I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 580 Invisible and formless, revenge

Chapter 580 Invisible and formless, revenge

For the current Luo Yuan, third-level realm beasts do not pose any threat. He can suppress them with a single thought. He just needs to be careful of higher-level realm beasts. After so many years, it is hard to say that stronger realms have not been born in the dark land. Realm beasts, such as realm beasts of the fourth level and above, but Luo Yuan was not too worried. After all, after fighting Morosa, he had a more detailed understanding of the various methods of the realm beasts, and the third-level realm beasts were already It is considered an extremely powerful realm beast in the dark land.

This time Morosa came to the cosmic sea just to devour the small universes of those weak true gods while Luo Yuan broke through to the true gods, so it was so unscrupulous. Compared to the entire cosmic sea, only Luo Yuan could pose a threat to the realm beasts. It's just the source, and other strong men like Morosa didn't notice it, so it only swallows half of the original power of the small universe before leaving, and then spends a lot of time digesting it. This is also his strength. caused by restrictions.

While Morosa was hiding in the void somewhere in the Cosmic Sea, digesting and devouring the original power, the strong men of all the forces in the Cosmic Sea looked in panic all day long. They were all looking forward to Luo Yuan's action. This world beast was eliminated, otherwise this world beast would come and devour their small universe that day. But at this time, Morosa felt great. His strength improved rapidly and he had returned to the peak state of the second level. , and if you swallow some more source power, you can reach the third level.

It only took a short time before and after. Morosa also found that it was easier and faster to improve strength in the cosmic sea than fighting other realm beasts in the dark land. Morosa also understood that Luo Yuan was very capable. He has completed the breakthrough to the True God, but with the strength Luo Yuan has shown before, even if Morosa's strength reaches the third level or even the fourth level, it is impossible to defeat Luo Yuan. You must know that once the strong man of the Universe Sea breaks through to the True God, Its strength improvement intensity is very large.

For the current Luo Yuan, there is no need to worry if there is only one realm beast, even if it is a fourth-level beast like Bedi, but if there are a large number of realm beasts, it is hard to say. The realm beasts can directly communicate with each other spiritually. , and then join forces to achieve a strength far beyond the current level. Even strong men far beyond the true gods are in danger of falling if they are not careful. However, the relationship between the world beasts is life-or-death. It is impossible to completely abandon the past and join forces to fight against the enemy. thing.

Unless the foreign enemy is powerful enough to endanger all the realm beasts, such as making them lose the chance to compete for the final throne, then the realm beasts may temporarily join forces to deal with the foreign enemy. At this time, Morosa also knows that it is time to take action. If Luo Yuan gives him It would be dangerous if he caught it, so he teleported away directly.

At this time, in the vast void, Luo Yuan is still sitting cross-legged in the tomb boat and comprehending his own changes. Only he knows the traces of Luo Yuan now. He has long known that among the many true gods in the universe sea, there are hidden beasts who have taken refuge in the world. The true god, but he has not been found until now. This shows that the traitor is very powerful and has a high status. More importantly, his hiding method is unexpected. But Luo Yuan has locked the traitor among the other seven overlords. Hit, who is it?

The true god of the human race, Luo Yuan, would not be suspicious, and the Lord of Chaos City was even less likely. Then there were only six other overlords left. Luo Yuan couldn't guess who they were, so he simply hid his whereabouts completely, except for him No strong person outside himself knows, but does the current world beast named Morosa dare to come to him for trouble? Luo Yuan feels that it is impossible to use Morosa's wisdom. If Morosa Sa leads other world beasts to the cosmic sea.

Luo Yuan put aside these thoughts for the time being, and then studied his current true god's body. He found that his true god's body had the potential to continue to improve his strength. After all, he only broke through to the true god after the divine power gene level reached 100,000 times. He had already reached this level. The ultimate line of divine power is definitely much stronger than other true gods. The strength he shows cannot be just that simple. The energy contained in his true divine body alone is boundless, especially the endless divine body.

Now Luo Yuan's endless divine body has special abilities that are invisible and formless. He can transform into any living being according to his own will, and he can also possess their innate magical powers, even if he becomes a world beast, even if he is transformed into Similar creatures cannot detect Luo Yuan's difference. This is the power of formlessness. After Luo Yuan has this ability, he can hide his identity very well and can blend in in any environment with a high degree of safety. Also improve.

Luo Yuan only needs to obtain the components of the creature he wants to transform into and analyze its genetic sequence to achieve this step. He had already obtained the blood of Morosa, the world beast, so he can easily transform into a world beast. As soon as Luo Yuan's thoughts moved, his figure immediately changed. In an instant, he turned into a black realm beast. It looked no different from a real realm beast. He could actually use the power of darkness and use divine power. Transform with the power of darkness at will.

In fact, although the divine power and the power of darkness are two completely opposite energies, they are both products of the rules of the cosmic sea. If the two can be perfectly integrated, they will be the power of chaos. However, Luo Yuan found that the world beast he transformed still could not fully achieve the goal. He possesses the innate magical power of a realm beast. After all, his soul is still human and has a different origin from that of a realm beast. Therefore, he cannot possess the innate ability of realm beasts to give birth to countless strong men and open escape routes. However, he is not as powerful as the realm beast. There is no difference between beasts.

After Luo Yuan became a realm beast, he felt the powerful strength of some realm beasts. He knew that he still underestimated the abilities of realm beasts, especially those innate abilities that were completely generated by the rules of the universe. These abilities actually depended on the origin of the soul. However, Luo Yuan's soul origin is completely different from that of a realm beast, so he cannot completely impersonate a realm beast and go to the dark place to risk exploring the situation. According to Luo Yuan's understanding, his current genetic level is actually equivalent to the king of realm beasts. s level.

Fighting and devouring each other among the realm beasts not only enhances their original power, but also enhances their genetic level. Those realm beasts only need to grow to the level of kings to have a gene level of 100,000 times. This is the gene level. At the limit of the sequence, only the king of world beasts can transform between the power of darkness and divine power at will. If the world beasts can achieve this step, then they can replenish their energy in time no matter where they are. If they want to compare their consumption, It is impossible.

Along the way, Luo Yuan spent a lot of time and effort to increase the genetic level of his divine body to a hundred thousand times the limit. However, the world beasts only need to fight and devour each other to obtain the original power, and they will continue to grow stronger. When they reach After reaching the king level, they can naturally increase their genetic level to 100,000 times. They are powerful beings at the same level as the original universe. They are true gods as soon as they are born, and their strength grows extremely fast. They can be said to be unique creatures.

Therefore, those world beasts think that they are the most noble creatures in the universe sea. In their eyes, other creatures are just ants. However, they also have the capital to be proud. After all, world beasts are born to be powerful beings with the same status as the original universe and are the supreme rule. The products are favored and protected by the supreme rules of the universe.

Therefore, the advantages of world beasts are beyond the reach of any creature in the cosmic sea. In the past, once a world beast appeared, it was destined to be the cosmic sea. Therefore, the end of the universe and all living things, no civilization era could be spared, so the cosmic sea where Luo Yuan was located was born. Luo Feng, a top genius who was born in response to the calamity, should have been responsible for all this. But Luo Yuan came. Luo Yuan knew that he would not be able to reach the heights of Luo Yuan if he only relied on his own system. He needed to obtain Opportunity.

After all, Luo Yuan's system also has limitations. The cosmic sea is so vast that there may be other time travelers carrying various powerful system cheats, but in the end not many can really grow up, let alone Lord Hunyuan. , even true gods, few time travelers can do it. It doesn’t mean you can be invincible just by having the golden finger of the system. All gifts in the world have already been marked with prices. You have to pay for what you want. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing. Luo Yuan even suspected that he came to this world because there might be a bigger disaster than the beast of the universe sea that he needed to solve. Otherwise, this universe sea only needed Luo Feng alone, and he was not brought here after all, and As Luo Yuan's strength improved higher and higher, he clearly felt the call from the origin continent of the supreme plane. There seemed to be something waiting for him to obtain, and there were also responsibilities waiting for him to bear. That was more important than the supreme plane. The impact of rules.

But no matter what, Luo Yuan needs to resolve the crisis of this world beast first. Although this may be just a small test on his road to becoming strong, Luo Yuan also needs to complete it. Since he has obtained Luo Feng's Opportunity requires Luo Feng to bear the original cause and effect, but the road to the strong is itself like this. If you wait for the pie to fall from the sky, it is impossible to reach the highest level, so Luo Yuan needs to fight for it. After all, the opportunity is not perfect. Recognize the Lord and say it.

At this time, Luo Yuan felt the changes brought about by the extremely powerful ability of Intangible and Formless. Although the innate abilities of world beasts could not be fully obtained, other creatures could still do so. As Luo Yuan transformed into various creatures, even those he came into contact with All the treasures he has ever seen can be completely consistent with the original body, even the breath is the same. This makes Luo Yuan understand that this formless and formless thing can be transformed into anything, as long as he understands the structure of the changed thing, of course there is no limit. .

Now Luo Yuan cannot become a being that is too high beyond his own strength, such as the God King of Jin. This is already a supreme being beyond his understanding. The Invisible Infinite Divine Body is more powerful than the Infinite Divine Body. When Luo Yuan's strength After being promoted, there will be no such problem. This will make it easier for Luo Yuan to hide his identity when he arrives in the Origin Continent and better adapt to the growth environment of the supreme civilization. However, Luo Yuan also knows that he cannot be unscrupulous because of this. It will be very dangerous if he is discovered.

Although the formless and formless can completely imitate the appearance and breath, there is no memory of the changed creature. Once it is seen through by a stronger existence and locked, it will be dangerous. If you can't escape, no matter how you change, it will be useless, so Luo Yuan still Decide to use this invisible and formless ability carefully and not blindly.

Just when Luo Yuan was feeling the invisible and formless wonderful ability, Morosa had already found the Nine-Headed Demon Lord who had taken refuge in the world beast forces. It needed to know the relevant information about the Universe Sea and Luo Yuan through the Nine-Headed Demon Lord. Although the Nine-Headed Demon Lord now regrets surrendering to the Realm Beast, he can no longer get off the ship, so he has to truthfully tell Morosa all the information he knows. Morosa was also shocked after hearing this. The head demon left, and Morosa remained silent.

After a while, Morosa sighed: "What a Hunyuan Lord. His strength was revealed too quickly, and he also deliberately hid his whereabouts. He was worried that I would know his whereabouts so that he could avoid them. He was waiting. I took the bait. With my current strength, I cannot be the opponent of Lord Hunyuan, but I am not willing to accept it. Lord Hunyuan, what if you break through to the True God? I, Morosa, can't deal with you, but I can defeat other realm beasts. They are all here to deal with you, let’s see what you do.”

Morosa's anger and resentment towards Luo Yuan have reached their peak at this time. Judging from the news shared by the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, Morosa knows that he is definitely not Luo Yuan's opponent now. If he seeks revenge on Luo Yuan on his own, That was a direct delivery of food to Luo Yuan, but Tamolosa might have been a powerful realm beast competing with Bedi for the throne before, but now he has completely lost the chance to become the king, and is also being chased by those realm beasts in the dark land. He can only He fled again in embarrassment.

Therefore, the unwillingness and resentment in Morosa's heart at this time made it difficult for him to control it. He decided to pass on all the matters about the universe sea and Luo Yuan to other powerful realm beasts, attracting them all to deal with Luo Yuan, even if Moro Sa Morosa couldn't deal with Luo Yuan, and he didn't want to make Luo Yuan's life easy. Morosa felt happy when he thought of how Luo Yuan would be troubled by facing countless realm beasts in the future, so Morosa quickly used the ability to communicate with other realm beasts. Telepathically share information.

"Hahaha, I am Morosa, I was once a candidate for the king, but I no longer have this strength. The source of all this is the strongest Hunyuan Lord Luo Yuan in the universe sea, so the world beast that used to hate me None of you, including Bedi, can come to me for revenge, because I am going to have a big battle with Naluoyuan. Although I know that I am no longer his opponent, I also want to disgust him. So I, Morosa, am about to fall.

Now let me tell you about Luo Yuan, the Hunyuan Lord of the human race. This is a person who is more powerful than all our world beasts. He once became the strongest person in the universe sea at the level of the Lord of the Universe. Even those extreme true gods Even when I faced him, the founder of the two holy lands and universes, I was respectful and respectful. I was already a third-level world beast at that time, but when I faced Na Luo Yuan, I only used the secret technique of my origin in order to escape, and my strength plummeted in the end. Lost the qualification to compete for the throne.

But I am not willing to fail, so I want to tell you this news. In my opinion, you are not the opponent of the human race Hunyuan Lord. Even Bedi can only be suppressed by Na Luoyuan because he has broken through to In the Realm of True God, its small universe alone has a diameter of hundreds of billions of light years, second only to the original ancestor. I don’t know how strong he is now, but I am sure that none of you are his opponent. If he is allowed to continue Growth, the world beasts are doomed.

If you want to deal with the Hunyuan Lord of the human race, you can only do it if you have a strength of level five or above. I am about to fall, but as for you, if you don't improve your strength, you will be completely wiped out by the Hunyuan Lord of the human race, hahaha, Only the last king can deal with Naluoyuan. You should work hard and don't fight until the end to make Naluoyuan a wedding dress. All of you world beasts can't destroy me, Morosa, not even Bedi. I will only choose the most brilliant way to die. "

As Morosa's message ended, all the realm beasts in the Dark Land were shocked. At the same time, they also began to pay attention to Luo Yuan of the Cosmic Sea, and Morosa has now aroused the hostility of other realm beasts towards Luo Yuan. , he will also take the next step of revenge.

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(End of this chapter)

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