Chapter 572 All bodies are unified
  Listening to the words of the Third Allah, the First Lord of the God Eye Clan said coldly: "You are afraid of the Realm Beasts, but aren't you afraid of the Hunyuan Lord of the human race? The Hunyuan Lord is now just the Lord of the Universe and can defeat the Realm Beasts." We can only consume a large amount of our original power to escape. Once Lord Hunyuan breaks through to the realm of true gods, it will still be possible to eliminate the realm beasts. Moreover, we have chosen to rely on the human race. If we rely on the realm beasts now, Lord Hunyuan will not be able to do so. We, the Divine Eye Clan, will be spared.”

The Third God heard the words and said: "I admit that what you said makes sense, but after trillions of epochs have passed, the Hunyuan Lord of the human race still has not broken through to the true god level. On the contrary, the Lords of the Universe who are much weaker than him have We don’t know when he will be able to break through to the True God. If Lord Hunyuan has not yet broken through when the realm beasts come to attack in large numbers, wouldn’t we be in danger? And if he becomes a True God, he will definitely be able to deal with the realm. Is it a beast? I’m not sure.

Also, isn’t the biggest enemy to the world beasts now the Hunyuan Lord of the human race? Our God Eye Clan’s end is approaching, so there is no need to fight against the world beasts. Now we mainly spend our time and resources on transcending reincarnation and If we fail to advance to the Holy Land and the Universe without the need for massive attacks from the realm beasts, we will be annihilated. But now we don’t know when the realm beasts will come again. Instead of being so frightened, we should pretend to surrender to the realm beasts and let the realm beasts and the universe It is most beneficial to us to fight the overlords of the sea. Even if the world beast is defeated in the end, it will not be a loss for us to transcend reincarnation.

At this time, the Fourth God also nodded and said: "I also agree with the opinion of the Third God. This time, the three strongest avatars of the Hunyuan Lord of the human race did not take down the realm beast at the same time. If a large number of realm beasts were taken down, If a beast or the strongest king-level realm beast attacks, can the Hunyuan lord be able to withstand it? You guys think that the small universes of the true gods who have taken refuge in the realm beasts are fine, and if there is a true god in our Shenyan tribe who has transcended reincarnation, To advance to the holy land universe, would the human race dare to commit such a crime?

Following the discussion among several Allahs, except for the First Allah, most of them supported taking refuge in the Realm Beast. After all, for them, the most important thing is to transcend reincarnation and advance to the Holy Land and the Universe. They can let go of the others, and they have no intention of fighting with the Realm Beast. The enemy, even if the world beast is finally wiped out, their Divine Eye Clan has not yet had the true god who transcends reincarnation appear, and their Divine Eye Clan will still have to be annihilated into nothingness in the end. The First Allah also feels the pressure. Although he is the leader of the clan, he still has to Listen to opinions.

The eyes of all the gods present finally stayed on the First Allah, waiting for the First Allah's final decision, but the First Allah knew what impact it would have on the entire Divine Eye Clan once this decision was made. If he made the wrong move, it would be terrible. It was a point of no return, so the First Lord decided to think about it carefully.

At this time, after the various forces in the universe sea got the results of the battle between Luo Yuan and the realm beast, they divided into two factions. One faction chose to still support Luo Yuan against the realm beast, and the other faction had a negative attitude towards Luo Yuan. They were afraid of him. Realm beasts will attack the universe sea in large numbers and choose to take refuge with the realm beasts. This causes the various forces in the universe sea to have differences and suddenly become chaotic. However, more and more forces choose to take refuge with the realm beasts. They think that the realm beasts are enemies. Not wise.

Especially the various forces belonging to the first era of reincarnation. Their deadline is approaching, and they don't want to be enemies with the world beasts. After all, it is not good for them. After self-creation has received a lot of benefits from the world of Jin, these forces have also gained The inheritance of transcending reincarnation, so what they are most concerned about is to let the true gods of their own tribe transcend reincarnation and be promoted to the Holy Land Universe. Once successful, even if the final world beast is eliminated, they will be able to gain a foothold, and it will be difficult for other forces to deal with them.

At this time, in the Ancestral Palace of the Ancestral Mystery Realm of the original universe, the three Ancestral Gods were suddenly shocked, because they had just received information from the original will of the original universe at the same time, and they also knew that the entire universe sea was now in chaos, especially There are more and more forces that choose to seek refuge in the Realm. The three Ancestral Gods only feel ridiculous about this. They can obtain accurate information from the original will, so they know that seeking refuge with the Realm Beast is seeking death, which is not simple.

The Two-faced Ancestral God sneered: "They are all a group of short-sighted guys. How do they know that to join the world beast is to be a servant of the world beast, but the world beast itself is the product of rules, and their instinct is to annihilate everything in the cosmic sea. How can they really let go of these forces that have taken refuge, and those world beasts become stronger by devouring the original power of the small universe, so if they feel that these servants are useless, they must not become their food in the end."

The oldest ancestor god said slowly: "That's why the original will of the original universe asked us to pass on these messages to the forces in the universe sea, so that they don't do stupid things. They are not avoiding the attacks of world beasts. They are here." His entire clan was ruined, after all, they were all derived from the original universe. "

The young Ancestral God said: "Are they really taking in all the servants of realm beasts? They don't look down on those true gods who are much weaker than them. For realm beasts, instead of paying a huge price to conquer some weak true gods, they can It would be better to devour their small universe to enhance their strength."

The three ancestral gods obtained specific information about the original will of the original universe and also knew the secret of the world beast's ability to accept servants. It is not that simple for the world beast to accept servants. It is not just about making a rule oath, but also involves the world beast itself. The gift of the power of darkness will damage the origin of the world beast, so the world beast will have very high requirements for its servants. At least they need to be at the high level of true gods to have this basic qualification, and they will become their food in the future.

The three Ancestral Gods received the instruction from the original will of the original universe, and they did not hesitate to immediately share this information with all the forces in the Universe Sea. When each force obtained this information, they were all shocked. They did not expect that taking refuge in the world beasts would turn out to be so... Dangerous, this is simply giving food to the beasts of the world.

Although there are many powerful true gods who are skeptical about the news sent by the Ancestral God Sect, they also have scruples about taking refuge in the world beasts. Even if the news about the original will is only 1% correct, they cannot try it. , they originally planned to take refuge in the realm beasts in order to avoid the attacks of the realm beasts and improve their strength. However, now they know that if they take refuge in the realm beasts, not only will they be greatly restricted, but the small universe will also become the food of the realm beasts at any time.

At this time, Zuo Shanke, who was cultivating in a desolate star field, also received information from the Ancestral God Sect. Zuo Shanke only felt that the original will of the original universe was too courageous. He sneered and said: "Once the world beasts attack the universe on a large scale, Hai, what's the use of those true gods? Their small universe is just food for the world beasts. The final decisive role must fall on Luo Yuan, and it's impossible to avoid the attacks of the world beasts. The beast is the annihilator.

Once the realm beast grows to the king level, all restraints will be meaningless to it. Then the entire cosmic sea will be annihilated, and no force can escape.

It's just that Luo Yuan has not broken through to the true god level after such an era. He is taking the divine power route. After passing through Wuqi Tower, the divine power gene has reached at least 70,000 times. Could it be that he wants to directly reach the divine power gene? The limit is one hundred thousand times. If that's the case, the goal is too high. It's very difficult. Even at the source of the cosmic sea, there are very few peerless geniuses who can reach 100,000 divine power genes. I don’t know when Luo Yuan decided to break through to the true god. If Luo Yuan is really allowed to achieve that extreme step, then what will he achieve in the future? It will be far beyond the realm of God King. This disciple of mine really exceeded my expectations. Although the realm beasts that were ravaging the cosmic sea were temporarily beaten away by Luo Yuan, that was just the beginning. Those realm beasts would not give up. The crisis coming soon.

At this time, Luo Yuan also received information from the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect. Naturally, many forces in the Cosmic Sea had a tendency to defect to the World Beasts. However, Luo Yuan did not care. He knew very well the relationship between the World Beasts and all the forces in the Cosmic Sea. The essential relationship is one of immortality. Even if they take refuge with the realm beasts, they will only survive. Not only do they have to work for the realm beasts to deal with the true gods of the universe sea, but they will eventually become the realm beasts' rations. It is a fool's dream to want the realm beasts to let them go. .

Luo Yuan learned from the inheritance of the God King of Jin that in the past countless reincarnations, he had actually experienced the process of the world beasts annihilating the cosmic sea many times. At that time, many forces chose to take refuge with the world beasts, but as a result, no one has ever done so until now. The forces that have taken refuge in the world beasts can be passed down, so taking refuge in the world beasts is completely the wishful thinking of those negative forces in the cosmic sea. How can the world beasts, the most annihilating all-ruling products of rules, really care about them, true gods.

In the vast universe, the Star Tower turned into a stream of light and flew quickly towards the original universe. Among them were not only the three strongest clones of Luo Yuan and several true gods of the human race, but also the collected blood of world beasts. This time Luo Yuan had The blood of the world beast can analyze its life gene structure diagram, and it is possible to impact the genetic sequence 100,000 times. You must know that the world beast, as the strongest regular creature in the universe sea, is born as a true god. It can be seen that its life gene structure is definitely Far beyond any living being in the universe sea.

Luo Yuan drove the Star Tower directly to his own territory, the Galaxy Star Territory. This place now belongs to Luo Yuan personally and does not belong to any force. Luo Yuan can naturally mobilize any resources in it, but for Luo Yuan, this place is more like It was just a home he built in the vast universe. When Luo Yuan's Star Tower passed by, all the strong men he saw in the Galaxy Star Territory bowed their heads in respect. Because of Luo Yuan's existence, the Galaxy Star Territory would be so powerful. and prosperity.

Luo Yuan can also feel the respect of these powerful men, but now Luo Yuan is most concerned about the analysis of the blood of world beasts. Once the divine power gene is increased to 100,000 times, then Luo Yuan will begin to break through to the true god. He can also be confident about dealing with realm beasts. Although Luo Yuan doesn't know how strong the best king-level realm beasts are, the existence that can annihilate the entire cosmic sea must be unimaginably powerful, so the realm beasts have not yet grown. It is only right to resolve it before it gets to that point.

Luo Yuan came to the center of the Star Tower and looked at the blood of the realm beast. He was also full of expectations, so he divided the blood of the realm beast into dozens of parts. The blood of the realm beast was hard-won. He didn't know how much it would take to analyze. The complete life genetic structure of the out-of-world beast, so he couldn't take risks and needed to deal with it carefully. He put a little of the blood of the out-of-world beast into the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld, and then continued to analyze and create using the innate secret method, and soon a small and exquisite creature appeared. world beast.

However, this world beast has no soul. After all, it is just a copy after genetic analysis. It can also be convenient for Luo Yuan to analyze its genetic structure, so under Luo Yuan's control, this small world beast immediately decomposes into countless stars. Each of these The stars are all in the shape of the realm beasts, but they appear smaller. Then Luo Yuan continues to decompose them, and finally the most primitive form of the realm beasts can be seen. However, the genetic structure of these primitive realm beasts is too complex, beyond what Yuan has ever seen. Any living thing.

With Luo Yuan's current status in the world of Jin, he has already obtained the genetic sequences of all the creatures in it, including the genetic structures of several eternal true god-level generals. However, Luo Yuan has only now discovered that those are the same as the genetic sequences of the world beasts in front of him. It was still far behind in comparison. Luo Yuan also understood why he was so arrogant when he met the world beast Morosa. Compared with the world beast, the genetic sequence of other creatures in the universe sea is indeed not at the same level as it. Rule restrictions.

However, the blood of world beasts obtained by Luo Yuan was only of the third level, and all of them could still be analyzed. If it was the blood of the king of world beasts, it would be very difficult to analyze, so Luo Yuan began to continuously study the genetic sequence of his world beasts in detail. He was like a top biological scientist, peeling off the cocoon, and then Luo Yuan discovered the difference between the genetic structure of the world beasts and the genetic structure of the true gods of the cosmic sea. They are not the same essential element at all. After all, the world beasts have different genetic structures. The power used by beasts is different from that of true gods. True gods use divine power, while world beasts use the power of darkness that is opposite to the restraint of true gods, and cannot be transformed into each other.

This can't help but put Luo Yuan in trouble. He is taking the path of divine power, and he naturally cultivates divine power. If he reorganizes according to the genetic structure of the world beast, wouldn't it become an aggregation of dark power? This is something Luo Yuan absolutely cannot accept. Yes, but Luo Yuan didn't want to give up. Stones from other mountains can attack jade. The essential elements of world beasts and true gods are different, but their genetic makeup and structures are similar. Although they cannot be copied, they can be used as reference, so Luo Yuan started Enlightenment is accelerated ten thousand times.

After the realm beast was beaten away by Luo Yuan, the universe sea was no longer threatened by realm beasts for a while, and everyone could breathe a sigh of relief. However, in order to deal with the attack of realm beasts in the future, the strong men of various forces put in their efforts again. While practicing to improve his strength, Luo Yuan still sent several clones of himself to guard various areas. If another realm beast came, he could deal with it in time, but he had been studying the genetic structure sequence of realm beasts on the Milky Way Earth. , time passed quickly.

An era passed in the blink of an eye. The various forces in the Universe Sea did not find the small universe where the world beasts were attacking them, so they relaxed. As long as the world beasts did not come, they could practice with peace of mind. As Luo Yuan's research on the gene sequences of the world beasts improved, , he felt that the time for him to break through to the true god was not far away, so he took back the strongest clone in the world of Jin, leaving only an incarnation of divine power for contact. After all, he needed to unify all his bodies to break through to the true god.

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(End of this chapter)

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