Chapter 569 Blood of World Beasts
  Luo Yuan said: "Okay, Morosa, don't play these low-level tricks in front of me. Do you think I will be fooled? You must know that the world beasts and the original universe where my human race is located are immortal enemies, so in the end the world beasts and There will definitely be a result between the primitive universes, and there is no possibility of reconciliation. Therefore, you realm beasts cannot let go of the human race in the end, and you cannot represent other realm beasts. Don’t threaten me to lure other realm beasts here. Deal with the cosmic sea.

No matter how many realm beasts you attract, I, Luo Yuan, will annihilate them all. Now I can make you beg for mercy and have the strength to destroy you. When I break through to the true god level, you realm beasts will not be able to threaten me. , and you have seen my methods. What I am using now is still not my full strength, but you can no longer escape. Although I don’t know if you have other means to save your life, I believe that the price you have to pay must be you. Not willing to bear it either. "

As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Morosa, and there was a lot of divine power burning in his body. His aura suddenly became stronger. At the same time, the devouring power generated by the Star Tower was several times stronger than before, even if it was The world beasts all felt that their bodies were unstable. If they were really swallowed by the Star Tower, then Morosa would really be doomed. He looked at Luo Yuan angrily and shouted: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, why are you so clever? Ling, you don’t understand the power of world beasts.”

Luo Yuan sneered and said: "I don't care how powerful your realm beasts are. Since you are destined to be an enemy that cannot be changed, then let's fight. No matter how powerful your realm beasts are, I, Luo Yuan, will wipe out all of you." Luo Yuan said Finally, his three strongest clones attacked the world beast at the same time, and the various mechanical treasures on his body were activated. For a time, the strength of each clone exceeded the ultimate true god, and just the breath he exuded made the void start. The tremors became distorted, and Wu Qishen's power increased greatly.

Facing the golden chain, the Blood Shadow Sword and the Thunder God Spear struck at the Morosa Realm Beast. Suddenly, the Realm Beast roared in pain. At the same time, he was understood by three strong men who were stronger than himself that it was coming from below. Rosa wanted to escape, but Luo Yuan's domain-like ultimate treasure and the one-thought void skill formed by the silver wings tightly blocked this space and time. This made it impossible for the world beasts to escape, and even the movement speed was so slow that it made him feel uncomfortable. , suddenly felt aggrieved.

As the blood shadow knife in Luo Yuan's hand was swung, countless golden streams of light suddenly appeared, and these streams of light were actually condensed by the ultimate golden law. This made Morosa couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this, because Luo Yuan had actually used gold. The law has been mastered to such an extent that it can directly mobilize the power of the law to empower weapons to form powerful attack methods. This can only be achieved when the world beast uses its innate ability. Morosa howled in pain as every golden stream of light bombarded him.

"How is it possible? Why are you so strong? Did you really only use a small amount of power before to get information about the world beasts from me, especially the innate abilities of our world beasts? But you still You underestimate us world beasts, I still have powerful methods that I haven’t used yet, so don’t be complacent.”

The realm beast named Morosa was howling in pain while being bombarded back and forth by countless golden lights. He still had time to speak, but as time went on, Morosa felt that it would not last seconds, because Luo Sa Although Yuan's method does not pose a fatal danger to him, it will continue to consume his original energy. If he continues like this, one will ebb and flow, then he will lose, and then he will fall into Luo Yuan's hands. It was over, but Morosa found that she couldn't escape at all.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words of the world beast: "Morosa, have you discovered just now that I can be recognized as the strongest person in the universe sea? Do you think I only have the same ability as before? Otherwise, the ancestor of the two holy places How could they admit and be afraid of me? They are the True Gods of the Void. I didn’t attack you hard before because I wanted to get the secrets about your world beasts from you so that I could have a battle plan against you. Isn’t it uncomfortable now? This is I'm tactical.

I know that the divine bodies of your realm beasts are very strong, especially your healing ability is so strong that it can recover with just a little energy. However, the source energy you consume cannot be replenished on your own, and can only be replenished by devouring other realm beasts or It is the original power of the small universe of the Cosmic Sea. For this reason, I developed this golden sea attack secret technique myself. It will consume your energy to the point where it cannot be supported. It is not up to me to decide what to do with you then. How about it? Be afraid. "

Luo Yuan was fiercely attacking Morosa and sarcastic at the same time, just to see if this realm beast had any stronger means that he had not used yet. This had to be guarded against. After all, how could a realm beast that could annihilate countless civilizations be so powerful? I saw it, otherwise the original will of the original universe would not be so afraid of the realm beasts. Luo Yuan has never thought of fighting the realm beasts head-on. It is a waste of time and divine power. By consuming the original power of the realm beasts in this way, it is the most effective way. Smart move.

The world beast named Morosa understood Luo Yuan's purpose at this time. He suddenly roared angrily. The strong human race in front of him was too cunning. He kept moving step by step, thinking about how to deal with him. It was estimated that before Luo Yuan didn't take the matter of the small universes of the weak true gods that were devoured by him at all. After all, those were not the small universes of the true gods of the human race, and they had nothing to do with the human race. They were good for testing the strength of the world beasts. .

So the world beast named Morosa immediately restored his original appearance. His blood-red one eye stared at Luo Yuan and shouted: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, you really pissed me off." The golden lines on Rosa's body became brighter, and then the dark power in her body was quickly condensed, and finally formed an extreme red beam. However, this beam was not used by the world beast to bombard the field where Luo Yuan's mechanical treasure was displayed. Instead, he covered his divine body with these red lights, and the realm beast's defense, attack power, and speed immediately increased a lot, allowing him to move normally within the domain.

Numerous arms immediately appeared in Morosa's divine body to grab the countless swords and swords cast by Luo Yuan. As a result, those powerful swords seemed to have hit the ball and bounced away. This made Luo Yuan feel incredible. It seems that this world The beast really has other powerful means. The previous red beam had a very strong attack effect. Even the domain cage formed by Luo Yuan's mechanical treasure was blasted into pieces. Now it can be covered all over to offset the attack he sent out. All kinds of attacks are strong.

No matter how many knives Luo Yuan made with the blood shadow knife in his hand, they would be skillfully deflected in the end. No matter how much Morosa's divine body was bombarded, it would remain intact in the end. When Luo Yuan saw this, he knew that this was not going to work. So he immediately activated the Wuqi God on his body, and the other two clones still violently attacked the world beast, covering Luo Yuan against the Wuqi God. Suddenly Luo Yuan became a golden giant beast, and Luo Yuan did not change. In the original form of Qiqishen, the attack power is not enough.

For the appearance of this golden behemoth, Luo Yuan referred to the golden-horned behemoth at its peak, so that both its speed, defense and attack power reached the standards he wanted. This is the top machine flow treasure Wu Qishen comes with A powerful secret method that can change its appearance according to one's own will. Luo Yuan has mastered this secret method after so many years of understanding. As Luo Yuan's transformed beast burns a lot of divine power, the golden horns on its head become more... Sharp and powerful, blessed by the Star Tower. So the golden giant beast immediately collided with the realm beast. In addition, the other two clones used blood shadow knives and thunder guns to attack the same position of the realm beast at the same time. The realm beast's divine body, which originally had extremely strong defensive power, For the first time, Luo Yuan was unable to resist the strongest blow from the three clones of Luo Yuan. The body of the world beast was immediately pierced. As Luo Yuan waved the blood shadow knife to strangle, the world beast actually bled, but this color Like its appearance, it is dark black.

In the end, he was swallowed by the Star Tower. Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this. He had been fighting the world beast for so long, but he cared most about the blood of the world beast, because it contained the gene sequence of the world beast, which could help him improve his genetic level of the divine body. It has a huge effect, and it may be able to break through to the limit of 100,000 times in one fell swoop. After all, the world beast is a regular creature in the cosmic sea. It can be said that the creature at the top of the cosmic sea has the strongest genetic sequence. It is placed on the continent of origin. All top notch.

Luo Yuan controlled the Star Tower to increase the devouring intensity, and suddenly the dark black blood of the realm beast was being devoured. This made Morosa immediately extremely angry. Since its birth, only powerful beings who are also realm beasts have made him bleed. , but now he was actually injured by the lower creatures of the universe sea. He felt that he had been greatly wronged. With a thought in Morosa's mind, its wound healed immediately. Seeing this, Luo Yuan had to admit the world beast's self. The healing ability is really too strong.

At this time, Morosa looked at Luo Yuan and said angrily: "Okay, very good, Lord Hunyuan of the human race, you are indeed very strong, and you can actually hurt me. I am a third-level world beast, and I can hurt you in the entire dark land." I only have Bedi, and other world beasts can't even get close to me, but you are just a low-level creature in the cosmic sea and you actually hurt me. I just want to come to the cosmic sea to swallow some of the original power to increase my strength. I have never done anything to you. The human race took action and you did this to me, you deserve to die."

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this and said: "As a world beast, do you think you are superior? We are all born in the universe sea, and we only rely on our strength to speak. As long as I am strong enough, it doesn't matter if I am the king of world beasts. I will still kill you for you to see." When I break through to the true god level, I only need one hand to kill you. What else do you have to be proud of? Although you have not taken action against my human race, this is because I will not let you do whatever you want. Since you want to kill I, I want to kill you right away, so I’ll use my ultimate trick."

Luo Yuan knew that there were a billion realm beasts in the dark land. There must be a level gap between those realm beasts, but the specific classification was not clear. Now I heard Morosa said that he was at the third level, and he could hurt His realm beast only needs one realm beast named Bedi. It seems that among those realm beasts, reaching the third level is very strong. But he doesn't know how far away the third level realm beast is from the king. Luo Yuan just wants to After destroying the realm beast in front of him, he wasted a lot of time on this realm beast.

Moreover, if this world beast is not eliminated, all the forces in the entire Universe Sea will be in panic. He does not want to be a firefighter all the time. Now that he understands the original will of the original universe, the Ancestral God Sect can go everywhere to promote that he is the most powerful person in the Universe Sea. The reason for being a strong man is to hold himself up high, and then when the world beast appears, everyone will come to him to take action, but Luo Yuan can't refuse yet, because now the only one in the entire universe who can deal with the world beast is himself. Not even Luo Feng.

Ever since Luo Yuan got the opportunity that originally belonged to Luo Feng, he knew that all this had a price, and now all the responsibilities need to be borne by himself. Luo Yuan also understood why Luo Feng was called the son of the world. He is actually the person who changed his destiny due to the transformation of the universe, but this is not fixed, because all these need to be supported by opportunities along the way. If a being more powerful than Luo Feng appears along the way, he may replace him and become the person who deserves the disaster. Unavoidable.

Luo Yuan knew that the world was very vast. The cosmic sea he was in was just one of the three thousand cosmic seas. The biggest stage was at the source of these cosmic seas, which was the continent of origin of the highest plane. It could only be seen there. Therefore, the universe sea is the most amazing and brilliant genius, because all the peak beings in the three thousand universe sea will eventually go to the origin continent through reincarnation. Luo Yuan can't imagine how wonderful the origin continent is, and he yearns for it.

But now he has to solve the current problem. The cosmic sea he is in is now facing this huge disaster. It is a realm beast that requires tens of thousands of reincarnations to be born, and it will also annihilate everything. If there are no worthy people in the era to deal with the world beasts, it means that everything here, including all living things and civilizations, will be wiped out. That is why all the forces in the entire cosmic sea will join forces to deal with the world beasts.

Luo Yuan figured this out, and he immediately controlled the three strongest clones to use their strongest attacks to attack the realm beast. Not only did it consume the energy of the realm beast, the realm beast was still in the growth stage, so its life-saving ability was extremely high. Strong, the most direct manifestation of which is its defensive ability and self-healing ability, but its own strength is still at the level of the ultimate true god, so Luo Yuan has no choice but to fight a war of attrition with this world beast. With Luo Yuan's reserves of divine power, he doesn't think The energy consumption of the world beast exceeds his own. After all, this is the cosmic sea and his home field. In addition, he has more than 90,000 times the level of divine power genes, and the endless sea of ​​divine power provides him with divine power.

So Luo Yuan is now fighting the world beast regardless of the consumption of divine power. The world beast named Morosa also realized Luo Yuan's purpose and determination. Its original energy was consuming more and more, and it suddenly roared anxiously. Said: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, enough is enough. Do you really want me to notify other world beasts to come to this cosmic sea to deal with you? Your cosmic sea is not capable of facing a large number of world beast attacks at the same time. Stop it quickly." Attack, I can leave the cosmic sea."

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(End of this chapter)

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