Chapter 713 Ancient Civilization
  In the last level of the Supreme Temple, Luo Yuan looked at the origin of chaos that was constantly taking shape. He also felt some expectation in his heart, because he wanted to know what would happen after he created a chaotic life with the same human form. , if he could create such a powerful creature.

And if he guides them to eventually become stronger and stronger, and thus become a super powerful force that he can use to conquer the entire universe, then his efforts this time will be very valuable.

Luo Yuan knew very well that he was making history now, and the chaotic life he created would be more powerful and perfect than any life he had seen before, even surpassing his original form.

But Luo Yuan has now controlled the origin of chaos, and uses this power to continuously improve himself, and finally achieves the perfect evolution of his genetic level and life form, so Luo Yuan will become a chaotic source life sooner or later. It was a matter of course for him to break through and become a Hunyuan level powerhouse.

Luo Yuan believes that he will definitely become more powerful in the future, but facing the vast universe, he still knows that it is impossible to achieve his goals by relying on his own strength alone, so he also needs a large number of subordinates who can serve him. Charge into battle by himself, but he must require these subordinates to be very loyal to him. If he is a strong man who conquers other forces through strong strength, then there is still the possibility of betraying him in the end, but if he creates a new life on his own, Then he is equivalent to the Father God of this kind of life.

In the end, you can control them from their origin without worrying about them betraying you, because for any strong person who creates life, the life they create is naturally in the same camp as them, and they are loyal. Almost 100%.

Therefore, Luo Yuan is not only trying to complete the final test of the Supreme Temple, but also preparing for his future plans. The source of chaos is a very advanced and difficult to control power. If it were replaced by an ordinary God King, even if they can possess Such power cannot guarantee that I will be able to completely control them in the end and compress them into the form I imagined, because this involves the restrictions of the rules.

Luo Yuan definitely could not reach this level before, but he passed the first level test in this temple and began to strengthen his control over various original powers, and finally raised them all to the limit. He even integrated different original powers, and finally reached the level of ease, so now he can completely and perfectly control them, thus compressing them into the human form he wanted to imagine.

However, it has only condensed the initial form. This is only the first step, because the life constructed by Luo Yuan is still in the form of an energy body, and does not have the same IQ as human beings. It does not even have a soul. It is equivalent to an empty space. It’s just a shell, so the next operation is the focus.

Luo Yuan still needs to continue to condense more of the original power of chaos, and then finally realize the transformation of the energy body into physical matter, which requires the integration of some rules of power, but fortunately he is in this space now It can circumvent the constraints of the supreme rules and provide such an environment for Luo Yuan, because what Luo Yuan is doing now completely violates the restrictions of this rule.

If he does such a thing outside, he will most likely fail in the end and even be directly punished by the Supreme Rules. But he has no such worries now, so Luo Yuan takes the opportunity to imprint his life in the process of constantly transforming matter. Integrate into the constructed chaotic life.

The life mark can be seen as a materialized substance condensed by the souls of all strong people who have continuously evolved and become stronger, and it contains the original power. Once it can be integrated into a certain kind of life, It will provide it with a new soul.

But this means that the new lives created are controlled by Luo Yuan in terms of their soul origin. Luo Yuan can even directly control these created new lives through the involvement of their soul origin, and give them a series of orders. The instructions of Luo Yuan can be transmitted instantly no matter what space they are in or how far apart they are. Therefore, these created beings will not have the ability to resist Luo Yuan because they have been imprinted on their origin. Luo Yuan's secret pattern of life.

No matter how powerful the beings created by Luo Yuan become in the future, they will never be able to get rid of Luo Yuan's full control. Even if they become stronger than Luo Yuan, it will be difficult to do so, because this is when they were created. The original form condensed into.

If they want to get rid of Luo Yuan's control, they will eventually dissipate directly, because for any strong person in the universe, their origin is still above the soul, and the so-called body is just an external manifestation.

Time flies, and I don’t know how long it has passed. Luo Yuan has completely forgotten the concept of time, because he knows that the flow rate of time in the Supreme Temple is completely different from that outside, and in the last layer of the Supreme Temple, The passage of time can be said to be unimaginable.

So Luo Yuan now has no such thoughts to worry about what is happening in the outside world. His only idea now is to complete this level of test as soon as possible so that he can get the greatest benefit.

Especially the complete inheritance left by the powerful Hunyuan Lord who created the world of Hunyuan Secret Realm. The value of this inheritance can be said to be the highest. It would be difficult for any strong person to refuse such benefits, even if they are The same is true for those Chaotic Source level experts in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, including the three managers who are currently observing the situation here.

These three Hunyuan-level managers who are behind the scenes are feeling a little nervous and looking forward to it, because if they can really find a genius with the potential to become a Hunyuan Lord-level powerhouse.

This means that they can bring great benefits to their own forces, and they can eventually be rewarded by the powerful ones above, thereby obtaining a large amount of cultivation resources, and even be able to get rid of their status as managers of the source world, thus truly Live permanently in the infinite Hunyuan space.

Almost all source worlds will send Chaotic Source level powerhouses to act as managers, but they usually do not interfere with anything that happens between the powerhouses, but this will also distract some of their energy.

And they can't get more benefits. For example, the cultivation environment is not suitable for their current cultivation. The cultivation environment in the infinite Hunyuan space is the place where all Hunyuan level powerhouses want to go most. It's just that Generally, only those powerful Hunyuan people who have made great contributions are qualified to live there permanently, without having to manage these mundane affairs in the lower realm.

Although these three managers are considered confidants in the forces created by Hunyuan Lord Yuan, their cultivation talents are only average among those Hunyuan-level experts, so they can come to the Origin Continent. This is an opportunity for source world management, because the higher the level of the source world, the greater the chance of giving birth to a Hunyuan-level powerhouse, so the greater the benefits they will receive. But even so, this Origin Continent has not given birth to a new Hunyuan-level powerhouse for so long, let alone a peerless genius with Hunyuan Lord-level potential, so as Luo Yuan showed his With such talent and potential, the reason why these three Hunyuan-level managers are so happy is that Luo Yuan must pass the highest test of the Supreme Temple.

In fact, these three Hunyuan-level managers are somewhat envious of Luo Yuan's talent and potential, but they also know that they cannot be disadvantageous to Luo Yuan, because Luo Yuan's ability to grow up is not only good for them but also for the forces they belong to. All have great benefits, especially as Luo Yuan came to the last level of the Supreme Temple to accept the test, he must have received the attention of the Hunyuan Lord Yuan.

Therefore, these three managers do not dare to act rashly. They are now waiting to see whether Luo Yuan has the strength to pass the final test. As long as Luo Yuan can pass, then he can become the only inheritor of Hunyuan Lord Yuan. Yuan will become the young master of the force created by Yuan, that is, the next successor. Then Luo Yuan's status will be much higher than that of these three managers.

At this time, Luo Yuan, who was on the last floor of the Supreme Temple, thought that this test was just to determine whether he could obtain the inheritance of a powerful Hunyuan Lord. However, he did not know that he was still qualified to inherit a super power in the infinite Hunyuan space. He is the only successor, because Yuan has not accepted any successor so far, which is what makes everyone strange.

However, as the three Hunyuan-level powerhouses who manage the origin world of the Origin Continent, they know the reason, because any Hunyuan Lord-level powerhouse has an extraordinary position in the infinite Hunyuan space, and There are countless source worlds controlled by the forces they created. It can be said that their forces are very large and have far-reaching influence.

This means that any powerful person at the Hunyuan Lord level will not choose a successor at will. In order to ensure that the successor is loyal to them, they usually only challenge the successor in the source world they created, so they will The inheritance tower is left in the most powerful secret world, and anyone waiting for a satisfactory successor to be born in this source world.

But the requirements for a successor who can be favored by the Hunyuan Lord level powerhouse must be very high, even higher than most Hunyuan level powerhouses, and Yuan is a powerhouse with extremely strict requirements, so The test left behind in the Supreme Temple can be said to be the most difficult among all the secret realms of the source world, so no genius has completed the test in a long time.

Moreover, all geniuses who cannot complete the test will be erased directly in the Supreme Temple. This is to prevent other strong men from knowing the content of the test in the Supreme Temple. Only in this way can the best successor be selected, but that Yuan But you don't know that Luo Yuan, as an outlier, does break all the rules and requirements.

However, only a being like Luo Yuan can create miracles and finally complete all the tests of the powerful Hunyuan lord Yuan and become the final successor. Therefore, whether it is the three managers or Yuan Qi's teacher at this time There was a separate consciousness observing all Luo Yuan's performances.

As Luo Yuan continues to perfectly integrate his life mark into the soul origin of chaotic life, the originally lifeless chaotic life has real life fluctuations, and this fluctuation is the same as Luo Yuan's original soul. If this chaotic life once If it is truly formed, it will regard Luo Yuan as the only father god.

Sure enough, after the humanoid chaotic life created by Luo Yuan finally opened its eyes, it respectfully called Luo Yuan Father God at the first moment, and the worship in its eyes was reduced by one hundred percent, even though this chaotic life was just a picture. A blank slate, he has not experienced anything, but he understands what Luo Yuan means to him.

Luo Yuan looked at the first chaotic life he created. He felt very proud. Moreover, this chaotic life was in human form. It could be said to be a completely new species. It was fundamentally different from all the animal-shaped chaotic life he had seen before. , and Luo Yuan discovered that this humanoid chaotic life was very high in both physical and soul levels, and its growth potential was limitless.

In particular, Luo Yuan felt that this chaotic life relied on him and was 100% loyal to him. It could be a perfect work. Luo Yuan was very satisfied, so Luo Yuan simply named it Nuwa. But he needed to create another humanoid chaotic life. He even thought of a name, and he called it Fuxi. This was equivalent to creating another prehistoric civilization.

Although Luo Yuan knew that prehistoric civilization had appeared before, it has obviously disappeared now. Although he did not know the reason, it had nothing to do with him. He is now equivalent to a creator. According to his own consciousness, Re-create a new civilization and life, especially cultivate your own power.

The humanoid chaotic life named Nuwa by Luo Yuan was very happy. Luo Yuan immediately gave Nuwa a complete cultivation method. As Nuwa began to practice, her innate abilities were truly revealed. After all, Nuwa is a chaotic life. He was born as a God-King, and he also controlled the origin of chaos. Although it was only the initial form, his foundation was higher than most Hunyuan-level powerhouses.

Luo Yuan believes that Nuwa's strength will improve very quickly. After all, the last level of the Supreme Temple where he is now has a very strong source of chaos power. With such good training conditions, Nuwa will be able to reach the origin soon. In mainland China, the pinnacle level of Fang Yuan's world, Luo Yuan would have some good subordinates working for him.

Next, Luo Yuan began to create Fuxi. Only by creating these two primitive chaotic beings can they evolve a complete and powerful civilization, which is the ancient civilization named by Luo Yuan. By then, strong people will definitely emerge in large numbers, Luo Yuan Yuan is their founding god, equivalent to a heavenly existence, and he can also guide everything behind the scenes.

Luo Yuan decided to evolve this civilized world according to the prehistoric history he was familiar with. The previous civilized world basically allowed it to develop freely, so the direction was completely uncontrollable, but the effect was okay, and some good geniuses emerged. However, all the creatures in this prehistoric civilization will be the most powerful chaotic life, so Luo Yuan decided that it would be better to use some snacks and personally guide them.

Luo Yuan had the experience of creating Nuwa before, and soon he created Fuxi. These two ancestors of the human race began to evolve all things. Although they were mainly human races, they still needed to create some other mythical creatures. For example, powerful chaotic beings such as dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns. Luo Yuan already had reference for the genetic information of these mythical beasts, so it was easy to create them.

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(End of this chapter)

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