I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 561 Going back on one's word

Chapter 561 Going back on one's word
  The strong men in the Purple Moon Holy Land could only nod in agreement when their ancestor said this. They only hoped that the Purple Moon Ancestor would really have a way to deal with it. In addition to the creatures of their own clan, there were many other people living in the Purple Moon Holy Land. The ethnic group that is rarely attached to the Purple Moon Holy Land. After receiving the order from the Purple Moon Holy Land's ancestor, the only two true gods of the Purple Moon Holy Land began to select strong men to interfere with the world beasts to devour the origin of the Purple Moon Holy Land universe. However, the Purple Moon Holy Land's There are very few soul treasures, only a few.

In the end, the two true gods could only find a few more universe lords who were born without souls, and then formed a small team to fly out of the universe of Ziyue Holy Land. There was only one Ziyue ancestor left sitting on the throne in the temple, but at this time Ziyue Ancestor Yue's expression was cold and his face was extremely ugly. In order to deal with Luo Yuan, he arranged a killing plot in the world of Jin. But in the end, not only did he not do anything to Luo Yuan, but he also let Luo Yuan directly kill the universe belonging to the Purple Moon Holy Land in the world of Jin. The masters caught them all in one fell swoop.

As a result, the Purple Moon Holy Land suddenly lost nearly two hundred of the most elite Masters of the Universe, and also caused a large number of treasures to be lost in the World of Jin. This caused the Purple Moon Holy Land's strength to be cut by more than half at once, thus losing After losing its dominance, it is now not even as good as a peak ethnic group in the Universe Sea. This originally made the ancestor of Ziyue depressed for a long time. Now the Purple Moon Holy Land is targeted by world beasts again and is still being devoured by its original power. But now the entire Universe Sea is the most The strongest one is Luo Yuan of the human race. As the head of the eight overlords, if Luo Yuan wants to deal with the Purple Moon Holy Land, there will be no powerful people from any force to support him in the Purple Moon Holy Land.

Therefore, no matter how much hatred there is, in order to deal with the world beasts outside, Ziyue Ancestor must ask Luo Yuan for help, otherwise Ziyue Holy Land and himself will be ruined. But when he thinks about how to get Luo Yuan to help, Ziyue Ancestor feels a headache. , he had offended the human race and Luo Yuan severely at the beginning, and at this time, the ancestor of Ziyue regretted it.

At this time, in the vast void of the cosmic sea, one of Luo Yuan's strongest clones was driving the Star Tower and quietly waiting for news about the world beast. Next to him were several true gods he brought from the human race. Shidu was practicing directly. Every time he improved his strength, he would have a better chance of winning against the beasts. Suddenly Luo Yuan sensed that the communication token in the storage space was vibrating, so he took out the communication token and received it. The first God of the God Eye clan and the true God of Juehe.

Luo Yuan directly asked them what was going on, and the First Lord said directly: "The two of us actually have some affection for the Purple Moon Holy Land, so we have always kept in touch, but the Purple Moon Holy Land usually rarely contacts them, but we Suddenly I got news that the world beast is now eyeing the Purple Moon Holy Land and is devouring the original power of the Purple Moon Holy Land. The Purple Moon Ancestor sent a request for support to various forces in the universe sea. You didn't receive it. Notice?"

Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that he specially sent three of the strongest clones to wait for the world beasts to appear so that they could capture them. The options were those small universes that were weak and most likely to be targeted by the world beasts. But I never expected that the world beast would not follow common sense and go directly to devour the Purple Moon Holy Land. However, the Purple Moon Holy Land did not send a message to me. It seems that they also know about their grudges, so it is not too bad. Maybe take action for them.

So Luo Yuan replied: "I have not received any news from the Purple Moon Holy Land. You know that our human race has grudges against them. You only informed me of the news."

True God Juehe said: "That realm beast is also smart. He has our internal true god as a source of information. He must know that the current strength of Ziyue Holy Land is inferior to any peak group in the universe sea, so he went to devour its original power. You must know that Holy Land The original power of the universe is much stronger than the original power of the True God's small universe, but this also means that the world beasts have to spend a lot of time. They suffered heavy losses in the Purple Moon Holy Land of the Jin World, and they had no resistance."

The First God also said: "Yes, there are only two true gods in Ziyue Holy Land now, but these two true gods do not have mechanical treasures, and their strength is average. It is impossible to deal with world beasts. Then Ziyue Ancestor will Being restricted and unable to take action, the other Lords of the Universe are nothing more than ants to the Realm Beasts."

Luo Yuan just curled his lips when he heard this. The Purple Moon Holy Land was very arrogant at the time. Not only did it let all the ethnic groups in the original universe form a coalition to deal with the human race, it also wanted to deal with Luo Yuan, and finally arranged a killing plan in the world of Jin. To deal with Luo Yuan, if Luo Yuan had not completed the task of increasing the level and became the inheritor of the God King of Jin, they would have really succeeded. Now the Purple Moon Holy Land is in trouble, and is also being targeted by world beasts, and they are looking for helpers everywhere. , don’t they know that they are the leader of the entire universe sea now? If Luo Yuan wants to deal with the Purple Moon Holy Land, that force dares to support him. Luo Yuan’s strength cannot be shaken here.

Luo Yuan just said coldly: "What does the Ziyue Ancestor want this time?" As Luo Yuan's number one younger brother, the First Lord naturally said respectfully: "Lord Hunyuan, we are all listening to you now, that Ziyue Ancestor Obviously you want us to take action to deal with the world beast, but we need to know what you think, how do you think we should deal with it?"

Juehe Zhenshen is also waiting quietly for Luo Yuan's reply. In fact, the Purple Moon Holy Land will be destroyed if it is destroyed by the realm beast. It does not matter to them, but they are worried that the realm beast will take action against them next, and the human race is now The strongest force in the Cosmic Sea, Luo Yuan, the leader of the eight overlords, can decide the situation of the entire Cosmic Sea with just one word. Therefore, as long as they listen to Luo Yuan's opinion, the current strength of the Purple Moon Holy Land is even greater than that of any of their ethnic groups. Not as good as that.

Luo Yuan pondered for a while, and he thought that the last pair of parts of his Wu-killing Wings were not in the Purple Moon Holy Land. In order to obtain these parts, he specifically asked the Lord of Chaos City to negotiate with the Purple Moon Ancestor, but was rejected by the Purple Moon Ancestor. , but the final part of killing Master Wu Yuyi was always incomplete, and its power could not be increased to the maximum level. This was a top-level mechanical treasure, with a level comparable to that of Wu Qishen, so Luo Feng decided to take advantage of this opportunity. Get it.

So Luo Yuan said: "Tell the ancestor of Ziyue to give me a pair of wing parts that I proposed a long time ago. I can consider taking action, but if he dares to refuse, then he will wait to be swallowed up by the beast this time. That pair I will go look for the parts myself. Although it will take a lot of time, it is not impossible and let him make the choice."

Although the First God and True God Juehe didn't know what the wing parts Luo Yuan was talking about were, they didn't ask any more questions and directly sent the message to Ziyue Ancestor.

At this time, Luo Yuan only hoped that the Zi Yue Ancestor could understand the current affairs. Based on what the Zi Yue Ancestor did to the human race and him, Luo Yuan could not guarantee that the Zi Yue Holy Land would be destroyed by the beast. But if he wanted to kill Wu in that way, There will be many changes in the last pair of wings. If it is lost again, it will be troublesome to find it. So I took advantage of this opportunity to get it. If the Wu Wu Wings can be completed, then Luo Yuan will There is one more powerful mechanical flow treasure as a trump card.

At this time, in the highest temple of the universe in the Ziyue Holy Land, the Lord of the Universe below, who has affection and connection with the First Allah and the True God Juehe, respectfully said to the Ziyue Ancestor on the high platform: "Master Ancestor, the First Allah News came that Lord Hunyuan of the human race has promised to help us deal with the beast, but he must give him the pair of wing parts he proposed before, otherwise he will be responsible for the consequences. Moreover, the First God also said that Lord Hunyuan is against me. I’m actually very dissatisfied waiting.”

Ziyue Ancestor on the throne of the high platform looked unhappy when he heard this, but he still calmed down. After all, he was the one asking for help now. He said coldly: "Those pairs of wings are indeed extraordinary, they must be an extremely powerful piece of machinery. The parts of the treasure, when Hunyuan from the human race asked me for this part, I refused without hesitation. In these trillions of epochs, the human race has offered to buy this part several times, but how could I be willing to do so? Give this treasure to Hunyuan." As Ziyue Ancestor said, he looked at the Lord of the Universe below and asked, "How did the other overlords respond?" The Lord of the Universe had to smile bitterly after hearing this: "Lord Ancestor, they are now naturally following the lead of the human race's Lord Hunyuan, and the Purple Moon Holy Land is not as powerful as them or any other ethnic group."

The Lord of the Universe hesitated to speak, but the Purple Moon Ancestor also understood what he meant. The current situation in the Universe Sea has changed, and the Purple Moon Holy Land is also different from the past. The original dominance of the Purple Moon Holy Land is even stronger than the Universe Sea. It is inferior to any peak ethnic group, so for those overlords, the Purple Moon Holy Land is far inferior to the current status and strength of Luo Yuan and the human race, so even if the Purple Moon Holy Land is swallowed up by the beast, what will happen? No one cares.

The ancestor of Ziyue couldn't help but feel sad when he thought about this. His expression changed uncertainly, as if he was making some decision. The hall also became quiet. The Lord of the Universe standing respectfully below was also waiting honestly. The other Lords of the Universe hoped that he could Reaching a cooperation with Luo Yuan, after all, it is just a winged treasure. It is nothing compared with the safety of the Purple Moon Holy Land. If the Purple Moon Holy Land is devoured by world beasts, then they will all fall. By then, the wing The treasure will not fall into Luo Yuan's hands yet, but Ziyue Ancestor is still unwilling to give in. For Ziyue Ancestor, if Luo Yuan fully grows up, it will definitely be a serious problem.

The Lord of the Universe below saw that Ziyue Ancestor was still not paying attention. He directly stepped forward to persuade: "Master Ancestor, the world beast is now devouring the power of the origin outside our holy land universe, and the strong men of the holy land cannot resist it for long. , Please ask the ancestor to agree to Luo Yuan of the human race. Now that Luo Yuan is already the strongest in the universe sea, our Ziyue Holy Land is no match for him. What if we give him the wing parts? This is related to our Ziyue. The life and death of the Holy Land.”

Ziyue Ancestor couldn't help but said angrily when he heard this: "Shut up, aren't I thinking? Hey, forget it, I can't deal with that human Luo Yuan. He is still just the Lord of the Universe and has become the strongest in the Universe Sea." Or, even if I come, I may not be able to defeat him. If he breaks through to the True God, wouldn't it be able to crush me directly? Well, I agreed, and I will use that winged treasure as his help to me in the Purple Moon Holy Land. For the price, you can leave and inform Na Luo Yuan."

The Lords of the Universe below heard that the Purple Moon Ancestor finally compromised. They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The Purple Moon Holy Land was saved. If the relationship between the Purple Moon Holy Land and the human race had not developed to the point where it could not be reconciled, it would not be possible now. Ziyue Ancestor regretted asking Luo Yuan to take action in such a humble manner.

At this time, as the news spread, the higher-ups of the human race also knew that the Purple Moon Holy Land was attacked by world beasts, and that the Purple Moon Ancestor had compromised with Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan also felt that if the Purple Moon Ancestor knew the current affairs, he would get the wing parts he needed. If it is sent, then he can consider easing the restrictions on the Purple Moon Holy Land and giving it a chance.

Luo Yuan's Wu-Killing Wings are of a very high level, but it is still difficult for the incomplete Wu-Killing Wings to exert its strongest power, so Luo Yuan is very concerned about the last part, and has asked Ziyue Ancestor for it many times in these eras. , but the Purple Moon Ancestor was a little confused, and only agreed now after the Purple Moon Ancestor agreed, so Luo Yuan sent one of his strongest clones to control the Star Tower and hurried away, hoping to get the wing parts before the world beast completely succeeded. Well, feel at ease that way.

At this time, in the void where the Purple Moon Holy Land is located, the world beast named Morosa has been devouring the origin of the universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land for a whole day. According to previous experience, it is time to evacuate now. If the peak of the cosmic sea is It would be dangerous if the strong men were besieging them. Although Morosa was still a little obsessed with the original power of the Ziyue Holy Land universe, he also understood that greed would cause trouble, so he evacuated decisively. The original power devoured this time was harmful to For him, he will gain a lot and be satisfied.

The world beasts did not care about driving the palace treasures to interfere with the true gods and the masters of the universe who were devouring their origins. After all, these powerful men in the Purple Moon Holy Land were no different from ants in the eyes of the world beasts. When the world beasts suddenly disappeared, these purple moon beasts suddenly disappeared. The strong men in the Holy Land couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. It's just that the world beast left like this. It was really stable. No wonder so many strong men in the Universe Sea couldn't catch its figure. But this is a big deal for the Purple Moon Holy Land. Happy events, so I will report them.

At this time, in the highest temple of Ziyue Holy Land, Ziyue Ancestor also knew the news of the evacuation of the world beasts. At this time, he was also overjoyed. A huge crisis was thus resolved. Although some of the origin of the universe was lost, for The huge Ziyue Holy Land universe can still bear it. Ziyue Ancestor said: "It seems that the information obtained before is accurate. The world beast will only devour the origin of the universe for one day, and then it will change to another target. steady.

The universe in our Purple Moon Holy Land behaved the same way this time. It seems that we are still too pessimistic. The world beast is not so greedy and knows how to measure. By the way, if Luo Yuan from the human race comes, tell him that he needs I have lost the wing parts in Ziyue Holy Land, let him go back and forth wherever he goes, hahaha. "

The strong men in the Purple Moon Holy Land who were listening below were all shocked. Why did the Purple Moon Ancestor who originally agreed to give the wing parts to Luo Yuan suddenly change his mind? So a strong man said: "Master Ancestor, you must not do this." Yeah, we have already promised Luo Yuan of the human race, and now we have gone back on our word. If that Luo Yuan comes, wouldn't we be playing tricks on him? That Luo Yuan of the human race is also the strongest person in the universe sea. If we treat him like this, if we treat him If you get angry, the consequences will be disastrous.

So what if the realm beast comes to devour the original power of my Purple Moon Holy Land universe next time? That realm beast is so cunning. How can you be sure that the realm beast will not directly devour the original power of my Purple Moon Holy Land universe next time? When it's all gone, everyone will be dead when it falls. "

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(End of this chapter)

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