Chapter 711 Latitude
  Chaos life is basically formed naturally, and it is almost impossible to create it the day after tomorrow, because the energy they use for this kind of life is the origin of chaos, and it is the same as the strong ones at the Hunyuan level. If it is said to be very powerful, It is possible for them to create powerful Hunyuan-level experts through special environments and certain means, but the problem is that those God-King-level experts in the Origin World do not have this ability.

Although Luo Yuan had previously continuously integrated various source powers until they merged into the final source of chaos, he knew very well that there was an essential difference between the source of chaos and a single source of power.

To be more precise, the two are not in the same dimension at all, so wanting to create new life across dimensions is simply a fantasy. If it were any strong man at the level of a god king, he would get something like this in the last level of the Supreme Temple. Regarding the content of the assessment, they will only feel despair in the end and find it difficult to complete. They may simply give up on this test and wait for the end of their fall.

Luo Yuan now truly understands why no strong person has been able to obtain the highest inheritance in the Supreme Temple so far. This is because it is too difficult to complete the last test. The universe is so vast. Whether they are in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm or the powerful people who come from the outside world, everyone can be said to be a top genius. Whether in terms of comprehension or creativity, they have reached the top level of Fang Yuan World, but in such a big world Under the base number, there is still no strong person who has succeeded.

From here you can know how difficult it is to complete the final test. This will be much more difficult than all the previous tests combined. Luo Yuan still doesn't know if he can do it. He has experienced some secret realms before. Exploring the world, especially when exploring high-end dungeons like the Louvre, it was not until I finally passed the highest-level test that I came into contact with the details about the inheritance of Hunyuan-level powerhouses, and finally obtained many treasures, among which There are the remains of chaotic life.

Luo Yuan remembered that the energy contained in these debris was very powerful. It could be said that it was no weaker than any Hunyuan level powerhouse. Any God King powerhouse would feel very small in front of them, and Luo Yuan now also Without breaking such restrictions, he is still a god-king level powerhouse. Although he has mastered the origin of chaos, the core of the origin of life has not yet completed its true transformation.

Now it is completely impossible for Luo Yuan to create a higher life than himself. According to the rules of the universe, everyone knows that it is easier for higher beings to create lower beings. Yes, but the difficulty in reverse can be said to be completely unimaginable.

At this moment, Luo Yuan even suspected that the powerful Lord Hunyuan who left the Supreme Temple had not even thought about whether there would really be a god-king level expert who could pass all the tests he set, because he wanted to Such a strong man was born in the source world.

Unless there are some special changes, such as a strong man with a powerful golden finger after a mutation, it is possible to do it, and Luo Yuan himself is not from this world, at least not at the soul level, and he is quite So an anomaly.

That's why Luo Yuan had the idea to come here for adventure, and he was even fully prepared. Even if he couldn't really pass the final test here to get the final benefits, he came here for experience this time, and It can be said that there will be no loss at all.

At least Luo Yuan found that the power of the origin of chaos he now mastered has become more stable and powerful than before, especially the power of the ten origins. The elements merged with each other and became more perfect. Then Luo Yuan has With such a strong foundation, he will go further in the future, so Luo Yuan does not have such strong ideas about the benefits gained from the final test.

But now that he is here, it is necessary to give it a try, otherwise it would be a pity to give up like this. If he succeeds, then the benefits to him will be too great. After all, Lord Hunyuan is powerful. The inheritance of the master is not something that ordinary people can obtain. Even if it is placed in the infinite Chaotic Source space, those Chaotic Source level experts will try every means to snatch it away.

Although Luo Yuan doesn't know the true identity of the powerful Lord Hunyuan who created this Fang Yuan world, maybe he is the so-called Yuan. If Luo Yuan can get the inheritance of this super powerful person, it will be equivalent to Having established a very strong relationship with him, he will be able to receive the care of this strong man when he reaches the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, so that his future growth path will become very smooth.

Before anyone makes a choice, they will always weigh the pros and cons and think about what doing this thing can bring to themselves. Then after they have made a decision, they will choose to pay what they can. For other gods, For Wang Qiang, if they come here to take the test and fail to pass the test in the end, they will be left with their own lives, but Luo Yuan is different.

Because he came here as just a clone, he only spent a little time in the end, and his original body and clone can directly form a spiritual sharing, so everything the clone has experienced is known to him, including the insights and insights gained. Various powerful mystical inheritances.

Luo Yuan knew very well that creating chaotic life was a completely different concept from creating new species before, so he had to first understand what the origin of chaos was. Based on the information he obtained, he knew that this was a kind of life in the universe. The most original power exists at birth.

And it was precisely with this power that various naturally powerful life forms evolved. These lives were called Hunyuan life forms, and the first Hunyuan life forms were very powerful. They had a common name at that time. As gods and demons, with the transformation of the universe, a very complete world continued to form. In that world, such powerful gods and demons built a new civilization in it, thus creating a new ethnic group. Then the era at that time was called the prehistoric era. .

Luo Yuan had already heard about various myths and legends when he was on Earth. At that time, he thought they were just made up by the ancients themselves, but now he understands that these so-called myths and legends really exist and can be spread. So profound.

This is because this information has long been dispersed in the universe through the power of rules, and may leave some traces in the subconscious of all life, so later some strong people will summarize it and form some specious ones. s story.

But since it is a story, it must adapt to the environment in which it is located, so they formed civilizations in different universes. Finally, after integrating these stories, they will become different systems. It is for this reason that Luo Yuan After he came to this vast universe, he heard various myths and legends.

But Luo Yuan found that the one closest to the truth was his own earth, where the myths and legends had the highest degree of authenticity. Therefore, Luo Yuan felt that the earth might be a unique existence in the entire universe, and it might have created this world. The strong man in the entire universe is the invincible strong man who came out of the parallel world's earth, otherwise it would be difficult to explain all the situations Luo Yuan is facing now.

Moreover, Luo Yuan also discovered that after he came to this vast universe, the various life forms he saw were actually inextricably related to the human race. Even though he met several Hunyuan Lord level From the traces left by the strong men, it can be judged that those are super strong men in human form. So if Luo Yuan wants to create a new chaotic life, he must first think clearly about the conditions of the constructed life structure. At first, Luo Yuan thought that he should create a beast form, because they can withstand this form. To produce more strength, it will be less likely to collapse.

Any created life must be stable in order to perfectly meet the requirements of certain rules, and finally it can truly emerge and become a new species. For this situation, Luo Yuan has created various kinds of life before. He had already realized this when he created a new species, but now Luo Yuan has a new idea. He feels that he can create Hunyuan life in a completely human form.

Although Luo Yuan had seen that there were no human forms among the remains of Hunyuan life before. They were basically in the form of beasts, and they still looked like the kind of mythical beasts that exist in myths and legends, such as unicorns, phoenixes or dragons. What, such chaotic beings obviously have extremely powerful physiques, but they are quite deficient in souls, otherwise why would they have difficulty growing up in the end, and were eventually eliminated by other strong men.

Since Luo Yuan plans to create new species and let them become his subordinates to use to conquer the entire Origin Continent and even the universe, then Luo Yuan had better create life forms that are of the same ethnic group as himself, so as to ensure that The loyalty he possesses, although Luo Yuan, as the creator of these species, has a spiritual connection with these species.

Therefore, it can influence them in some aspects, and eventually even control their behavior, but Luo Yuan knows very well that these powerful beings can continue to grow. Once their realm reaches the same level as Luo Yuan, there will be It is possible to get rid of Luo Yuan's shackles, and then by that time, the advantages between the ethnic groups will become apparent.

The universe is very vast and dangerous. Once all the lives living in it encounter danger, the final solution they will think of is to find similar people and then form a whole to ensure that they can survive safely. It can be said that it is different groups, they will eventually form different forces, which is the instinctive behavior of any living thing.

Therefore, if Luo Yuan wants to truly create a species that can truly obey him and will not betray him in the end, then Luo Yuan had better choose the same human form as himself, but this means that Luo Yuan is creating a human form. When living in chaos, they must ensure that their own physique is strong.

Luo Yuan discovered that strong people in human form generally have better advantages than other strong people in terms of souls. If he also incorporates a strong physique into the creation process, he can have better growth conditions. and talent potential.

If this is the case, then Luo Yuan can be sure that the chaotic beings he created will be very strong, and even have the realm of the God King when they are born. As for letting them have the realm of the Hunyuan level, that is impossible, because The realm and strength of any life created by any creator can never exceed that of the creator himself.

If it were replaced by other Hunyuan-level powerhouses, then the chaotic beings they might create would have the Hunyuan-level realm and strength right from birth. However, Luo Yuan has not reached such a realm now, so he can only create A chaotic life in the same realm as himself.

But it does not mean that such beings are weak, because they are at the same level as the real Hunyuan level and have the same growth potential. Therefore, as long as Luo Yuan can cultivate it well, he will be able to have some satisfactory Hunyuan level subordinates in the future. This way It is much better than working hard to create various secret worlds, and then letting countless beings in the source world continue to practice, and finally give birth to satisfactory Chaotic Source level powerhouses, because the efficiency of this is really too low.

Luo Yuan knew that any powerful person at the Chaotic Source level, after they break through, must leave their own inheritance according to the rules set by the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, and put it in the secret world, and use it to evolve it. In this way, a real source world can be formed, and a place of inheritance can be formed, and any strong person who enters the secret world he created will eventually receive its inheritance, which is equivalent to becoming the power of the Chaotic Source level strong person.

Only in this way can powerful forces and combat effectiveness be formed, so Luo Yuan guessed that there must be different forces in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, and there must be a lot of these forces. Otherwise, why would there be many left in the source world? A variety of different secret worlds.

Luo Yuan never felt that those powerful Hunyuan-level warriors were really so kind to leave their inheritance behind, and also opened up a complete secret world for future warriors to practice. Their ultimate goal was, in the final analysis, for Cultivate more talented young people yourself.

As long as those geniuses in the long passage of time can really get the inheritance left by these Chaotic Source level experts in the secret world and break through to the Chaotic Source level, then once they enter the infinite Chaotic Source space, they will be directly destroyed. These strong men who have left behind their heritage are drawn into their own forces and become their fighting force.

Although doing this will lead to numerous forces in the infinite Hunyuan space, doing so is also a very good way to cultivate new Hunyuan strongmen, and Luo Yuan believes that any force they ultimately want to cultivate will He must be the strongest Hunyuan Lord.

Because every Hunyuan Lord can become the overlord in the infinite Hunyuan space, as long as there are such super powerful people, the forces that rely on them will be able to gain huge benefits and eventually continue to grow. Of course Another situation is that someone like Luo Yuan has obtained the inheritance left by several Hunyuan powerhouses.

So in the end, if Luo Yuan really breaks through and becomes a Chaotic Source level powerhouse, and then goes to the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, he will also have to choose the force he will eventually go to, because only in this way can he truly have a relatively stable growth environment there. , but Luo Yuan knew very well that if he could complete the test of the Supreme Court, then he would undoubtedly choose the power of Hunyuan Lord Yuan in the end.

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(End of this chapter)

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