I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 562 Battle against Realm Beasts

Chapter 562 Battle against Realm Beasts
  At this time, the strong men in the temple were speechless at the renegade of the Ziyue Ancestor. To them, the wings were completely meaningless, but they were most useful to gain Luo Yuan's friendship. After all, the Ziyue Holy Land and the Human Race were The conflicts between them have become difficult to reconcile, but now that the human race has become the dominant force in the entire cosmic sea, if the Purple Moon Holy Land wants to develop in the future, it must be a good neighbor and friendly with the human race, otherwise the return of the world beasts will be the end of the Purple Moon Holy Land.

But the ancestor of Ziyue still insisted on going his own way. He snorted coldly: "What do you know? That Luo Yuan of the human race has already had a huge hatred against us. Even if I give him the pair of wings, he may not take action, and we Ziyue The origin power of the Moon Holy Land is more than ten thousand times greater than the origin of those small universes of true gods.

The world beast only takes a day each time it devours it. This is because it is afraid of being besieged by the strong men of the Cosmic Sea. It is impossible for the world beast to devour the origin of my Purple Moon Holy Land in a short period of time. It needs It takes who knows how many years, so the world beasts will definitely devour the small universes of other true gods.

As the world beast devours more of its original power, its strength will become stronger. This is something that Luo Yuan and other strong men will never allow, so they will have no choice but to deal with it. If left alone, the final result will be unpredictable. , so even if Luo Yuan is unwilling to take action, the other overlords will not let him sit idly by. "

In the heart of Ziyue Ancestor, his hostility towards Luo Yuan is not much lower than that of world beasts. If Luo Yuan's strength further improves, will he take action against him?

At this time, one of Luo Yuan's strongest clones was driving the Star Tower to the location of the Purple Moon Holy Land. He was also full of expectations for the final wing parts. He wanted to see how powerful the full version of the Wu-Slaying Wings was. , this is the top mechanical treasure that the true gods dream of, and they hope that the ancestor of Ziyue will not go back on his word, but before Luo Yuan reaches his destination, a message from the First God comes, so the world beast has evacuated from Ziyue The Moon Holy Land universe, and it was as stable as before, just devoured it for a day and left without any nostalgia, and the Purple Moon Holy Land actually said that there was nothing Luo Yuan needed.

After Luo Yuan got the news, his expression became cold. He originally wanted to give Ziyue Holy Land and Ziyue Ancestor a chance, but the Ziyue Ancestor actually went against his promise and played tricks on him, so Luo Yuan sent a message to the First God. Said: "Then what does Ziyue Ancestor mean? They are not afraid of world beasts coming to trouble them again."

The First Lord also said after hearing this: "I don't know what the ancestor of Ziyue is thinking. According to Ziyue Holy Land, the premise of their previous promise to give you what you need is that you take action to deal with the beast, so that The crisis in the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe has been lifted, but now that the world beasts have evacuated on their own initiative, it is not your responsibility to deal with it. Therefore, the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe naturally does not need to pay the previously promised treasures. When I got the news, I also felt that the Ziyue Ancestor was too ignorant. Anyway.

I know you must be very angry when you get this news, but if those world beasts really devour the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, I don’t know how strong it will be by then. So even if the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe doesn’t pay the price of support, we We can't just let it go, the beasts of the world are our enemies. "

Luo Yuan snorted coldly when he heard this, and he sent a message: "I know that the realm beast is the enemy of all forces in the universe sea. If the realm beast grows up, it will be detrimental to everyone, so I will take action when the time comes, but the Purple Moon Holy Land is like this You are playing tricks on me, and you really don’t know how to appreciate me. From now on, I, Luo Yuan, and Ziyue Holy Land Universe will fight until death."

The First Lord who received the message from Luo Yuan at this time also felt that Luo Yuan was really angry this time. This was something he had never felt in trillions of epochs. After all, Luo Yuan had always been calm and gentle, and rarely had such strong emotional fluctuations. , this also let the First Allah know that even if the Purple Moon Holy Land is not destroyed by the world beast, it may be destroyed by Luo Yuan in the end. Now Luo Yuan is only in the realm of the Lord of the Universe and can become the strongest person in the Universe Sea, etc. In the future, Breakthrough True God will be even stronger.

The First God sent a message to Luo Yuan: "Hunyuan, what Ziyue Ancestor did is indeed unreasonable, but you won't attack them now. World beasts are the key."

Luo Yuan said coldly: "I know that we should deal with the world beasts first, and then deal with the Purple Moon Holy Land. They will have to pay the due price for their actions."

Luo Yuan, who was driving the Star Tower at this time, had no choice but to start his return journey, but his expression was angry, and he really wanted to kill the Purple Moon Holy Land this time. He snorted coldly: "What a Purple Moon Ancestor, what a Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, do you really think that my Luo Yuan's sword is bad? My reputation as the strongest in the universe sea is not false. Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being rude. The last part of killing Wu Yuyi is of no use to you. It works, but if you dare to tease me, you will disappear."

Purple Moon Holy Land challenges Luo Yuan's bottom line time and time again. Luo Yuan originally didn't want to do anything too extreme, but now Luo Yuan has made up his mind. The Purple Moon Holy Land universe must disappear, then the Purple Moon Holy Land ancestor will just die, and what about the True God of the Void? , now that he has the blessing of many treasures and secret techniques, even if the ancestor of Ziyue comes, he must leave his life behind. Of course, he cannot let the world beasts devour the original power of Ziyue Holy Land. Luo Yuan still won't do things like raising tigers to make trouble. , he is sober.

The realm beast obviously relies on the power of devouring its origin to increase its strength. Whether it is the origin power of other realm beasts or the origin power of many universes in the cosmic sea, it is a source of energy that can quickly increase its strength for the realm beast. , and the original power of the Purple Moon Holy Land universe is a thousand times greater than the original power of the True God's small universe. If it is really swallowed by that realm beast, will that realm beast still be able to survive after its strength has been greatly improved? It's hard to say whether it can be dealt with.

For Luo Yuan, he doesn't care whether the Ziyue Holy Land universe is destroyed or not, but if the Ziyue Holy Land universe is devoured by realm beasts, the realm beasts will grow up and pose a threat to the human race in the original universe. This is also the case for Zi Yue. The reason why the ancestor dared to refuse to give the last part of Wu Yuyi to Luo Yuan was because the ancestor of Ziyue didn't know that Luo Yuan was more dangerous to the universe of Ziyue Holy Land than the world beast. To be on the safe side, Luo Yuan decided to wait until his strength increased to the void. Take action when you are truly a god.

If you want to annihilate the holy land universe of a True God of the Void, you need to have the strength of the Eternal True God. But with Luo Yuan's strength, when he becomes the True God of the Void, his actual combat power will be comparable to the Eternal True God, and The Purple Moon Holy Land universe can only be regarded as average in the universe of the Void True God. Compared with the East Emperor Holy Land universe, this Purple Moon Holy Land universe is much smaller, but the founder of the East Emperor is very honest and has always maintained a neutral position. Luo Yuan Naturally, I won't cause trouble for him.

But the weaker Ziyue Ancestor was a little overestimated. He really thought that since he was the True God of the Void, he would not take Luo Yuan seriously. When Luo Yuan decided to annihilate the Ziyue Holy Land universe in the future, he It means the demise of the Purple Moon Holy Land universe. Luo Yuan simply told the Chaos City Lord about the matter. Although the Chaos City Lord was also very angry, the most important thing now was to deal with the world beast. After all, as its strength increased, It's becoming more and more difficult.

Next, as the world beast's strength increased, its efficiency in digesting the source power also increased a lot, so it originally took more than half a year to digest each time it was devoured, but now it has become a month, but that end The realm beasts were very cautious and still did not immediately go to trouble those powerful true gods. Instead, they cycled through the small universes they had swallowed before, only devouring them for one day each time, and then evacuated immediately. The specific ones were random. of. That world beast was so cunning that the strong men in the universe sea could not find a chance to surround it. This also caused everyone to be a little worried. At this time, one of Luo Yuan's strongest clones was guarding a man named Hai. In the small universe of Yahu Lord, he is waiting for the world beast to devour this small universe. After all, the strength of Haiyazhu is average, and it is very likely to become the target of the world beast. In order not to alert the snake, Luo Yuan changed The shape.

As a result, within a few years, the Lord Haiya sent a message to Luo Yuan saying that the realm beast had really come. This made Luo Yuan feel happy. He had never met the realm beast. Every time Luo Yuan wanted to go When chasing this realm beast, the realm beast ran away early. This made Luo Yuan feel that this realm beast was too careful and could not wait for the opportunity, so Luo Yuan sent his three strongest clones to three possible places. I have been waiting in the small universe to be devoured by world beasts, and now I have finally encountered it.

Moreover, these three strongest clones of Luo Yuan all changed their appearance and sneaked into these three small universes. Even the true gods of the small universes are not clear, and the world beasts cannot get Luo Yuan from the hidden traitor true gods. After that, Luo Yuan received messages from other true gods one after another.

Luo Yuan excitedly muttered to himself at this time: "This world beast can run quite well, but I finally caught you this time. Let me give you a surprise. Just stay here this time. I also want to see the world beast." What are those abilities? Fortunately, my strongest clone has a powerful mechanical flow treasure, even other overlords are not as strong as my clone."

After Luo Yuan thought about this, he immediately took out a palace treasure and flew quickly into the void of the small universe. At the same time, he also sent a message to Haiya Allah: "Haiya Lord, in fact, I have been hiding in your universe waiting for the arrival of the world beast. , you won’t mind, I will come out to deal with the beast now, please send me the specific location.”

Haiyazhen was a little surprised to receive the message from Luo Yuan. He never expected that Luo Yuan would hide quietly in his own small universe, and as the master of the small universe, he was not aware of it at all. However, these are all gone now. It doesn't matter anymore. With Luo Yuan's help, Haiya Allah was completely relieved, so that the world beast could not swallow too much of the original power of his small universe, so Haiya Lord quickly sent out the coordinates of the world beast. Waiting for Luo Yuan.

At this time, outside Haiya Allah's small universe, Haiya Allah is driving the palace treasure and constantly disturbing the world beasts to devour his own small universe, but the world beasts ignore it. In the eyes of the world beasts, Haiya Lord is nothing more than an ant. So the world beast was happily devouring the original power of the small universe. Now he just feels that he is too smart. He is fooling the strong men in the universe sea and can't even catch his own shadow. He has devoured the original power. The power is increasing.

But suddenly Morosa felt something was wrong, because the void around him suddenly became solid. This was because a strong man had used space blockade to completely seal the void. He could not cause the world beast of his Directly sealing the void while alert, shows that it comes from extremely strong strength. You must know that even an overlord-level powerhouse like the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was unable to do this step. At this moment, Luo Yuan teleported over with the palace treasure. , appearing in the void.

The door of the palace treasure opened, and Luo Yuan walked out wearing Wu Qi Shen, walking directly in the void, each step was hundreds of millions of kilometers, and the world beast named Morosa also saw Luo Yuan's figure, he was a little Surprised: "How is it possible? It's just the Lord of the Universe. How can the Lord of the Universe have such strength? He can directly seal the void, and his aura is too strong. The true gods before this are not at the same level at all. Let me figure it out. It’s also difficult for Rosa to leave. Are you the Hunyuan Lord Luo Yuan they say is the strongest person in the universe sea? How is that possible? Aren’t you in the original universe? How could you come here so quickly?”

Luo Yuan put away the palace treasure. With his strength, he did not need the palace treasure to dodge. He looked at some of the world beasts and said: "The ability to change is good, and he is also smart."

After receiving Luo Yuan's recognition, Morosa looked at Luo Yuan and said: "Actually, I also want to meet you. I am very curious about how a Lord of the Universe became the strongest person in the Universe Sea, or the strength of all the true gods in the Universe Sea. It's so bad that he was put on the head by a master of the universe." Morosa joked, but in fact he was not at all wary of Luo Yuan in his heart. At this time, Morosa immediately started devouring the source, Any activation of escape secrets, ready to evacuate at any time. ''

Morosa knew from the true gods who had taken refuge in the world beast forces that all the strong men in this cosmic sea were respected by their strength. Since the Hunyuan lord of the human race was respected as the strongest man in the cosmic sea, his strength must have been obtained. Therefore, the strong man admits that Luo Yuan in front of him cannot be underestimated even if he is just the Lord of the Universe.

Luo Yuan saw through all of Morosa's little moves, and he sneered: "So your name is Morosa. I didn't expect that all the world beasts have names. It's just that you are too careful. Your ability to escape is top-notch. No one can do it until now." I can keep up with you, so I directly blocked the entire void. As for my strength, you can come and learn for yourself. I hope your strength will not let me down. It has been a long time since I have fought with other strong people with all my strength. Fight."

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he directly used the secret technique of burning divine power in Duan Donghe's inheritance, and also directly used the third level of the secret method. Suddenly, powerful divine power radiated from Luo Yuan's body, and then Luo Yuan was surrounded by Wu Qi Shen. Immediately activated by a massive amount of divine power covering his whole body, it was like the golden-armored war god came to the world. Luo Yuan activated his strongest state as soon as he arrived. After all, he was facing a world beast with powerful and unpredictable means. Luo Yuan did not dare to be too big, and Luo Yuan Decided to take down the world beast.

When the realm beast felt Luo Yuan's powerful aura, he couldn't help but be startled. Is this really the Lord of the Universe? Even the Ultimate God couldn't reach half of this person's aura, so the realm beast also began to accumulate strength and prepare to attack. , suddenly the world beast took the lead and directly used its special soul attack. An invisible soul wave swept towards Luo Yuan's soul, but Luo Yuan just sneered when he saw this, without any damage at all.

Now that Luo Yuan's will has been transformed into a saint, and he has two top inheritances, the soul attack of the world beast is a joke to Luo Yuan.

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(End of this chapter)

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