I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 576 Breakthrough to the Most Powerful True God

Chapter 576 Breakthrough to the Most Powerful True God
  Amid the expectations of all the powerful people in the universe sea, the expansion speed of Luo Yuan's small universe has gradually slowed down. However, the diameter of the universe makes Luo Yuan feel incredible. As the master of the small universe, he can naturally know all its information directly. This size is hundreds of billions of light-years in size. You must know that even the two holy land universes combined are less than 10 billion light-years. Especially Luo Yuan's small universe also has a strong repulsive force, which repulses the surrounding small universes. Push away.

Luo Yuan felt free for a moment. When he was the Lord of the Universe, his Kingdom of God was in the original universe and would naturally be restricted by the rules of the original universe. But now that he has been promoted to True God, the Kingdom of God has transformed into a small universe and entered the cosmic sea. Although it is still He will be restricted by the supreme rules, but he is much freer than in the original universe. Even if the original universe is gone, he can survive, and with the size of his small universe, it is enough for all human beings to survive, so there is a way out.

After all, this reincarnation of the original universe is coming to an end, and Luo Yuan cannot watch countless human races disappear. As soon as Luo Yuan's small universe took shape, it immediately became the focus of the cosmic sea. After all, the movement was too great, and even the surrounding chaos The airflow also automatically moved away to make room. Soon, hundreds of true gods and thousands of universe masters came here to see the behemoth that was enough to shatter their three views. After all, Luo Yuan's small universe was really beyond the standard. All they want is shock and envy.

Luo Yuan is not afraid that the location of his small universe will be known by other strong people. After all, with his strength as the strongest person in the universe sea, even if these strong people go together, they will not be Luo Yuan's opponent. Especially after Luo Yuan breaks through to the true god, his strength The magnitude of the improvement was even more unimaginable. Only at this moment did they know how strong Luo Yuan was. Luo Yuan could become the strongest person when he was the Lord of the Universe. Now he has become a true god. His strength is probably comparable to the eternal true god. This is incredible.

"Oh my god, is this still a small universe? If I hadn't known that this was Lord Hunyuan's small universe, I would have thought it was another primitive universe. It's so spectacular, and look at the boundaries of this small universe. The rules are crystallized. Even if the world beast comes, it can’t be broken. Our small universe is nothing.”

Suddenly there was a boring true god on the scene to explore the size of Luo Yuan's small universe. They kept teleporting and joined forces to measure and finally came up with a number that stunned them. It was 100 billion light-years in diameter. This was just a breakthrough to the true god. If there is a breakthrough in the future, When reaching the True God of the Void and above, the strong men present already feel that their three views have been completely subverted. Can the True God really reach this level? You must know that the small universe of the True God is generally only about hundreds of millions of light years.

"Compared with Lord Hunyuan's small universe, our small universe is only different from planets and stars. Even if the universes of the two Holy Lands combined are not even one-tenth of it, it's no wonder that Ziyue Ancestor's attack on Hunyuan Lord Yuan is so afraid, but Ziyue Ancestor must not regret it to the point of crying now, they are going to be finished."

Although many powerful people present were shocked beyond measure, Luo Yuan himself was a miracle, and they had to admit that the Lord of the Universe in the Universe Sea could become the strongest person, even compared to the True God of the Void in the two holy lands. Not to mention those true gods. Now that Luo Yuan has broken through the true gods, it is not surprising that he has created another miracle. After all, they were all afraid of the scene where Luo Yuan's divine power gene broke through 100,000 times and made all living beings kneel down involuntarily.

So the news that Luo Yuan broke through to the True God, and that the diameter of the small universe actually reached an incredible 100 billion light-years, quickly spread in the cosmic sea. Suddenly, all the powerful people were not surprised but frightened. This directly subverted their three views. , Luo Yuan had just broken through to the True God, and the size of the small universe was more than ten times larger than the two holy land universes. How could they not be afraid of this? However, those forces that had chosen to join the human race before were pleasantly surprised, and now they were stable.

In particular, the number one god of the Shenyan clan, who was Luo Yuanyuan's younger brother, laughed and said: "Look at how you were still trying to persuade me to surrender to those realm beasts before. You are really short-sighted. If it weren't for the three ancestor gods of the Ancestral God Sect, the realm beasts would be killed in time." The bottom line is to tell all the forces in the entire universe sea that the Shenyan clan has been destroyed by you. Do you think that my initiative to seek refuge with Lord Hunyuan was a blind act? Now you see, Lord Hunyuan has broken through the true gods and is more than powerful enough to deal with those world beasts.

Generally, the small universe of a true god is only about 100 million light years, but the small universe of Lord Hunyuan is a thousand times that of an ordinary true god, which is really shocking in the past and today. "

Listening to the laughter of the First God, the other true gods and masters of the universe of the God Eye Clan present all showed guilty and embarrassed expressions. Luo Yuan was so outrageous.

At this time, in the highest temple of Ziyue Holy Land, Ziyue Ancestor got the news that Luo Yuan had broken through to the True God. He slumped down on the throne in fright and said: "It's impossible, absolutely impossible, that human Luo Yuan will do it again." It is impossible to have a small universe with a diameter of 100 billion light-years. Are you sure you are not lying to me?"

The Lord of the Universe below who came to report the news said bitterly after hearing this: "Master Ancestor, you know me. Although my strength is average, I know many strong people. I have received news from them, all about I didn't believe it at first when Luo Yuan of the human race broke through the True God and the small universe of hundreds of billions of light years. Later, I disguised my identity and went to investigate. The news was accurate. Even if I confirmed it wrong, there are so many powerful people in the universe sea. It’s impossible to get everything wrong.”

When Ziyue Ancestor heard this, he knew that he was indeed wrong. He still seriously underestimated Luo Yuan's strength. Moreover, the reason why Ziyue Ancestor dared to be so unscrupulous towards the human race and Luo Yuan was because he was worried about Luo Yuan growing up and dealing with Ziyue Holy Land. , and also that his true self has received a great opportunity on the Origin Continent. With this opportunity, his strength will take off. Even the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor cannot catch up with him, but this will also take time to digest and transform. become strength.

Moreover, with the powerful inheritance obtained by Zi Yue's ancestor, he knew that whether it was the extremely powerful ancient civilization era, the current cosmic sea, or all the true gods on the origin continent of the highest plane, their small universes could generally reach the upper limit. One hundred million light-years is a big deal, and it's a big deal that the small universes of those outstanding geniuses can reach about two to three billion in size. But Luo Yuan's small universe actually reached an incredible hundreds of billions of light-years, and he was scared.

The ancestor of Ziyue also turned pale at this time and said: "Is Luo Yuan of the human race really just a creature born in this cosmic sea? This is too unbelievable. The giant golden shadow that made all living beings kneel before was already very shocked. , now there is a small universe hundreds of billions of light years away. The inheritance he has obtained must be much stronger than mine. It seems that he was still a little blind before and should not take action against the human race. However, he can only rely on him to conquer those realms. The beast must be eliminated, otherwise everyone will have to play in the end.”

In the view of Ziyue Ancestor, although Luo Yuan's performance is too shocking, Luo Yuan is a strong man in the universe sea anyway. Even if he, Ziyue Ancestor, attacked the human race and Luo Yuan before, Luo Yuan would not have it. Directly destroying the strength of the Ziyue Holy Land universe. The size of the small universe does not necessarily mean that it is the strongest. However, he still has to be careful not to offend the human race and Luo Yuan again. World beasts are still the greatest threat. To deal with the world The beast is number one.

The happiest people at this time are all the people in the Galaxy Star Territory, especially Luo Yuan's wives and concubines. Even the leader of Ganwu Kingdom is very excited. The original investment really made a lot of money, although the master-disciple relationship between him and Luo Yuan It was just in terms of status, but it also benefited him a lot. For example, he relied on Luo Yuan's relationship to get precious training resources and broke through to the realm of the Lord of the Universe. This was something that all his previous creditors were envious of him. No, this is the eye of wisdom. Even the top leaders of the human race were extremely shocked when they found out. The Lord of Chaos City and other true gods of the human race were also happy for Luo Yuan. Even the original ancestor who was permanently suppressed by the original will of the original universe lamented that Luo Yuan was too heaven-defying. His talent was far beyond He didn't know how many times, a mountain guest came to visit the Universe Sea in person.

At this time, Luo Yuan's breakthrough process has not yet ended, and he will naturally not contact anyone. At this time, as his small universe takes shape, it has absorbed enough chaotic air, directly evacuating the chaotic air flow in the surrounding void. , a large vacuum appeared, but the supreme rules of the cosmic sea immediately replenished the chaotic airflow in other areas. At this time, Luo Yuan felt his extremely powerful small universe and smiled with satisfaction. The next step was to unite all the bodies.

The strong men in the Universe Sea from the Immortal Realm to the Lord of the Universe are all divine bodies, that is, energy bodies constructed by divine power. However, every trace of divine power is integrated into the imprint of life. If you want to break through to the True God Realm, you need to fuse all the clones to achieve The only existence in the world, in this way, you can return to your roots and restore your body to its original form. In this way, you can integrate all the divine power and life marks into your cells, and your survivability will be much stronger than before.

Especially in terms of divine power reserves, the True God is countless times more powerful than the Lord of the Universe. This is also the reason why the True God can use powerful secret techniques to fight without fear of exhaustion. In addition to the changes in the divine body, he also needs to build his own small universe. The original power and organization, after all, the current small universe has only expanded to a wide range. The universe is still empty, just like a hollow ball, which needs to be filled and improved before people can live in it.

And for a small universe, in addition to the original power, the most important thing is the composition of the structure. Only after the internal structure of the universe is first constructed, can the large amount of chaotic energy absorbed before evolve into the power of the ten original laws of the universe. , and any strong person only has one chance to build the structure of a small universe when he breaks through to the True God. If it is not constructed well, it will directly determine his future strength and potential. Even the original power depends on the structure of the universe.

When Luo Yuan and the powerful men from various forces in the Universe Sea accepted the test of Duan Donghe's inheritance, his predecessor Duan Donghe asked about the construction method of those true gods' small universes. That was because of the construction model of a true god's small universe. It determines the upper limit of the true god's future strength. If the structure of the small universe is not built well, not only will its future be limited, but its defense will also be very low, and it will be easily broken by foreign enemies, and there will be no chance of change.

If the construction of a true god's small universe is imperfect and powerful, then no matter how talented the true god is, he will not be able to advance to a higher level in the end.

With a thought in Luo Yuan's mind, the four strongest clones surrounding him immediately came to the core of the small universe's origin with his true form under an invisible force. The origin here has not yet been fully born. After all, the structure of his universe It has not yet been established. The original power of the universe forms a corresponding situation according to its structure, just like the hardware of a computer needs to develop corresponding software to exert its maximum effectiveness. These four strongest clones have accompanied him for endless years.

At this time, under Luo Yuan's thoughts, these four strongest clones turned into golden light particles. All the treasures on their bodies had long been collected by Luo Yuan. With the appearance of these golden light particles, their possessions were endless. The divine powers immediately merged together, and then the golden heart of the true god was born from these divine powers. This is the source of the power of a true god, and it is also the bridge used to connect his own small universe, and the soul and will of the true god is in this true god. heart of.

As long as the heart of the true god is immortal, then the true god is immortal. When the true god consumes too much divine power during battle and needs divine support, he will use the heart of the true god to extract the endless divine power stored in the small universe as an energy source, which can maintain True God's endurance battle is much more powerful than the Lord of the Universe. After all, the reserve and purity of divine power contained in the Kingdom of the Lord of the Universe cannot be compared with the True God's small universe, and Luo Yuan's Heart of True God is astonishingly strong.

Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he looked at his pure golden True God's Heart. Because his small universe was a thousand times larger than other True Gods, his True God's Heart was also much more powerful than other True Gods. He could feel the power contained in it. Terrifying power, but this is also the benefit obtained by Luo Yuan's endless years of accumulation. As Luo Yuan's thoughts moved, his divine body began to disintegrate into countless golden divine power particles, and then began to condense around the heart of the true god. body.

Soon a handsome figure of an Earth man appeared. This was Luo Yuan who had returned to his roots. With a thought in his mind, Wuqi Divine Armor covered his whole body, and various top-notch mechanical treasures were also equipped. His face showed a look of satisfaction. His divine body has already reached the level of the endless divine body. It can change the size according to his own wishes. Even if it is so big that it can easily hold the entire primitive universe in his hand, he feels that his power has increased more than ten million times. If he encounters that world beast again, Punch is enough.

Moreover, the true heart of the true god, the core of the true god, can be hidden according to his will. The original soul of the true god is in the heart of the true god and is heavily protected. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to destroy a true god. Luo Yuan has practiced for nearly two trillion epochs and finally finally After becoming a True God, and directly the strongest True God, even the Eternal True God may not be his opponent. He also has the confidence to deal with the world beasts. The next step is the construction of the most important small universe structure, which is crucial.

Luo Yuan's mind immediately came to mind about the information about the small universe structure method he had obtained from the two high-level inheritances. Although they were both powerful, Luo Yuan was still not satisfied. His small universe was so powerful, so he naturally wanted to build the strongest one. The structure of the universe.

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(End of this chapter)

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