I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 588 Decisive Battle with Level 5 Realm Beasts

Chapter 588 The decisive battle against the fifth-level world beast
  Bedi originally looked for trouble with other fourth-order realm beasts like other realm beasts, but since the rise of Luo Yuan, Bedi has become aware of the danger. If he does not speed up his evolution, he may be caught up and solved by Luo Yuan. Fall, so Bedi chose to deal with those third-order realm beasts. This way is not only safer, but also the devouring speed is much faster. After all, it is just a little tiring for him. After all, there are more third-order realm beasts. The original power of devouring is also more.

Of course, there is also a problem with this, that is, if other fourth-order realm beasts devour other second- and third-order realm beasts like Bedi, then they may also grow to Bedi's level and be qualified to compete with Bedi for the realm beast throne. , for example, to see who reaches the fifth level first, Bedi is only temporarily ahead of the other fourth-level realm beasts, so in order to avoid this situation, Bedi has to keep dealing with the troubles of those second- and third-level realm beasts, Become very hardworking.

The third-level world beast has a powerful means of escape. The world light channel can escape no matter where it is. However, it will lose a lot of original power and lead to a sharp decline in strength. However, if it encounters a fourth-level world beast, it can use the world light field to escape. The realm light channel of the first-order realm beasts is frozen, so the fourth-order realm beasts have the natural ability to suppress the third-order realm beasts. This makes it very easy for the fourth-order realm beasts to deal with the third-order realm beasts and saves more time. However, the fourth-order realm beasts Beasts generally do not use the realm of light.

Because using the realm of light requires a lot of original power, and the ability of a third-order realm beast to use the realm light channel can often only be used once, but a fourth-order realm beast can use it many times, so if a fourth-order realm beast uses it If the world light field and the world light channel are used at the same time, then the third-level world beast will not have any advantage. Although it will also consume a lot of source power, as long as the speed of devouring other world beasts exceeds the speed of using the source power, it can be maintained Advantage.

Bedi relies on this advantage to hunt third-level realm beasts in the dark land. If he encounters a second-level realm beast, he will not let it go. It can be said that this has led to more and more battles between the realm beasts. The accumulation accelerated the evolution process of the realm beasts. Bedi felt that he was not far away from the fifth-order realm beast. At this time, he also felt excited, because only becoming a fifth-order realm beast could guarantee that he would not fall so easily, even if the universe Luo Yuan from Hai comes to deal with him, and he can protect himself.

At this time, the stone that Luo Yuan transformed into in the dark place has been looking for Bedi's location. He asked Morosa to update the location of the beasts in real time, especially Na Bedi, but Luo Yuan discovered Bedi's luck track. The changes were too great, completely erratic, which made Luo Yuan realize that Bedi was now constantly devouring other world beasts to increase his strength. Once he was broken through to the fifth level, he would be in trouble, and Luo Yuan also had to take action. He is worried about other world beasts, so his actions are hindered.

Luo Yuan is now in the base camp of the world beast, so he cannot act blindly. Once he is discovered and besieged by other world beasts, even Luo Yuan's strength cannot withstand it, so he cannot fly around and fly around in the dark like Bedi. Shifting positions, it seems that the news that Morosa sent to other world beasts made the world beasts feel a huge threat and became active. This is not a good thing for the creatures in the cosmic sea, and Bedi also Very smart and more positive.

Although the realm beasts have the ability to sense each other, Bedi is too fast and runs specifically to where the realm beasts gather. Even if those realm beasts sense Bedi's arrival and run away, they can still be captured if there are too many. Bedi caught some weak world beasts, and then devoured their original power to become stronger. This also caused Bedi's position to keep changing, making it difficult for Luo Yuan to track him. But Bedi was running around like this, and Luo Yuan also I just hope that I can meet him, it depends on my luck.

Now it is impossible for Luo Yuan to run around in the dark land like Bedi, nor can he run after Bedi, so he can only wait and see, so Luo Yuan asked Morosa to continuously sense Bedi's position and send it. , but Luo Yuan is also worried that Bedi will suddenly stop hunting, because according to Bedi's performance, it is impossible to stop until he reaches the fifth level. After all, when the world beast breaks through the limit, it needs to find a place to break through, so Luo Yuan We also need to take the initiative to deal with it.

Although it is safe to wait and see, it will also lose the opportunity. If Bedi breaks through to the fifth level, it will be more difficult for Luo Yuan to deal with it, so Luo Yuan has no choice but to fly to the area where Bedi is currently active, get close to Bedi first, and then take action. Luo Yuan's current strength exceeds that of Bedi, so his teleport speed is also very fast, but he cannot teleport as he wants. He must avoid being besieged by other world beasts on the road. Once Bedi notices it, It would be too late to pursue him any further.

In order to avoid being discovered by other world beasts, Luo Yuan chose to avoid them as much as possible, which caused Luo Yuan to waste a lot of time. If Bedi happened to approach the direction of Luo Yuan's teleportation, and was hit by Luo Yuan, Okay, this can save Luo Yuan a lot of time and effort, but this is just Luo Yuan's expectation. He can only keep getting closer to Bedi. I don't know how long it took, but Morosa kept passing on to Luo Yuan. Real-time location map of the world beasts, especially Bedi's location.

After all, with Bedi's strength, once another realm beast is targeted by Bedi, it won't take long for that realm beast to be swallowed up by Bedi and disappear. This also shows how fast Bedi can devour. At this time Bedi, who had finished devouring a realm beast, did not continue to devour it. Instead, he came to a mountain range to consume the original power. It was about to break through to a fifth-level realm beast. It had been waiting for this day for a long time. As long as Bedi If he breaks through to the fifth level, he will have the capital to become a king.

Bedi's breakthrough process was very fast, and it only took a few days to complete. It finally broke through to the level of a fifth-order realm beast with great satisfaction, which also made it feel at ease a lot. After all, Luo Yuan posed too great a threat to Bedi. It made Bedi feel insecure, but Bedi didn't know that Luo Yuan was chasing it in the dark place at this time.

The news delivered by Morosa before really frightened all the world beasts, so they accelerated their evolution speed. Even the strongest Bedi did not stop for a moment. It was very stable, but now it The breakthrough in strength to the fifth level allowed Bedi to feel a sense of security and relax, because once the world beast reaches the fifth level, it is difficult to fall, and the self-protection ability has also been greatly enhanced. If he can become the sixth level, then Bedi He must be the final king.

Now the strongest realm beast in this dim land except Bedi is only the fourth level. This gives Bedi the strength and confidence to deal with other fourth level realm beasts. When Bedi was still at the peak of the fourth level, he had Prudence did not go looking for trouble with those fourth-order realm beasts, but it was completely different now. He was already a fifth-order realm beast, and his strength was much stronger than those realm beasts that had not even reached the fourth-order peak. Once Bedi dealt with Those fourth-order realm beasts, then he can become the king.

You must know that there are only a few fourth-order realm beasts in the current dim land. Once these fourth-order realm beasts are devoured by Bedi, the remaining second- and third-order realm beasts will be easy for Bedi to deal with. It's all right, but Bedi is the king of the realm beasts. There is no suspense. When Bedi thought of this, he couldn't help laughing, so Bedi began to rush towards the positions of the fourth-order realm beasts. , it Bedi cannot stop the pace of evolution.

Moreover, in order not to cause panic and escape among the fourth-level realm beasts, Bedi did not show the speed and momentum of the fifth-level realm beasts. After all, no other realm beasts knew about his breakthrough to the fifth level. The realm beasts They can sense the position of the opponent, but cannot sense its specific strength. It can only be accurately judged during the battle. However, Bedi did not expect that Luo Yuan had already rushed over during the time of his breakthrough. Only Bedi did not move his position. Luo Yuan caught up.

At this time, the stone transformed by Luo Yuan was very close to Bedi. Even though Bedi started to move, he was still targeted by Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan was confident of catching up with Bedi, and based on Luo Yuan's judgment, Bedi It has broken through to the fifth level and cannot be allowed to continue to break through. Otherwise, once Bedi breaks through to the sixth level, even Luo Yuan will not be sure to take down the realm beast. In order to deal with Bedi, Luo Yuan will not care. Hidden, he must get rid of it as soon as possible. Just when Bedi had just broken through to the fifth-order realm beast, and was in a good mood, thinking about dealing with those fourth-order realm beasts, Bedi suddenly felt a crisis coming, and as expected, the void where he was was frozen. It is blocked. This kind of means and strength cannot be achieved by other realm beasts, unless it is the powerful true god of the universe sea. But now Bedi is in the dark land. This is the base camp of the realm beasts. The true god is so bold to come here and directly It's taking action against its strongest realm beast.

Bedi's thoughts were racing at this time, but he soon guessed that the only way to have this strength and courage was to break through to the true god, the human Hunyuan Lord Luo Yuan, the strongest person in the universe sea, who could turn Morosa into another Soul servants, this shows how powerful Luo Yuan's methods are. After all, there has never been a true god in the universe sea who can turn the world beasts into servants. It is not difficult for Luo Yuan to find the location of each world beast with the help of Morosa. , so Bedi looked around vigilantly, looking for Luo Yuan.

"Hunyuan Realm Luo Yuan of the human race, I know you are coming, come out quickly, why hide." Bedi roared, and it was actually quite panicked.

Although Bedi's strength has been upgraded to the fifth level, it does not know Luo Yuan's specific strength, so it cannot be sure that Luo Yuan is really unable to deal with himself now. If after a while, a seemingly ordinary piece of equipment suddenly appears Even if the stone teleports to Beidi, then the stone changes and reveals Luo Yuan's figure. At this time, Luo Yuan is equipped with Wuqi God's armor and Chaos Golden Wings, and is dragging the Star Tower in his hand. Bedi also squinted his eyes after seeing it.

Although Beidi didn't know how strong Luo Yuan was, he knew that the power emanating from the treasure on Luo Yuan was extraordinary. Especially at this time, Luo Yuan looked at Bedi as if he were a pet. Bedi was very angry. He was the strongest realm beast and the king of realm beasts in the future. However, he still suppressed his anger and said: "Human Hunyuan Lord Luo Yuan, right? He looks very much like that, but You may not be my opponent now. Although I have never seen you before, I can also analyze from the information delivered by Morosa. The strongest person in the Universe Sea is indeed famous, but the true gods of the Universe Sea are very weak. .”

When Luo Yuan heard this, he just said calmly: "You are very smart, but you still underestimate my strength. The true gods of the universe sea are indeed not your opponents, and they can't even defeat the third-order world beasts, but even with my strength You may not be able to deal with it now, let’s have a fight depending on my strength.”

Bedi was shocked when he heard this. It knew from Luo Yuan's tone that Luo Yuan knew it, and even knew that it had broken through to the fifth level of strength, so Bedi said: "You are indeed very powerful. I broke through to the fifth level." Even other realm beasts don’t know about this level thing. You can tell it as soon as you come. It seems that Morosa will tell you everything. You are really brave to dare to go into the dark place alone, especially If you hadn't appeared, I wouldn't have discovered your art of transformation.

It's just that you didn't deal with other realm beasts and found me as soon as you came. It seems that you are planning to eliminate me as the strongest realm beast, isn't it? It's a very bold idea. "

Luo Yuan saw that Bedi still had time to chat with him, and did not escape. It seemed that Bedi had become more confident after his strength improved, giving him the idea of ​​​​defeating him, but Luo Yuan would not Leave Bedi a chance. He came to this dark place this time mainly to deal with Bedi. He only needs to eliminate Bedi, and then use the Star Tower to capture other world beasts and bring them back to Morosa to devour. , in this way, a world beast king can be cultivated.

So Luo Yuan didn't continue to talk nonsense. He directly used the ability of the Chaos Golden Wings to completely freeze and block the void where Bedi was. This is an ability that can only be used by the True God of the Void. Luo Yuan did it through the Chaos Golden Wings. In order to To increase his strength, Luo Yuan also did not hesitate to use the Duan Donghe secret technique. With the continuous burning of divine power, the power of the void that Luo Yuan exerted also increased a lot. Even Bedi felt the pressure. The void of this void was very strong. .

However, Bedi didn't pay too much attention to Luo Yuan's "One Thought of the Void". This move was really good against the third-level world, but it was not easy to use against the fourth-level world beasts. After Bedi used the out-of-boundary light field, Luo Yuan clearly felt that the void of his thoughts was being continuously eroded, which made the area controlled by the realm of light smaller and smaller. Luo Yuan knew that once the realm beast reached the fourth level, it would have the ability of the realm of realm light, but he did not expect it to be so powerful. , indeed extraordinary.

In fact, ordinary fourth-level realm beasts can't do it so easily, but Bedi has reached the fifth level, so its power after exerting the realm of realm light can be so obvious. This also allows Luo Yuaneng to truly affirm Bedi's ability. The strength has indeed reached the fifth-level level. After all, the power of the world light field comes from the inner world of the world beast, and the power of the small world of the fifth-level world beast is obviously much stronger than that of the fourth-level world beast, so Luo Yuan said coldly: "Fifth-level world beast" The strength of the realm beast has indeed improved a lot."

Bedi said proudly after hearing this: "What, you haven't thought about it, right? I am the only fifth-level world beast. You are the first to know this news. The other world beasts don't know it yet, so why don't you?" Do you think you are my opponent? It is too bold for you to deal with me now, otherwise you can stay here."

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this. Even if it was a fifth-level realm beast, Luo Yuan was well prepared to deal with the realm beasts. He even exchanged a bunch of extremely powerful mechanical treasures in the world of Jin. There are only a few pieces of mechanical flow treasures, so Luo Yuan took out a golden bead. As it emitted golden light and instantly enveloped the surroundings for hundreds of millions of light years, Bedi's face became ugly. This was a void true god level mechanical flow. A treasure, extremely powerful.

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(End of this chapter)

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