I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 577 The Structure of the Universe, the Supreme God Realm

Chapter 577 The Structure of the Universe, the Supreme God Realm

In fact, ever since Luo Yuan broke through to the Lord of the Universe, he has begun to prepare for his breakthrough into the True God. He has also been presetting the architecture model of his future small universe, including two sets of high-level models: Duan Donghe and Jinzhi Shenwang. Inheritance, Luo Yuan naturally has enough reference blueprints. His architectural model must be the strongest and most stable type. This is also to lay a solid foundation for his future growth. After all, his goal is to become the strongest Hunyuan. lord.

The reason why Luo Yuan has always insisted on taking the divine power route to the extreme is because the architectural model he built for himself is too high-level, and only those with a divine body gene level that reaches 100,000 times the strongest are qualified to implement it. The name of this architectural model It's called the Beginning of Origin, a name Luo Yuan came up with based on its greatest characteristics. At this time, Luo Yuan recalled all the Beginning of Origin models in his mind. He looked at the chaotic scene in his small universe and smiled.

Now Luo Yuan is like an infrastructure engineer, but he is creating and building his own small universe. The amount of work is not small, especially in the construction, all aspects of the original operation of the universe, especially the integration of laws, must be taken into consideration. Only the True God has the profound knowledge and operating methods, so after Luo Yuan made up his mind, his thoughts immediately came to every corner of the small universe, and then the chaotic energy in the universe began to move.

Luo Yuan first built the basic framework according to the pattern of the heavens and worlds. Suddenly, the space in the small universe shook, countless small worlds began to be created, and the ten laws of the origin also began to be integrated. This is like laying the foundation, building the countless bottom layers first. The Small Thousand World, then the Middle Thousand and Great Thousand Worlds, and finally the Supreme God Realm. In fact, Luo Yuan still referred to the structures in various fantasy worlds he had seen in his previous life, but this time he was going to create it himself, and it would be very Disaster.

The world created by Luo Yuan needs to have three realms of reincarnation, which can be various cultivation civilizations, such as cultivating immortals, fantasy, etc. After all, these are just different uses of the energy of the universe, but the operating rules of these systems are different. This is very important to Luo Yuan. It's not a problem for Yuan. In his small universe, all the rules are constructed based on his own ideas. He said that you can become an immortal if you can, which is completely unreasonable. After all, he is the will of the great Dao of this small universe.

Just when Luo Yuan was forgetful and obsessed with creating his own universe, the world beast named Morosa that Luo Yuan had beaten away before seemed very embarrassed. He was running around in the dark land. He was originally a third-level His strength was reduced to the first level by Luo Yuan, so the realm beasts that were his enemies before came to deal with him. Although Morosa relied on his stability to devour a few realm beasts and his strength returned to the second level, but after The current dim land is still at the bottom.

At this time, Morosa ran away and roared angrily: "Damn it! I, Morosa, was also a third-level realm beast at the beginning. Those realm beasts who were weaker than me saw that I was not honest and ran away, but now I let them go. I was actually being chased by those miscellaneous fishes, and now they all came to take revenge on me after seeing my strength plummeted, right? It seems that I can’t survive in this dark place, otherwise it would be too dangerous. Who made me stay in the dark place in the first place? The earth has offended too many world beasts, and now it has been passive."

Morosa originally wanted to develop steadily and deal with the weak and lone realm beasts in a low-key manner to restore his third-level strength. However, he did not expect that the first realm beast he returned to the Dark Land to deal with would reveal his situation. The notice was given to all the realm beasts who were enemies of Morosa, which made it impossible for Morosa to develop in a low-key manner. In addition, after Morosa's strength declined, it was even more powerful than those ordinary first- and second-order realm beasts. It became stronger and instantly turned into delicious food.

After all, Morosa was once a third-order realm beast, and all his original levels were still third-order. However, he lost too much of his original power and his strength plummeted. To other realm beasts, Morosa was just an old third-order beast. They naturally flock to the realm beasts, and Morosa was very domineering when he was a third-order realm beast. This resulted in the number of realm beasts he offended being too many, and these realm beasts have all developed over the years. Yes, of course he wants revenge.

At this time, Morosa's thoughts were changing. He knew that this dark land was no longer suitable for him to survive, and he had also lost the qualification to compete for the realm beast throne. After all, his opponent Bedi was already a fourth-level realm beast, and he was thrown away. Far away, and once the distance between the world beasts is widened, it will only get bigger and bigger. This makes Morosa know that he will probably fall and become the nourishment of Nabedi. This is a fact that it can no longer change, so he I want to seek revenge on Luo Yuan before he falls.

During this time, Luo Yuan had become Morosa's inner demon. When he thought that Luo Yuan had caused him to lose the opportunity to compete for the throne of the world beast, Morosa gritted his teeth with hatred. He thought that even if he could not become the final king, he would not It would make Luo Yuan feel better, so he decided to go to the Universe Sea to carry out revenge. Although he knew that he could not defeat Luo Yuan, the instinct given by the supreme rules when the world beast was born was to destroy everything, otherwise his thoughts would not be clear. He couldn't bear it Want to destroy.

Morosa decided to let Luo Yuan suffer for a while first. Even if he couldn't defeat Luo Yuan, he would let Luo Yuan catch him everywhere. Then before his death, he would use secret techniques to inform all the world beasts about the cosmic sea, and then lure those beasts. The world beasts came to the cosmic sea in large numbers to devour the original power of the small universe, which made Luo Yuan exhausted.

Morosa imagined that Luo Yuan was angry, and it felt very happy. After all, Luo Yuan not only prevented him from becoming stronger by devouring the original power of the small universe in the cosmic sea, but also caused him to plummet in strength and completely lose it. The opportunity to obtain the throne of the world beast made him run around like a bereaved dog in the dark land, so Morosa directly and continuously used teleportation to go to the universe sea. In just a few days, he came to the universe audition and selected a small The universe devours.

Now that Morosa has broken the pot, he no longer cares about the strong men in the cosmic sea. At worst, it will be a dead end. Anyway, he first swallows some of the original power to increase his strength, so that the next destructive action can be given to Luo Yuan. To create more trouble, just when Morosa was devouring the delicious source power, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, the overlord-level strongman in charge of this area, drove over with the palace treasure, and then saw Morosa looking uncomfortable. Avoid his laid-back look.

This surprised the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, who had always been extremely stable. He was wondering if this realm beast had any trump card, otherwise, with only the strength of a second-order realm beast, he would dare to come to the cosmic sea to devour the original power so unscrupulously. Although the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was surprised, he was not afraid, because he, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, had already defected to the realm beast forces. He still had to surrender before Luo Yuan took action against the realm beasts, but now the Nine-Headed Demon Lord regretted it very much, and he also I didn't expect Luo Yuan to be so strong.

When the Nine-Headed Demon Lord saw that Morosa, one realm beast, was so powerful that it was difficult for the entire Cosmic Sea to fight against, and there were a large number of realm beasts in the dark land, once all these realm beasts were dispatched, how could the Cosmic Sea stop them? Therefore, for the sake of his own future and that of his ethnic group, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord finally chose to join the world beast forces, and then secretly conveyed news to the world beasts. Especially after Morosa got the news, he was able to escape Luo Yuan's pursuit many times, allowing him to escape Luo Yuan's pursuit. The cosmic sea suffered huge losses.

But at that time, before the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect had time to inform the various forces in the cosmic sea about the dangers of taking refuge in the world beasts, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord had already made the wrong decision to take refuge in the world beasts, and once he made this decision, he would There is no way to regret it, because the realm beast directly made a master-servant contract with him, so that the Nine-Headed Demon Lord has to obey the orders of the realm beast, and this is only temporary. Once the last king of the realm beast appears, then these true gods who have taken refuge will All were devoured.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord has been in regret over the years. He only blames himself for being too reckless in doing things, otherwise he would still have a bright future, but now it is completely meaningless to think about it. At this time, as the Nine-Headed Demon Lord approaches, Morosa He immediately sensed the dark power given to the Nine-Headed Demon Lord by the Realm Beast, which meant that the Ultimate God in front of him had surrendered to their Realm Beast. This made Morosa smile playfully. He looked at the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and said calmly. : "Nine-headed Demon Lord, you know the current affairs very well." The Nine-Headed Demon Lord felt bitter in his heart when he heard this, but he had no chance to regret it now, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and salute Morosa and said: "My king."

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord doesn't know what all the realm beasts in the Dark Land are thinking. They are all competing for the final throne, which means that none of them are kings. However, all the realm beasts like to have the strong men who surrender to them call them kings. , as if this can satisfy their vanity, which is very similar to the human race.

Morosa said indifferently: "Since you have surrendered to our world beast clan, I will not be polite to you. Now you will explain to me the situation of the Universe Sea, especially about the human race Hunyuan Lord. I need to know all the details about him, after all, I came to the Universe Sea to deal with him this time.”

When the Nine-Headed Demon Lord heard this, he just felt funny in his heart. The strength of this world beast has dropped to the second level, and it still wants to deal with Lord Hunyuan who has become a true god. He is really looking for death.

However, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord still said respectfully: "For my information, my king, during the period when you left the Universe Sea, the Universe Sea was in a period of peace, but the human race Hunyuan Lord you are most concerned about has broken through to the realm of the true god, and I heard that he The small universe has just entered the cosmic sea, but its diameter has reached hundreds of billions of light years."

Morosa was stunned when he heard this. He had fought with Luo Yuan before, and Luo Yuan completely crushed him just as the Lord of the Universe. In the end, Morosa had to use his secret technique and consumed most of his original power to get away from Luo Yuan. After escaping, the strength of the third-order realm beast was reduced to the first-order level, and now even after devouring a few realm beasts in the dark land, the strength has been restored to the power of the second-order realm beast. If you face the true god now Luo Yuan, he would have no chance of winning.

Especially when Morosa heard the Nine-Headed Demon Lord saying that Luo Yuan had just broken through to the True God, and the diameter of his small universe had reached a terrifying hundred billion light-years. Morosa only felt that the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was playing a trick on him, but Morosa Saneng felt from the Nine-Headed Demon Lord that he was not lying. This shows that Luo Yuan's strength after breaking through the True God is more than a thousand times that of the ordinary True God. Coupled with the powerful mechanical treasures on Luo Yuan's body, they are enough to compete with Eternity. The true God wants to be comparable, so he wants to take revenge like this.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord noticed that Morosa looked a little depressed. He thought for a while and said: "According to the information I got, the process of the human race's Hunyuan Lord breaking through to the true god has not yet completely ended. After all, with the Hunyuan Lord's The powerful foundation is still building the structure of its own small universe at this time, which takes a lot of time."

After hearing this, the depressed look on Morosa's face disappeared and turned into a smile. The human race's Hunyuan Lord's small universe is so big. If he wants to build a structure and evolve the energy of chaos into the ten original laws and all things, it will take a lot of time. Short, and the structure of Lord Hunyuan's small universe must be powerful and complex, which means that for a certain period of time, Lord Hunyuan will not be able to deal with Morosa, and now the entire universe sea is what Morosa is most afraid of. There is only Luo Yuan.

Morosa couldn't help but said with joy: "Hahaha, it's really great. Once the true god of your universe sea breaks through the true god, you need to unify all the clones, so that only the original body is left. And with the infinite vastness of the universe sea, even that The Hunyuan Lord of the human race has become a true god. It will be difficult for him to catch me everywhere in the cosmic sea. Moreover, once his small universe appears in the cosmic sea, he is not afraid of me swallowing his small universe, so he has to protect his own small universe. Lord.”

Morosa was in a good mood at this time. Although his strength has now regressed to the second level, with the methods and speed of the realm beasts, it would be difficult for ordinary true gods to catch up with him. He just had to be careful of other overlord-level powerhouses and a large number of true gods besieging him. So Morosa decided to be cautious, but at least during the time when Luo Yuan was building a small universe, Morosa had the courage to devour the small universes of ordinary true gods. When Luo Yuan came out, he ran away.

Morosa was very satisfied with the information told by the Nine-Headed Demon Lord. He simply praised it and teleported away to the vast cosmic sea. Next, he wanted to devour the original power.

At this time, Luo Yuan was still building a structure in his own small universe. Now countless small worlds have been opened up. Although they are different in size, they are essentially the same. With the influx of chaotic energy, these small thousand worlds have begun to Luo Yuan does not need to worry about evolving all things on his own. He only needs to establish the rules of the world and let the rules run the rest, just like a programmer writes a program, and then the data is automatically perfected and processed according to the program logic.

After the construction of the Small Thousand World was completed, Luo Yuan began to build his own Middle Thousand World and Great Thousand World. The rules and structures of these worlds were more complex and stable than those of the Small Thousand World, in order to allow these worlds to form a complete promotion system. If a strong person breaks the void in the Small Thousand World, he can ascend to the Middle Thousand World. This is especially true for the Middle Thousand World. However, there are millions of Small Thousand Worlds, only ten thousand in the Middle Thousand World, and three thousand in the Great Thousand World. indivual.

After Luo Yuan completes the construction of these three worlds, the next step is to build the only supreme divine realm. This divine realm will also be the core of his small universe, the place of origin, and the largest existence in the small universe. Where they live, all the strong men who can reach the minimum strength here need to be in the realm of true gods. This will also help Luo Yuan cultivate powerful warriors for himself to fight in the Origin Continent. The Supreme God Realm is the location of his final legion.

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(End of this chapter)

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