I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 586 The Supreme Treasure of the God King

Chapter 586 The Supreme Treasure of the God King
  At this time, there is a nine-story tower-like palace-like treasure that is flying rapidly in the cosmic sea. This is the Star Tower. At this time, Luo Yuan is sitting in the control core and controlling it. Since Luo Yuan broke through to the True God Realm, he controls the Star Tower. He is also more handy, and his strength is also extremely strong. Naturally, he can travel much faster. He first needs to go to the world of Jin, where there are various powerful treasures exchanged for his incarnation of divine power, and they are specially exchanged for the opponent's world beasts. Treasure.

At this time, Luo Yuan was following Morosa, but Luo Yuan knew that Morosa had been designated as a traitor by all the realm beasts. Once Morosa appeared in the dark land, he would be immediately sensed by other realm beasts and besieged. All of this Morosa could not participate in the first trip to the Dark Land. Luo Yuan had no choice but to put Morosa in the cosmic sea. In the cosmic sea, as long as Morosa did not take the initiative to find trouble with other true gods, those true gods would not Those who come to trouble Morosa are willing to hide.

During the march, Luo Yuan suddenly remembered the Ziyue Ancestor who had teased him before. At that time, Luo Yuan decided to wait until his strength broke through to the True God of the Void to destroy the Ziyue Holy Land Universe. But now that he has Morosa as his soul servant, Luo Yuan wanted Morosa to directly devour the universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land. This would not only destroy the Purple Moon Holy Land and get back the last pair of wings he wanted, but also allow Morosa to increase his strength. Moreover, with Luo Yuan's current strength You can do whatever you want with your status.

Morosa was also very excited when he heard Luo Yuan's order. He previously attacked Ziyue Holy Land and wanted to devour its original power, but was interfered by Luo Yuan and other true gods so he ran away. Now with Luo Yuan's personal order, this way Morosa can have nothing to worry about. After all, only Luo Yuan can affect the world beasts in the entire universe. The other true gods are not afraid. Moreover, Morosa can directly communicate with him in consciousness, regardless of the situation. You can inform them about the situation of world beasts wherever you go.

After all, Luo Yuan is not a realm beast, so he has no telepathy with the realm beasts. Naturally, it is impossible to know the specific location of the realm beasts, but Morosa can know it, so Luo Yuan can sense other realm beasts through Morosa. In this position, Luo Yuan has great confidence in dealing with the world beasts. However, when Morosa said that with his current strength, it would take a long time to completely devour the Purple Moon Holy Land, at least tens of thousands of years. But the Realm Beast Catastrophe cannot wait so long.

So Luo Yuan had to temporarily let Morosa put down his plan to devour the Purple Moon Holy Land. He still focused on dealing with the world beasts and later dealt with the Purple Moon Holy Land. In any case, the Purple Moon Holy Land had become something Luo Yuan must get rid of. Target, he didn't want to leave hidden dangers for himself before heading to the Origin Continent. Luo Yuan finally thought about placing Morosa in his own small universe. This was the safest way. After all, everything in the small universe was under Luo Yuan's direct control. In control.

In Luo Yuan's view, those true gods in the universe sea who choose to take refuge in the realm beasts are extremely short-sighted, and they are only temporarily escaping. Once the realm beasts grow up, these true gods will be disappointed with the realm beasts, and they will not care. What about surrender and loyalty? Realm beasts will only annihilate everything in the universe sea, including those true gods who have taken refuge in the realm beasts. Even if those true gods can transcend reincarnation and advance to the holy land universe during this time, it will not help.

As long as the small universes of those true gods are still in the cosmic sea, they cannot escape the fate of being swallowed by the world beasts. Therefore, Luo Yuan will eliminate all those true gods who have taken refuge in the world beasts, but now is not the time, otherwise it will cause panic. After all, those true gods who have taken refuge in the world beasts are all in hiding, and it is not easy to find them. Luo Yuan, who is as big as the universe sea, does not have that free time, so he will let them relax for a while and wait for the world beasts to be dealt with before settling the matter.

At this time, the World of Jin was experiencing a new era, and the boundary wall had also turned white, making it easier to travel. Luo Yuan asked the incarnation of divine power to send out all the treasures exchanged from the World of Jin, which were basically mechanical flows. Arcana, after all, only mechanical treasures are useful against world beasts. Those true god-level treasures are not enough. Luo Yuan himself put all the treasures into the storage space. With these treasures, Luo Yuan will be able to deal with world beasts more easily. Some.

Luo Yuan knew that if the Wu-Killing Wings he obtained were the complete version, they would not be called this name, but the Chaos Golden Wings, the ultimate mechanical treasure of the Wu Kingdom on the origin continent. Although the Wu Kingdom had been destroyed, it was once the Kingdom of Gods. Of course, there is a God-King, and this Chaos Golden Wing is the pinnacle work of the Wu Kingdom's weapon refining master. The Duan Donghe inheritance that Luo Yuan obtained came from the Wu Kingdom. After all, every Duan Donghe's name has the word "Wu" after it. Title, this is a title-level powerhouse.

Even in the Origin Continent, title-level powerhouses are all superpowers with high status, and there were originally six pairs of Chaos Golden Wings. Now Luo Yuan has obtained five pairs, and only the last pair can form the complete version of Chaos Gold Wings. Wings, and the previous Wu Kingdom was much more powerful than the Jin Kingdom founded by the God King of Jin. It was very powerful in terms of the number of strong men and the levels of various treasures, and he had obtained the pinnacle of the Wu Kingdom in this way. Why doesn't this make Luo Yuan happy?

Above the Eternal True God is the Lord of Chaos, also known as the Saint-level powerhouse, and above that is the God-King. The God-King is an extremely powerful existence in the Origin Continent and can create the Kingdom of God. As for those above the God-King Hunyuan-level powerhouses are very proactive, and will choose to control these countries behind the scenes when they reach that peak level.

In the Origin Continent, those who really cover the sky with one hand are actually the Hunyuan-level powerhouses. Those God-King-level powerhouses are just pawns in their hands. In their eyes, the Kingdom of Gods can be manipulated at will just like the kingdom of mortals. It can be said that The Origin Continent is the truly glorious stage. Only there can you see all the truth of this world and control your own destiny. Even the supreme rules cannot control the will and destiny of the Hunyuan-level powerhouses. They are transcendent beings. .

However, God King-level powerhouses are more active on the Origin Continent. Compared with the establishment of the Kingdom of God, they will continue to conquer. Whether it is to compete for training resources and super inheritance, or because there are Hunyuan-level powerhouses behind the scenes, the Origin Continent has actually been In the Warring States Period, unification has not been achieved. Comparatively, as long as you become a god king, you can create a kingdom of your own. However, creating a kingdom of gods is not that easy. It requires territory and resources, which requires these god kings to fight and fight.

Because the strength of the Kingdom of Gods can directly affect the strength of the God King and the status of the continent of origin, otherwise how could so many powerful Kingdoms of Gods eventually perish? Even the extremely powerful Wu Kingdom could not escape the fate of extinction, and The most powerful among all the Duandonghes was the third-generation Patriarch. His strength reached the God King level, which was the same level as the God King of Jin. Seeing that such a powerful existence fell in the end, we can know how powerful the Origin Continent is. Danger.

That's why Luo Yuan has been accumulating knowledge, because if he wants to gain a foothold in the Origin Continent and become a Hunyuan-level powerhouse in the future, he needs to have extremely strong talent and knowledge. Otherwise, how can he compete with the proud men on the Origin Continent? Many of the descendants of those super powerful people are true gods at first sight, their genetic level is far beyond the perfect level, and they also possess various powerful talents, secret techniques and physiques. However, Luo Yuan is just an ordinary creature in the universe sea, and the gap is huge.

Zuo Shanke founded the Jin Kingdom as the former God King of Jin. But the God King of Jin was a master of weapon refining and was actually not good at fighting. He was naturally defeated in the face of the siege of the three God Kings of the Shi Kingdom. But the God King of Jin was defeated. The God King was not willing to fail like this, so he reincarnated into the original universe and what happened next. This also shows how powerful the God King level powerhouses are. God King level powerhouses are not so easy to perish. They have many ways to save their lives. , just like the beasts of the realm, the God King is also supreme. It's just that since Luo Yuan became the direct disciple of Zuo Shanke, he has also assumed the corresponding responsibility, that is, he has indirectly become the enemy of the three god kings of the Food Kingdom. Therefore, Luo Yuan needs to continuously improve his strength so as not to reach the level after the Origin Continent. They were directly destroyed by the three god kings of the Food Kingdom. The Origin Continent has gathered all the super strong men who have transcended reincarnation in the three thousand universe seas. With so many strong people living on the Origin Continent, they will also establish families and give birth to offspring. .

Luo Yuan also knew some secret things through the inheritance information left by the God King of Jin. Although he was restricted by the supreme rules in the universe sea and could not know the news above higher levels, he could guess from the few words left in the inheritance information. There are some situations about the Origin Continent, such as why all God-King-level powerful men want to establish the Kingdom of God, and why they want to establish the God-King Legion to fight for themselves. In fact, there are reasons behind it. The Origin Continent is dangerous.

If the God-Kings want to become stronger, they need to start a war between the Kingdoms of Gods. Only by annexing other Kingdoms of Gods can they continue to become stronger, and with a powerful legion of God-Kings, they can also resist the Saint-level ones. The Chaos Lord is dangerous. Even if the Chaos Lord is stronger than the God-King, once the God-King has a trillion-strong legion and cooperates with various mechanical treasures, even the Chaos Lord will not dare to deal with it easily. If it fails, both parties will probably end up together.

Luo Yuan also understands that in fact, these must-have treasures, which are much more powerful than the mechanical treasures, are only useful to the powerful below the Eternal True God. Once they become the sainted Lord of Chaos and the God Queen, these mechanical treasures are just like scraps in their eyes. , the Chaos Lord and the God King-level powerhouse use it as a more powerful treasure than the Mechanical Style Arcana. The ultimate Mechanical Style Arcana is the corresponding eternal true god level. If a true god obtains it, he may directly have the eternal true god level combat power.

The Chaos Golden Wings obtained by Luo Yuan are the exclusive equipment of the Eternal True God. They are the ultimate mechanical treasure created by the Wu Kingdom. However, the Eternal True God can only become a general of a legion in the Kingdom of God, so this Chaos Golden Wings is very useful for Powerful people below the Eternal True God are very precious, but they are not taken seriously by those at the Saint level and God King level. However, it is just enough for Luo Yuan, who has just broken through to the True God. After all, Luo Yuan's current abilities The configuration is actually the eternal true god.

Luo Yuan could actually break through to the True God a long time ago, but in order to improve his foundation so that he could compete with those proud men of heaven for the Chaoyuan Lord-level throne in the Origin Continent, he used the Trillion Era practice, but it also made Luo Yuan's strength far away. Beyond other true gods, now even the Eternal True God can fight against it. If he can have the full version of Chaos Golden Wings, then Luo Yuan's strength can be fully utilized. It's a pity that the Purple Moon Ancestor of the Purple Moon Holy Land went back on his word and was killed by Luo Yuan. Hold a grudge.

If the full version of the Chaos Golden Wings can be used to its extreme, it can possess some of the power of the Saint-level Chaos Lord. It can be said to be the treasure that the eternal true gods are extremely eager for. It can greatly enhance the combat power, which Luo Yuan lacks first. It is the fifth pair of wings that controls chaos. Like the most powerful treasures, the most important thing about these mechanical treasures is the secret patterns on them. These secret patterns are actually the manifestation of the operation of various powerful secret methods. They can be activated once they are activated by energy. These secret patterns.

Then it can exert extremely powerful power. The secret patterns on the Chaos Golden Wings are naturally extremely complex. They are usually refined by Chaos Lords or God-King level experts. Although these mechanical treasures have no effect on super powerful people, It is good to use it to strengthen the strength of his legion subordinates. If Luo Yuan can thoroughly understand the secret patterns on these treasures, he can still exert his own strength even if he does not have these treasures. This is the foundation method of a super strong man. .

The Mechanical Style Arcana is more powerful than the Ultimate Arcana because it has a core energy source and has its own consciousness. It can be said to be a true artifact. Even if no one is controlling it, the Mechanical Style Arcana can launch attacks independently. , and its energy source can also automatically absorb external energy replenishment, and can also be input by the master of the treasure as a reserve of divine power, and can also be transformed into various attack forms. Both its attack power and battery life far exceed that of the most powerful treasure.

The secret pattern on this mechanical flow treasure can also unlock different abilities according to the user's intention. Not only will he be stronger in battle, but the longer he can persist, he will be in an advantageous position when fighting against strong men of the same level, such as Luo After the Chaos Golden Wing owned by Yuan inputs divine power into its energy source, these divine powers will automatically use the solidified secret patterns on it to transform into extremely powerful sword attacks. It can automatically defend and fight without having to control it. This is also the reason why Luo Yuan was attacked by countless swords when he found the wing parts containing the energy source, because the energy source still retained the divine power of its original owner.

Not to mention that the Star Tower is a god-king level treasure. However, Luo Yuan’s current strength has not reached that level, so he cannot fully exert his strength. But even so, Luo Yuan can easily suppress the world beast after breaking through to the True God. This will be One of the greatest treasures that he will rise to in the Origin Continent in the future is that the sword embryo that Luo Yuan obtained in the Duandong River inheritance treasure space is not an ordinary thing. It is actually a god-king-level sword embryo, but it is still in its most primitive state. , can grow.

Now Luo Yuan has been carving his own mastery of the domineering sword into the sword embryo in the form of secret patterns to continuously improve its level. This blood shadow sword can also grow into a true god-king level treasure. The value of this thing In fact, it is second only to the Star Tower. After all, the Star Tower is a mature god-king level treasure. This is because of the mutation caused by the integration of a golden light when the mountain guest was refining it, which greatly improved the level of the Star Tower. There are more With strong room for growth, it might become a Hunyuan level treasure.

In fact, Luo Yuan chose to go to the dark land alone to deal with those realm beasts because the Star Tower gave him the confidence. With his current strength, he can exert most of the capabilities of the Star Tower. Both suppression and defense are extremely strong. Even if Even when he was besieged by realm beasts, Luo Yuan could rely on the Star Tower to escape safely. The Star Tower was a god-king level treasure, and even the strongest fourth-level realm beast Bedi could not break the defense of the Star Tower.

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(End of this chapter)

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