yet.”

Luo Yuan and other powerful men felt incredible when they heard this, and then they became serious. It seemed that the ability of the realm beast should not be underestimated, but the two high-level inheritances of Duandonghe and Jin Kingdom soon discovered that the realm beast was escaping. The secret technique used was extraordinary. He said: "This should be a clone secret technique that can disperse one's origin into countless channels at once. Once a clone escapes, the world beast can immediately recover. This kind of Even I don’t have the secret technique.”

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord sighed after hearing this: "If this is the case, then the abilities of the realm beasts are too strong. If they want to escape, there is absolutely nothing we can do against them."

Suddenly, all the strong men present felt troubled. The world beast had such a powerful escape technique, and it was difficult to trap and kill it. However, Hong, who came to support with Luo Yuan at this time, was Huan Xin. True God frowned and said: "I think there is a problem. If that world beast is really that powerful, then it can completely devour a few more True God mini-universes before leaving. We can't catch him anyway, but it just extinguished the fire bugs." He ran away in a panic after seeing Allah, what was he afraid of?"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "Yes, what Huanxin True God said makes sense. Now that I think about it, it is indeed the truth. Judging from the situation at that time, even if we surrounded the world beast But the realm beast only wants to run away in a moment of thought, so there is no need for the realm beast to run in such a hurry."

The ancestor of Xuelan who had been silent for a long time said: "Is there any restriction on the secret technique of escape that the beast has to pay, or the price it pays makes it difficult to use it again? I always feel that the method of the beast will not only be so many, after all, it can How can a world beast that is so feared by the original will of the original universe be so simple?"

The strong men present seemed to be thinking when they heard this. After all, they didn't know anything about the realm beasts, but from the information they got, it seemed that the realm beasts couldn't be that simple. If the realm beasts were powerful beings that could destroy the entire cosmic sea, , even the strongest primitive universe cannot stop it. Countless reincarnations have proven the power of the realm beasts. If the realm beasts this time show only a small part of the means they have, doesn't it mean that the realm beasts are still powerful? There are more powerful secrets.

This time the nine-headed demon lord and a dozen high-level true gods surrounded the realm beast, as if the realm beast was doomed, but they all knew that this was impossible. Judging from the emotions displayed by the realm beast at that time, there was no Reaching its limit, the strong men in the Cosmic Sea basically have their own trump cards, and will not use them unless absolutely necessary. And as a world beast that can be the enemy of the entire Cosmic Sea, how can it not have a trump card? This makes everyone wonder. The emphasis on world beasts has increased a bit.

Luo Yuan also said: "The original will of the original universe, in order to increase the strength of various forces in the universe sea, in order to deal with the world beasts, it did not hesitate to release the world of Jin that had been hidden for unknown ages. It seems that we have underestimated it. As for the strength of the realm beast, that realm beast is just one of its newborns. There are estimated to be hundreds of millions of such beings, but just one realm beast has left so many of us powerhouses helpless. We just don’t know the strongest means of the realm beast. How about it."

All the strong men present looked thoughtful when they heard this, and they also felt the tremendous pressure. At this time, the world beast named Morosa was roaming freely in the endless void, especially the chaotic air flow here was extremely rich, making it difficult for them to move. The world beast felt refreshed. There was no such rich aura of chaos in the dark land for it to swallow. At this time, the aura on Morosa's body became stronger than before. This was because he had swallowed a small universe before. the original power.

At this time, Morosa couldn't help but think: "This cosmic sea is really a treasure land. Whether it is the energy of chaos or the small universe, it is much better than the dark land. If we go back and fight to the death with other world beasts, we may not be able to swallow them." , but now I only need to be careful to obtain so much original power. After digesting the swallowed original power, my strength will definitely improve a lot. Then I can just devour the original power of other small universes. really not bad.

If the true gods are directly destroyed, their small universe will directly collapse. For me, the gain outweighs the losses. After all, the power of the origin of devouring a small universe is comparable to the power of dozens of true gods, so I will not go there again. After attacking those true gods, I will go directly to devour their small universes. Hahaha, they are all delicious food. There are many small universes in this cosmic sea. After I devour them all, won’t my strength be direct? Flying up, how can Bedi compete with me for the final throne? I will become the last and most powerful world beast and swallow up the entire universe sea. The future is promising. "

At this time, Morosa fell into a beautiful fantasy. He seemed to have seen the day when he became the most powerful realm beast, so the realm beast immediately began to digest its power.

At this time in the cosmic sea, as the news of the appearance of the world beasts spread out, the strong men of various forces immediately felt huge pressure, especially when they learned that even the overlord-level nine-headed demon lord came to lead more than a dozen high-ranking demons. The True Gods teamed up to deal with the realm beast, but the realm beast left unscathed and swallowed up the small universe of the Fire Worm Lord. In the end, even the Fire Worm Lord also fell, and the time for the realm beast to devour the small universe was very short. It only takes a few days to complete.

Suddenly, the true gods of the Universe Sea became nervous, fearing that the world beast would suddenly appear and devour the small universe of one of their true gods, and end up with the same fate as the Fire Worm God. After all, the Universe Sea was too big, even if it was It took a lot of time for the eight overlords to arrive. Before Luo Yuan and other powerful men arrived, the world beast had already devoured the small universe and then left gracefully. How could this not make all the true gods feel angry? The feeling of being full of desire.

At this time, Luo Yuan convened the eight overlords of the Cosmic Sea to open the Supreme Meeting of the Cosmic Sea again to decide on any response to the attacks of the world beasts. After the resolution and discussion, the eight overlords decided to divide the Cosmic Sea into eight defense zones, and the eight overlords would divide them into eight defense zones. Complex protection, and Luo Yuan is naturally the area where the small universe of the complex human race's true gods is located. When the human race's true gods placed their own small universes, they deliberately concentrated in one direction. Now it is convenient to protect them together.

At the same time, Luo Yuan and other eight overlords asked all the other true gods to take action to deal with the realm beast together. Once the realm beast appeared, they would directly go out to deal with it together. They concentrated their power and could not disperse it, otherwise they would be at a disadvantage because no one knew about the realm beast. There are some more powerful means that have not been used, so we have to guard against them. Luo Yuan, who has been in the Milky Way Earth of the original universe, will not worry that the world beast will attack the original universe now. After all, the strongest place in the entire cosmic sea is the original universe, and the world beast wants to devour the origin of the original universe. It will take a long time. It does not have this time to avoid the siege of the powerful people from various forces in the original universe, so it is absolutely safe in the original universe. When Luo Yuan breaks through to the true god, he will not worry about the world beasts. .

At this time, in the virtual universe of the human race, in a certain independent plane, all the powerful men above the Lord of the Universe of the human race gathered here. Standing at the front was the true god-level powerhouse. The Lord of Chaos City stood at Luo Next to Yuan, Luo Yuan said seriously: "Now there is a world beast appearing in the cosmic sea. The whereabouts of this world beast are uncertain, but it is extremely powerful in terms of strength and secret method, so everyone should try their best to keep me in the original universe recently, and don't blindly Go out and make a living.

However, if any of you have any information about the world beasts, come and report it immediately. I will reward you according to the details of the information. That's all, go back. "

Next, Luo Yuan started training again. He wanted to increase the genetic level of his divine body to the highest level of 100,000 times as soon as possible, and then break through to the true god. So what if the time beast comes, he can still crush it. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, how many times have passed? Years passed, and Luo Yuan got the news one day. It turned out that the realm beast from before appeared again, and that realm beast was discovered to be devouring a certain true god's small universe. But this time, the realm beast did not know whether it was intentional or not. , its location is far away from Luoyuan.

However, the realm beast happened to be in the area where True God Juehe was responsible. What Luo Yuan didn't expect was that soon True God Juehe sent him a request for support. That is to say, the overlord who relied on True God Juehe could not suppress that beast. As a true god, Luo Yuan did not hesitate when he received the news. He directly sent one of his strongest clones to lead some true gods of the human race to support him. Now that the world beasts are enemies of all forces in the entire universe sea, everyone has to help, otherwise they will arrive. Who can help you?

Luo Yuan led the human race true god to drive the Star Tower to quickly support him. He was still wary of this realm beast. Although he didn't know why this realm beast didn't stay in the dark place and went to the cosmic sea to do whatever he wanted, but now Only by destroying it can everyone feel at ease. However, it is not known how many realm beasts have appeared in the entire cosmic sea. If there are too many, it will be troublesome. Just one realm beast makes everyone extremely fearful, let alone a group of them. A world beast.

At this time, the world beast named Morosa selected a good small universe and was ready to devour it just like last time. So countless black threads spread out from its huge body and quickly wrapped around the small universe in front of it. Immediately, the power of the source was transmitted from the silk thread, and was swallowed up by the world beast. The world beast also felt the power blessing brought by the powerful power of the source, and this time the power of the world beast was stronger, and the speed of natural devouring was also faster. Faster.

Morosa deliberately chose such a remote small universe to devour. According to the previously obtained starfish map of the universe and the information of various powerful men, Morosa knew that the small universe he was devouring now belonged to a true god named the Rampant Demon God. , the name of this true god is very arrogant, but its strength is only at the level of a high-level true god. The strength of the fire insect god that I encountered before can only be regarded as average among the true gods. This time, the original power is even stronger.

It’s just that after several days of devouring this world beast, no strong person was found to take action against him. Suddenly Morosa couldn’t help laughing and said: “Are the true gods of this universe sea so timid? How dare they even come out to deal with me? None. Now I will probably look for strong men everywhere to besiege me. However, this place is so remote that it will take several days for those true gods to come over. But this time I will not be besieged by the bastards like last time. As long as After devouring more than half of the origin, I will leave, and then go to devour the small universes of other true gods. It will be difficult for those true gods to catch up with me. If I add up, I am really a genius."

Morosa already knew the methods of the strong men of the Cosmic Sea very well, and also had an accurate judgment on the time when the true gods would arrive, so it left the place decisively after devouring it for a few days, while Rampant was still worried. The Demon God found out that the Realm Beast had suddenly left, and he was also confused. He thought he would fall on the spot like the Fire Worm God, but at this time, the True God Juehe, Luo Yuandu and other strong men were still heading towards the Demon God's small The cosmic location is coming.

Luo Yuan did not expect that True God Juehe would directly request support from him before he arrived at the location to deal with the realm beasts. After all, in the heart of True God Juehe, he was still very wary of realm beasts. After all, even the Nine-Headed Demon Lord also There was no way to deal with that realm beast. He didn't dare to face it directly on his own. However, Luo Yuan didn't care after knowing it. Although he was a little unhappy, he could understand it. After all, the most important thing in the hearts of all the powerful people in the universe sea was himself. That’s all.

At the same time, the true gods from various forces who were summoned by True God Juehe were also rushing here, but before everyone arrived, they received a message from the Demon God Hengxing, that is, the realm beast that originally devoured Demon God Hengxing's small universe suddenly disappeared. , although the origin of its small universe has been devoured a lot, it has not reached the level of disintegration. This news surprised all the powerful men in the universe sea, and no true god has taken action against the realm beast. The beast ran away.

At this time in the Star Tower, Luo Yuan looked grim. He analyzed: "It seems that this world beast is very intelligent. It has learned to be smart. No one has taken action against it. After a few days, the world beast devoured it. It ran away, and it seems that it planned to use this method to make us exhausted and unable to catch it. It is really cunning and difficult to deal with."

The true gods present all turned ugly after hearing this. Hong on the side said: "With this world beast's whereabouts so unpredictable, it will be very difficult for us to deal with him. We don't know that the world beast is preparing to destroy various small universes." Either swallow some and then add up to a large amount, or deliberately stare at a small universe and devour it several times, so that it is completely difficult for us to grasp its exact location. We don't have to stay near the small universe where the demon is rampant and wait for the world beast to attack. "

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(End of this chapter)

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