I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 717 The source world catastrophe begins

Chapter 717 The source world catastrophe begins

This time, Luo Yuan actually felt that what he gained the most was not that he obtained the complete inheritance of the Hunyuan Lord level, but that he finally obtained the ownership of the Supreme Temple. Yes, the Hunyuan Lord level Yuan will regard this Supreme Temple as Luo Yuan The apprenticeship gift was given to him.

Moreover, Luo Yuan also knew the true level of the Supreme Temple, and it turned out to be similar to what he thought. The Supreme Temple was indeed a supreme treasure at the Hunyuan Lord level, and what was interesting was that this treasure was refined by Yuan himself. Yes, this also let Luo Yuan know that Yuan was a supreme weapon refining master, and both his strength and weapon refining methods were much higher than those of Sitting Mountain Guest.

Therefore, Yuan actually has a lot of treasures, and there is no shortage of supreme treasures. However, even if this supreme temple is placed among the treasures refined by Yuan, it is ranked relatively high. After all, this is Yuan's work. It was the main method to test the successor disciples. Although he did not think that a successor who could meet such stringent requirements would really appear, but if it did appear, he would be very happy.

It's just that the waiting years were so long that he had forgotten that it was not until Luo Yuan appeared today and completed all the tests in the Supreme Temple that he truly activated the clone of Yuan's mind left here, so this clone Only then did he tell Luo Yuan a lot of the truth about this universe.

Because Luo Yuan passed all the tests in the end, it means that he is likely to become a powerful man at the level of Hunyuan Lord in the future, and even surpass this level and become a supreme existence transcending this universe, so let Luo Yuan know now This information is also very necessary. It can at least make Luo Yuan mentally prepared and not become complacent just because he has achieved some high-level achievements.

Regardless of any strong person, only when they understand their own insignificance and the vastness of the universe, will they know how to be in awe of the entire universe and the world, and will not get lost in forgetfulness after their strength increases. In fact, Luo Yuan originally wanted to However, this Supreme Temple is originally a very high-level treasure. If he can obtain it, then he will be equivalent to having a supreme treasure in the future.

Moreover, Luo Yuan can consider integrating the Supreme Temple with his own Star Tower. Luo Yuan believes that this will definitely further improve the level of this treasure and make it easier for him to master it. Although Luo Yuan does not think that Yuan will be in this Supreme Temple. It leaves some means to deal with oneself.

But he still decided to keep it in reserve. After all, Luo Yuan was not familiar with this Yuan, and he didn't think that he would really receive 100% focus and training after becoming a teacher.

The universe is so vast, and every strong man who can grow up has experienced so many things. They have seen a lot of darkness, so their thoughts are very difficult to guess, so Luo Yuan will never put his own Safety is placed above the moral level of others.

It is precisely because Luo Yuan has such a cautious mentality that he has been able to grow to such a powerful point now, and there has never been a situation where the ship capsized.

Luo Yuan knew very well that any gift had already been marked with a price in fate. Since these strong men had paid these prices, whether it was rich cultivation resources or treasures, they could not be used to cultivate the next generation of strong men just for the sake of it. Good intentions must have their own purposes.

Luo Yuan does not believe in love without reason, nor in hatred without reason, so he always knows that he must improve his strength, because only when he is strong will he not be afraid of any conspiracy.

The process of recognizing the master of the Supreme Temple is not that difficult, mainly because Luo Yuan has passed all the tests set in the Supreme Temple before. In fact, these tests can also be regarded as the process of recognizing the master of the Supreme Temple, so it is strictly From a practical point of view, this Supreme Temple is more difficult than the Star Tower's request to recognize its master.

Fortunately, Luo Yuan passed all the tests in the end, and he has created many powerful beings in this temple and allowed them to evolve into a complete civilization. The most powerful one is definitely built by the chaotic life at the top. ancient civilization.

So for Luo Yuan, these beings will become his extremely powerful subordinates. When the time comes, he can send these subordinates to fight for him across the entire Origin Continent, and even other origin worlds. If Luo Yuan cultivates them well, then the strongest in these worlds will Finally, all of them can be brought to the Infinite Chaotic Source Space by Luo Yuan, and then Luo Yuan can create an independent force by himself.

In this way, when his strength reaches the level of Lord Hunyuan, he can become the leader of a force. The most important thing is that these powerful subordinates are all created by himself, so they are 100% loyal to him. There is no need to worry about betrayal.

And when civilization is built, strong people in these worlds will continue to form. At that time, Luo Yuan will not have to worry about the power he created having no successors. At the same time, Luo Yuan will not need to leave any trace in other source worlds. The place of your own inheritance, because there will be some things happening that you can't understand or control.

Luo Yuan always believes that instead of waiting for a successor who can inherit all his methods, it is better to cultivate powerful subordinates directly on his own. After all, for those strong men who have reached the realm of eternal immortality, there is actually no need to recruit them. What kind of direct disciples come to pass on the mantle?

Because this situation usually occurs because you are afraid that you will not have strong descendants to protect you when you are old and frail, so you need to adopt the method of recruiting disciples to ensure your life after losing your fighting power. However, in this situation, Yuan believes that there is no existence in the infinite Hunyuan space, so the only possibility for those Hunyuan level powerhouses to still stay in the inheritance place is to cultivate obedient and powerful subordinates.

Because in the universe, the master-disciple relationship is also a very good and strong way to win over each other, and by leaving a place of inheritance to select successors, it can save them a lot of time and resources, which is equivalent to countless A place of inheritance was left in the origin world, and then the resources there were used to cultivate super strong people.

Then through inheritance, we will attract these powerful people with extremely high talents and potential to come and accept the test. Finally, after they pass the test, we will pass on our inheritance to them, so that we can establish a strong master-disciple relationship. And it is completely a way to achieve one's goal without any cost.

Although the master-disciple relationship is not 100% able to reach a level of complete trust, it is at least more convenient and faster than spending a lot of time cultivating a super strong person. It is precisely because of this that Infinite Hunyuan Those forces in the space can rise quickly and have a large number of strong people.

But for Luo Yuan, he does not lack powerful subordinates, and he always believes that his own strength is the most important. If his strength cannot suppress these subordinates, then he may suffer backlash in the future, so Luo Yuan The main purpose should always be to improve your own strength, and then train some excellent subordinates, so that it will be much easier for you to deal with some things in the future.

It can be said that the whole process was similar to what Luo Yuan thought, and he achieved his original purpose, especially since Luo Yuan also asked about what happened in the Hunyuan world, such as why the rules here were Problems arise, which interrupt the connection between these small worlds and prevent them from forming a virtual world. In this way, they have no communication bridge with each other. Naturally, panic will appear after a long time. However, after Luo Yuan knew the truth of the matter, he realized that the situation was more serious than he imagined. The Chaotic Source Secret Realm could actually be regarded as the center of the Source Continent, the Fang Yuan World, and the origin of the Source World. location of existence.

The reason why Yuan, the powerful Hunyuan lord who created the source world of the Origin Continent, independently created the Hunyuan Secret Realm, and opened up countless powerful small worlds in it, and then brought those outstanding human races Strong men or strong men from other ethnic groups all gathered together, and a complete civilization evolved in these small worlds.

The purpose is to hope that these strong people can quickly improve their strength, and then when the entire source world is disturbed and endangered by the outside world, they can directly form combat effectiveness and protect the safety of the entire source world. However, in order to prevent the super strong people in these small worlds from going out. , thereby destroying the pattern of the entire continent of origin.

So simply change the rules here, which restricts them from allowing strong men whose strength exceeds the realm of the God King to leave the small world. However, if this changes with the rules in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm, then such restraints will be temporarily canceled.

The reason why the rules of the entire Hunyuan Secret Realm have changed now is because the Origin Continent has been interfered by other Source Worlds. To be more precise, there is an overlap between the Source World and the Origin Continent.

This resulted in the two source worlds that had little relationship to each other having a channel that could connect them. Therefore, strong men from other source worlds could take this opportunity to come to the Origin Continent and occupy the vast territory here. Get training resources here.

So this means that the strong men in the two source worlds will definitely start a war. Therefore, in this case, the super strong men in the different source worlds must assume corresponding responsibilities, otherwise they will end up There is only the result of destruction, and the source world that can overlap with the resource world of the origin continent must be of a very high level. For example, it is a source world created by other powerful people at the Chaotic Source Lord level.

It can be said that it is possible for different source worlds to overlap and then fight. However, the time interval between such situations is generally very long. Perhaps tens of thousands of reincarnations have passed before this situation can actually occur. , but now the Origin Continent has just encountered this situation, so they must make changes and deal with it.

In the infinite Hunyuan space, the powerful ones at the higher Hunyuan level are very happy to see the duel between strong men from different worlds, because the purpose of the existence of these source worlds is to cultivate more powerful Hunyuan. Only in this way can we provide more super strong people for the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, enhance their strength, and ultimately be able to resist the attacks of those strong people in the outside universe.

Therefore, no matter who is strong in any universe, they think that they can be safe and worry-free after practicing to a certain level. This is absolutely impossible. After all, the purpose of these strong people creating these powerful universes is to cultivate more How could they lose their belief in becoming stronger? In the final analysis, the strong survive and the weak will be eliminated.

As for whether the battle between the strong men in these two Fang Yuan worlds will put other lives in danger, this is not within the scope of thinking of those Hunyuan level strong men, because in the end only the strong ones will In order to survive, as for those weak existences, they all disappeared in the end.

Then over a long period of time, new civilizations will eventually be reborn, and more powerful people will be born. Therefore, in this case, the continuous elimination system can continuously produce super powerful people. By.

Although this selection method is very cruel, it is also the rule of operation of the entire universe. No strong person can change it. Even those strong ones at the Hunyuan level in the infinite Hunyuan space are the same because they are different from the strong ones. They also usually experience various battles.

Sometimes they even leave this universe directly and go to other universes to fight. The purpose of doing so is not only to improve their realm and strength and obtain more cultivation resources, but also to protect the universe where they are.

When Luo Yuan knew the news, he also felt a little speechless, because he found that he had not experienced several reincarnation eras when he was in the Universe Sea, and he happened to encounter the so-called world beast catastrophe, and now he came here The Origin Continent had not experienced hundreds of reincarnation eras before it encountered the so-called Origin World catastrophe.

This makes Luo Yuan have to lament that his luck is indeed not that good. Of course, behind these crises are often opportunities. If he can get more benefits from such crises, he can also speed up his growth. , thereby making yourself stronger.

Therefore, it is difficult to say clearly whether it is good or bad, but at least Luo Yuan understands one truth, that is, if he cannot grow up as soon as possible, once he encounters an unexpected situation, he will eventually fall.

But fortunately, he is growing up relatively quickly, and has now reached the top level of Fang Yuan's world in the Origin Continent. This means that Luo Yuan is qualified to participate in the battles between strong men in different origin worlds. Otherwise, he would have to find a place to hide and practice, and it would even be difficult to escape from the battle with other people in the source world.

After all, once a crisis occurs that affects the entire source world, all strong men must stand up and fight. Otherwise, it is impossible to hide in a safe corner and practice on your own, because other strong men will not allow it. You do this, and once those superpowers all fall.

Then all life in the resource world will eventually disappear, including yourself naturally. Although the world itself will not collapse, if a new civilization evolves, it will have nothing to do with you.

Therefore, Luo Yuan felt that after he left the Supreme Temple, it was necessary to inform the superpowers in the small world of this specific information so that they could be prepared. After all, the next ones they would fight were the superpowers in other source worlds. Therefore, we must not be careless, which means that the strong men on the entire Origin Continent cannot stay out of the matter, and will enter a more intense battle next.

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(End of this chapter)

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