Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 108 God of War Warrior

Chapter 108 God of War Warrior
  Except for Xiang Yang who had some vague feelings about Evil Jin's visit last night, no one else knew about it.

Everyone was training at the usual pace.

After Nakajiro came out of the virtual battle room, he sorted out the plot and thought about what to do next. In the current plot, he had already been messed up. Shadow Ba was not dead, but was killed by Bad Earth. Possessed, the King of Kai was captured alive by him before even a few of the supernatural beasts under his hands were sealed.

Now even the evil water has been summoned and trapped in the imaginary door. In fact, Nakajima is not sure whether the imaginary door can trap the evil water. You must know that there are five dark guardians in the original time and space. After being sealed, the Black Emperor opened the brocade bag and directly summoned five dark guardians.

After all, the door of the imaginary room was made by Tiandao. Now the possibility that Bad Shui can escape from it is very small, but he is afraid that Bad Shui will be summoned by the kit in the end and merge into a black monster.

Now because he, the captain, is the central coordinator, the conflicts between the armor summoners have been suppressed.

But just because conflicts don't break out doesn't mean there won't be any, and Nakayama sees it clearly.

Xinnan's heart is all about his piano. Especially after Nakajie became the captain, Xinnan didn't care at all about the armored warriors. He just said whatever Nakajima said. What to do.

There is also Xizhao. On the surface, everyone trusts Xizhao, but in fact, no matter Meizhen, Dongshan and Beimiao, they are still vaguely wary of Xizhao. This kind of wariness cannot be seen usually. Even they themselves don't know it very well, but once there is any problem within the team, except for Zhongjie, the first reaction of everyone else is to doubt Xizhao.

As well as Beimiao's violent temper and Dongshan's lack of opinion, these are very serious problems. Normally fighting against supernatural beasts, these are harmless, but if you want to completely unite and summon the emperor's armor, these are hidden deep inside. Conflicts under the water's surface will become reefs under the sea's surface.

There is even Nakajima himself. Whether it is his origin from time travel or the system given to him by Heaven, they are all secrets hidden in his heart. In addition, Nakajima is not from this world after all. For him, Xinnan and the others are all characters in the TV series. He always feels like an outsider and cannot fully integrate.

With the arrival of Nakajiro, not only his own Earth Tiger Armor, but also several other armor summoners are much more powerful than in the original time and space, and they have taken less detours and suffered less, but some things, It is inevitable that if you have not experienced it, you will not gain from it.

The conflict is now suppressed by him under the water, and it is difficult to resolve. However, Nakashima cannot take the initiative to cause conflicts. He can only hope that in the future battles, everyone will gradually develop a comradeship and be able to unite and summon the Emperor's Armor.

However, Nakajima also has another trick, which is to help Xiangyang strengthen his physique. Now Xiangyang's physique is much stronger than in the original work. According to Nakajima's guess, if Xiangyang summons the Emperor's Armor now, he should not be able to do it. Will faint immediately after fighting.

However, Xiang Yang still cannot summon armor frequently, otherwise, it may cause some permanent damage to Xiang Yang's growing body.

In the original time and space, the Shadow Realm first asked Xiang Yang to summon the Emperor Armor twice in a row, causing Xiang Yang to be unable to summon the armor again in a short period of time, and then merged into the Black Demonic Beast. Otherwise, the two Emperor Armors would besiege the Black Demon Beast together. Warcraft, not to mention the strongest dark power in five thousand years, even the strongest dark power in one hundred thousand years, cannot stop it. Therefore, Nakajiro planned to protect Xiang Yang regardless of whether they could summon the Emperor's Armor. By then, even if they really failed to unite, the Emperor's Armor summoned by Xiang Yang would cooperate with a few of them. It should be no problem to seal the black monster perfectly and seal it temporarily.

While Nakajima was planning there, the laboratory received an email from Dr. Garu.

General Meizhen opened the email, and everyone came over. Only Nakajima, because he was familiar with the original work, and had some weird excavations from the previous life, Douyin Master, about the matter between the armored warrior and the supernatural beast, It can be said that he basically knows everything. At least he knows more than Dr. Garu, who can only dig up clues in some ancient books.

Nakashima even had a rough impression of the content of Dr. Garu's letter, which was nothing more than an explanation of the origin of the armor.

Sure enough, this is what the email said: Meizhen, I found an ancient book, which records that five thousand years ago, fifty-five monsters appeared in Middle-earth and harmed living beings. Later, five sky stones fell from the sky and fell on five thousand people. In a village, the descendants of this village can use the energy of the sky stone to transform into five warriors of the God of War, defeat fifty-five monsters, and use these five sky stones to return all the monsters to their original form. The original form mentioned above should be the devil The spiritual stone is hidden in a book of light and shadow stickers.

In the following five thousand years, the light and shadow patch was opened several times, and each time monsters appeared and ran rampant, but each time they were sealed by the mysterious warrior god of war.

Obviously, the sky stone refers to the light and shadow stone, and those five villages should also be the Five Elements Village. Also, the God of War Warrior is naturally another name for the five armored warriors.

What came next was the highlight. Meizhen continued to look down. In AD 564, a strange battle took place. The book records that five warriors of the God of War merged into one and became an extremely powerful warrior. The king of war.

The King of Gods of War, Mizhen was thinking there, but the other people who read the email together couldn't sit still. Dongshan shared with Nakajima who was lazing aside: "Nakajima, you know Well, Dr. Garu found an ancient book, which said that our five armors can be combined to become the extremely powerful King of War."

Nakajiro curled his lips, of course he knew it, he even knew how to combine it, but it was easier said than done, and it would not be possible to achieve it in a short time.

Rather than unite him completely, Nakajiro felt that it would be unreliable for him to improve Xiangyang's physique. Xiangyang had a complete Emperor's Armor when he came out. If he could summon the Emperor at will like he summoned the Earth Tiger Armor, If it's armor, then why worry about supernatural beasts?
  It is naturally the best if he can summon it himself, but if he can't, he still has to keep an insurance policy. Now, Xiang Yang is his insurance. As long as he can guarantee that when the black magic beast is born, Xiang Yang can summon the emperor's armor, then he will go out. It's not a big problem, just a black monster can't change the world.

 I py a book, "Pope Augustus", which is also the starting point. It has not been put on the shelves yet. It is a rare Western historical text. Interested friends can take a look.

  In addition, I'm sorry, but I have to become a 2K party again. The epidemic has passed, and the pressure of life will also come down. I will have a 15-day closed training soon, and I will have to take the exam later. During this period, can I I have a mobile phone but not a computer. The coding efficiency of my mobile phone is extremely low, and the time is still scattered, so I can only try my best to keep updating 2k a day. I'm sorry.

  I feel like there are so many things pressing on me.
  (End of this chapter)

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