I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 716 The truth of the universe

Chapter 716 The truth of the universe
  Luo Yuan learned a lot from Yuan, especially about the composition and operation of the original power of the universe. Luo Yuan had never thought about these things before. After all, for him, these are objective things that exist, and he only needs to go Just look for its patterns and then control them.

But Yuan told Luo Yuan that the universe itself had no original power, because at the beginning of the birth of the universe, there was no matter, it was just an empty shell. However, after a supreme being discovered this new universe, he exerted extremely powerful power. The secret technique allowed this universe to possess the top energy of the origin of chaos, and then evolved all things.

However, for all beings living in the universe, they will discover the laws of this world, which is the principle of the operation of the laws. Only in this way can they control the power of the laws for their use. Whether it is technology or mysterious martial arts, they are nothing but How to apply the laws of heaven and earth.

It’s just that martial arts is obviously closer to the truth of this world than so-called technology, because technology is just a foreign object in the final analysis, and it has an end. Even if you can know the operating rules of some laws and invent many things, this kind of power is just A new approach has its upper limit in the end, because technology cannot solve the most fundamental limitations of life.

After the birth of life, they actually have unlimited possibilities, especially their body itself is a great treasure, but technology cannot explore its most instinctive potential. Only later did strong people create it by understanding the rules of heaven and earth. Although the cultivation methods are different, the cultivation systems are different, but the paths lead to the same goal. After reaching the level of immortality, they will all follow the path of divine power or law.

Moreover, only through cultivation can any life be evolved. This is the way to change the most fundamental defects. In fact, there is a huge gap between the lives living in the universe. The most direct manifestation is the level of blood and genes. There is a gap, and this gap is innate, and technology cannot change this gap.

But cultivation is possible, but the level you need to reach to change the gap in the origin of life is also extremely high. Evolution can only be achieved by improving the defects of life, and any life has the opportunity to evolve. This is the fairest aspect of life. , that is, their genes are not fixed from the beginning, and they have great compatibility, so there are infinite possibilities.

Luo Yuan obtained some truths about the universe that he had not thought of before from some data provided by Yuan, that is, the lives in the universe, where did their cultivation methods come from, and why they can develop to such a glorious level today, because From a certain point of view, this is not feasible. After all, the higher the level of cultivation, the more troublesome the tests will be.

Luo Yuan has never thought about what the specific situation was like at the beginning of the birth of this universe. Although he has reached such a high level now and has created brand new universes and worlds, the things he created are all based on On the basis of the existing existence of this universe, and the so-called original power can be directly used, countless lives and brilliant civilizations can evolve.

But when the universe was first formed, there was no such powerful force, which means that the universe Luo Yuan is in now was a very ordinary existence at the beginning, without any strong people like those in myths.

But later a very powerful being appeared, which caused changes in this world. Especially that great being even created some of the most primitive gods and demons, and they were all representatives of these powerful beings. There are different types of original power, of course the most powerful one is called the Chaos Demon God. This is the earliest strong man with the original power of chaos.

Moreover, these strong men were originally born naturally from this world, so their strength is very powerful. Even the strong men at the level of Chaotic Source Lord are difficult to fight against, so this lets Luo Yuan know that this side of the universe There is a wider space, and there are even beings more powerful than the Chaotic Source Lord level.

And according to the information Yuan told him, the great being who transformed this universe into what it is now has disappeared. It is very likely that he left this universe. So where exactly did he go? So far, there is no information. Anyone knows, but can also learn a message from this aspect.

There is a broader universe outside this universe, and even a supreme powerhouse. Therefore, Luo Yuan gained a deeper understanding after discussing with the Hunyuan Lord in front of him, allowing him to understand the entire universe. Not all they know.

It turns out that the so-called Hunyuan level powerhouses can be regarded as the most powerful existences born in all source worlds, but the reason why they all gathered together and created an independent infinite Hunyuan space was for the purpose of doing so. , in the final analysis, it is to form a powerful force to protect their universe.

Because according to the information brought by Yuan, there are other universes outside this universe. Then the strong men in other universes will bring powerful men to attack after they discover the universe where Luo Yuan is now. Want to occupy it.

Therefore, when the realm is raised to the Hunyuan level, it does not mean that there are no threats and you can start to enjoy life carefree. Those who are the most powerful Hunyuan Lord level experts can still resist the attacks of the outside world. responsibility, so they usually fight against strong men from other universes. This also makes Luo Yuan understand why there is a saying that the stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility.

Because if the most powerful people do not take action against foreign enemies, then once the foreign enemies really occupy this universe, it will be a disaster for all life in the universe.

After Luo Yuan heard the news, he felt a little helpless. He had practiced so hard in the hope that one day he could become the strongest person in this universe, and then he could enjoy life without any threats.

As a result, Luo Yuan now knows that it turns out that he has really raised his realm to the level of Chaotic Source Lord and became the strongest person in this universe. He still needs to face attacks from powerful people in the outside universe, and there are more things on top of this. A high level, so this means that Luo Yuan will continue to practice in the future, and even be in a never-ending battle.

Perhaps it is a good thing for those strong people who want to continuously improve their realm and strength, because it means that they still have room for improvement, but for Luo Yuan, the reason why he practices is that he hopes to be able to control himself. His destiny will not be restricted by any strong person, but now he finds that he still has a long way to go, so he cannot relax.

Because he knows very well that the universe he is in is his current origin. If there is a problem in this universe, all his previous cultivation will collapse, and the people and things he cares about will be directly affected. All the strong men from the outside world were wiped out.

However, Luo Yuan can't change the truth of this world, so he can only continue to practice. Now that he has become the direct disciple of a strong person at the level of Lord Hunyuan, the responsibilities he will face in the future will definitely be even greater, which also makes him Luo Yuan understands that the purpose of these powerful Hunyuan-level experts to leave their inheritance is not only to enhance the power of their own forces, but also to cultivate more super-powerful people to face attacks from outsiders and powerful people. . Because only the greater the number of strong people can ensure the safety of the universe in which they are located. Otherwise, if there is a serious internal battle between these strong people, they will only continue to weaken their own strength in the end, and thus be defeated by the strong people from the outside world. Found the opportunity and wiped them all out.

There are indeed many forces in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space. This is mainly because their sources are different. For example, the source worlds they come from are essentially different, and there are even some contradictions between them. But when they face When we have a common enemy, we still have to choose to cooperate. Otherwise, once the most powerful of them all disappear, who will protect other life in the universe in the future.

However, this does not mean that these Hunyuan-level powerhouses will attach great importance to the lives living in the Source World, because for them, only those relatively powerful beings can be taken seriously by them. , as for those weak lives.

They are just passers-by in time, and they will disappear after a while, but their existence is continuously formed, so for those eternal and immortal superpowers, those weak lives are of little value. So naturally they won't take it seriously.

It can be said that in the source world, only those who have reached the God King level can enter the targets of the attention of these Hunyuan level powerhouses. Then it can be explained that all those under the God King are ants.

Regarding the truth of the universe, Luo Yuan still doesn't know how much the super strong people living in the source world know. After all, not all strong people have such a strong sense of responsibility. The reason why they practice is for themselves in the end. Have stronger strength to protect their status and rights.

If they really encounter something very dangerous, they will definitely flee as soon as possible. There is naturally no value in cultivating these strong men who have no sense of responsibility. But the problem is that some strong men are so talented that they are so superior. Those high-ranking Hunyuan Lords Even if they are strong men of the same level, they cannot require these strong men living in the source world to do things according to their ideas.

However, for those strong people who have no sense of responsibility, after they know the truth of this universe, they will definitely have no idea of ​​continuing to practice. At most, they will start to enjoy their own life after becoming God King level strong people. After all, in the source world, the powerful people at the level of god kings are very high in terms of strength and status.

Therefore, for them, even if they continue to practice and become a higher-level Hunyuan-level powerhouse, they will not be able to gain true freedom in the end. Instead, they will often have to face those powerhouses from the outside world, which can be said to be very troublesome. Luo Yuan originally had no such idea.

But after he learned the truth about this universe, he found that he had actually reached the highest level of cultivation, and maybe he would continue to move forward. In other words, there was no possibility of stopping on his path of cultivation until he became the master of all universes. Only the most powerful being in the world can achieve his goal. However, such a path is very difficult to reach the end. The training time may become longer and longer. Fortunately, Luo Yuan has already possessed the skills in the process of training. Incredibly strong personal conviction.

Moreover, Luo Yuan has practiced to this day, and his potential in all aspects has reached a very high level, so he feels that if he gives up practicing and just indulges in enjoyment, it will be a waste of all his efforts, and Luo Yuan also wanted to see what the scenery outside the universe looked like. Maybe he could truly come into contact with the truth of the entire universe, which was also very attractive to him.

In fact, Luo Yuan had already begun to learn to think about what the structure of the entire universe was like during his training. Then he also guessed the existence of the multiverse based on the information he learned, but what he didn't expect was that he was in This universe turns out to be just one of many universes, and its strength level may only be at the lower level.

Next, Luo Yuan received an entire Hunyuan Lord-level inheritance given by Yuan. This kind of inheritance is also very valuable to Luo Yuan. At least if he wants to practice and break through to a higher realm, there won't be so many difficulties. Then he can use this as a basis to perfect the secret method he created.

But Luo Yuan's requirements are higher, because he knows that if he wants to resist the strong men from the outside world in the future, he will need more advanced inheritance to enhance the level of his own secret method, so that he can truly be in a more superior position. status, so Luo Yuan made a request to Yuan, hoping to get the inheritance of several other Hunyuan Lords.

Luo Yuan knew that such a request was actually a bit excessive and difficult to achieve. After all, Luo Yuan was able to obtain the inheritance of the Yuan because it passed all the tests under the Yuan setting, and in the infinite Hunyuan space, different Hunyuan Lords They must be in different forces. They are basically the leaders of their respective forces. Naturally, they are unwilling to tell the core members of other forces about their inheritance.

But this does not mean that Luo Yuan really has no chance, because according to the information Yuan told him, he knows that these Hunyuan Lord-level powerhouses know the truth about the entire universe relatively well, and they also hope to give birth to a Beyond their existence, because only in this way can we have a higher advantage against the strong ones in the outside world.

This will also allow those strong people at the Hunyuan Territory level to reduce more pressure and find ways for them to continue to make breakthroughs, but the premise is that the talent and potential of the strong people who finally reach this point must be outstanding enough, because this After many years of accumulation, there has never been a strong man who truly surpassed the level of Chaotic Source Lord. They don't even know what kind of realm such a being is and how powerful it is, so they have been exploring it. .

But with Luo Yuan's current talents and abilities, if he can really obtain the inheritance of these Chaotic Source Lord-level powerhouses and fuse them all together, he might really be able to break the limitations of this universe. , thus becoming a super existence that transcends this universe.

Therefore, if Luo Yuan wants to achieve his goal, he must be able to pass the inheritance test set by all Hunyuan Lords and be recognized by them. In the end, it is equivalent to recognizing a few more teachers, which makes Luo Yuan what he is now. For the direct disciples of Lord Hunyuan, this is actually not impossible, because as long as Luo Yuan is good enough.

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(End of this chapter)

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