I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 599 Total annihilation, king-level realm beast servants

Chapter 599 Total annihilation, king-level realm beast servants

Luo Yuan looked at all the true gods below and continued: "Actually, you don't need to worry too much. In fact, I still have a backup plan. Now that the world beasts are divided into two groups, it is actually a good thing for us. Now a group of world beasts are coming. There are more than 400,000 realm beasts in the legion. I need you to work together to introduce them into my pre-arranged encirclement, and then catch them all. However, in order to prevent the realm beasts from devouring our small universe, we need to stop them. It’s outside, do you understand?”

All the true gods present looked surprised when they heard Luo Yuan's words. They said how could Luo Yuan be so calm in the face of the coming army of world beasts? It turned out that he had a trump card. Although these true gods were very afraid of the world beasts, they knew If the world beast is not stopped, their small universe will be destroyed, and eventually his tribe will decline or even disappear, and they will also lose the opportunity to continue to improve. Therefore, the true gods all nodded, and they decided to fight for their tribe. , there is no way.

So various true gods began to act according to Luo Yuan's arrangements. They walked out of the original universe and began to set up defensive formations. Luo Yuan stood in the void of the universe and watched quietly. His eyes were extremely dull at this time, but in fact, he still had a little bit in his heart. Excited, he finally waited for the moment of decisive battle with the world beast. After everything in the cosmic sea was dealt with, he could go to the origin continent of the highest plane to see the broader scenery. Where is his real stage? Hope to become stronger in the continent of origin.

At this time, the Lord of Chaos City came to Luo Yuan and said: "Luo Yuan, didn't you say before that these world beast catastrophes need to be faced by everyone together, and there is no better way?"

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this and said: "What I said is right. This world beast catastrophe is not my business alone, it is the business of all the ethnic groups in the universe sea. They should not think of letting me carry it alone. We need everyone." Work together, otherwise even if I can succeed, I will pay a high price. In the end, those true gods will only think that this is what I should do. I do have my own trump card. The arrangements during this period are only to ensure that the human race does not It’s just subject to any changes, I know that very well.

Teacher, you also know how many forces in the cosmic sea have taken refuge in that realm beast. In fact, we can’t find them all at once, but I can be sure that those betrayers are concentrated in the first and second reincarnation eras, and this time the realm beast I really don’t have the extra strength to help those forces resist the catastrophe, so the forces in the first and second reincarnation eras have been devoured by world beasts. I am helpless. I can only ensure that I concentrate my strength so that the human race can guarantee their own Security and continuity. "

The Lord of Chaos City also nodded when he heard this. He knew that what Luo Yuan said was very reasonable. If Luo Yuan did not exist in this world beast catastrophe, then all the creatures in the entire cosmic sea would have disappeared without a trace. He just asked That's all, and the Lord of Chaos City doesn't know what Luo Yuan's trump card is. So far, only Luo Yuan knows it, but everyone believes in Luo Yuan. After all, Luo Yuan has wiped out 90% of the world beasts before. , so they all acted according to Luo Yuan's arrangements.

Time flew by, and soon a week passed. An army of world beasts finally arrived at the periphery of the original universe. There were many small universes of true gods from the original universe. These world beasts devoured many small universes along the way. Therefore, their strength has been upgraded to the peak of the second level, and some have even been upgraded to the third level, but there are no fourth level ones. After all, the source power required to break through to the fourth level or above is extremely huge, but there are too many realm beasts. It's actually not much.

Just when the world beasts were about to attack the small universes of those true gods, hundreds of true gods appeared to form a blockade formation. At the same time, they used various domain-type mechanical treasures they had obtained in the world of Jin over the years to seal this void. After being blocked, it is still very powerful through the continuous superposition of power, but it is still far behind for more than 400,000 realm beasts. Just when the realm beasts were about to join forces to break up this confinement, suddenly a stronger force The power enveloped them, preventing them from moving.

This was the thought of the universe cast by Luo Yuan's Chaos Golden Wings, which immediately completely enveloped hundreds of millions of light-years nearby. Even if these world beasts deliberately distanced themselves, they were still all covered. Then Luo Yuan wore a golden crow. Qishen Armor walked out of the void with the Blood Shadow Knife in his hand, and the Star Tower was still suspended above his head. When Luo Yuan appeared, the true gods present immediately calmed down, and they performed the combination according to Luo Yuan's previous arrangements. In a large formation, they launched a joint attack on the world beasts at the same time.

Luo Yuan threw the Star Tower. The Star Tower immediately grew to a size of tens of millions of light-years, covering the sky and the sun. It was a giant to the world beasts, because the largest world beasts were only hundreds of millions of kilometers in size. They looked at the huge size. The Star Towers all showed shocked expressions. This was different from what they knew. During this period, Luo Yuan actually used the incarnation of divine power to activate tens of millions of times of time acceleration to carry out higher-level operations on the Star Tower, Wu Qi Shen and Chaos Golden Wings. Only when you understand and finally make breakthrough progress can you gain strength.

Luo Yuan would not have been so powerful before the breakthrough, but now he has it, and there are only 900,000 realm beasts left. Now the realm beasts are divided into two groups. This can be said to be a big problem for Luo Yuan. An excellent news, which also facilitates him to carry out the following operations. This time he directly blocked the more than 400,000 realm beasts. He wanted to destroy them all together, and then destroy the remaining realm beasts, so that Being able to completely solve the world beast catastrophe, Luo Yuan is very confident in his current strength.

At this time, under the control of Luo Yuan, the Star Tower immediately emitted a powerful devouring force. The powerful force formed a vortex. Many world beasts were directly swallowed by the Star Tower, without even the power to resist. This made other worlds The beasts were startled, and they quickly used secret techniques to resist. Moreover, the world beasts also knew that the Star Tower could not be dealt with, and if they wanted to deal with it, they had to directly deal with Luo Yuan himself, so these world beasts immediately jointly launched a sky-piercing earth-penetrating beam at Luo Yuan. The energy beam attack is powerful.

But what the world beasts didn't expect was that Luo Yuan just dodged and disappeared from the place. The combined attacks of the world beasts were completely unable to target Luo Yuan. Even if their combined attacks were powerful and could not hit the target, it would have no effect. , this is actually Luo Yuan's current strength. He has the blessing of a higher level of Wu Qi Shen and Chaos Golden Wings. Now he is in his one-thought universe, which causes Luo Yuan's speed to reach an extreme, and the world beast Their speed was greatly limited.

After the world beasts jointly attacked hundreds of times, they all felt that their power was severely depleted, but when they saw Luo Yuan still looking calm and calm, the world beasts suddenly panicked. At this time, the swallowing power of the Star Tower It is still strengthening. Every second, a realm beast will be swallowed up. The joint attack of hundreds of true gods in the original universe can also destroy several realm beasts. In addition, Luo Yuan is holding a blood shadow knife among these realm beasts. Keep teleporting, and every time you teleport, several world beasts will fall, one will decrease and the other will increase.

Now the realm beasts find that the number of realm beasts on their side is decreasing rapidly, but there is no harm on the other side of the original universe. Even if those realm beasts want to destroy all the true gods, the true gods of the original universe are hiding in Near the Star Tower, once the realm beasts get close, they will hide directly. This leaves the realm beasts with no choice but to attack Luo Yuan. However, Luo Yuan's speed and strength are too strong. The realm beasts know that they are not Luo Yuan. Source's opponents, they wanted to escape but this void time and space was blocked. Originally, the realm beasts came to the original universe excitedly and wanted to destroy Luo Yuan, but now they realized that they were wrong. It turned out that Luo Yuan was waiting for them. Now the situation has reversed, and no realm beast has the ability to resist. They became the victims of Luo Yuan's sword. Luo Yuan's eyebrows could instantly kill thousands of world beasts with one swing of his sword. The world beasts actually felt desperate at this time. How could they not have thought that they came here to deliver food to Luo Yuan? , even those realm beasts whose strength has broken through to the third level want to burn their source power and use the realm light channel to escape, so they have passed the news here to those realm beasts who have not yet arrived. Those realm beasts Totally confused.

At this time, there were more than 400,000 world beasts in the Universe Sea. After they came to the Universe Sea together, they could be said to be looking down upon them. All the small universes of the true gods in the first and second reincarnation eras were devoured by them, but Only when they were in a stable state did they allow more than 400,000 world beasts to form an army to deal with Luo Yuan, but now the army of world beasts has sent messages saying that they were trapped by Luo Yuan's layout and had no defense at all. Being wiped out one by one by Luo Yuan, all the world beasts suddenly became panicked.

Now the more than 400,000 world beasts outside don't know where to go. If they go to support the army of world beasts, they will end up with the same fate and be killed by Luo Yuan. But if they return to the dark land, wouldn't they end up destroying themselves? Are they trapped in a closed environment waiting for Luo Yuan to come and eliminate them all? They don't know how Luo Yuan's strength increased in such a short period of time. If Luo Yuan had such strong strength before, how could it be possible? Let them come to the cosmic sea.

Just when the realm beasts didn't know what to do, more than half of the more than 400,000 realm beasts outside the original universe had been wiped out by Luo Yuan. No matter how those realm beasts resisted, it was of no avail, so there was The beasts were so angry that they wanted to choose to die directly, so as to generate powerful power to break this abominable time and space blockade, but whenever these world beasts did this, everything about them would be completely swallowed up by the Star Tower, including the energy aftermath. In this way, those world beasts no longer have any means.

Now the true gods from the original universe can be said to be in admiration for Luo Yuan. They did not expect that the noble and powerful world beast has now completely turned into a lamb to be slaughtered and can only resist helplessly, unable to even escape, and Luo Yuan Yuan did not leave any time for these realm beasts. He held the blood shadow knife and moved back and forth among the realm beasts alone. The realm beasts continued to fall or become void. This incomparable strength made the true gods of the original universe decide From now on, we must respect the human race and cannot violate it.

As time went by, the number of besieged realm beasts continued to decrease, and soon these armies of realm beasts were completely wiped out by Luo Yuan. When the void of the original universe became empty again, all the true gods of the original universe Relieved, they looked at Luo Yuan, who was standing still in the void, and felt extremely shocked. If the more than eight million world beasts in the dark land before were destroyed by the energy source in Luo Yuan's chaotic golden wings, it was borrowed. Foreign objects, but now it relies entirely on Luo Yuan's own strength.

After all, that energy source was left by the previous user of Chaos Golden Wings and could only be used once. But now Luo Yuan himself has the strength to eliminate more than 400,000 world beasts. As for those true gods from the original universe, they only came to simply participate and witness Luo Yuan's power. This is also one of Luo Yuan's purposes, which is to let all the true gods from the original universe see Luo Yuan's strength in person, so that even if Luo Yuan I went to the Origin Continent so that the true gods of these alien races could be more honest. This would lay the foundation for the future security of the human race. As for the remaining more than 400,000 world beasts, under Morosa's induction, they discovered those world beasts. The beast actually began to flee in panic.

Some realm beasts fled to the dark places, some realm beasts were hiding around the periphery of the cosmic sea, and some realm beasts even ran to dangerous areas of the cosmic sea. It seems that these realm beasts know that even if they unite, they will not be able to survive. Luo Yuan's opponents will be directly killed by Luo Yuan, so they simply disperse and escape to make it difficult for Luo Yuan to eliminate them all. This operation gives Luo Yuan a little headache. These world beasts are too smart. Now it's obvious that some realm beasts have given up.

After all, even the fifth-order realm beast Bedi was easily destroyed by Luo Yuan before. Unless a sixth-order realm beast is born among these current realm beasts, it will pose a threat to Luo Yuan. But how can Luo Yuan leave these realms to him? As for the beasts' chances, these realm beasts can only hide even if they are unwilling to do so. But not all realm beasts choose this way. There are still some realm beasts at the peak of the third level. They are not willing to fail, so these The realm beasts with the highest strength begin to devour other realm beasts and become stronger.

But once there is news of Luo Yuan's arrival, all the realm beasts will immediately flee without even having the courage to resist, so Luo Yuan asked Morosa to mark the locations of those third-order realm beasts, and Luo Yuan himself began to In the process of chasing down those realm beasts in the universe sea, the true gods of the original universe also formed a true god team at the request of Luo Yuan to deal with those second-level realm beasts. Although the strength of those true gods is not good for the realm beasts, they can also be used for the realm beasts. Luo Yuan should reduce some pressure. Luo Yuan is very busy.

Time flies, and soon a thousand years have passed. Luo Yuan continues to hunt the escaped realm beasts in the vast cosmic sea. With Morosa's induction, other realm beasts can be killed by Luo Yuan no matter where they are hiding. They found out that those realm beasts were too good at hiding. They knew that they were no match for Luo Yuan. Many realm beasts actually went directly into the dangerous areas of the cosmic sea. If Luo Yuan had not been protected by the Star Tower, they might have been in danger, but After a thousand years of pursuit, all the realm beasts except Morosa were finally wiped out.

As the only realm beast in the universe sea, Morosa actually became the king of realm beasts in less than a hundred years directly under the blessing of the supreme rules of the universe. Now Luo Yuan has a realm beast king-level servant, which makes Luo Yuan the king of realm beasts. Luo Yuan was overjoyed.

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(End of this chapter)

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