Chapter 587 Hunting World Beasts
  Luo Yuan has the Star Tower, so he is not worried about being besieged by the realm beasts. He just wants to escape, which may be a bit troublesome, because Luo Yuan cannot deal with a large number of realm beasts. The weakest realm beasts now are equivalent to high-level true gods, and their methods I don’t know how much more powerful the secret method is than the high-level true god, but at least Luo Yuan is safe in the Star Tower. Even the fourth-level world beast Bedi cannot hurt him, and Luo Yuan is still in the origin of his own small universe. The divine blood was left behind.

It's just that Luo Yuan is afraid that after those world beasts find that they are hiding in the Star Tower and cannot harm themselves, those world beasts will work together to move the Star Tower to other places, such as some Jedi in the Cosmic Sea. The Cosmic Sea is extremely vast, and some places are even connected. The True God of the Void will also perish when he goes away, and the beasts of the world do not dare to involve him.

Luo Yuan is not afraid of the attacks of the realm beasts, but is afraid that the realm beasts will surround him. It will be difficult for him to figure it out then. If this body does not die, then his divine blood cannot be reborn, which is equivalent to giving himself up. Imprisoned, Luo Yuan would not choose to commit suicide without falling into a desperate situation, so Luo Yuan had to guard against it. The wisdom of the realm beasts was smarter and cunning than most of the true gods of the universe sea, and if those realm beasts When encountering foreign enemies, they will temporarily stop fighting and fight against the outside world.

In particular, Luo Yuan is worried that once his true self dies and is resurrected through divine blood, he will not be able to get back all the treasures he brought to this dark place, especially the Star Tower, the Blood Shadow Sword and the Chaos Golden Wings. Even a God-King-level powerhouse will be moved by every treasure. It is impossible for Luo Yuan to die unless he has no choice, so he needs to deal with it carefully. Although he is powerful and has a profound foundation, if he is blindly confident, he will be moved. Will fall, lose.

However, Luo Yuan has Morosa, a servant of the realm beast. Even if he is in a dark place, he can rely on Morosa to sense the situation there, especially the situation of the nearby realm beasts. This allows Luo Yuan to respond in advance, and he has Safety is guaranteed, so Luo Yuan decided to take an adventure in the dark land. At this time, Luo Yuan controlled the Star Tower to teleport and fly in the endless cosmic sea. This time, in addition to dealing with those world beasts, Luo Yuan also had a purpose to cultivate Moro. Spread to enhance its strength.

The most direct way for a realm beast to increase its strength is to devour other realm beasts, so Luo Yuan decided to rely on the suppressive power of the Star Tower to capture the weak realm beasts he saw when he went to the Dark Land, and let Morosa devour them. Strong, if Morosa can be trained to become the king of world beasts, then Luo Yuan will be able to protect himself even if he goes to the Origin Continent. And Morosa is now absolutely loyal to Luo Yuan as his soul servant, and he also wants to Become stronger by devouring other realm beasts.

Morosa now only has the strength of the second level peak. If placed in the current dim land, it would be the lowest realm beast. This also makes it lose the hope of competing with other realm beasts for the final king. Otherwise, Morosa would not He ran directly to the original universe to deal with the original ancestor's small universe, this was to lure out Luo Yuan.

Then I wanted revenge, but now that Morosa has become Luo Yuan's soul servant, with Luo Yuan's help, not to mention the third-order realm beasts, even Morosa's old rival Bedi may be able to capture them. Let Morosa devour and become stronger, but this requires Morosa's help. After all, Luo Yuan himself is not a realm beast and cannot sense the existence of realm beasts, but Morosa can do it, and realm beasts can sense it no matter how far away they are. Regarding the opponent's position, Morosa's training is also a big help.

After Luo Yuan made his decision, he went to the Dark Land alone. The Dark Land was located at the core of Qingfeng Realm, one of the three Jedi in the Universe Sea. With Luo Yuan's current strength, he drove the Star Tower to teleport quickly, and it only took him a few seconds. After a few hours, he arrived at Qingfeng Realm. Naturally, he would not fly from the entrance of Qingfeng Realm to the dark place like before. That would be a waste of time. Luo Yuan was collecting a pair of Wu Yuyi's A space discovered by the silver wings containing the source.

That space can directly lead to the core of Qingfeng Realm. It should have been discovered by the Ultimate God who went to transcend reincarnation in the past, but now it can become a shortcut for Luo Yuan to the dark land. He is the only one who knows about this passage now. , and he did not tell the strong man this secret, so he could ensure safety. This was actually not the first time for Luo Yuan to come here. He had been here several times when he was wandering in the cosmic sea, and now he was heading to the core area with ease. .

In fact, Luo Yuan knew that if those strong men in the world of Jin could come out, they would be able to wipe out all the world beasts and unify the entire cosmic sea into the world of the human race. In this way, Luo Yuan is the successor of the God King of Jin. With his identity, Luo Yuan is fully qualified to mobilize them to work for him, even the four eternal true god-level generals, but the world of Jin has such restrictions. No matter how powerful the strong people in it are, once the world of Jin comes to the universe, The sea would be wiped out immediately, so Luo Yuan suspected that this was a restriction of the supreme rules of the universe sea. After all, the supreme rules were to maintain the balance of power in the universe.

When the Jin Kingdom, founded by the God King of Jin on the Origin Continent, was destroyed by the Food Kingdom, the God King of Jin had to receive some of Jin's subordinates into his own small world to ensure that the inheritance of the Jin Kingdom was not broken. The small world of Jin was changed to the world of Jin, but all the creatures in the world of Jin could not leave, and they had no way of knowing about the death of His Majesty the God King they had always admired. All the creatures in the world of Jin were still working hard to cultivate and think about their future. The god-king conquers the world.

Unless Zuo Shanke can return to the continent of origin and restore his position as God King, all the creatures in the world of Jin will be trapped in that small world forever. Although they are extremely powerful, they still do not have the freedom of creatures in the cosmic sea. Otherwise, those creatures who have gone through countless reincarnation eras would have transcended reincarnation and gone to the Origin Continent to become supremely powerful. The world of Jin has bound them. No matter how talented and beautiful you are, you can only be a frog in the well, which is embarrassing. .

Luo Yuan controlled the Star Tower to move forward all the way to the shortcut passage. Nothing could stop Luo Yuan from moving forward, but Luo Yuan would still avoid some dangerous places when he encountered them. He could not waste time going into those dangerous places. Even if those places were Even the world beasts would not go there, so Luo Yuan would not ask for trouble. His target was only the world beasts. During the journey, Luo Yuan discovered the two traitors, Qiuyan Ancestral God and King Zhenjia, who had taken refuge with the world beasts. , but Luo Yuan ignored them.

Luo Yuan plans to deal with the real gods who have taken refuge in the realm beasts after handling the crisis of the realm beasts. No matter what the reasons are for those traitors who choose to take refuge in the realm beasts, they have to pay the price for their actions, because they Cosmic Sea does not know How many ethnic groups and forces have been wiped out, and Luo Yuan and other strong men have lost the best opportunity to deal with the world beasts. This is why all Luo Yuan's actions are now kept secret, except for the absolutely trustworthy Chaos City Lord. .

It didn't take long for Luo Yuan to arrive at the edge of the Land of Darkness, but he did not enter blindly. Instead, he asked Morosa to inform him of the location of all the realm beasts through the induction between the realm beasts, but Morosa was now in the cosmic sea. In Luo Yuan's small universe, the location from the Dark Land is too far away. All Morosa can only provide Luo Yuan with the general location of other world beasts, but this is enough. With this information, Luo Yuan can It’s easy to deal with world beasts.

Now the dark land has been completely occupied by the realm beasts. They have built this place into a world of realm beasts, but this place is full of the power of darkness used by the realm beasts. The realm beasts also use secret methods to make this place similar to a universe. model, if a true god came rashly, he wouldn't even know the location. These world beasts are at various nodes of the model universe, as if they formed some kind of special formation. This was beyond Luo Yuan's expectation. It seems that the realm beasts have rules. The world beasts all occupy a certain area by their strength. They usually fight and devour each other, but when they are not fighting, they stay in their own areas. Moreover, as the number of world beasts decreases, the universe model will continue to shrink. Until the last king of realm beasts appeared, in fact the realm beasts themselves did not know the direction. They judged the position through the induction of each other. If the true god of the cosmic sea came, they would get lost and eventually fall into the siege of the realm beasts. Very powerful.

Luo Yuan had no choice but to use those powerful realm beasts as coordinate points to determine their location. After all, powerful realm beasts were less likely to move, and there was no need for other realm beasts to trouble them. Moreover, there were actually some celestial bodies in the dark land. Luo Yuan can also use those celestial bodies as reference objects to judge the direction, otherwise it will be completely dark. No wonder no true god of the cosmic sea can survive in this dim place after so many epochs. The giant ax fell as soon as it came.

The total number of realm beasts has now been reduced to nine million, and the number is still decreasing. No wonder Morosa said that the solution to the realm beasts must be completed within an era. Otherwise, judging from the accelerated evolution process of realm beasts, by the time the realm beasts are accelerated, The possibility of giving birth to a realm beast of level five or above among the beasts will also increase a lot, but because the number of realm beasts is constantly changing, it is unreliable to use realm beasts as coordinate points, in case the marked realm beasts fall or move. Position, wouldn't it be that we are lost again? After all, the positions of those realm beasts are not absolutely fixed. They even change areas. Therefore, it is very dangerous for a true god who does not have the sense between realm beasts to come here.

Although the celestial bodies in the dark land are less likely to move, Luo Yuan came here to deal with the realm beasts. If the position of the realm beasts is constantly changing, how can he target those weak realm beasts? When dealing with realm beasts, you can't go directly to the strongest one. After all, realm beasts are everywhere defending. Once Luo Yuan appears, they will besiege them. Those powerful realm beasts can order weaker realm beasts to protect them. My own is due to lack of strength.

Therefore, Luo Yuan had no choice but to ask Morosa to sense the location, movement and situation of the realm beasts so that he could transmit the latest star maps of the realm beasts in real time. To be honest, without Morosa sensing the positions of other realm beasts, even if Luo Yuan was powerful, he would not be able to He didn't dare to wander into the dark land. After all, once millions of world beasts were besieging him, even the Eternal True God would have to fall on the spot. At this time, Luo Yuan used the invisible form to transform his body into the appearance of a world beast, and he also exuded Out of the power of darkness.

If the true god's divine power appears in the power of darkness, it will be discovered immediately, and the dark power of the realm beast can consume the true god's divine power, so Luo Yuan had no choice but to change into the appearance of the realm beast, but he still drove the Star Tower in the darkness. Exploring the edge of the ground, he even transformed the Star Tower into an ordinary stone. Realm beasts often come here, so Luo Yuan was not worried about not being able to wait for the realm beasts. As expected, not long after, a realm beast passed by and noticed what the Star Tower had transformed into. stone.

Luo Yuan originally continued to move towards the dark land, but he didn't expect to encounter a realm beast so soon. However, the realm beast did not pay attention to the stone and flew away. Luo Yuan was the Machine King and flew to the dark land. , after he truly entered the dark land, Luo Yuan put away the Star Tower, showing the appearance of the transformed world beast, and then used the formless and formless form to turn into a stone and teleport away. Luo Yuan was very excited along the way. Be careful, those world beasts didn't notice anything unusual.

Because the star map of the Dark Land sent by Morosa was only a rough approximation, Luo Yuan needed to find a fixed celestial body as the main reference first, so Luo Yuan ignored the flying realm beasts along the way until he found it. Only the celestial bodies marked on the star map can determine where they are. Morosa can't sense Luo Yuan's position. After all, it's too far away. He can only send information through the soul perception of the servant contract. That's why Luo Yuan needs to do this. trouble.

This celestial body is a huge land floating in the void. It feels like a fragment of a certain planet. Maybe it was caused by the battle between the world beasts. However, due to the relationship of gravity, the land does not move anymore but is in a stable position, just as a After comparing his own positioning coordinates with the position on the star map, Luo Yuan knew where he was now. Then it was time to hunt the world beast. After testing along the way, Luo Yuan found that he was well hidden.

His formless and formless ability is so useful that he can become whatever he turns into. Even the realm beasts can't find out whether it's true or not. It's just that the realm beasts can directly keep in contact at any time. Once he takes action against that realm beast, then that realm beast will Realm beasts can immediately inform other realm beasts of their information. After all, Luo Yuan cannot communicate with the realm beasts. This is because Luo Yuan is a true god and has completely different origins from the realm beasts. Even if his No matter how much the system picks up the ability, it cannot be exactly the same as the realm beast, so Luo Yuan needs to make a quick decision and select a realm beast that is worth taking action, so he will go directly to the strongest one.

Luo Yuan knew from Morosa that the strongest realm beast in the Dark Land now is the fourth-order peak realm beast Bedi, and there are more than a hundred third-order and fourth-order realm beasts, so Luo Yuan decided to solve it first Losing Bedi prevented the realm beasts from giving birth to fifth-level realm beasts for the time being. After all, once a realm beast appeared at level 5, it would be difficult to deal with it, so Luo Yuan began to take action. He went to the area occupied by Bedi, and At this time, Bedi was chasing a group of third-level world beasts, trying to devour them.

Bedi is as cautious and cunning as Morosa. Bedi's strength is clearly at the peak of the fourth level and is not far from the fifth level. However, instead of dealing with those fourth-level beasts, he comes to devour those third-level beasts just to be safe. Realm beasts make those third-order realm beasts miserable. Bedi is far superior to these third-order realm beasts in terms of speed and strength. Naturally, there is no suspense about being caught up and devoured by Bedi. Bedi actually does this to save time. Because Luo Yuan has always been a huge threat to him. "

When Morosa sent Luo Yuan's information to all the world beasts before Luo Yuan used the soul secret technique to enslave each other, Bedi knew that he had a powerful opponent and accelerated the evolution process. Although he was dealing with the fourth level The realm beasts would get more original power, but the more time they would waste, so Bedi decided to attack those third-order realm beasts that had no ability to resist first. With the number of third-order realm beasts increasing, he wanted to increase their strength. Speed ​​can also be increased.

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(End of this chapter)

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