Chapter 581 Suppressing World Beasts
  At this time, almost all the realm beasts with strength above the second level in the dark land of Qingfeng Realm have received Morosa's spiritual message, and the news is still spreading among these realm beasts. In the end, all the realm beasts that are still alive are Knowing the situation on the other side of the Universe Sea, especially the news about Luo Yuan, this made the world beasts feel incredible, because in their opinion, the strong men in the Universe Sea were nothing more than ants and delicious food, waiting for them to free up their hands. Go deal with them.

The news about Kemoluosa let them know that such a powerful existence has appeared in the cosmic sea. Even a fourth-level realm beast like Bedi is no match for Luo Yuan. How can they dare to believe in Kemoluosa's strength? It is true that he fell from the third level to the first level, and this was only done when Luo Yuan was in the realm of the Lord of the Universe. Now that Luo Yuan has broken through to the true god level, doesn't that mean that any of their single realm beasts are not Luo Yuan's? An opponent, Bedi is like this.

However, the other realm beasts must be able to get the information from Morosa's mouth to be accurate, because every realm beast is proud and cannot praise the strong man of the universe sea for no reason, so they changed the title of Luo Yuan Hunyuan Lord Keep it in mind, and try to avoid it if you encounter it. They don't want to become the next Morosa. At this time, even Bedi, who was devouring other world beasts, felt incredible. He was very interested in Luo Yuan, a strong man in the Hunyuan realm of the human race. Came interested.

At this time, in the void of the endless universe sea, Morosa walked out of a time and space channel. He looked at the many small universes in front of him with greed, because these all came from the small universes of the true God of the original universe. In the past, Morosa They don’t dare to come here, because the true gods in the original universe have the largest number and the strongest strength, and the true gods of the original universe can come to support in time. Once Morosa sneak attacks on a certain true god’s small universe, it will be all true gods. siege.

But now Morosa no longer cares. Now he knows that he is not Luo Yuan's opponent, and he has also lost the chance to compete for the final king, so this time he comes purely to take revenge on the human race, especially Luo Yuan, because Morosa Everything that Sa lost was thought to be caused by Luo Yuan, so this time Morosa focused on the small universe of the true god of the human race, and the first thing Morosa focused on was the small universe of the original ancestor, because the original ancestor was permanently Suppression, unable to take action.

In addition, the original ancestor's small universe is always in a primitive state, and everything in it has not been evolved. There is no original ancestor's will to protect the original place of its small universe. It is like a small universe without an owner, and the original ancestor's The original power of the small universe is much more than that of other small universes.

Therefore, Morosa believes that it is in his current interests to take action against the original ancestor's small universe. When the world beast devours the true god's small universe, if it is resisted by the true god's will left in the core of the origin, it will greatly affect the world. However, there is no resistance in the small universe of the original ancestor. Once the world beast devours it, the speed will be incredibly faster than before. Moreover, the original ancestor is still the pinnacle of the human race. Once it falls, it will have a huge impact on the human race. .

Especially when Morosa thought about how depressed Luo Yuan would be if he swallowed up the original ancestor's small universe and Luo Yuan found out when the original ancestor died. This would also damage Luo Yuan's status in the human race, so Morosa Rosa felt excited just thinking about it. This time when Morosa came here, he didn’t think about leaving alive, otherwise he wouldn’t have sent a message to other realm beasts. That was equivalent to his last words. At this time, the original ancestor also sensed it. When the world beast arrived, he became anxious.

At this time, the original ancestor quickly contacted the Chaos City Lord through the virtual universe, and then informed Morosa that his small universe was devouring him. Moreover, because the original ancestor's small universe did not have a will to protect it, the original ancestor could not resist being swallowed, and could not mobilize the human race. The true gods tried to resist, but if they didn't take action, the world beast would swallow up most of the original power of his small universe. Even if the world beast was finally taken down, it would be of no avail, because then the original ancestor would have no hope of breakthrough.

With the original ancestor's talent, he is not far away from breaking through to the True God of the Void. As long as the original will of the original universe releases him, the original ancestor can immediately transcend reincarnation and realize the promotion of the small universe. The Chaos City Lord heard the original ancestor's words He immediately became anxious, and he immediately contacted the true gods of the human race to resist the attack of the realm beasts, and also contacted Luo Yuan for support. The original ancestor had a higher status in the human race. After all, he was the former leader of the human race. Without him, there would be no peace. There is no human race.

Nowadays, many of the true gods of the human race have been taught by the original ancestors, and there are also direct disciples such as the Lord of Chaos City and the True God of Darkness. Naturally, they all directly dispatched, and they cannot let the world beasts devour the small universe of the original ancestors, otherwise It is a huge blow to the human race. The original ancestor will become the True God of the Void, an existence that can be on an equal footing with the ancestors of the two holy land universes. Otherwise, they would let the world beasts succeed, and it will take a lot of time for Luo Yuan to break through the True God of the Void.

Luo Yuan was also shocked when he received the message from the Lord of Chaos City. He underestimated Morosa's courage. He originally thought that Morosa would come to devour the small universes of the weak true gods in the Universe Sea like he did before. However, Morosa actually Go directly to the original universe and devour the small universe of the original tribe of its human race. If the time drags on for a long time, the original ancestor will really be doomed. The current original ancestor has been permanently suppressed by the original will of the original universe and has no power to resist. .

After all, the original ancestor's small universe had no ability to resist. Luo Yuan understood the seriousness of the matter, so he immediately rushed to the original universe. This time, Morosa seemed to be breaking a jar. It seemed that Morosa was Feeling that he was no match for him, he simply went to take revenge on the true gods of the human race for interfering with Luo Yuan's mentality. This made Luo Yuan feel angry. This time Luo Yuan decided to take down Morosa. This world beast was too powerful. It is arrogant and needs to be eliminated.

Now Luo Yuan is still far away from the location of the original ancestor's small universe, so he can only let the other human true gods resist the sneak attack of the world beast, and wait until he arrives to completely capture the world beast. The beast has a lot of good things, especially the innate abilities of the world beast. Luo Yuan decided to get it. When he goes to the Origin Continent to explore, who will still be his opponent? Thinking of these, Luo Yuan feels excited and expectant. The system has not been open for a long time.

Luo Yuan had not been able to fully grasp the innate skills of the realm beast in Morosa's previous battles in the cosmic sea. In addition to Morosa's own strength, this realm beast ran too fast and could not catch up. , even if he wanted to pick up attributes, he couldn't pick up much. Now that Luo Yuan has broken through to the True God, he only needs to completely take down Morosa. Then he can pick up the innate abilities of the world beasts as he wants, so Luo Yuan immediately picked up Get the tomb boat, and then drive to the Star Tower.

In order to arrive in time to deal with the world beast, Luo Yuan no longer cared about the dangers in the cosmic sea, and directly used teleportation continuously. With his current true god-level strength, the teleportation speed of controlling the Star Tower was many times faster than before. If it would take other true gods several days to reach the original universe from a remote place in the Universe Sea, Luo Yuan's current extreme speed would only take less than an hour. This is how Luo Yuan, as the Supreme of the Universe Ocean, The strength of the strong true god.

It can be said that Morosa's devouring speed is enough for him to swallow more than half of the original ancestor's small universe in one hour. Therefore, the true gods of the human race need to delay before Luo Yuan rushes back. At this time, Morosa is constantly devouring the original ancestor. In Zu's small universe, there was no will to resist. Morosa found that the devouring speed was indeed very fast. In Morosa's view, the true god of the human race must be coming now, especially Luo Yuan. He had to devour a little more before he fell. It’s not a loss. Just when Morosa was feeling proud, he suddenly felt that the void he was in had been completely blocked. He immediately used the technique of differentiation to escape, but before it could escape far, the Lord of Chaos City immediately used a powerful secret method to activate one. After the golden order, the surrounding space blockade became even more powerful. The other human true gods also took out domain treasures and stacked them to freeze the void. These true gods bombarded the golden light transformed by the world beasts, attacking overwhelmingly.

When the realm beast saw that his clone couldn't run away, he immediately condensed into his original body and then continuously differentiated into countless golden lights to escape. These golden lights were actually the clones of the realm beast. In order to escape the realm beast, he did not hesitate to consume the original power. He came here. It was to deal with Luo Yuan. If he fell like this under the joint attack of these true gods of the human race, Morosa would feel very disadvantaged, so he chose to escape. Moreover, the madness of the human race made Morosa feel happy. His choice That's right.

As the former guardian of the human race and the creator of the virtual universe, the original ancestor was of great significance to the human race. If he fell, the loss to the human race would be huge, so the true gods of the human race also used their strongest attacks to deal with Mo Rosa, but Morosa was too cunning to fight directly with these true gods. Under Morosa's powerful escape secret technique, it still escaped from the siege of the human true gods, but when the human true gods let go The time beast returns in one breath.

Now Morosa is here to consume the strength of the human race, so naturally he will not worry about his demise, so after escaping, he chooses to return and continue to devour the original ancestor's small universe. At this time, the true gods of the human race have obtained The original ancestor's message world beast went to other locations in the original universe and was devouring its original power. This made the true gods of the human race extremely angry. This world beast was so bold. It had been driven away and now it is here again, and it has been replaced. Devouring position.

Because the realm beasts move extremely fast, they can reach hundreds of millions of light-years away in the blink of an eye. However, it takes time for the true gods of the human race to catch up with the realm beasts, which results in the realm beasts being able to gain the upper hand and devour them wherever they want. Where to devour, so Morosa devoured one position for a short time and then moved to another position, so that the true gods of the human race could not catch him at all. Then the Lord of Chaos City had to let the true gods of the human race separate to protect the small universe of the original ancestor. Just to drive away the beasts.

The current appearance of Morosa is that it is already at odds with the human race, especially the original ancestor’s small universe, which is its target. In Morosa’s view, this original ancestor’s small universe not only has sufficient original power, but also has Without the will of the true god to resist, it is not difficult to swallow and it is fast. Especially because of the special status of the original ancestor in the human race, if the original ancestor falls, it will have a great impact on the human race, especially it can disgust Luo Yuan and Morosa. Happy.

Just when Morosa was about to devour the original ancestor's small universe again, a powerful figure walked out of the void. It was Luo Yuan wearing Wuqi God's armor. The true gods of the human race were delighted to see Luo Yuan's arrival. Its arrival means that this realm beast is about to end. The Lord of Chaos City immediately informed Luo Yuan of Morosa's location. Luo Yuan immediately teleported to the realm beast. As the most powerful true god, Luo Yuan is naturally not as fast as other true gods. What can be compared is not even comparable to the realm beasts.

Morosa saw Luo Yuan's figure at this time. Its eyes were full of anger and hatred. It stared at Luo Yuan and roared: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, I have been waiting for you for a long time. You made me lose For the opportunity to fight for the throne, even if I, Morosa, die, I will make life difficult for you, the human race, so why are you so angry now?"

When Luo Yuan heard this, he just curled his lips and said coldly: "Morosa, you came to the Universe Sea to make trouble. As the strongest person in the Universe Sea, it shouldn't be natural for me to take action against you. I can only blame you for being too greedy. , since you show up now and take action against my human race, then please stay alive, Star Tower, town!"

As Luo Yuan finished speaking, he controlled the Star Tower to immediately grow in size. In the blink of an eye, it reached a size of hundreds of millions of light-years. A powerful devouring force appeared and swallowed Morosa in. Morosa found that no matter what secret technique he cast, They couldn't resist it, and the strength gap was too big, which made Morosa feel desperate. He didn't expect that after Luo Yuan broke through the true god, he would feel like facing the king of world beasts. That was his performance when facing the strongest. The heart trembles and fear comes out, and it can't run away.

The true gods of the human race were extremely excited when they saw Luo Yuan suppressing Morosa into the Star Tower as soon as he took action, because the power displayed by Luo Yuan was too powerful. They were also looking forward to Luo Yuan taking down the world beast. In this way, the entire cosmic sea still needs that force that dares to be an enemy of the human race. At this time, Morosa has begun to doubt the beast. The power exerted by the Star Tower is too strong, and it is not at the same level as the most powerful treasures exerted by other true gods. , after all, it is the most precious treasure of the God King.

No matter how much Morosa resisted, he could not escape the swallowing of the Star Tower, which shocked Morosa. Luo Yuan had also used the Star Tower to deal with Morosa before when he was the Lord of the Universe, but he could not catch Morosa. , but now after Luo Yuan broke through to the True God, he did it just by relying on the Star Tower, and allowing Morosa to resist the opportunity. This is as simple as the supreme strongman dealing with an ant. Morosa thought that Luo Yuan's strength would be The improvement is very high, but I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Morosa, who originally wanted to take revenge on Luo Yuan, didn't even have the strength or thought to resist. At this time, Morosa only felt incredible, regretful and unwilling. It knew that Luo Yuan would be so strong. I won't come to the Universe Sea to act arrogantly anymore, and I don't dare to deal with the human race anymore, but regret has no effect anymore.

When the world beast Morosa was completely included in the Star Tower, the Star Tower quickly shrank in size and finally changed to the size of a palm and fell into Luo Yuan's hand. This was a complete crushing method that shocked all the true gods of the race present. , this is too strong, so many human race true gods can't take down the realm beast even if they join forces. As a result, Luo Yuan just took action and directly suppressed the realm beast. This strength is truly worthy of the strongest true god. He is so relaxed and free, just like a realm beast. It's just that ordinary universe masters are generally easy to handle, and the world beasts are helpless no matter what means of escape they use.

(End of this chapter)

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