Chapter 598 Facing the catastrophe
  Luo Yuan expressed his helplessness to all the powerful men from the first and second reincarnation era who sent requests, which made these true gods feel desperate. However, the catastrophe of the world beast was a crisis for the entire universe sea, and they could not rely entirely on Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan has no obligation to help them solve it. He only needs to ensure the safety of the human race in the original universe. He is not a bad person, and without Luo Yuan's presence and action, a single world beast from Morosa was enough to destroy the entire human race. The cosmic sea was destroyed.

Neither the powerful human race nor other forces in the original universe have taken action to help the forces in the first and second reincarnation eras. Everyone is now in a difficult situation, and they do not have such deep emotions with other forces. Everyone knows about this world beast. The catastrophe will have to be faced sooner or later, but it is just a little early now, but this has also caused many forces in the first and second reincarnation eras to choose to take refuge in the world beasts, but the world beasts are not accepted by everyone, unless they are strong. Extremely powerful existences, such as overlord level.

It's just that the world beasts now only need a powerful true god as a servant, so they accepted the Skeleton Master as a new servant. Later, when other strong men who wanted to join the world beasts wanted to join the world beasts, the world beasts pretended to agree to let him. These true gods did not resist. As a result, these true gods were devoured by the world beasts. Even if they reacted, it was too late. This included the first god of the God Eye Clan. This made all the forces in the universe know that there was no way out. I can only choose to fight the world beast to the end. I have no choice.

These forces attacked by the world beasts include the two holy land universes, but the world beasts also know that their biggest enemy now is Luo Yuan. If Luo Yuan is allowed to continue to grow, these world beasts will be destroyed by Luo Yuan, but Devouring the two holy lands takes a lot of time. Even if hundreds of thousands of world beasts try to devour them, it will still waste a lot of time. Therefore, the world beasts did not immediately attack the two holy lands and universes after making the choice. This also makes the two holy lands The universe temporarily escaped disaster, and the world beasts continued.

The world beasts first started with those forces from the first and second reincarnation eras. After all, these forces were closest to the world beasts, and the world beasts also knew that it was impossible for Luo Yuan to help these forces deal with them. After all, all the forces in the original universe The forces are now unable to protect themselves. This time, the realm beasts have the same enemies and goals, so the realm beasts can still unite and enforce prohibitions, because they are only single realm beasts and cannot compete with Luo Yuan. Only Only by uniting can we stand a chance of winning.

With the simultaneous attack of 900,000 world beasts, the small universes belonging to the true gods of the first and second reincarnation eras in the cosmic sea are constantly being devoured, which also leads to the annihilation of countless living beings. No matter how these forces send out messages to the powerful men of the original universe, There was no response to the distress message. There was nothing that could be done about it. Now the entire cosmic sea no longer had the strength to directly face the joint siege of 900,000 world beasts. Even if Luo Yuan took action, he could not catch them all. He also used his trump card. No, all we can do is wait.

And Luo Yuan also knows that even if he goes to support, it will have no effect, because there are too many world beasts. If they attack any true god's small universe, they will devour it very quickly, and it will take time for Luo Yuan to rush over. , it is estimated that these small universes will be gone before Luo Yuan rushes over. Luo Yuan cannot save all the small universes of the true gods. In the end, they will just be exhausted and be surrounded by the army of world beasts and fall, so Luo Yuan is not It may be such an unwise move.

As the army of 900,000 world beasts swept across the cosmic sea, various forces and ethnic groups belonging to the first and second reincarnation eras were annihilated into nothingness. At this time, the various forces in the original universe also felt fearful. They knew that waiting for the first and second eras of reincarnation were After all the forces in the second reincarnation era were devoured by the world beasts, it was the turn of the original universe. Their only hope now fell on Luo Yuan. After all, Luo Yuan had wiped out 90% of the world beasts before. , Luo Yuan was very calm at this time, but he needed strength.

Now is the time for the entire cosmic sea to suffer the catastrophe of the world beast. Even the original will of the original universe is afraid. This is the time for Luo Yuan to bargain with the original will of the original universe, so Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City came directly In the core temple of the Ancestral God Religion, the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Religion were very surprised at this time. Because Luo Yuan suddenly came to the Ancestral God Religion without dealing with the world beast. There must be something going on. They vaguely guessed something in their hearts, but they just grasped the opportunity. That's great.

However, the three ancestral gods would not take the initiative to agree to any conditions on behalf of the original will of the original universe, so they pretended not to know the purpose of Luo Yuan coming here. Luo Yuan was too lazy to go around the bush with them and directly asked the three ancestral gods to inform the original will of the original universe. Release the original ancestor. The original ancestor's current strength must have reached the ultimate true god, which is also the overlord level. If it can be released at this time, it will be a great force, and the original ancestor's small universe also needs his presence. resistance.

The world beasts will soon come to deal with the small universe of the true gods of the various forces in the original universe. It is obvious that the small universe of the human race’s true gods must be the key target of the world beasts. But if the small universe of the true gods does not have the guard and resistance of the true god, There is no resistance to the world beasts, so if the world beasts come to the small universe that swallows the original ancestors, it will be dangerous. That's why Luo Yuan came to let the original will of the original universe release the suppressed original ancestors, and at this time Also very important.

The three Ancestral Gods heard Luo Yuan's purpose and request and knew that it was indeed the case. Luo Yuan had previously proposed to the original will of the original universe to release the original ancestors, but they never received an accurate reply. This was actually considered a rejection, but now the world beast When a catastrophe strikes, if the original universe does not agree, it will most likely be swallowed up by the world beasts. Luo Yuan only needs to transfer all human beings to his small universe, even if the original universe is destroyed by the world beasts. No matter what, Luo Yuan was not worried.

In order to ensure the safety of the human race in the original universe, Luo Yuan established some transmission channels directly leading to his small universe in the territory of the human race, and also let the human race's true gods guard it, just to deal with the current situation. Compared with all the creatures in the entire universe sea, In Luo Yuan's heart, only the human race is what he needs to care about. What about other ethnic groups? Even if the original universe is destroyed, it only takes some time for a new original universe and countless life civilizations to be born. The three ancestor gods also understand Luo Yuan's idea.

All three Ancestral Gods had to agree to contact the original will of the original universe immediately, because they knew that the human race could not be threatened by world beasts with Luo Yuan, but it was hard to tell between their Ancestral God Religion and the Original Universe, and Luo Yuan was also waiting patiently. , he is actually not worried about the catastrophe of the world beast this time. After all, he has made complete preparations. His own small universe is more powerful than the two holy land universes. Even if the world beast takes action, it cannot swallow even a little bit of its original power. When it arrives, it will only be destroyed by Luo Yuan.

But it is hard to say about the small universes of other true gods of the human race. This still requires him to take action against the realm beasts, but he cannot always get support. He also needs the true gods of the human race to fight against the realm beasts, so Luo Yuan takes advantage of the crisis of the realm beast catastrophe at this time. It is also a means to let the original will of the original universe release the original ancestors at all times. It will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future. Soon the three ancestor gods brought the order of the original will of the original universe, saying that it was impossible to release the original ancestors. The true form of the ancestor, but the original ancestor can be incarnated with divine power.

The oldest ancestor god among them also said apologetically: "Lord Hunyuan, this is not our intention, but the order of the original will of the original universe. The original will is willing to let the original ancestor separate the incarnation will to suppress his The small universe is already its biggest concession, if you continue to insist on releasing the original ancestors, there will be no discussion."

Luo Yuan was very angry when he heard this. What is the original will of the original universe? Isn't it afraid of the catastrophe of the world beasts? Although 90% of the world beasts were wiped out by Luo Yuan, the remaining 900,000 world beasts can still It poses a great threat to the original universe. The original will of the original universe completely suppressed the original ancestor, whether it was the strength of the original ancestor or his will. However, the three ancestor gods also explained that it was the original ancestor who was offended in the first place. The original will of the original universe violated the supreme rules of the universe. Although Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City are very dissatisfied, they have no choice but to get a promise from the original will of the original universe. That is, if Luo Yuan completely contacts the world beast crisis, then the original will of the original universe will release the original ancestor. As a reward for Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City had to return to the original universe. However, it does not mean that Luo Yuan has no other options. However, the most important thing at the moment is to deal with the catastrophe of the world beast first. In fact, with the talent and strength of the original ancestor, He would have been able to break through to the True God of the Void long ago.

If the original ancestor had not been suppressed by the original will of the original universe, the original ancestor would have actually passed through reincarnation and been promoted to the Holy Land Universe, and the human race would have been immortal. At this time, the true gods of all the forces in the original universe have arrived. In the Milky Way Star Territory where Luo Yuan himself is located, they have also established a transmission channel directly to their small universe. These true gods understand that the only one who can deal with the world beasts now is Luo Yuan, so Luo Yuan must be the main force to deal with this time. The catastrophe of world beasts is the only one.

In order to ensure the safety of their own small universes, the true gods have left their own incarnations of divine power in them. Only in this way can they form a confrontation when facing the beasts devouring their small universes. This is also the original will of the original universe that promised the original ancestors to separate. The reason for the incarnation of divine power to guard the original universe is that it obviously did not meet the requirements of Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City. But now there is no way to stop the original will of the original universe. Luo Yuan decided to wait until the world beast catastrophe is dealt with before solving it.

However, Luo Yuan usually summons the various true gods from the original universe in the Hunyuan Realm Temple in the virtual universe. Luo Yuan gave these true gods permission. At this time, all the true gods from the original universe gathered in the Hunyuan Temple. True God, they all looked solemn, and Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City also understood it.

Luo Yuan looked at these true gods and said directly: "I know that what you are most worried about now is the crisis of the world beasts, and so far, most of the small universes of the true gods in the universe sea, whether in the first or second reincarnation era, have been destroyed by the world. The beasts have devoured them all, and countless creatures have turned into nothingness, so next the world beasts will definitely attack the small universe of the True God of my original universe. I can let everyone know the movements of the world beasts at this time. This is for Everyone has an accurate reference for judgment.”

As Luo Yuan's words fell, all the true gods in the entire temple suddenly showed frightened expressions, especially the true gods of the foreign races. Originally, they were very worried when they knew that 900,000 world beasts were coming, but because We are still far away from the world beasts and have no real feelings, but now it has only been a few days and we are told that the world beasts have wiped out almost all living creatures in the first and second reincarnation eras. How can we not let this happen? Everyone was scared, but Luo Yuan gave them hope.

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he shared the location map of the world beasts transmitted by Morosa through telepathy with all the true gods present. As Luo Yuan thought, a huge star map suddenly appeared in the void, with densely packed stars on it. Golden light points. Each of these light points is a world beast, as well as the location information of all small universes that still exist in the cosmic sea. Moreover, this star map is constantly being updated automatically. All true gods can see those golden lights. The point is moving towards the original universe.

The golden light spots looked densely packed and moved extremely fast. Wherever the realm beasts passed, those small universes disappeared one after another. This made all the true gods present truly feel the power of the realm beasts. They also became more worried. Luo Yuan No matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to guarantee the safety of all their True God mini-universes.

Luo Yuan looked at the huge star map and said: "All the true gods have also seen that there are 900,000 realm beasts now. They are now divided into two legions, each with more than 400,000 realm beasts. Now one The legions of realm beasts are still devouring those small universes of true gods in the cosmic sea, but another legion of realm beasts is coming to the original universe, which means that we will directly face the siege of more than 400,000 realm beasts. This time the realm beasts will The beasts are very united and follow orders, so they will become more difficult to deal with."

All the true gods present looked at the dense golden light spots on the star map that were rapidly approaching the original universe, and they felt terrified. The strength of each realm beast now is comparable to the ultimate true god. If it is placed in the universe sea, There are only eight overlord-level powerful men in the entire Universe Sea, and several have been lost. Now it is equivalent to more than 400,000 overlord-level true gods coming towards the Universe Sea. How can we resist this? Moreover, the strength of the world beasts is as high as The methods are even more difficult to deal with than the true gods of the Universe Sea.

Now these true gods of the original universe are completely panicked. They have never really faced the realm beast before, but now just looking at this star map, they can feel how terrible the crisis of the realm beast is. At this time, Luo Yuan was a little uncomfortable when he saw the scene. Under control, he shouted coldly: "Shen Jing, the world beasts haven't come yet, so you are afraid of being like this. We have transferred all the creatures in the small universe to the original universe. Although the number of these world beasts is Huge, but the most powerful realm beast is only at the third level.

All these realm beasts are still unable to pose a huge threat to the original universe. Unless more powerful realm beasts are born among these realm beasts, I will not give these realm beasts a chance. Otherwise, wouldn’t my previous efforts be in vain? Is it in vain? Now the world beasts also know that a single world beast is not my opponent, so they will unite to deal with us, and even if the small universe of all true gods is really swallowed by the world beasts, you will not Fallen, just unable to continue to improve.

But as long as your ethnic group does not disappear, you will be able to cultivate a more powerful true god sooner or later. Your ethnic group is your hope. If your ethnic group is gone, then where should you go? Since our generation has encountered the catastrophe of world beasts, Then we can't escape and can only rely on our own strength to deal with and defeat the world beasts. "

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(End of this chapter)

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