I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 591 1 thought of the universe, surrounded by world beasts

Chapter 591: A thought about the universe, world beasts encircle and suppress them
  At this time, Luo Yuan was very dissatisfied when he saw Bedi running away. The attributes he picked up were not enough. How could he let Bedi give up like this? He was very interested in Bedi's power of destruction. If he could pick up more Just click on the attributes and you might be able to master it, so Luo Yuan sneered: "Bedi, why did you run away? Come back!"

Bedi ran faster after hearing this. Every time it uses the power of destruction, it consumes too much energy. If it continues to delay, it will definitely lose.

In fact, Bedi's power of destruction can also help Luo Yuan understand the supreme rules, which is of great benefit to the improvement of Luo Yuan's realm. It can also improve the operating rules of his small universe, so Luo Yuan did not take Bedi immediately. Even if you take it down and pick up the corresponding attributes, it is actually very difficult. Luo Yuan has already turned Morosa into his soul servant. It is impossible to turn the second world beast into his soul servant. This It is also the restriction of the supreme rules, and the only one is the king.

Now Luo Yuan's realm is at the true god level, but his actual combat power is comparable to the eternal true god. Of course, such combat power is also blessed by many mechanical treasures.

In particular, the blessing of god-king-level treasures such as the Star Tower is also so powerful. However, Luo Yuan's foundation accumulation is also very strong, so it is actually difficult for Luo Yuan to continue to improve his realm. His strength is far beyond that of the same level of true gods. , the bottleneck of natural breakthrough is also much higher than that of other true gods. The main reason is that Luo Yuan has too high requirements for himself. He does not want to break through to the Void True God like other true gods. To improve his own realm, he needs to understand the operating rules of the universe. .

Luo Yuan originally proposed to the original will of the original universe that one of the conditions for dealing with the crisis of the world beasts was to go to its place of origin to experience the destruction and birth of the original universe.

Although Luo Yuan also experienced the entire process of the birth of his own small universe when he broke through to the True God, the True God's small universe cannot be compared with the original universe. The original universe is the most powerful universe in the cosmic sea, and all its operating rules are It is carried out directly in accordance with the supreme rules, so it is more advanced in terms of rules. The contained rules of the universe will be of great benefit to Luo Yuan in the future to advance to a higher realm, and can even help Luo Yuan break through to the God King level in the future.

As the realm increased, the requirements for the operating rules of the small universe became higher and higher. Luo Yuan saw that Bedi was disobedient and had no choice but to take action directly. So he used the chain-shaped mechanical flow treasure to continuously wrap Bedi around. Bedi knew this. If he continued to preserve his strength like this, he would really be unable to escape, so he did not hesitate to use his original power to use the world light channel to open the teleportation escape. But how could Luo Yuan let Bedi leave? He had long been prepared for Bedi to use this trick. The secret of escape.

So Luo Yuan took out a void true god level treasure called the Golden Sea Pearl to completely cover the void, and the cosmic power of the Chaos Golden Wings was also exerted. The superimposed power of the two formed was so powerful, in Under the transmission of Luo Yuan's boundless divine energy, Bedi found that the boundary light channel he cast immediately became unstable. It didn't take long for the boundary light channel to be directly shaken away by the power of the universe, which made Bedi feel Despair.

Bedi knew that he could not be caught by Luo Yuan, otherwise he would only die in the end. Bedi had finally been promoted to the fifth level of realm beast, and he was the most likely to become the king of realm beasts. How could he fail here, so Bedi It immediately started to use its own original power, and even its soul power burned together, which made its aura become more powerful, but this was only temporary. Once Bedi ended this power blessing, its strength would directly increase. fall.

But Beidi can no longer worry about this. It is better to have a sharp decline in strength than to be caught by Luo Yuan and then fall. He can keep Qingshan without worrying about having no firewood. There is still a possibility of improvement after the strength drops, but no matter Beidi Even if Di burned his original power, he could not shake the power of the universe exerted by Luo Yuan. The secret escape technique of the world light channel also failed. This made Bedi know that he could not continue to burn because its strength had dropped to A third-level realm beast.

You must know that the World Light Channel can only be used by third-level world beasts. If you continue to burn the original power, Bedi will no longer be qualified to use this innate ability. Even if you continuously burn the second-level power, it will not help. Bedi will The child collapsed. It looked at Luo Yuan standing quietly in the void and was shocked. It was a fifth-level world beast before, but it was unable to cause any harm to Luo Yuan. How did this human Hunyuan Lord practice? ,too strong.

Luo Yuan also discovered Bedi's changes. As for Bedi's decline in strength, Luo Yuan had decided to train Morosa to become the king of world beasts. Other world beasts would naturally have to die in the end, and he had just met him Bedi picked up a lot of attribute bubbles in the battle, which gave him an entry-level understanding of the secret method of Chaos Golden Wings' One Thought of the Universe, so Luo Yuan used it directly, but Luo Yuan did not expect that this thought of the universe So powerful.

One thought of the universe is infinitely more powerful than one thought of the void. After all, one thought of the void only seals off a patch of void. One thought of the universe is a power that belongs to the Eternal True God or above. It can directly cover tens of thousands of light-years of void within the control of one's own small universe. , exerting the power of origin control belonging to the small universe. In the small universe, Luo Yuan is the supreme god. Even the rules of the universe here cannot interfere with Luo Yuan's will, and the boundary light channel naturally fails.

Luo Yuan looked at Bedi, whose strength had dropped to the third level, and sneered. Now Bedi had no power to resist him at all, so Luo Yuan directly took out the Star Tower to swallow and suppress Bedi. At this time, Bedi Di was also helpless towards the Star Tower, but how could it be taken down by Luo Yuan as the strongest realm beast in the past? So Bedi directly chose to commit suicide at the last moment, very decisively, which surprised Luo Yuan. But I'm not surprised, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Bedi will eventually fall, and Bedi's strength has been reduced to the third level. The help he can give Luo Yuan is not as good as Morosa, so Luo Yuan doesn't care, he is going to catch Bedi. It was only used to devour Morosa to increase his strength, but there were many third-order and fourth-order realm beasts in the dark land. In this way, the only fifth-order realm beast in the dark land fell under Luo Yuan's hands. Moreover, Bedi also passed the news here to other realm beasts.

At this time, with the news that Luo Yuan came to the dark land and eliminated Bedi, all the realm beasts here fell into anger. You must know that Bedi is the strongest fifth-level realm beast and is still not Luo Yuan's opponent. This The world beasts realized that they could only deal with Luo Yuan if they united, so they temporarily put aside their hatred and joined forces to deal with Luo Yuan. Suddenly, the dark land was filled with the roars of the world beasts, so they came out to gather one after another. Kill Luo Yuan.

Even Luo Yuan sensed the soaring anger. He knew that he had now become the enemy of all the realm beasts in the Dark Land, and these realm beasts also joined forces to deal with him. The strongest of these realm beasts was only mid-level four. That's all, but once they join forces in large numbers, their combat power is extremely terrifying. Even sixth-level realm beasts will be difficult to deal with. That's why these realm beasts choose to join forces to deal with Luo Yuan, because none of them is Luo Yuan's opponent, only the fallen. One way. At this time, Luo Yuan immediately asked Morosa to transmit the directions of other world beasts in the dark land in real time through soul contact. Next, he would have to deal with the cooperation of all the world beasts, but Luo Yuan knew it in a short period of time. At this time, nearly two million realm beasts were charging towards him, and the strength of these realm beasts was at least above the second level peak. They were considered the elite among realm beasts. It seemed that these realm beasts were also aware of Now comes the absolute threat brought by Luo Yuan.

You must know that the realm beast is born at the true god level, and its strength can be improved after being devoured by battle. Coupled with the powerful innate secret skills it possesses, it can be said that the strength of the realm beast is much more powerful than any true god in the universe sea. And the strength of any of these world beasts is comparable to the ultimate true god. Now it is equivalent to nearly two million ultimate true gods joining forces to kill Luo Yuan. Even the eternal true god has to flee when he sees this fighting force, but Luo Yuan Source has no worries.

Luo Yuan actually felt a little disappointed. You must know that there are still nine million realm beasts in this dark place. He is also planning to let these realm beasts deal with him. How can he kill all these realm beasts directly? Luo Yuan But he has a lot of backup options. He is not afraid of these realm beasts. After fighting Bedi, Luo Yuan also has a sufficient understanding of his own strength. Even the fifth-level realm beast Bedi can't block his sword and can only They fled in embarrassment, let alone those weaker realm beasts.

No matter how many world beasts there are, it doesn't matter. As long as his strength reaches the extreme, no matter how many tens of millions of world beasts he has, they will still be wiped out. In the face of absolute strength, there is no use no matter how many there are. But Luo Yuan also knows The realm beasts coming now are actually realm beasts that are very close to here, and not all realm beasts will choose to come to deal with Luo Yuan. Many realm beasts are actually waiting and watching. After all, there are nearly two million high-level beasts. It is enough for the world beasts to join forces to deal with Luo Yuan.

It was only in order to prevent these world beasts from making trouble in the cosmic sea that Luo Yuan wanted to gather all these world beasts and catch them all in one fell swoop. Both the Dark Land and the cosmic sea were too big, and even Luo Yuan, who was the strongest, could not If you resist it in an instant, it will be troublesome to catch all the bounded beasts once they run away.

At this time, Luo Yuan wanted to use the power of the Chaos Golden Wings to ban these realm beasts and then deal with them all. However, Morosa could also quickly transform into the king of realm beasts under the supreme rules, which was very important to Luo Yuan. It makes sense, but the universe he casts with his Chaos Golden Wings cannot cover the whole dark land, so he can only attract other realm beasts to catch them all. The more realm beasts come, the easier it will be. After all, it consumes The energy is the same.

The energy source of Luo Yuan's Chaos Golden Wings actually contains the powerful power left by the previous generation of users. This power is enough to annihilate everything enveloped in the universe into nothingness in one thought, but this power can only be used once. It is Luo Yuan's He plans to use his trump card on these realm beasts, so he hopes that the more realm beasts will come, the better. This is equivalent to a blow from a super strong man. Even the Eternal True God will fall when he comes, let alone these powerful ones. Realm beasts below level five.

So the next thing Luo Yuan needs to do is to attract all the realm beasts. If only two million realm beasts are not enough, he will attract all the realm beasts in the dark land and eliminate them all at once. At that time, the world beasts formed a ball and surrounded Luo Yuan's location. They were still shrinking the encirclement to prevent Luo Yuan from escaping. But how could they have thought that Luo Yuan was waiting for them? It was just that when these world beasts gathered, they didn't No trace of Luo Yuan was found.

So the realm beasts began to panic. They were worried that Luo Yuan had escaped, so the realm beasts launched more realm beasts to search for Luo Yuan's whereabouts. This caused more and more realm beasts to take action, even if Those realm beasts who want to wait and see cannot hide. After all, realm beasts can telepathically communicate with each other and can communicate directly no matter how far away they are. This is true no matter where the realm beasts are hiding. This makes it easier for those who come to deal with Luo Yuan. The number of world beasts is increasing.

Luo Yuan knew through Morosa's induction that there were already seven million realm beasts surrounding him. The dark place was very large. If the number of realm beasts surrounding Luo Yuan was small, full coverage would not be possible. , so more and more realm beasts come here, but there are nine million realm beasts in the dark land, and there are still two million realm beasts that have not appeared. Luo Yuan does not want to leave any hidden dangers, so he It is necessary to attract the remaining world beasts together.

Luo Yuan knew that it was not enough to just hide his figure and let the world beasts gather to look for him, so he decided to show up and fight with these world beasts. Only by making these world beasts feel fear with his powerful combat power could Luo Yuan Prompting these realm beasts to join forces to deal with him, even those realm beasts who have been waiting for a long time will choose to take action. When all these realm beasts arrive, he will use the golden wings of chaos to seal the super strong man. One hit.

So Luo Yuan asked Morosa to mark the locations of the realm beasts from the third level to the fourth level. It was impossible for him to be an enemy of a large number of realm beasts, so he directly found the strongest realm beasts to deal with. The only way to deal with them was to kill these powerful realm beasts. Only by destroying the realm beasts can those realm beasts throw rat weapons. Being afraid of Luo Yuan will prompt more realm beasts to join forces to deal with Luo Yuan. And Luo Yuan has invisible and formless abilities, so he can use this ability to deal with Luo Yuan. Those powerful world beasts attack.

What just made Luo Yuan speechless was that the powerful realm beasts he encountered chose to commit suicide after finding that they could not resist Luo Yuan. The realm beasts are actually a very proud group. After all, they are the products of the supreme rules. An existence that can stand on an equal footing with the original universe, so the world beasts would rather die than be turned into soul servants by Luo Yuan or used as nutrients to cultivate Morosa, but these are no longer important, Luo Yuan's purpose has been achieved. , he wants to attract more realm beasts to appear to deal with him. After all, his Chaos Golden Wings trump card can only be used once, and he needs to catch all the realm beasts in one go.

As Luo Yuan took action against the powerful realm beasts, more and more powerful realm beasts continued to fall. This made the realm beasts who originally wanted to wait and see begin to panic, so they also joined the action to encircle and suppress Luo Yuan, and The world beasts have also learned to be smart. They no longer act alone but form small teams to look for traces of Luo Yuan. Each team consists of at least hundreds of world beasts, and there are also large groups of thousands of world beasts. Luo Yuan does not It feels strange, after all, the world beasts are very intelligent.

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(End of this chapter)

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