I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 590 The Power of Supreme Rules

Chapter 590 The Power of Supreme Rules
  Bedi's attack is very strong. Although Luo Yuan has the strength to resist, he will not resist it. After all, this is a desperate attack from a fifth-level world beast. Even if he blocks it, it will consume a lot of energy, so Luo Yuan directly used the Star Tower to resist. The Star Tower is the most precious treasure of the God King. It can't be shaken by a fifth-level world beast. But Beidi didn't know it. At this time, it looked at Luo Yuan and hid in the Star Tower and just sneered. His This move of the reincarnation channel can turn everything into nothingness.

Luo Yuan also felt the powerful power of destruction from Bedi's unique move, and it consumed a lot of original power to perform it. It was more powerful than the reincarnation channel used before. Luo Yuan, as the universe The strongest man in the sea can see some clues from it. His realm is now at the true god level, but his actual combat power is comparable to the eternal true god. Otherwise, he would not have such a strong strength. Even if It can handle even fifth-level world beasts.

You must know that the tenth level in the universe sea is the ultimate true god's strength, and reaching the eleventh level is the Void True God level. For the current Luo Yuan, he can easily create his own Void True God level secret method. This is his accumulation of background. The result, and with Luo Yuan's strength, he can actually transcend reincarnation and be promoted to the Holy Land Universe. In other words, it is not difficult for Luo Yuan to become the True God of the Void, but he cannot do so immediately because he needs to accumulate strength. .

In particular, the crisis of world beasts also needs to be resolved, so that Luo Yuan can transcend reincarnation with peace of mind and go to the Origin Continent. In fact, the original ancestor of the human race has also reached the strength to transcend reincarnation, but the original ancestor has been suppressed by the original will of the original universe. Only the original ancestor will The crisis of world beasts has been resolved and the original ancestor can be released. At that time, the original ancestor can also become a helper for Luo Yuan in his battle on the Origin Continent. The requirements for becoming the True God of the Void are actually not that high, being able to create the ultimate true god level secret method.

Of course, this requirement is not difficult for Luo Yuan and the original ancestor, but it is impossible for most true gods in the universe sea, even several other overlord-level true gods. However, if the crisis of the world beast is not resolved, once Luo Yuan When the world beast ran to devour his small universe when he transcended reincarnation, Luo Yuan would fall even if he transcended reincarnation. Only by dealing with all the crises in the universe could he ensure his safety. This is also the idea of ​​all true gods. All now It's not the time yet.

All Luo Yuan decided to wait until all the world beasts are dealt with, and then they can transcend reincarnation and go to the Origin Continent to start a new journey. If it were other true gods, they would only think that Bedi's reincarnation channel attack is very strong, but Luo Yuan can From this, we can see how powerful the power brought by the destruction of the original power is. This is only exerted by a fifth-level realm beast. If it is replaced by a sixth-level realm beast or even a king-level realm beast, the power will definitely be even more powerful. This makes Luo Yuan had the idea of ​​picking it up.

If Luo Yuan can also master the power of destroying the origin of the world beast's moves, then his strength can be even more powerful, but the attributes dropped are too few to form a real skill, unless Luo Yuan can use Mo Only when Rosa becomes a realm beast of level five or above can he stably pick up the attributes he wants. This is the best way, so Luo Yuan does not want to give up and let Bedi escape. Since the king of realm beasts is so powerful, then he will Create a world beast king yourself.

Of course, although Bedi's move did not drop many attributes, Luo Yuan still used his mental power to pick it up to understand the mystery of the rules. It also allowed the incarnation of divine power in the black-patterned stone pillar space to accelerate his understanding. It would be good to improve their strength a little more. Luo Yuan was also fascinated by the ability of the fifth-level realm beasts. This power that contains the origin of destruction is like the supreme rules of the universe helping the realm beasts to launch powerful attacks. It can be regarded as a kind of attack on the supreme realm. How to apply the rules.

No matter which universe the strongest person is, the strongest power is always the power of using the rules of the universe, such as the power of the original law of the original universe and the supreme rule of the cosmic sea. This is the real source of power. All other secret techniques are actually just It is just a means to apply the rules of the universe, but these are just simple applications on the surface. Only by controlling the supreme rules in one's own hands can one form the power to exert extremely powerful power, and the beasts of the world can do it.

Both world beasts and the original universe are actually products of the rules of the cosmic sea, but their levels are too high, so they can directly use the power of the supreme rules. For example, the power of destruction that can be used by world beasts after the fifth level is a Using the innate means of the supreme rules, only the world beasts in the entire cosmic sea can possess this power, because the meaning of the birth of the world beasts is to destroy everything in the cosmic sea, and then promote the creation of a new primitive universe and civilization.

The original universe represents new life and hope, and can also produce various brilliant civilizations, but the world beasts are completely opposite to the original universe. The meaning of the existence of the world beasts is to destroy everything. Only in this way can the balance of the cosmic sea be maintained, otherwise the universe The number of those strong men in the sea who have reached the level of immortality will only increase. Under the accumulation of countless reincarnation eras, if they are not cleaned up, they will be in chaos, so there are world beasts, the product of the supreme rule that destroys everything.

But that doesn’t mean that the birth of a realm beast must lead to destruction. As long as a powerful being is born in this cosmic sea that can deal with the realm beast, civilization can continue to spread. However, this is only temporary. Once such an invincible strong man transcends reincarnation, Once you go to the Origin Continent, you won't be able to deal with the realm beasts that are born later. It's still very dangerous. Unless you can raise your strength to the level of a God King, you can create a Kingdom of Gods in the Origin Continent. You can get rid of this shackles, but there are also dangers. .

Luo Yuan also understood from what happened to the God King of Jin that even the continent of origin of the highest plane is full of dangers, and the powerful God King will also be in danger of falling. After all, different God Kingdoms will continue to fight to expand their power. To obtain more cultivation resources, no matter how big the Origin Continent is, after countless reincarnations in the Three Thousand Universe Sea, countless super strong people will come to the Origin Continent after continuous accumulation. So many strong people will not live in peace with each other. of.

Moreover, those strong men have ascended to the Origin Continent. If they leave descendants in the Origin Continent, they will definitely be very strong and talented. From the world of Jin, we can see some conditions of the Origin Continent. Therefore, Luo Yuan is very concerned about his legion. The requirements are getting higher and higher, and only those at the true god level are qualified to become soldiers of his legion, and they are only the lowest level soldiers. It is extremely difficult to give birth to a true god level powerhouse with the resources of the universe sea.

So Luo Yuan became interested after seeing the trick used by Bedi. The power that can destroy the entire cosmic sea is really extraordinary. When Bedi's powerful attack hit the Star Tower, even the powerful Star Tower shook, but There was no real damage to the Star Tower. After all, the Star Tower is a god-king level treasure, but it also amazed Luo Yuan. Bedi's move was enough to annihilate any True God of the Void into nothingness. If Luo Yuan didn't have all kinds of The treasure is hard to stop.

Bedi was shocked when he saw that its attack had no effect on the Star Tower. You must know that its move could not be blocked even by the mechanical flow treasure, but Luo Yuan's Star Tower blocked it, which made Bedi Realizing that the Star Tower was far more powerful than the Mechanical Flow Treasure, this was already its strongest attack. Now Bedi was helpless against Luo Yuan, so it turned around and used its powerful attack before Luo Yuan came out of the Star Tower. The secret method fled, extremely decisive.

When Luo Yuan saw Bedi running away, how could he let him go? So he drove the Star Tower and immediately chased after him. At the same time, he used the various domain and restraint mechanical treasures in his hands, immediately freezing the void and blocking it and then directed towards Bei. Luo Yuan's various treasures gave him a headache, and Bedi did not dare to use the secret of dividing countless golden lights to escape. technique.

Because Bedi was swallowed up by Luo Yuan's Star Tower when he used this move before. If Bedi hadn't condensed his body, he would have been directly suppressed by the Star Tower, so Bedi naturally didn't dare to make the same mistake again. , as Luo Yuan drove the Star Tower even close to Bedi, suddenly a golden chain appeared and bound Bedi. Soon the chain wrapped around Bedi's huge body, and at the same time the divine power on the chain resisted Bedi's The erosion of the power of darkness. Bedi was also extremely panicked at this time. He did not expect that Luo Yuan would pursue him so closely, and Luo Yuan's reserves of divine power were so amazing that they were boundless, so Bedi did not dare to compete with Luo Yuan in energy consumption, so he He had no choice but to escape, but now Bedi was directly restrained by the mechanical flow treasure used by Luo Yuan.

Bedi roared angrily: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, do you really want to fight me to death? Do you think the Star Tower can suppress me? I am a fifth-level world beast. What do you mean by hiding in the Star Tower? You have the ability." If you fight me head-on, I still have many methods that I haven't used yet, and you can't win like this."

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this, but he did not refuse. After all, Luo Yuan also wanted to pick up some attribute points from Bedi, so he teleported out of the Star Tower. This made Bedi feel incredible. Bedi He just wanted to anger Luo Yuan and then find a loophole to escape, and in Beidi's view, Luo Yuan was definitely not as strong as him. If it weren't for the defense of the Star Tower, Luo Yuan would not be able to block its strongest blow, so Beidi Di Cai thought he could defeat Luo Yuan.

In fact, Bedi can also use the innate secret technique of Boundary Light Channel to leave, but this will consume a lot of his original power. In the end, his strength will plummet like Morosa, and he will be directly lowered to a realm, which is unbearable for Bedi. The price was high, so Bedi just wanted to escape immediately. Well, now Luo Yuan came out of the Star Tower to confront Bedi head-on. This made Bedi excited. Although it didn't know Luo Yuan's purpose, for Bedi That's really good news.

Luo Yuan took out the blood shadow knife at this time. He looked at Bedi and sneered: "Bedi, since you want to experience my strength, then I will convince you to fight."

When Bedi heard this, he felt greatly provoked. He snorted coldly, and then the secret marks on his body flickered again, and then emerged in the void to form a world beast energy body. This move was exactly the same as the previous one that destroyed the origin, but This time Luo Yuan was not in the Star Tower but planned to resist it with his own strength. But in Beidi's view, it was almost impossible for Luo Yuan to block its blow. This was a powerful force that even the True God of the Void could hardly resist. , how could Luo Yuan stop it.

In fact, for fifth-level world beasts, the energy required to use the power of destruction is much smaller than the energy consumed to use the world light channel, and the former is still a powerful attack method, but once the world light channel is used, it will directly lead to The sharp drop in strength was the last resort for the world beasts to escape. As Bedi used the reincarnation channel again, everything around him was crushed into nothingness. Luo Yuan found that not only attribute bubbles fell out, he immediately picked them up.

As more and more attribute bubbles were picked up, Luo Yuan became more and more aware of Bedi's move. As long as Luo Yuan mastered this move, his strength would immediately improve a lot. , when the reincarnation channel was very close to Luo Yuan, he knew that he needed to fight back, so Luo Yuan held the blood shadow knife and used the domineering sword technique.

Suddenly, countless sword rays appeared and formed a tornado, sweeping towards the reincarnation passage. This blow was extremely powerful, but any one of them was enough to annihilate a true god's small universe into nothingness, let alone countless sword rays. At the same time, he attacked Bedi's reincarnation channel. Luo Yuan did not believe that Bedi could resist such a powerful attack. What Luo Yuan didn't expect was that since his attack did not immediately dissipate Bedi's reincarnation channel into Nothingness, very strong.

This also made Luo Yuan understand the power of the fifth-level world beast. If there was no defense from the Star Tower before, Luo Yuan would really consume a lot of energy to deal with Bedi's trick, but at this time Bedi really looked incredible. Looking at Luo Yuan with an expression, he did not expect that Luo Yuan was so powerful.

If Luo Yuan could withstand Bedi's destructive origin attack before relying on the powerful defense of the Star Tower, then now it relies on Luo Yuan's own strong strength. This also let Bedi know that Luo Yuan's power has far exceeded the current Realm, you must know that Bedi's reincarnation channel attack is difficult to resist even the True God of the Void, but Luo Yuan is now in the realm of the True God and can completely block it. If Luo Yuan's strength is further improved, then the world beasts will really It's over.

At this time, Luo Yuan put away his knife and looked at Bedi and said sarcastically: "Bedi, is the power of your trick so weak? It seems that I still looked up to you before and even used the Star Tower to resist your attack. , now it seems that you are not qualified at all, okay, now it's my turn." After Luo Yuan said that, he directly picked up the blood shadow knife again, activated the golden wings of chaos and rushed towards Bedi at a fast speed. Extremely, when Bedi saw this, he also knew that he could not confront Luo Yuan head-on, so he immediately divided.

As Bedi split into countless golden rays of light and fled around, Luo Yuan immediately raised his sword and swung countless sword rays to attack these golden lights. As the golden light was annihilated by the sword rays, only Bedi's body appeared in the end. Looking at Luo Yuan with horror on his face, he didn't know how to deal with it, so Bedi immediately turned around and ran away. Now he just wanted to stay as far away from Luo Yuan as possible, but Luo Yuan was still chasing after him. He would not give up like this. A good chance to pick up the destruction attribute.

You must know that as a fifth-level world beast, Bedi's power of destruction is an innate ability given by the supreme rules. Even the true god cannot master this ability. But if Luo Yuan can pick it up completely through the system, what will happen to the pair? The improvement of Luo Yuan's strength in the future will have great benefits, and the power of various secret techniques and secret techniques will be greatly increased, and it can also help him understand the power of the supreme rules.

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(End of this chapter)

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