Chapter 712 Attention
  After Luo Yuan completed all the things he had to deal with, he had already conceived in his mind the entire structure of the chaotic life he wanted to create. He also had the experience of creating a new species before, but now the main difficulty is Or it lies in how to control the power of the origin of chaos and condense it into a materialized life with wisdom.

After all, the origin of chaos is actually just a powerful energy, the most powerful energy in the universe. Therefore, in the process of constructing other things, we must consider maintaining stability and balance, which requires Luo Yuan has a very detailed understanding and subtle control of the power of the origin of chaos.

The special requirement is to have extremely high attainments in spiritual will, so as to be able to complete the next operation. It would be very difficult for other god-king level experts to achieve this step, because any of these steps would be difficult. It requires those powerful God Kings to spend countless long years practicing and improving to meet the requirements, let alone meet all the step requirements.

But fortunately, Luo Yuan has now reached the requirements for various levels, especially the control and distribution ratio of the power of Chaos Origin, which has been raised to the current limit. Perhaps it has not completely reached the most perfect level. state, but it is enough for him to use it as a basis to create chaotic life, but he is not 100% sure of success.

So for Luo Yuan, now he is just a great attempt. If he can do it, then Luo Yuan estimates that he may be the only strong man in history who created chaotic life when he was in the realm of God King. , enough to be recorded in the annals of history, Luo Yuanduo even suspected that what he was doing now had attracted the attention of those Hunyuan-level powerhouses who managed the Origin Continent, Fogyuan World, because he was making history.

Luo Yuan knows very well that even those who are truly Chaotic Source level experts may not be able to meet the conditions that Luo Yuan can have now. It is also very difficult for them to create chaotic life. Although Luo Yuan is now very powerful, But in essence, it has not broken through the limitations of the Hunyuan level, so it is difficult for him to control the higher power of rules for his own use. But now it is equivalent to creating a great species under the restrictions of the supreme rules that can get rid of the restrictions of the supreme rules.

In the process of Luo Yuan continuously compressing and condensing the chaotic origin that he had finally condensed, it was difficult for any strong person in Fang Yuan's world of Origin Continent to see that there were three supreme beings in higher latitudes. Pay attention to Luo Yuan's operation process in the Supreme Temple.

These three are the Hunyuan level experts sent by the Infinite Hunyuan Space to specifically manage and monitor the entire Origin Continent, the Fang Yuan world. If there is no Hunyuan level powerhouse on the Origin Continent, then these three Hunyuan level experts will Strong people at the source level will not interfere.

They usually spend most of their time on their own cultivation, and at the same time, they also allocate some time to pay attention to some interesting things happening on the Origin Continent. For them, things on the Origin Continent are more like It's a drama that they usually use to spice up their lives in their spare time.

It can be said that these three Hunyuan-level powerhouses have broken away from the shackles of the Origin World and are in a higher dimension. Therefore, for them, when they look at the Origin Continent, they are looking at an inferior person. In the Lilliputian country in the dimension, if any abnormal situation occurs on the Origin Continent, these three managers can directly use the power of rules to make changes, and even directly erase any existence that is unfavorable to the Origin World.

However, strong people like them don't know how many reincarnation eras have existed, so even if some interesting things happen every day on the Origin Continent, they won't feel anything if they see too much, and they feel a little bored. So they usually don't pay much attention to most things on the Origin Continent.

But today, all three managers woke up and set their sights on the highest level of the Supreme Temple, because they sensed the same power as their origin, that is, the power of the origin of chaos. Originally, these three managers Hunyuan level managers thought that a new Hunyuan level powerhouse had appeared on the Origin Continent.

However, after they carefully sensed it, they found that the other party was only a strong man at the level of a god king, but he had the same original level of power as them in advance. This made them feel a little shocked, but it also showed that Luo Yuan's talent and The potential is stronger than they imagined, so the thoughts in the minds of these managers are very complicated, but most of them are still happy.

Although these three managers are not the creators of the Fang Yuan world of Origin Continent, they and the creator Yuan belong to the same force. Therefore, if a peerless genius is really born on Origin Continent, then these three Hunyuan If a level manager could guide Luo Yuan to truly break through and become a new Hunyuan level powerhouse.

By extraditing him to the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, he can not only increase his own power, but also gain the attention of high-level officials, thereby obtaining more cultivation resources, so their attitude towards Luo Yuan is relatively friendly.

Luo Yuan is now completing the last level of the test in the Supreme Temple. These three managers have not seen such a thing for many years. They are very clear about the origin of the Supreme Temple. After all, the Hunyuan Lord level was The origin continent of Yuan Creation, Fang Yuan World, has left such a place of inheritance. It can also be regarded as leaving behind its own mantle, hoping that a powerful successor will appear.

Situations like this are actually common in other source worlds. In many source worlds, there are even secret worlds and inheritance places left by other Hunyuan-level powerhouses. Of course, the inheritance can be placed in the same secret world. They must all come from the same force, because only in this way can the newly born strong men become the new fighting force of their side.

The Infinite Chaotic Source Space, as you can tell from its name, is a very vast world. However, the powerful people in it can be said to come from many source worlds, and they have various conflicts with each other, because their ethnic groups and even life forms are different. There are huge differences, which leads to more divisions of forces in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space. Only those forces with powerful Chaotic Source Lord levels can become the top forces in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space.

But no matter which force they are, they all hope to cultivate more talented and powerful people, so that their forces can become more powerful and have more say in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space. After all, these created In the end, the source world allocates resources based on strength.

According to the regulations of the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, once any strong person breaks through and becomes a Chaotic Source level existence, then if they want to be able to enter the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, they must do one thing, which is to create a brand new Source World. In this way The purpose is to increase the number of powerful beings existing in this universe, and it is also a way to expand the entire universe.

If there are no more existences like the Source World, then those high-ranking Hunyuan-level powerhouses in the infinite Hunyuan Space, are they constantly fighting each other for that little cultivation resource in that vast world? Fight, so simply create more source worlds, and then let them cultivate more cultivation resources and strong men. Finally, let all the source worlds concentrate their resources to supply the infinite Chaotic Source space. Only in this way can we ensure that these in the infinite Chaotic Source space can be The strength and status of the strong.

At this time, these three managers all had a very strong interest in Luo Yuan, because they had already noticed that a very outstanding genius was born on the Origin Continent, Luo Yuan, but they I didn't expect Luo Yuan to grow up so fast.

In particular, Luo Yuan has been able to build his foundation more solidly than any strong person every step of the way. He has reached the limit of every realm, so he has created many miracles. Especially Luo Yuan, he is able to have abilities far beyond his own. Realm strength, this is the talent that a true genius can possess. Although these three managers usually do not interfere with matters on the Origin Continent and the battles between those forces, but once there are beings with the potential to become Hunyuan-level powerhouses, they will definitely record these geniuses. on their alternative list.

And they will be given preferential treatment to a certain extent, such as giving them some help in certain rules, such as strong luck, or giving them a little hands-on help when they encounter danger, so that these strong people can change. The more powerful they are, the more likely they are to break through to the Hunyuan level.

The talent and potential shown by Luo Yuan have actually been recorded on the candidate list by these three managers, and they are ranked very high, already among the top ten, and can be regarded as having great possibilities. As long as there are no problems along the way to become a Hunyuan-level powerhouse, there will be no major obstacles in the end.

In fact, there is a limit to the number of Chaotic Source level experts that can be born in each source world. After all, the cultivation resources possessed by any source world have a quota. If you want to cultivate super genius experts, you need to consume a lot of them. There are many resources.

Therefore, the world's top resources will eventually be concentrated on a few people, and these talents may break through and become Hunyuan powerhouses, and eventually transcend the source world and become the supreme existence. level, and is now able to control the power of the origin of chaos and try to create chaotic life, which is enough to directly raise Luo Yuan's ranking to the first level.

If Luo Yuan can really create chaotic life in the end, it means that Luo Yuan has the potential to become a powerful person at the Chaotic Source Lord level in the future. Then these three managers will definitely sort out the things that they will focus on and protect. The target and reported it to the senior management of his force. In this way, Luo Yuan directly became the most valuable descendant in their force to cultivate.

After all, in the infinite Hunyuan space, any force wants to cultivate more powerful Hunyuan lords. Only in this way can all of them get more benefits, but so far, basically Among the higher-ranking forces, they only have one powerful Lord Hunyuan, but even so, they have the most benefits.

These three Hunyuan-level managers were in a force created by the powerful Hunyuan Lord-level man named Yuan, and the three of them were among the best in their force, both in terms of strength and talent. Super strong people, otherwise they would not be qualified to be directly assigned to manage the source world created by Yuan.

Obviously, the source world created by the more powerful Chaotic Source level experts is more complete and powerful, and the rules contained in it are more powerful than the worlds created by other Hunyuan level experts. Strong people who are naturally cultivated They have the largest number and higher levels. After all, in the infinite Chaotic Source space, most of the Chaotic Source level powerhouses were born in the very top ranked Source Worlds.

But even so, it is unimaginable to cultivate a new Hunyuan Lord-level powerhouse. Otherwise, why would there be only a few Hunyuan Lord-level powerhouses in the infinite Hunyuan Space after countless years? It was just a person, but Luo Yuan gave these three managers hope.

If their force can give birth to a new Hunyuan Lord-level powerhouse, it means that their force will have two Hunyuan Lord-level powerhouses, and they will have the right to speak in the infinite Hunyuan Lord space. It will be larger and eventually occupy more resources.

So these three managers decided that if Luo Yuan could really create chaotic life, then they would focus on cultivating Luo Yuan at all costs and give Luo Yuan more convenience, and then help Luo Yuan finally achieve a breakthrough and become a Hunyuan level. A strong man, and personally lead Luo Yuan into the infinite Chaotic Source Space, so that they will ultimately gain a lot of benefits.

Therefore, these three Hunyuan-level managers were very excited at this time. They were very much looking forward to Luo Yuan bringing them different changes. Of course, Luo Yuan definitely didn't know all this, because he couldn't possibly investigate the changes involved. The observation of this high-dimensional strong person.

At this time, Luo Yuan had begun to immerse himself in the process of creating chaotic life, and as he continued to deepen and understand the nature of chaotic life, he found that he became more comfortable in the process of condensing the power of the origin of chaos. Although It is said that it is difficult to perfectly control the power of the edge of chaos.

But he will have enough time and patience to do such things in the future, so he knows very well that as long as he can create the most primitive chaotic life, then he can let them evolve more chaotic life on their own, thus giving birth to a complete new life. civilization.

With Luo Yuan's persistence, he finally discovered that the source of chaos in front of him was originally a mass of energy without any shape, but after being continuously condensed and compressed, it continued to transform under the control of Luo Yuan's spiritual will, and finally turned into something similar to a human being. Luo Yuan continued to carve out the form, making the created chaotic life closer to the human beings on earth. Sure enough, at the moment when he was about to complete it, he felt the restrictions from the rules.

According to the inheritance information obtained by Luo Yuan, he can know that so far, the same type of chaotic life as humans on earth has not been born, so Luo Yuan is now creating a completely new species, but the problem is that although chaotic life is generally very powerful, physique and natural abilities.

But it is not powerful in terms of soul. This is because such limitations can meet the requirements of the rules of the universe, because there is no perfect creature in this world, because once it appears, it will be a threat to the original will of the entire universe. , so it naturally needs to be suppressed.

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(End of this chapter)

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