Chapter 559 Strange
  The strong men present fell into silence after hearing this. They were not afraid of the power of the realm beasts, but they were afraid that the realm beasts were not only strong but also cunning. It would be much more difficult to deal with the realm beasts in this way. Luo Yuan also pondered for a while and said: "Everyone, first Don't worry so much. We are still just guessing now, and we don't know the purpose of that realm beast yet. Let's observe first to see what the realm beast wants to do. It won't be too late to take action after we have determined the situation. The world beast will take action again.”

Now, the strong men who have come to the small universe where the demon god is rampant are temporarily staying in the void, waiting for the next move of the realm beast. It is easy to deal with it, but a few months have passed quickly, but even the shadow of the realm beast is gone. I haven't seen it, and there is no news from other true gods that the small universe has been attacked by a realm beast. It is as if this realm beast has never appeared. This makes the true gods become panicked and uneasy. They don't know what the realm beast is. What kind of medicine is sold there?

A true god analyzed: "Based on how the world beast dealt with the Fire Insect Lord before, if it had not devoured all the original power of its small universe, it would not leave. Now it has just devoured half of it and evacuated immediately. It will not It’s probably because something happened that we didn’t know about, otherwise why there was no movement.”

Although Luo Yuan and other powerful people are also speculating about the news about the realm beast, they cannot leave just like that. If the realm beast comes back immediately after leaving and continues to devour the small universe of the rampant demon god, wouldn't it mean that it will have to come back again? , being led by the nose by that realm beast, this time Luo Yuan personally took action, just to take down that realm beast. After all, there is such a threat in the universe sea, which makes everyone uneasy, so it is best to deal with it as soon as possible. Righteous and powerful together.

Just like this, more than half a year passed in the blink of an eye while everyone was waiting. At this time, in the boundless void, the world beast named Morosa digested the original power it had swallowed before and felt that its power had increased a little. It suddenly felt good. He couldn't help but think: "It's really good. The original power of the small universe of the Rampant Demon God is much stronger than that of the Fire Worm Lord. After all, it is stronger. After digestion, it will also improve my strength so obviously, and the benefits are so great.

Thinking about me fighting other realm beasts in the dark land, it would be difficult for me to swallow a realm beast if I was so injured. But now, just by swallowing a small universe in this cosmic sea, my strength has increased compared to the last realm beast. This cosmic sea is even more powerful. It’s really a treasure place, and the true gods here are very timid. In addition, the cosmic sea is so big, it will take a long time for those true gods to join forces to deal with me and get here. Fortunately, I have become smarter now, and I will be there before they arrive. leave.

I see how those true gods can catch up with me. When my strength increases, I must seek revenge from Bedi. The final king of world beasts must be me, Morosa. By then, there will be no strong person in the entire universe sea. My opponent has swallowed up all the origins of the universe in the universe sea, including the original power of the original universe. Then my strength can be improved to an unimaginable level. Maybe I can even defeat three thousand universe seas. Go to the source and the highest plane to explore. "

The more Morosa thinks about this, the more excited he becomes. He has clear plans and expectations for his future. In his mind, this cosmic sea is just the first battle of the rise, and only the continent of origin of the highest plane is the peak power. Compared to the strong men of the Origin Continent, this cosmic sea is just a place for children to play house. At this time, Morosa also knew that Luo Yuan and other strong men were waiting in the small universe where the demon was rampant. , it will not take risks.

For Morosa, he can only swallow the original power of small universes safely. There is no need to completely devour those small universes. After all, it will take more time and will be destroyed by the strong men of the universe sea. They joined forces to besiege, so Morosa felt that he would choose the next lucky true god to go and devour the origin of his small universe, but forget about those powerful true gods, especially the small universes of several overlords, who would just go there to deliver food.

So Morosa found out from the collected information about the true gods that the next true god to deal with was the Demonic Eye True God. Although this true god has a strong spiritual will, his own strength is also very average. He had been with the Huanxin True God Hong before. He went to explore the dark place, but as soon as he reached the door, he was scared away by the strength of several world beasts.

After Morosa chose the next True God target to deal with, it turned into a ray of light and left here. Not long after, he came to the small universe of the True God with Demonic Eyes. He couldn't help feeling the original power in the small universe in front of him. His eyes were bright. In his eyes, the original power of this small universe was delicious food, so he immediately condensed the dark power in his body into black threads like he had devoured other small universes before, and then these threads quickly In the small universe surrounding the Demonic Eye True God, the original power was immediately extracted and sent to the huge body of the world beast through silk threads, and was happily devoured by the world beast.

At this time, the Demonic Eye True God, who was in the highest temple in the small universe, suddenly sensed that the original power was flowing. He immediately discovered the huge figure in the void through exploration. He immediately understood that the world beast had come to devour him silently. The small universe is coming, and it is devouring it faster, which shows that the strength of this world beast has become stronger again. The Demonic Eye True God immediately conveyed this news to the strong men of various forces, especially Luo Luo, who was paying attention to this matter. Source and other overlords.

More than half a year has passed since the world beast took action against the small universe of the rampaging demon god. The world beast finally couldn't help but take action again, but this time it was against the small universe of the True God Demon Eye. This made Luo Yuan and others understand this. The first realm beast has indeed become smarter and has changed its way of swallowing. But I don’t know whether this realm beast will only devour it for a few days and then evacuate directly like last time, or whether it will devour it like it did with the Fire Worm Allah. The small universe has been completely swallowed up.

At this time, all the powerful men above the True God level in the Universe Sea began to pay attention to the news here, and their vigilance against world beasts was also raised to the highest level. Luo Yuan directly sent a message to True God Demon Eyes: "True God Demon Eyes, please support me first. , I will let the No. 1 Allah of the God Eye Clan help you now, but we need to know what this realm beast wants to do. This is related to our next plan to deal with it, so you have to be patient, we will do it before the realm beast When we really attack you, we will join forces to attack you."

After Luo Yuan passed the message, he asked the First God to drive the palace treasure to the Demon Eye True God. He wanted to see how long this world beast would take to devour the small universe. If they didn't figure it out, they would rush there in a hurry. As a result, the realm beast evacuated again, so wouldn't their journey be in vain again, and in the end they would be really led away by the realm beast. Being in a passive situation is not what Luo Yuan wants to see. There are so many strong people in them. You can't just chase him around all day long.

The other true gods also sent messages to the True God Demon Eye and asked him to hold on for a few days in order to figure out the real purpose of the world beast. The True God Demon Eye was extremely anxious. After all, the small universe whose origin was devoured was his. If the origin of the small universe The power was swallowed up, which meant that the Demon Eye True God was about to fall. How could he not be anxious, so the Demon Eye True God immediately sent a message: "Then don't break your promise. The strength of that realm beast is far greater than mine. If you come late, I'm done."

Demon Eye True God had seen the power of the Realm Beast when he went to explore the Dark Land with Hong before. At that time, he didn't even have the courage to resist and ran away, and he was still far away from the Realm Beast at that time, but this time The bounded beast was at his door. How could he not panic? Unless he could stay in the palace treasure and not come out, he could temporarily save his life, but he couldn't hold on for long. He kept sending requests for support to various powerful people. Seeing Luo Yuan This is also very helpless.

In order to appease True God Demon Eyes, Luo Yuan had no choice but to send a message: "True God Demon Eyes, don't panic. We will come as soon as we find out the situation of the world beasts." Luo Yuan is the strongest person in the universe sea, and he will also be supported by several overlords and no less than thirty high-level true gods. Such a powerful lineup can still deal with a newborn world beast. With this Confidence, the Demon Eye True God had no choice but to fly his true god-level palace treasure to the direction of the world beast to explore the specific situation of the world beast. This is very important to all the forces in the current cosmic sea.

Soon the Demonic Eye True God saw the realm beast that was devouring his own small universe. The appearance of this realm beast turned out to be similar to a human form, and there was a divine aura emanating from it. It was exactly the same as the realm beast he saw in the dark place. It’s different, but the Demonic Eye True God also understands that this is through illusion. After all, after reaching the level of the Lord of the Universe, he can simulate the breath of any living being at will, so it is not surprising that the world beast will hide itself by changing its appearance when it comes to the Universe Sea. .

The Demonic Eye True God took out a domain treasure and immediately enveloped the surrounding void. He angrily sent a message to the realm beast through the domain: "World Beast, this is the territory of my small universe. You must leave now, Lord of Hunyuan. He is leading several overlords and many true gods to encircle and suppress you. If you don’t leave, you will be responsible for the consequences.”

The realm beast named Morosa just sneered when he heard this. He knew that Luo Yuan and other strong men could not rush over so quickly. As for the Demon Eye True God in front of him, he thought it was just an ant, so the realm beast disdained it. He sneered and said: "The True God of Demon Eyes, right? Don't scare me with that Hunyuan. Now you only dare to hide in that iron box and dare not come out to fight me head-on. Now you can only talk nonsense to me. You have the guts to come out and fight me, and watch me destroy you."

The Demonic Eyes True God was immediately angered by Morosa's words, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly. He was afraid that this realm beast was right. He, the Demonic Eyes True God, was really afraid of realm beasts, and he only dared to hide in the Palace Treasure. He said a few harsh words in the middle, hoping to use Luo Yuan's name to scare the realm beast, and wanted him to go out from the palace to fight the realm beast head-on. The Demonic Eye True God did not have the strength or the courage, so he could only directly activate the realm. The treasure launches an attack on the world beast from a distance.

It's just that the role of domain-type treasures is originally auxiliary, and the attack power can only be said to be average. Therefore, the Demon Eye True God uses domain-type treasures to deal with world beasts. It is even more annoying for the world beasts, and the world beasts do not resist. It glanced at the Demonic Eyes True God and said disdainfully: "Are you, the True God of the Universe Sea, so courageous? You don't even have the guts to come out and fight me head-on. You will only use these ridiculous methods to deal with me, especially you Demonic Eyes True God. It’s too weak.”

The Demonic Eye True God heard this and said angrily: "You have the nerve to say these words. If you have the ability, you can devour the small universes of those overlords. You are also bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. You only dare to deal with ordinary true gods like me." Morosa heard this. Although Yan was unhappy, he did not refute, and he ignored the Demon Eye True God who kept shouting.

A day passed quickly. Before the Demon Eye True God could react, Morosa evacuated directly. Not long after Morosa left, Luo Yuan and others arrived. This time, Luo Yuan and others did not care. He used his divine power to teleport continuously, but still let this world beast run away. This world beast was too stable. At this time, the strong men of various forces in the cosmic sea also got the news and knew that the world beast had indeed changed its way of swallowing small... The way the universe is, it's become more difficult to deal with, it's a disaster.

In the following time, all the forces in the Cosmic Sea discovered that the world beast appeared only once every half a year, and would randomly select a true god's small universe to devour it for a day, and then immediately evacuate, leaving no chance for many strong men to take action to surround it. By chance, everyone has also realized how difficult this world beast is, and this world beast is very familiar with the situation of each true god in the universe sea. Not only the strength of each true god, but also where their small universe is hidden.

Luo Yuan connected the causes and consequences, and finally locked the clues on the two true gods, King Zhenjia and Qiuyan Ancestral God, because only they could give detailed information about the universe sea to the realm beasts. Luo Yuan had discovered its use when dealing with the Haolei Star Lord before. I didn't know it at the time, but now I know that it is the same energy as the world beast. The only possibility is that this power was given by the world beast to the three true gods of Haolei Star, which means that these three true gods have long since taken refuge. The power of world beasts.

Moreover, Luo Yuan discovered that the area of ​​the universe sea that he was responsible for had not waited for the realm beast to take action. This meant that the realm beast now also knew the areas responsible for the eight overlords of the entire universe sea. The realm beast knew Luo Yuan's strength, so he did not Dare to take action, which made Luo Yuan very angry, because the true god of the Universe Sea actually had spies of the realm beasts, but the various forces in the Universe Sea knew almost nothing about the specific strength of the realm beasts. This was not for everyone. What good news.

With Luo Yuan's current strength, it is possible to take down that realm beast, but that realm beast is too cunning. It keeps avoiding people even if it knows Luo Yuan's whereabouts, so Luo Yuan can't meet him even if he wants to take action. , it can be said that this realm beast is more stable than Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan actually appreciates this realm beast. I wonder if other realm beasts are as smart as this realm beast. If so, it would be difficult to deal with the realm beast. It will directly increase several times, maybe it's just that this realm beast is special.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but question the true gods who knew his whereabouts. In the end, none of the true gods admitted to giving the information to King Zhenjia and Ancestral God Qiuyan. Many of them did not even know King Zhenjia and Ancestral God Qiuyan, and had never heard of them. This made Luo Yuan Yuan felt very strange. Luo Yuan called a meeting of eight overlords and said: "Now the world beast is in the dark, and we are all in the light, but how come the world beast knows our whereabouts so well, and can evacuate in advance every time? We must investigate thoroughly.”

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(End of this chapter)

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