I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 585 Breaking into the Lair of the Realm Beast Alone

Chapter 585 Breaking into the Lair of the Realm Beast Alone
  At this time, Morosa solemnly said: "Lord, the strength of the king of world beasts is really terrifying. As far as I know, whenever a king is born, the cosmic sea in which he is located will never escape the fate of being destroyed. Even if you are now It is already very powerful, but it is still no match for a king-level realm beast. This is the restriction of the supreme rules. No creature in the cosmic sea can escape from the supreme rules, and king-level realm beasts do not need to take action on their own. The warriors born in the world are extremely powerful.

From the inheritance information I obtained, I know that once a king-level realm beast appears, the world inside his body will be complete. Any warrior born in the small world will have the peak strength of a sixth-level realm beast, and there is almost no limit on the number. Those warriors He is brave and unafraid of death, and works one after another. Even the Eternal True God will fall by then. Therefore, Morosa warned the Lord not to take risks. Finally, all other realm beasts will be cleared before the king-level realm beast appears. Our realm beast is the source of destruction. source. "

Luo Yuan's expression became solemn when he heard this. He knew that the King of Realm Beasts was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. Even the warriors born in the world inside him could possess the power of sixth-order realm beasts. What is the concept? Isn't that right? It's not that the king of realm beasts can produce sixth-order realm beasts. Now just a third-order realm beast can plunge the entire cosmic sea into a huge crisis, let alone the boundless sixth-order realm beasts. No wonder the original will of the original universe will So fearful of the king of realm beasts.

And now there are tens of millions of realm beasts in the Dark Land, and each of them is at level two or above in strength. There is no need to wait for the realm beast king to appear, but these tens of millions of realm beasts are enough to annihilate everything in the entire cosmic sea. All the forces and ethnic groups in the Cosmic Sea cannot stop it. If it were not for the rapid rise of his own strength, then the Cosmic Sea would be really dangerous this time, and everything would be wiped out. Luo Yuan now knew that the son of the world was not the one who should be robbed. So good.

Now Luo Yuan does feel the pressure, but if he had not taken Luo Feng's opportunity, if he had only used his golden finger system to pick up attributes, it would have taken him who knows how many years to reach his current achievements. He would not have been looking for it every day. Luo Feng fights to pick up attributes. Luo Feng will be in retreat for many epochs in the later period. Luo Yuan can't afford to wait. He doesn't want to waste time like this. His goal is to reach the origin continent of the highest plane. This cosmic sea is just the starting point. .

Moreover, Luo Yuan found that all of his current attributes have reached the limit of all creatures in the universe. His system will only help him pick up attributes that are useful to him now. If it is an attribute that is of little use, it will not appear now. This is the reason why Luo Yuan wants to go to the Origin Continent. He needs to obtain stronger attributes. Now only the supreme civilization can meet the system requirements. Of course, the innate attributes of world beasts above the third level are still good. Luo Yuan is also very coveted, so he wants to .

In particular, the innate attributes of the Realm Beast King are unparalleled, so Luo Yuan came up with the idea of ​​cultivating his soul servant Morosa to become the final Realm Beast King. If Morosa really became the Realm Beast King, then Luo Yuan would Not only does he have an extremely powerful helper, but he can also pick up various talents and attributes of the world beast king from Morosa. It is only a matter of time before he goes to the Origin Continent to become the God King. He also has to create a kingdom in the Origin Continent. Your own kingdom of God.

Now the fate of Luo Feng, the person who deserves disaster, has been inherited by Luo Yuan, so Luo Yuan can only fight under the pressure. This is the price of obtaining many opportunities. How can it be smooth sailing if you want to become a strong person? What you want to obtain often requires At the same price, if we only rely on the forces of the Cosmic Sea, then the Cosmic Sea will really be finished this time, so now we can only defeat the world beasts by ourselves. All of this is actually the operation mode and restrictions of the Supreme Rules. .

This also made Luo Yuan understand that no matter how powerful he is in the cosmic sea, if he cannot escape the restrictions of the supreme rules, he will be nothing more than an ant in the end. Only by becoming the Lord of Chaotic Source, completely controlling the supreme rules, or even creating the supreme rules can he be invincible. Existence, isn't he practicing so hard just to no longer be bound by anything? His destiny can only be in his own hands. Nothing can suppress him, not even the supreme rules. He must go to the Origin Continent.

At this time, Morosa also felt the changes in Luo Yuan's heart. Although he was turned into a soul servant by Luo Yuan, his thinking logic was not affected. He just regarded Luo Yuan as a strong man to whom he would always be loyal in his soul origin. So when he was thinking about things, he would take Luo Yuan's interests as his first consideration. Morosa looked at Luo Yuan and continued: "Lord, your consciousness has not been completely integrated with the origin of my soul before, so you have many things. I don’t know, I can now.

Now my soul origin has formed a new Morosa with your consciousness, so Morosa’s loyalty to you is absolutely 100%. Even if Morosa falls, the Lord’s safety will be guaranteed, and my current The state has also been sensed by other realm beasts. They have eliminated me from the realm beasts. Moreover, the other realm beasts are very angry at the Lord's behavior of enslaving the realm beasts. The realm beasts are all extremely proud and powerful beings. The Supreme Being product of rules.

Therefore, the Lord's behavior is to attack the pride of all the world beasts, so all the world beasts have regarded you and me as the targets of death. This idea is now stronger than the annihilation of the Cosmic Sea, because since the birth of the Cosmic Sea, only the Lord The last one did it, and all the other world beasts will also feel great pressure. They will speed up the evolution process, and the fighting and devouring each other will be more intense than before, because they feel the strong pressure brought by the Lord, and you need to take action. "

Luo Yuan was speechless when he heard this. Now for all other world beasts, annihilating himself is more important than annihilating the cosmic sea. I really don't know what to say. You must know that annihilating everything in the cosmic sea is the supreme rule. The destiny mission of the world beasts. Now he is immediately targeted by all the world beasts. It seems that the pride of the world beasts is too high. No matter how noble the world beasts are, don't they know the creatures born in the cosmic sea? Under the supreme rules They're all just ants.

However, Luo Yuan did not expect that his strength would grow to the point where all the realm beasts would be afraid of him. While he was worried about massive attacks by the realm beasts, the realm beasts were also afraid of him. However, the realm beasts are now speeding up their evolution process. This is not the case. The good news is that if he wants to defeat the realm beast, he must either continue to improve his strength, or strangle the realm beast in the cradle before the realm beast gives birth to a king. This is the only way, but he suddenly becomes the target of public criticism.

Luo Yuan didn't have much fear, he just felt a little uncomfortable. He was a very low-key person and had been practicing silently. Now he was directly targeted by all the world beasts and became the public enemy of the world beasts, so Luo Yuan also had to The pace of dealing with the realm beasts has been accelerated. After Morosa's analysis, Luo Yuan finally eliminated the realm beasts within one era. Otherwise, it would have been difficult to deal with them. Now the strongest among the realm beasts is the one named Bedi. It is already a fourth-level realm beast. If it accelerates the speed of fighting and devouring, it can break through to a fifth-level realm beast in less than ten epochs. This is something Luo Yuan cannot tolerate, and he needs to take action as soon as possible.

At this time, in the world of Jin, the fourth largest Jedi in the universe sea, the divine clone left by Luo Yuan suddenly opened his eyes. He immediately went to the exchange space of the God King Legion to exchange for treasures that could deal with the world beasts. He passed Morosa Knowing the strength and talent secrets of the realm beasts at each stage, he can also fight in a targeted manner. With Luo Yuan's current status in the world of Jin, there is no level of treasure that he cannot redeem. In order to deal with the realm beasts, Just be fully prepared.

At this time, in the Milky Way Star Territory of the original universe, Luo Yuan's true self is arranging backup here. In order to ensure the continuation of the human race, he has arranged several teleportation gates here, so that when a crisis occurs in the original universe, the human race can be teleported to it in time. In his own small universe, after all, the safest place in the entire cosmic sea, apart from the original universe, is Luo Yuan's small universe. However, these portals are very important, and several human true gods are directly responsible for guarding them.

At this time, the most important thing Luo Yuan needs to consider is how to deal with the realm beasts. In the past, he could deal with the realm beasts slowly, but now because the realm beasts have accelerated their evolution process, it is an urgent matter, especially if it is not for Luo Yuan. Rosa became his soul servant. He still didn't know the specific situation of the realm beasts now. Luo Yuan still underestimated the realm beasts. The power of the realm beasts was indeed very strong. Not to mention the last realm beast king, who only reached the fifth level. It's too much to deal with. Luo Yuan decided to go to the dark land. The only way to deal with the realm beasts was where he went. He couldn't just wait for the realm beasts to come to the cosmic sea. He had to take the initiative. Luo Yuan wanted to pretend to be a realm beast before. Sneaking into the dark land, but now I know that it is difficult. Even if he can pick up some innate abilities of the realm beasts through the system, the realm beasts he uses are not real realm beasts. Once he gets close to those realm beasts, those realm beasts can be given through the supreme rules. Their telepathic probing.

But Luo Yuan is a very stable person. In order to ensure safety, he decided that before going to the dark land, he needed to practice the Immortal River in Duandonghe's secret art to the peak. The true god has no clones. This is a restriction of the rules. Even Luo Yuan Yuan can't avoid it. The method of dividing the golden light of the world beast is a secret method of escape, not a clone method. If Luo Yuan completes the cultivation of the Immortal River, he only needs to leave a few things in advance. Even if he dies, he can be reborn immediately and recover. peak.

The crisis of world beasts faced by the Cosmic Sea this time can be said to be very important. Once it is lost, it means that everything in the Cosmic Sea will be annihilated. Even Luo Yuan, who is as powerful as now, cannot deal with the king of world beasts. This also explains Why in the inherited knowledge left by the God King of Jin is the emergence of world beasts and the transformation of all things into nothingness.

Moreover, Luo Yuan understood that he only had less than an era. He needed to completely master the Undying River during this period and solve the world beast crisis. Otherwise, once the world beast grew to level five or above, it would be difficult to deal with it, so Luo Yuan started After cultivating the Immortal River seriously, in order to ensure his own safety, Luo Yuan would not take risks easily. He is not so selfless, and now he is excitedly running to the dark land. Once he is besieged by the world beasts, he will game over.

Time flies by like a flash, and Luo Yuan has been letting the incarnation of divine power who stayed in the space of the black-grained stone pillars understand the secrets of the Immortal River, while he himself is constantly integrating and sorting out the various secrets and secrets he has learned, turning them into more powerful ones. method, the Lie Yuan Technique that he had reached a long time ago has also begun to be understood, but this secret technique of the Hunyuan Lord level is too difficult to comprehend, and it will take a lot of time. Luo Yuan is not in a hurry, but this secret technique is very useful to him. The mental and will bonus is considerable.

Many of the treasures Luo Yuan mastered were also used by him like fire and innocence, especially several powerful mechanical flow treasures, such as the God King-level Star Tower, the ultimate mechanical flow treasure that killed Wu Yuyi and Wu Qishen, and now Luo Yuan didn't like those most powerful treasures, and only the ultimate mechanical treasures were interesting. They could be used to deal with world beasts. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years later, Luo Yuan had cultivated the Immortal River to an extremely high level. , and also condensed a drop of true god's blood.

In order to ensure that even if he fell in the dark land, he could be reborn and return to his peak state, Luo Yuan placed this drop of true god's blood in the Supreme Temple of his small universe, and it is also the original core of the temple. This place can only be achieved by Luo Yuan himself. Come on, no other strong person is even qualified to get close, so Luo Yuan can guarantee his own safety. This drop of true god's blood is integrated with the mark of his own life, and it is absolutely complete. This is Luo Yuan's back-up plan.

Luo Yuan looked at the blood of the true god suspended in the original space, and he showed a satisfied smile. This also gave him no worries. He immediately came to the vast sea of ​​​​universe in his own small universe. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City also came, and Luo Yuan had already After informing the Lord of Chaos that he planned to go to the Dark Land to deal with the world beasts, and that this matter was not made public, it was a secret mission after all. At this time, the Lord of Chaos looked at Luo Yuan worriedly. He knew that it was not easy to break into the Dark Land.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan at this time and said: "Luo Yuan, you are now the only hope for the entire cosmic sea to deal with the world beasts. If something happens to you when you go to the dark land now, how should our human race deal with it, and you are just such a person? Going to such a dangerous place, don’t you need other true gods to accompany you, can you just keep it a secret?”

Hearing this, Luo Yuan said helplessly: "Teacher, I don't want to take risks in the dark land alone, but I learned some information about the realm beasts from Morosa and how terrible the realm beasts are. If I don't take advantage of the fact that the realm beasts are gone now If we deal with those realm beasts before we grow up, then the Cosmic Sea will be really dangerous. Once the king of realm beasts appears, I will probably not be able to match even if I try my best, let alone other forces in the Cosmic Sea. So I have to go.

And this time I go to deal with the realm beasts, it is a secret. There are true gods who have taken refuge in the realm beasts, and we can’t find them no matter how hard we look. If I really solve the realm beasts, then everything will be easy, but if I fail, what will happen to the universe? Isn't it a huge blow to the various forces in the sea, so it is better to keep it secret. "

After hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City also knew Luo Yuan's determination to deal with the world beast. He couldn't persuade him any more, and what Luo Yuan said was also very reasonable. If he didn't deal with the world-destroying crisis of the world beast, he would not be able to deal with it in the future. There is a chance, and only when the world beasts are dealt with, can everyone live in peace of mind. Otherwise, the world beasts are like a sharp sword hanging above their heads all day long. Everyone has to worry and be afraid. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Luo Yuan's action Only the Lord of Chaos City knows.

Luo Yuan and the Chaos City Lord chatted for a while and then teleported away. The whole process was very dull. At this time, only the Chaos City Lord knew that Luo Yuan went to the lair of the world beast alone to solve the crisis for all the creatures in the universe sea, because for the sake of all the creatures, he Get a chance.

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(End of this chapter)

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