Chapter 568 Rules Oath
  When Luo Yuan heard what the world beast said, he couldn't help but sneered: "You world beast is so cunning, how do I know if this is a little trick of yours?"

After hearing this, Morosa quickly said: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, you should think that there are rules in this cosmic sea. How about I make an oath with you using these rules as a binding force? Even our world beasts can use such rules. There is no way to disobey it. After all, our realm beasts are also products of rules. When you and I make oaths, you will know how powerful these oaths are. You should know that there are many true gods in the universe sea who have taken refuge in our realm beasts, relying on such oaths. Keep the relationship alive.”

Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this, but he still said suspiciously: "I know what you mean. In recent years, we have also found some true gods who have taken refuge in you, and have disposed of them or exiled them. But the problem is that you beasts have There are so many, I don’t believe that all of you realm beasts will make an oath with those true gods who have taken refuge in you, otherwise your other realm beasts’ reneging on your promise will have no effect, so I have objections to your oath, and you cannot represent the realm beasts.”

Morosa also knew that Luo Yuan would say this. After all, the land of darkness is now in chaos, and all the realm beasts are competing with each other. How could he care about the oaths made by other realm beasts, but he still said: "You don't know. The reason why those true gods come to us is not just based on the rules and oaths. As for the specific reasons, I can't tell you, but anyone who takes refuge in us will be given the power of darkness. This is completely opposite to divine power. Power can be regarded as an existence on our side. When we, the world beasts, sense the dark power of the True God, they will naturally not attack you. Instead, we will regard you as our kind."

After hearing this, Luo Yuan also understood why the Haolei Star Lord he met earlier could use the power of darkness. It turned out that he was given power by the world beast, but Luo Yuan also knew that it was impossible to obtain powerful power without any effort. There is no price, otherwise in the era of endless reincarnation, why didn’t those civilizations that were annihilated by the realm beasts take refuge with the realm beasts? This should be a kind of master recognition ceremony, just like the human race accepting other affiliated ethnic groups, which requires those ethnic groups to pledge the most important things. .

So Luo Yuan couldn't help but sneered: "Why, you want me to recognize you as my master. You are really talking nonsense. Are you worthy? Don't say it's you. Even the last king of your world beasts is just a pet in my eyes. Now I am just the Lord of the universe and I can suppress you and beat you. Are you realm beasts qualified to deal with me in the future? I know that there is a wider world outside the universe sea. You realm beasts must also know that. Only by jumping out of here can you It’s true freedom, let’s fight.”

The world beast named Morosa also expected this result. He was just delaying his recovery, and Luo Yuan wanted to get more information from him, so Morosa said again: "As far as I know You humans are not friendly with other forces in the Universe Sea, especially those universes in the Purple Moon Holy Land. In this way, I can make a rule and vow not to attack the small universe of your human true god. I will only devour the small universe of the true gods of other forces. Is this okay?"

Luo Yuan heard the words and sneered: "You have a good plan, but even if you can not take action against our human race, what about the other world beasts? If you are allowed to destroy all the other true gods of the entire universe sea, it will be a disaster. Our human race is directly facing the siege of a large number of realm beasts. Unless you can make all the realm beasts let go of our human race’s True God, there is nothing to talk about. But I don’t think you have this ability, otherwise you will not be able to escape from the darkness. The land has escaped and is still in such a mess."

Morosa was silent when he heard this. He knew that the Hunyuan Lord of the human race in front of him could not be so easy to fool. The previous true gods might have been frightened by the realm beasts before they recognized the realm beasts as their masters, but the one in front of him It is impossible to be the strongest in the universe sea, and although there are many realm beasts in the dark land, not all of them can do well. For example, Morosa was actually kicked out, and his old rival Bedi is better than him. He is much stronger and it is impossible to get other world beasts to listen to him.

Those powerful world beasts will eventually annihilate the entire cosmic sea, and it is impossible to let go of any force. Those true gods who take refuge in the world beasts are no longer considered to be strong men of the cosmic sea. They can only be regarded as the servants and servants of the world beasts. They're just vassals, and it's not like the world beasts can't clear them out, it's just that there's not enough time.

When Luo Yuan saw that Morosa didn't speak, he couldn't help but frowned. He wanted to get more information about the world beast from Morosa, so he shouted: "War."

Morosa couldn't help but become angry after hearing this. He said angrily: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, why can't you let me go and keep making trouble for me? If I weren't afraid that dealing with you would consume a lot of original power, I wouldn't Let you go, now you really pissed me off, so I decided to teach you a lesson."

As soon as Morosa said the cruel words, his divine body immediately turned into countless golden lights and fled in all directions without any hesitation. This made Luo Yuan speechless. The beast said that he wanted to teach him a lesson, but the next thing happened. Within seconds, he was very timid and used secret techniques to escape. This made Luo Yuan see the cunning and cowardice of this world beast, so Luo Yuan thought, and suddenly two more figures rushed out of the Star Tower. It turned out to be Luo Yuan. The other two strongest clones are each fully armed.

One of the clones used the Wu-Killing Wings to quickly chase the realm beast with the blessing of the Burning Divine Power Secret Technique. At the same time, the other clone wore Wu Qishen and chased out. The third clone controlled the Star Tower to bombard the realm beast. And left, at this time Luo Yuan's three strongest clones actually gathered together. This was Luo Yuan's back-up plan. This time he decided to keep this world beast, and even if he couldn't kill it, he would kill it. He has no spare energy to come back to the universe sea and act recklessly.

At the same time, two domain-type mechanical treasures completely froze the surrounding time and space. What Luo Yuan didn't expect was that the realm beast could move rapidly within the domain. However, Luo Yuan was not in a hurry. He immediately controlled Wu Wu's wings to cast the void. The void skill of One Thought, which can only be used by true gods, continued to stabilize the void, and then the Star Tower also emitted bright divine light. Suddenly, powerful devouring power emitted from the Star Tower, and everything around it was stirred up.

This powerful force directly caused countless vortexes to appear in the void. The powerful force caused the golden light that had originally escaped to be sucked back. This is the God-King Level Supreme Treasure Star Tower. After Luo Yuan mastered its eighth secret method, it can produce The power of the void is even more powerful. Even the True God of the Void cannot match it with a single thought of the void. The powerful devouring force makes the void shatter, and countless space fragments are also swallowed into the vortex. The entire void is filled with chaotic air currents and terrifying vortex.

This shocked the escaping world beast. Although he knew from the information he received that Luo Yuan's true form had never appeared, and that several clones came out to walk, he did not expect the strength of Luo Yuan's three clones working together. It's so powerful. Luo Yuan fought with the realm beast before, and the realm beast ran away twice in a row. The realm beast thought it would be the same this time, but he didn't expect Luo Yuan to use such a powerful trick as soon as he made a move. His body transformed countless All the golden light was swallowed up by the Star Tower.

At this time, the entire void was a huge vortex, all of which was caused by the Star Tower. In the end, the world beast felt that this was not possible. Although his body turned into countless golden lights, which could greatly increase the speed of escape, it also caused each clone to His strength is reduced, and if this continues, all his clones will be swallowed up and suppressed by the Star Tower. Therefore, with the thought of the world beast, all his clones gather together to reveal his true form, and then use secret techniques to stabilize his body. But no matter how the world beast tried to escape, it could not avoid being swallowed by the Star Tower. He suddenly became extremely anxious. Luo Yuan was too well prepared this time. The escape methods he had tried before were now useless. If the world beast still ran like this, Directly choosing teleportation and flying, Luo Yuan can catch up with him immediately with the Wu-killing Wings and Star Tower he possesses. Especially now that the void is completely blocked, it has become extremely difficult for the world beasts to escape, and their speed is slowed down to the maximum. Slow, but Luo Yuan was not affected.

Luo Yuan, as the master of one-thought void and domain-type mechanical treasures, his movement speed was not only limited but also strengthened, so he just dodged and came to the front of the realm beast, which made the realm beast start to panic. He saw Xiang Luo Yuan said: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, it seems that the strength you showed before is not your full strength. No wonder you can become the strongest person in the universe sea. Even the True God of the Void in the two holy places are afraid of you. It's really It’s awesome.”

Luo Yuan heard this and sneered: "You run away again. Didn't you listen to the arrogance before? You seem to have a secret trick. You can concentrate all your power together to launch the strongest beam attack, even my two pieces of machinery." Even Liuzhibao can't block it, you can use it now, see if I can block it now, and see the effect."

The world beast's eyes were full of anger when he heard this. Every time he used the secret trick, he would consume a lot of his original power and reduce his strength. It was only a means of escape and had no effect on Luo Yuan in front of him, so the world beast The beast would not use that move, so the realm beast threatened unwillingly: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, are you really not afraid that I will attract those realm beasts from the dark land? I have this method, but I I just don’t want to share the benefits here with other world beasts, but you treat me like this, and I can’t promise not to do so. So as long as you and I stop fighting, I can make a rule and swear that I will not do anything to the small universe of the true god of the human race. How about taking action? Even if you can suppress me, when a large number of world beasts come to the cosmic sea, you will definitely not be able to stop them."

Luo Yuan Wenyan couldn't help but think that with the existing combat power of the Universe Sea, if a large number of world beasts really came here, the various forces in the Universe Sea would definitely not be able to stop them. He couldn't help but think about the strength and realm of the various forces in the Universe Sea. The beasts are still far behind compared to each other, and it will take a lot of time for him to become stronger, so at this time, a large number of realm beasts are attacking, and even he can't stop it, and he finally caught the realm beast in front of him. When it arrives, it would be a shame to just let it go, but it would be dangerous not to kill it.

Luo Yuan deliberately said: "Morosa, you said that you have the means to notify other world beasts from the Dark Land to come to the Cosmic Sea. I don't believe it. I don't know how far this place is from the Dark Land, and it is also suppressed by the rules of the Cosmic Sea. You How is it possible? Can you realm beasts do everything regardless of rules and distance?"

Morosa sneered after hearing this: "You think of our realm beasts too simply. Over the course of countless reincarnations, the universes and civilizations in the universe sea have been annihilated by our realm beasts countless times, and some of them are far more powerful than your era. civilization, but no matter how they resist, they can't escape the end of extinction. Why do you think this is because we, the world beasts, are the product of rules and the opposite of the original universe. The means we have are naturally not as simple as you think.

You should know that there were a billion of us world beasts when they were first born, but the rules allow us to fight and devour each other. Only the strongest one can survive and become the king. You don’t know how powerful the king of world beasts is. No matter how strong it is, even the God-King-level powerhouses have to be afraid, but there is only one king, so if a realm beast runs away from the dark land, do you think the other realm beasts will not be able to do so after they are reduced to the strongest few realm beasts? Go out and look for it, it will be the end of you.

And we world beasts are born with a sense of each other's position. Although it is not very specific, it still has a general direction. This is true no matter where we go. Do you think I am willing to come to this cosmic sea, if it is not to avoid being like Bedi? Even if powerful world beasts devour me, I will not risk coming to the cosmic sea to devour the True God's small universe. Only by devouring the original power of these small universes can I increase my strength to the limit and have the opportunity to compete with other world beasts for the throne. "

Luo Yuan heard the words and knew that what Morosa said made sense. This was also the reason why the world beasts could not stay out of the matter. They were the products of the rules, so they could only operate according to the rules. They had no qualifications to escape and could only fight with each other continuously. Devour it to become more powerful, give birth to the strongest realm beast king, and then annihilate the entire cosmic sea, including the original universe, and finally give birth to a new original universe, repeat civilization, and so on, endlessly, to maintain the operation of the universe.

Morosa saw that Luo Yuan seemed to be persuaded, so he continued: "So Lord Hunyuan of the human race, you don't need to doubt whether I have this ability. You just need to know that once you destroy me, you will cause a large number of The world beasts will come to besiege the cosmic sea, and even your true God of the human race will not be able to stop it from being swallowed up by then."

Luo Yuan did not speak when he heard the words but fell into thinking. What this realm beast said made sense. It would be very dangerous if only one of them was destroyed to attract unknown realm beasts. But Luo Yuan would not show it directly. After all, For the entire cosmic sea, all world beasts are enemies. At this time, Morosa was also looking at Luo Yuan. He hoped that Luo Yuan would let him go, so that he could continue to devour the small universes of those weak true gods. As long as Just don’t take action against the small universe of the human race’s True God.

Of course, this is just a delaying tactic for the realm beasts. Even if he and Luo Yuan made a rule and vowed not to attack the true gods of the human race, when the realm beasts from the dark land come out, they will still deal with the humans. Now it is just delaying time, and the number of those realm beasts Although it will decrease, the strength will only become stronger. Even Luo Yuan, who has many top treasures, cannot stop it. Luo Yuan also knows this truth, so he will not let go of the world beast in front of him.

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(End of this chapter)

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