Chapter 573 Preparation
  Luo Yuan had already informed the four eternal true god-level generals in the Jin World that he would be in seclusion. He didn't know how long it would take, so he didn't need to worry about anyone disturbing him in the Jin World, let alone A strong man discovered that Luo Yuan's clone had left long ago. He wanted to prepare for the breakthrough to the True God, and this was necessary.

At this time, there is a dim place where the realm beasts gather in the endless cosmic sea. This is the place where realm beasts fight. Their instincts drive them to become stronger only by fighting and devouring each other. The realm beasts who escaped from the cosmic sea in embarrassment before Morosa just ended a battle with other realm beasts. Although he was seriously injured, he defeated and devoured the opponent. At the same time, his strength also increased rapidly. The battle between realm beasts was obviously better than The cosmic sea is more intense and cruel.

In the cosmic sea, world beasts and true gods are not the same species at all, and most of them rely on energy competition. However, the world beasts themselves have many life-saving means that allow them to easily defeat the true gods, and they can escape even if they are outmatched. However, the differences between world beasts The battle relies entirely on one's own strength. After all, they have the same method and there is no chance to escape. In the end, it can only end with the defeat of one side. At this time, Morosa is eyeing a first-level world beast, and the two begin to fight. Great war.

Soon both realm beasts were injured, but Morosa was a third-level realm beast before, so he still had combat experience and was at the upper hand. However, he himself also suffered extremely serious injuries. The realm beast opposite him said coldly: " Unexpectedly, Morosa, who could be competed for the throne by Bedi before, is now only at the first level of strength. Although you are now at the upper hand in fighting me, have you ever thought that even if you can defeat and devour me, your pitiful injuries will not be enough. Resist the beasts that attack you, and they will be destroyed in time.

Although my strength is only at the first level, I have been able to survive for such a long time. It will be difficult for you to defeat me. Let me go, otherwise you will not be able to live well. "

Morosa sneered when he heard this: "What you think is quite beautiful. Don't you know that once we world beasts fight, there will be a winner and loser in the end. The winner enjoys the final glory and benefits, and the loser can only Being swallowed up and turned into nourishment. Although I am currently at the first level, the rest are at the third level. If you want to fight me, can you beat me? Although I am seriously injured now, as long as I can be swallowed You and my injuries can be recovered immediately and upgraded to the second level."

In fact, in the eyes of Morosa, these realm beasts with only first and second level power are looked down upon. He is a third level realm beast that once competed with Bedi for the throne, so his combat experience is much stronger than the realm beast in front of him. times, and Morosa never held back from the moment he took action, causing his opponents to be extremely afraid.

Morosa roared: "Hahaha, so what if my strength is reduced to the first level, I, Morosa, am still so strong. As long as I devour enough realm beasts, my strength will return to the third level sooner or later. Now I just have to If I need to devour your original power, I can directly become a second-order realm beast. Is the third level still far away? I am Morosa, a former third-order realm beast. Fighting with you first- and second-order realm beasts, my The advantage is still obvious, so just wait patiently for Bedi."

The world beast on the opposite side couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Morosa, you are really ridiculous. I have long heard that you ran away from the dark place. You should have gone to the universe sea. I didn't expect that your strength has not improved. Instead, you have been reduced to the first level. The strength gap between the current world beasts is so huge that you can hardly imagine it, and it will only get bigger as time goes by. You have been reduced to the first level. No matter how you improve, you cannot catch up with Bedi. For those of the third level, you have no chance of getting the throne."

Although this world beast was defeated by Morosa and would become the nourishment for Morosa to become stronger, it would not make him convinced. He sneered and said: "Morosa, you want to devour me, but I also I won't make it easy for you. I have already sent the news about your reduced strength to other realm beasts. So what if your strength is raised to the second level? You are still at the bottom among all the realm beasts now. I was your enemy before. Those powerful world beasts will come to settle accounts with you, hahaha."

Morosa was a little angry when he heard this and said: "You really did this. After all, you can't survive anymore, so you just dragged me into the water. Haha, I had expected it."

Although Morosa was angry, he was not surprised. After all, realm beasts can pay a high price to convey messages. For a realm beast that is about to fall, it would not be surprising to do anything, so the realm beast in front of him It is not surprising to spread the news about Morosa, but it is extremely dangerous for Morosa. After all, Morosa offended many realm beasts at the beginning, and these realm beasts have grown up now. They will definitely swarm to deal with him then.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Morosa to upgrade from the first level to the third level like before. After all, the environment in the Dark Land is much more dangerous than before. There is no simple realm beast that can survive to this day, so Moro Sa Sa also knew that it would be difficult to regain the third level strength within a period of time. When the world beast opposite him saw Morosa's somewhat bitter expression, he said happily: "Morosa, I am about to fall, and I will become your stronger one." Nutrition, this is the fate of world beasts, but what about you?"

Morosa sneered: "In any case, I will definitely live longer and better than you. In the end, only one of our realm beasts can survive, and that is the only king. No matter which realm beast it is, it can't escape such a fate. This is the universe." According to the rules, no world beast can resist, but so what. Even if my strength is reduced to the first level now, I will fight for the final throne. Even if I fall, I will have no regrets, even if I fail in the middle. , I just struggled.”

While Morosa devoured the original power of the realm beast in front of him, he roared angrily, as if to express the anguish in his heart. Morosa would never forget the figure of Luo Yuan he met in the cosmic sea, and would take revenge on Luo Yuan. It also became Morosa's belief in living. He finally raised his strength to the third level and went to the universe sea to become stronger. However, he never expected that he would be defeated by Luo Yuan. In the end, he had no choice but to escape for his life. The secret technique of burning the origin is no longer used.

At this time, Morosa just wanted to restore the promotion and improve it so that he could deal with Luo Yuan. The hatred in his heart was difficult to eliminate. He also wanted to devour all the small universes of the true gods in the universe sea. As Morosa was thinking When it came to future plans, the realm beast, which had been devoured by its original power and became weaker and weaker, sneered: "Morosa, don't be proud. You have been away from the dark place. I can tell you the latest news about Bedi. You are definitely interested. But it’s a reminder for you.”

When Morosa heard this, he even stopped devouring the source. He said coldly: "Tell me quickly, what happened to Bedi? Has his current strength improved again?"

At this time, the dying world beast smiled happily: "It seems that you really don't know anything. You guessed it right. Bedi's strength has improved, and he has also reached the fourth level that we all look up to. He We are getting closer and closer to the final throne. The arrogant Batur was devoured by him. I am really envious. At that time, Batur sent this news to almost all the beasts in the world. You didn't know it, or he thought You don’t have the right to know, this relationship doesn’t work.”

Morosa was also shocked when he heard this. He knew Ba'tur. This was the third-level realm beast that could compete with him and Bedi for the throne. Even among all realm beasts, it was the top existence, but Ba'tur Tur still failed, and finally became the nourishment for Bedi to improve his strength. This shows how strong Bedi is. Now that Bedi has been promoted to the fourth level of combat power, what else does Morosa have to fight for? Badu It's not surprising that I didn't tell him that I had a grudge against him. Morosa has been stuck at the third level in the dark land for an unknown amount of time. The reason why he ran to the universe sea and risked swallowing the small universes of those true gods was to advance to the fourth level. In the end, he got nothing, not even his own original power. He has also suffered a lot of losses, and his strength has also dropped to the first level. Now the gap with Bedi is getting wider and wider, making him and Bedi no longer at the same competitive level. If Bedi now knows that Morosa's strength has decreased, Will there be revenge?

Bedi probably won't even look at Morosa now. After all, the two of them are no longer on the same level. For all realm beasts, they can only survive if they become kings in the end. Other realm beasts cannot escape and are devoured. Morosa did not want him to work so hard to improve his strength and end up becoming Nabedi's nourishment. He would never agree. At this time, Morosa's anger towards Luo Yuan had reached the extreme, and he decided to fight even if he died. Let Luo Yuan pay the price.

In Morosa's heart, it was Luo Yuan who made him lose the chance to compete for the final throne. He decided to take revenge, so he increased his devouring of other realm beasts. The realm beast that was devoured by it laughed and said: "Morosa , you will eventually end up like me now. With the hatred between Bedi and you, he will definitely deal with you. Just wait to be swallowed by Bedi, hahaha." Morosa smacked his paw angrily after hearing this. On the head of this world beast, there was suddenly no breath.

While Morosa was devouring the original power of the realm beasts he defeated, he was sensing the locations of other realm beasts. Now he did not dare to go after those powerful realm beasts, and could only go to those first-order realm beasts. Because of the trouble, especially the aura of Bedi was indeed much stronger than before, Morosa decided to avoid the edge for the time being and wait for his strength to increase before going to a cosmic sea. In addition to revenge on Luo Yuan, he would also devour Luo Yuan. Where are those small universes of true gods safe?

At this time, somewhere in the void in the dark land, Bedi suddenly got the news about Morosa. He immediately looked at the direction of Morosa, and then sneered: "Morosa, I heard that you left. I went to the Cosmic Sea in the Dark Land. I originally thought you could make some progress, but I never thought that instead of improving, your strength has dropped to the first level. You are really useless. It seems that there are strong people in the Cosmic Sea, who can So that even the third-order realm beasts have to consume their origins to escape.

According to the news from those true gods who have taken refuge in the beasts of our world, there should be no powerful true gods in the cosmic sea. Apart from those eight overlords, could it be some human being who is called the strongest in the cosmic sea by the original will of the original universe? Lord Yuan, I had been thinking about going to the Universe Sea before, and then I got this guy Morosa to explore the way for me, but I didn’t expect that Morosa was so useless. It seems that I also underestimated that bastard. The strength of Lord Yuan has been revealed.

It's just a pity that after the forces in the natural cosmic sea became alert, they began to liquidate the true gods who had taken refuge in our world beasts, and blocked their news. This resulted in our sources of information about the cosmic sea becoming less and less accurate. The human race The Hunyuan Lord can have such strength, and I don’t know what level he has reached, whether he is the Lord of the Universe or a true god. If he has only reached this step in the realm of the Lord of the Universe, that Hunyuan Lord is too strong. "

In Beidi's view, it wouldn't be surprising if Luo Yuan's strength broke through to the true gods and defeated Morosa to such an extent. After all, the true gods of the universe sea possess various powerful mechanical treasures, which can greatly strengthen the battle. Power, especially after the original will of the original universe released the world of Jin, but this is not a threat to the world beasts. After all, the world beasts have many powerful talents and methods, but if Luo Yuan is just the universe The Lord did it.

This means that once Luo Yuan's strength breaks through to the true god level, he is likely to have combat power comparable to the eternal true god level, or even stronger. Bedi is still not the opponent of the eternal true god even if he has broken through to the fourth level, so Beidi Di suddenly felt huge pressure. This was brought to him by Luo Yuan, because Luo Yuan's growth rate was faster than their world beasts. It was incredible, but in fact it was the case, so Bedi decided to improve his strength first. .

Bedi has been able to reach this point since he was born. In addition to his own strength, he also needs to be very careful. Even if he becomes a fourth-order realm beast, he will still take action against those first- and second-order realm beasts. After all, there are too many. Accumulation can also cause qualitative changes, so his strength can also improve so quickly. Before, when he was a third-order realm beast, he only attacked seriously injured third-order realm beasts, so he developed steadily and became the current realm beast. The most.

But he could judge Luo Yuan's strength from Morosa's situation. Even if he didn't get accurate information, Bedi still felt that he was strong before taking action.

The results of the battle between Morosa and Luo Yuan not only spread among the various forces in the universe sea, but even the third-level and above strong men among the realm beasts also noticed the existence of Luo Yuan. With the threat of Luo Yuan, they would not Blindly heading to the cosmic sea for adventure can't stop all world beasts from thinking the same way and taking risks.

As for the various forces in the Cosmic Sea, they also realize how powerful and difficult the world beasts are. Just the arrival of a world beast in the dark land makes them panic all day long, making the entire Cosmic Sea unrestable, even for Luo Yuan. The three clones joined forces and did not leave the realm beast behind. This gave them some intuitive understanding of the realm beasts, and they all knew that the realm beasts in the dark land would come again, and when the time came The strength of the realm beast will be stronger.

The world beasts in the dark land also fought more fiercely with each other. They realized that not only were they getting stronger, but their opponents, the strong men of the universe sea, were also getting stronger quickly. If they were not strong enough in the decisive battle, , then they are not going to devour the Cosmic Sea, but the strong men of the Cosmic Sea are coming to destroy them.

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(End of this chapter)

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