I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 600: Transcendence Chapter, Origin Continent

Chapter 600: Transcendence from Reincarnation, Origin Continent

With the catastrophe of the world beasts lifted, the remaining forces in the Cosmic Sea have finally settled down, and they have begun to enter the stage of hard cultivation. After all, the pressure brought by the world beasts to everyone this time is really too great. If If it weren't for Luo Yuan's existence, the Cosmic Sea would really be over this time, and the power shown by Luo Yuan made everyone understand that the Cosmic Sea will always respect the human race in the future, as long as Luo Yuan does not perish.

Luo Yuan felt very relaxed after completing his responsibilities. Then he could start planning to transcend reincarnation and go to the Origin Continent, but before that, he had to find the original will of the original universe to realize the benefits.

However, the forces and betrayers that should be dealt with still had to be dealt with. Luo Yuan asked Morosa, who had become the king of the realm beasts, to eliminate all the true gods and forces that had taken refuge in the realm beasts and were still alive, and then asked Morosa to kill Zi Moon Holy Land devoured the universe and brought back the last pair of Chaos Golden Wings parts. Now the entire universe sea has Luo Yuan as the strongest one, so what if they know that Luo Yuan has a world beast servant.

During the Morosa operation, Luo Yuan came to the Ancestral God Sect of the original universe alone. He directly approached the three ancestor gods to inform the original will of the original universe to release the original ancestors, and then asked Luo Yuan to go to the place of origin to experience the original universe when it was about to die. Understanding the operating rules of the original universe will be beneficial to him in the future to break through to a higher realm, and even become a god king. It will also be of great use.

After the original will of the original universe knew the purpose of Luo Yuan's arrival, it did not dare to refuse, because the original will of the original universe knew that Luo Yuan had a king-level realm beast servant. If the original will dared to refuse, Luo Yuan would really When the original universe collapsed, its original will was swallowed up, so that even if a new original universe was born, it would have nothing to do with this original will.

Soon the original ancestor wearing a white robe was released by the original will of the original universe. Although Luo Yuan had seen the original ancestor more than once in the virtual universe, he was still very surprised when he saw him for the first time, because the original ancestor himself was The momentum he exudes is extremely strong, and he has the ability to transcend reincarnation at any time. Although he cannot be compared with Luo Yuan, this can also show the extraordinaryness of the original ancestor.

When the Lord of Chaos City, the True God of Darkness and others saw the return of the Original Ancestor, they burst into tears. After all, several of these True Gods were disciples or descendants of the Original Ancestor. They had been requested by the Original Ancestor and had more affection for the Original Ancestor than others. It was much deeper, so the human race invited the true gods from all forces in the original universe to celebrate.

Luo Feng also came at the banquet. When Luo Yuan saw that Luo Fu had become a true god, he was filled with emotion. Luo Feng's talent was indeed extraordinary. Even without a strong inheritance, he still became a true god. This shows that this former son of the world Strong, but now Luo Feng no longer has the ambitions of the past. After all, he himself does not have such big ambitions. Luo Yuan is relieved to see Luo Feng's family happy.

The women who followed Luo Yuan also broke through to the level of the Lord of the Universe with the supply of various resources. This also reassured Luo Yuan. Next, Luo Yuan can prepare to transcend reincarnation. The original will of the original universe is very important. Knowing his interests, Luo Yuan did not choose to seize the original universe. After all, he still felt that his divine body was still the strongest.

Time flies by, and you don’t know how many eras have passed in the blink of an eye. Luo Yuan is constantly improving his various strengths, especially his understanding of various treasures. The Purple Moon Holy Land has been destroyed by Morosa and brought back Even if other forces in the Universe Sea knew that Luo Yuan made the wing parts that Luo Yuan needed, they would not dare to object. Furthermore, the Purple Moon Holy Land had nothing to do with them.

After Luo Yuan installed the last pair of parts of the Chaos Golden Wings, he immediately felt a unique momentum. As the secret patterns on them were connected, Luo Yuan had another extremely powerful mechanical treasure. In Yuan's eyes, the value of this set of Chaos Golden Wings is no less than that of the Star Tower. It is also a top-notch treasure and will accompany Luo Yuan to the Origin Continent.

Soon the third era of reincarnation in which Luo Yuan lived came to an end, and the original universe was about to be destroyed and reborn. Luo Yuan couldn't bear to see a large number of human beings in the original universe die, so Luo Yuan transferred most of the human beings into himself. The rest of the human race's small universe was transferred to its small universe by other true gods of the human race. Other alien races with true gods also did the same. Even the ethnic groups without true gods also turned to those forces with true gods.

As a result, the original universe suddenly became empty, but those alien races who did not even have the Lord of the Universe were in misery. They could only disappear when the original ancestors collapsed. This is the rule of survival of the fittest in the universe. No true god will Accepting these ethnic groups that are very weak in strength and talent, after all, the territory of their small universe is also limited, and they must leave enough space for the development of their own ethnic group.

Just when the original universe was about to collapse, Luo Yuan came to the origin of the original universe alone. He wanted to feel the last moments of the original universe in order to understand the rules of destruction of the original universe. With the collapse of the original universe, various universes The supreme rules suddenly became clear. In Luo Yuan's eyes, they were complex mysterious runes, which made Luo Yuan feel incredible and benefited a lot.

With the collapse of the original universe, it also means that the third reincarnation era is over. It just so happens that the various forces in the first and second reincarnations have almost perished in the previous catastrophe of world beasts. Luo Yuan's reincarnation era has also become The so-called first reincarnation era is the rotation of the times. This is also the rule of the universe. Otherwise, no matter how big the universe is, there will be no extra space for everyone to survive. In fact, this is also the original will of the original universe and Luo Yuan's private decision.

According to the supreme rules of the universe, all the creatures in the cosmic sea will perish in the catastrophe of the world beast this time. However, because of the existence of Luo Yuan, such danger can be avoided, but the world beast is basically only possible every tens of thousands of reincarnation eras. After birth, if the power in the Cosmic Sea does not decrease this time, then there will only be more and more creatures from each ethnic group, and the Cosmic Sea will not be able to bear it, which will definitely lead to endless fighting among the various races in the Cosmic Sea.

So when the world beasts came to eliminate the various forces in the first and second reincarnation eras, Luo Yuan chose to stand by and watch. If he didn't do this, the human race would also be in crisis. After all, the cosmic sea is so big, and All forces and ethnic groups need to develop. If there is not enough space and territory left, the chaos will be more terrifying. After all, once a creature reaches immortality, it can live for a long time, not to mention that some special ethnic groups become immortal as soon as they take action. .

After Luo Yuan resolves these matters, he will begin to transcend reincarnation. The passage of reincarnation is in the dark place. It was originally very dangerous for the realm beasts to guard it, but now all the realm beasts except Morosa have been captured by Luo Yuan. After all, those true gods in the Universe Sea who think they have good strength can try to transcend reincarnation. However, this path is also very dangerous, but for Luo Yuan, there is no need to worry.

When Luo Yuan told the Lord of Chaos and other human true gods that he wanted to transcend reincarnation, the senior leaders of the human race were very excited, because they knew that with Luo Yuan's strength, he could definitely succeed. Once Luo Yuan could successfully transcend reincarnation, it would mean that If Luo Yuan's small universe can be promoted to the holy land universe, then everyone will be immortal. As long as Luo Yuan does not die, the powerful people above immortality who live in the Luo Yuan holy land universe will no longer be limited by their life span.

At the same time, the original ancestor also expressed that he would go through reincarnation with Luo Yuan, because the original ancestor's strength was also very close to the True God of the Void. He also had great confidence in his transcendence of reincarnation. Luo Yuan did not refuse. After all, there was a person on the way to reincarnation. Acquaintances are also a good thing, and they will make him much safer on the Origin Continent in the future. Luo Yuan did not choose to bring the small universe army with him, because his true god army has not yet been formed, and no true god has been born so far.

But Luo Yuan is not in a hurry, because he has plenty of time, and he also knows that it is not easy to give birth to a new true god in his small universe. After all, it is extremely difficult to break through the true god in the universe sea, whether it is cultivation resources or the supreme rules of the universe. The suppression is a limiting factor, but Luo Yuan is confident that his True God Army will one day take shape. Before that, he can also go to the Origin Road to explore. Before entering reincarnation, Luo Yuan spent some time with his wives and concubines who had followed him for countless years, and at the same time stabilized his mind. He was completely unfamiliar with the continent of origin. After all, Tomatoes did not write about it later, so he could only explore it on his own. Fortunately, the original ancestor was with him this time, but Luo Yuan also knew that the realm of true gods must be just a living in the continent of origin.

Based on the analysis of the few words left by the inheritance of the God King of Jin and the information Luo Yuan knew, Luo Yuan knew that the Origin Continent was extraordinary. After all, the cosmic sea where he is now has a number of three thousand, which can be regarded as the Three Thousand Great Thousand. The world, and then in these three thousand universe seas, for countless years, extreme gods have continued to transcend reincarnation and go to the Origin Continent. As time goes by, it is unimaginable how many powerful people have accumulated on the Origin Continent.

Zuo Shanke also came and told Luo Yuan some information. Luo Yuan actually knew the true identity of Zuo Shanke, but he did not show it. Instead, he expressed his amazement with his acting skills at the level of an actor, and then agreed to go with Zuo Shanke. Going to the Origin Continent, after all, with his background as a mountain guest, he can quickly regain the power of the God King once he returns to the Origin Continent.

In this way, Luo Yuan can have a god-king-level teacher and a Void True God-level companion in the Origin Continent. This also gives Luo Yuan some peace of mind about the unfamiliar road of origin. After all, he is not going anywhere alone. A strange world.

On the day that everyone was watching, Luo Yuan, the mountain guest and the original ancestor went to the dark place, but when they came to the core of this dangerous place, they did find the reincarnation passage. This passage gave Luo Yuan the feeling of more like a time and space. Tunnel, but he didn't care that much. The three of them used various secret techniques and began to rush into the reincarnation passage.

Zuo Shanke is different from Luo Yuan and the Original Ancestor. He wants to choose to be reincarnated in the Origin Continent. After all, his soul itself is a creature of the Origin Continent, but Luo Yuan and the Original Ancestor are not, and Luo Yuan's body has finally been raised to 100,000. It was impossible for him to give up the double gene sequence, so both Luo Yuan and Yuan Zu chose to rely on themselves to survive reincarnation.


The coldness, pain, and incomparable pain made Luo Yuan feel extremely uncomfortable. His head was dizzy at this time. He only remembered that he encountered an extremely dangerous hurricane after entering the reincarnation channel with the mountain guest and the original ancestor. He did not know Why was he so unlucky? The force of the space-time hurricane was so powerful that the three of them were blown away. Luo Yuan didn't know where he was swept up. He only felt top-heavy, as if he saw a light in a daze.

"Hey, the young man is awake!"

Suddenly an old voice sounded in Luo Yuan's ears. Luo Yuan woke up suddenly and his consciousness became clear. He opened his eyes and saw a wooden roof. Suddenly he looked around and found that he was in an ordinary room. In the wooden house, there was a gray-haired old man holding a rice bowl and looking at him with a smile.

Luo Yuan just sensed it casually and was a little surprised, because the old man in front of him actually had the strength close to the True God of the Void, but he looked like an ordinary old man, and he did not see any treasures on his body. Even the clothes he was wearing The clothes are only made of coarse cloth, and they wear ancient costumes that are very similar to those in the world of Jin.

"Young man, don't look at it. You will know that he just passed through the reincarnation passage and ascended here." The old man said while grabbing the food.

Luo Yuan was shocked when he heard this. He found that the words spoken by the old man turned out to be the universal language he used when he was in the Cosmic Sea. But what the old man meant, he also understood that this was probably not the Cosmic Sea. Could it be that this was the origin of the highest civilization? mainland.

Luo Yuan carefully sensed some of the incarnations of divine power he had left in the cosmic sea, and then felt the extremely huge power. His small universe had been promoted to the holy land universe without knowing it. The process was extremely smooth. This should be in line with his own. Strength is related to accumulation. His small universe was originally second only to the original universe and more powerful than any Holy Land universe. Now it is not surprising that he has been promoted to the Holy Land Universe with his breakthrough.

Luo Yuan stabilized his mind at this time. He looked at the old man and said with a smile: "I haven't asked the old man his name yet, and where is this place?"

Although the old man did not receive a direct answer from Luo Yuan, he also knew that Luo Yuan had acquiesced. He said calmly: "Young man, my name is Li Tan. This is the Earth and Stone Village of Yecheng, Ding County, the country of Origin, and I am the Earth and Stone Village." The village chief."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he heard this. This was actually the Origin Continent. From the fact that the old man could directly say the four words "Origin Continent", Luo Yuan knew that this was definitely not a cosmic sea. Because it was restricted by the supreme rules, there were only Only people from the Origin Continent can easily tell the information here, and he is still in the Food Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God that once destroyed the Jin Kingdom.

Especially the ordinary-looking old man in front of him was just a village chief and had the strength close to the True God of the Void. This made Luo Yuan feel in awe of the Origin Continent. He decided to act steadily and establish himself in the Origin Continent first. Besides, he didn't need to see the original ancestor and the mountain guest. It seemed that they were blown away by the hurricane.

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(End of this chapter)

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