Chapter 575 Endless Divine Body
  The mountain guest was also excited at this time, because Luo Yuan was finally going to break through to the true god, which meant that Luo Yuan had reached a hundred thousand times the limit on the line of divine power, which was not even possible when he was the former God King of Jin. Achievements achieved, so when Luo Yuan's divine power genes reached 100,000 times, all creatures in the original universe knelt down under the constraints of the supreme rules, and reverence for Luo Yuan could not help but emerge in their souls and hearts. Like a god coming to the world.

Even the spiritual will of Zuo Shanke, a god-king, could barely resist the restrictions of this supreme rule. You must know that the supreme rule is a supreme existence that is much higher than the original will of the original universe. The operation of the cosmic sea contains There are many rules, but the rules at the top are the supreme rules. They determine the essential operation mode of the cosmic sea. It is not as good as the birth and disappearance of the original universe and the world beasts are the products of the supreme rules, and all creatures living in the cosmic sea surrender.

However, although the supreme rules are extremely noble, they will only operate according to fixed logic and treat all creatures born in them equally. Only if you practice to a high level or break through the bottlenecks restricted by the rules, you can receive the gift of the supreme rules. and supreme authority will naturally provide corresponding reinforcements. According to the setting of the supreme rules of the universe, once high-level life forms appear, those low-level life forms must surrender and respect them.

When Luo Yuan's divine power gene exceeded 100,000 times, the supreme rule of the cosmic sea released Luo Yuan's huge figure into the sea of ​​souls of all living beings in the original universe, making all living beings kneel down. This was the suppression of the rules, because Luo Yuan He has broken through and become a high-level life form, and all creatures with lower genetic levels than Luo Yuan can only kneel down and revere him. Zuo Shanke himself is not a creature of this cosmic sea. He comes from the continent of origin of the highest plane, so there is no compulsion. He knelt down.

The supreme rules of the cosmic sea are to guide beings like Zuo Shanke, who are themselves high-level life forms. Zuo Shanke can resist even if he refuses in his heart, but it is very difficult to resist with his realm and strength after reincarnation, and he almost If it fails, this is because Luo Yuan has not completely broken through to the true god. This shows how powerful Luo Yuan is. The mountain guest does not have much respect for the original will of the original universe, but the supreme rules can directly restrict his behavior. It is powerful.

Moreover, Zuo Shanke was the former God King of Jin. He actually didn’t know much about the specific operation mode of the supreme rules of this cosmic sea. He only knew that the supreme rules could restrain the original will of the original universe and prevent the original will from making any decisions. It was an outrageous move. After all, the original universe was just the largest universe in the universe sea. The golden vision that appeared before was actually the Supreme Rule's celebration and recognition of Luo Yuan's breakthrough of 100,000 times the genetic sequence, which made all living beings worship him.

At this time, in the Milky Way star field in the human territory of the original universe, Luo Yuan was sitting cross-legged in the vast starry sky. He felt the power and rules of the divine gene level breaking through to 100,000 times, but the bright golden light before shocked him even more. , at that moment he seemed to be standing on the top of all living beings, and then looking down at these ant-like living beings, he had a powerful feeling that he could directly control the fate of all living beings, as if he was the only master of the universe. It was very mysterious.

Luo Yuan also saw countless creatures kneeling devoutly to him, and each creature's soul also left its own reflection. As long as he wanted to, he could establish contact with any creature, and even had some connection with Shinto, but in this world But without this kind of power, Luo Yuan carefully sensed that the genes of his divine body were indeed one hundred thousand times the limit. He felt that he could defeat hundreds or thousands of his previous selves. This was unprecedented. There was no one in the universe. Achievable.

Luo Yuan obtained the Duandonghe inheritance and the God King of Jin inheritance very early. There is no record of a breakthrough in the 100,000 times divine power gene in these two powerful inheritances. Even in ancient civilizations, such peerless figures may not have appeared. , and the cultivation resources of that era were many times stronger than they are now, but Luo Yuan did it and became this supreme existence. He also has the qualifications to compete with the proud men of the Origin Continent for the position of Lord of Hunyuan in the future. .

"One hundred thousand times the divine power gene, the legendary supreme existence, I, Luo Yuan, have achieved it, hahaha, even a world beast can't do it. It took two trillion epochs to finally succeed. The next step is to break through to the true god. How powerful will I be once I become a True God? Will those world beasts still be my opponents? It’s time to break through to the True God. I have waited for this moment for too long. If I hadn’t obtained the strongest foundation, I would have become a True God long ago." Luo Yuan thought excitedly at this time, and his calm heart was in waves.

At this time, Luo Yuan's true self teleported directly to a desolate place in the Galaxy Star Territory. The void here was directly blocked and frozen by Luo Yuan. No other strong person could touch it. He recalled his Endless Sea clone, and then When it was released, the entire void was immediately covered by the endless sea of ​​divine power. In just one year, Luo Yuan allowed the clone of the endless sea to increase its genetic sequence to a hundred thousand times. The volume of the sea of ​​divine power immediately increased to hundreds. Light years in size.

Then as Luo Yuan began to break through to the True God, an endless ocean of laws suddenly appeared above the endless sea of ​​​​clone. This is actually a projection of the original laws of the universe, but it can also be used as a connection to directly absorb the massive divine power in the ocean of original laws. It's just that Luo Yuan's endless divine power, the Nether Sea, is too powerful, and it appears to be very powerful when it swallows up the divine power. As a large amount of divine power is absorbed by the endless Nether Sea, the reserves of divine power in it are also increasing. Now Luo Yuan is an endless divine body.

With the endless divine body, there is no limit to being able to withstand a large amount of divine power. It can be said that as long as Luo Yuan wants, he can continue to absorb the ocean of divine power. However, the original universe will definitely not allow him to do this, so Luo Yuan can only The breakthrough was completed when the bottom line of the original will of the original universe was touched, but this time the original will of the original universe would not be so stingy. After all, the original will still relied on Luo Yuan to deal with the world beasts, so it would naturally provide conveniences and discounts.

At this time, Luo Yuan's other three strongest clones were rushing towards this void. In order to deal with the realm beast, his three strongest clones had to patrol everywhere. However, he did not expect that the realm beast was timid and very small. After passing the previous He really hasn't shown up since the war. It seems that he may have returned to the dark place to accumulate strength.

At this time, facing the continuous expansion of Luo Yuan's divine power, the Youhai clone, and the immeasurable divine power being extracted from the ocean of original laws of the original universe, the resulting scene is a wonder. Many powerful people in the galaxy star field are Noticing this change, they all watched Luo Yuan's powerful scene outside the void when he broke through the True God. This would be helpful for them to break through the True God in the future. Luo Yuan did not care, but these strong men were endlessly attacked. Divine Ocean was shocked.

"My God, the ocean of divine power absorbed is too big. I even suspect that Lord Galaxy has absorbed all the ocean of original laws of the original universe. This is really incredible, and judging from Lord Lord's appearance, he is still far away. It’s hard to imagine how powerful the lord is without reaching the limit.”

Within a few days, Luo Yuan's other three strongest clones finally came back, so the four strongest clones surrounded Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan was about to officially break through to the true god. With a thought in his mind, the original The endless sea of ​​​​netherworld that expanded to a limit was immediately swallowed up by Luo Yuan's true self. This process only took a few breaths. It can be seen that Luo Yuan's true self is much more powerful than the other three clones. If Luo Yuan was not stable If you do anything, the realm beast has already run away. So Luo Yuan took his four strongest clones directly into his endless divine kingdom. He will next evolve his divine kingdom into a small universe. At this time, Luo Yuan's divine kingdom has already exceeded tens of billions of light years. , is wider than the small universe of any true god. There are countless strong human beings of the earth's lineage living in it, as well as many strong servants of foreign races, as well as countless cherished divine objects and strange landscapes, just on the edge of the kingdom of God. The millions of World Trees that cover the sky and the sun are very attractive to the eyes. The pale pink leaves of the World are scattered in various places in the Kingdom of God, which looks very beautiful. People in the Kingdom of God feel extremely happy and peaceful.

"It's been a long time since I came to see my kingdom of God. I didn't expect it to have grown to such a scale. Even the number of Lords of the Universe has reached hundreds. It's just that there hasn't been a true god yet. But it's not surprising to think about it. The whole There are not many true gods in the universe sea. It is difficult for my kingdom to give birth to a true god, but I am confident that it will happen. After all, my minimum requirements for the soldiers who can fight in the origin continent in the future are true gods. The Lord is too weak.”

Luo Yuan didn't feel unachievable when he thought of these. By observing the legions and inheritance of the God King in the world of Jin, he could learn that the main force of the legion in the origin continent of the highest plane is the True God, and the True God of the Void can only serve as a small commander. , True God Yonghen is the general who leads an army, and the Lord of Chaos is the marshal. Only the God-King is qualified to be the leader of a country. Therefore, the Lord of the Universe is as powerful as an ant in the Origin Continent. This is the gap.

Even in the world of Jin, the number of Universe Lords is countless, and they are just low-level soldiers in the God King's legion. Compared with those legions in the Origin Continent, they are nothing. In the current Universe Sea, the Universe Lords It is the peak combat power of each ethnic group, but it is difficult to even eat in the Origin Continent.

So Luo Yuan wants to conquer the Origin Continent. He still has a long way to go, but it all takes time. After all, the time for his rise is too short. After all, a year in the Origin Continent is counted as an epoch, so time In the eyes of those strong men, it is really just a number. After all, they are eternal existences. As long as they are not fatally attacked, they can live forever, and even the most ordinary creatures are born with perfect genetic levels and are immortal gods.

It can be said that almost all the creatures on the Origin Continent are the descendants of powerful gods. After all, even creatures that are not powerful cannot transcend reincarnation and return to the Origin Continent. Moreover, the strength and background of the strong people who can still gain a foothold in the Origin Continent are not simple. In a world such as cultivating immortals, After ascending from the mortal world to the fairy world, he found that any ordinary person serving tea and water in the fairy world would be at least as shocked as a powerful god. After all, his position also determines his vision. Luo Yuan's divine kingdom can now be promoted at any time.
  "Originally, I was worried that it would take a long time for my kingdom to advance to a small universe. It seems that I still underestimated my own strength. The size of my kingdom cannot even be compared to the two major holy land universes put together. It only needs natural development to become a small universe. If I hadn't been accumulating resources to improve the level of divine power genes, my kingdom would have turned into a small universe long ago. It's great to accumulate more and more, and I have devoured the original divine power. It's reached its limit.

Now let’s start evolving the small universe directly. I have been waiting for this day for too long. "When Luo Yuan thought of this, his blood was boiling and his heart was surging.

So Luo Yuan let go of the suppression of his endless divine kingdom. Suddenly, his divine kingdom rapidly absorbed divine power and continued to expand. The speed was astonishing. The edges of his divine kingdom were also expanding outwards. Originally, it only covered the flat surface of the divine kingdom. The boundary wall immediately turned into a spherical shape, and the expansion began. Then the Kingdom of God shook. Luo Yuan collected all the living creatures and treasures in the Kingdom of God into the temporary space. Then the Kingdom of God connected to the void channel, and the boundless chaotic airflow was swallowed up and merged into the Kingdom of God. middle.

The chaotic air flow shattered and reorganized all the celestial bodies in the Kingdom of God. With the high-level energy supplement of the Chaos Air, the speed of expansion of the Kingdom of God was greatly increased. Then, more and more void passages connected to the Kingdom of God were flowing in. The content of chaos energy also increased rapidly. This was a process of reconstruction. Luo Yuan maintained its stability, and could also understand the mysterious rules of the birth of the universe from this change. As the Kingdom of God grew larger and larger, it finally broke through The constraints of space mezzanine.

Then Luo Yuan discovered that his divine kingdom already had the prototype of a small universe, and had entered the cosmic sea. It was considered to be free from the shackles of the original universe. At the same time, his divine kingdom was like the small universe of the true gods of the human race gathered under his control. The void flew away, and after blocking the position, the small universe also began to grow rapidly. In just a few days, it expanded to a diameter of tens of billions of light years, which made Luo Yuan amazed, because the small universe of the general true god was only a few hundred million light years.

But the expansion of Luo Yuan's small universe has just begun. As his small universe swallows more and more chaotic airflow, the small universe continues to expand. He wants to see how far his small universe will expand. After all, the maximum size of the Void True God's small universe is tens of billions of light years, but Luo Yuan's small universe has reached that level from the beginning. However, Luo Yuan's divine body is 100,000 times the genetic limit, and his background is profound and beyond the phenomenon. big.

Luo Yuan found that the boundary wall of his small universe was becoming more solid, and he quickly completed the transformation of the universe boundary wall. He looked at the expanding universe and smiled.

At this time, Luo Yuan's breakthrough to the true god has been known to the top officials of the various forces in the original universe and the cosmic sea. They are also full of expectations. After all, the pressure from the world beasts is too much for them. If Luo Yuan can successfully break through to the true god, then there will be To deal with the strength and hope of the world beasts, they also wanted to see how big and powerful Luo Yuan's small universe was. After all, Luo Yuan could become the strongest person in the universe sea when he was the master of the universe.

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(End of this chapter)

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