Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 109 Method to rescue Binger

Chapter 109 Method to rescue Binger

After a day of training, Nakashima returned to the dormitory after dinner.

The door to the imaginary room can be opened by bad water from the inside at any time, which makes Nakasaki dare not let down his guard these days, and he even has trouble sleeping.

Badwater is much more cunning than Kaiomon. Like Kaiomon, it was sealed with death when it was in the state of a supernatural beast. Kaiomon was only seriously injured, but did not die with Kaiomon's seal.

But Bad Shui will change back to Bing'er's state when they activate the ultimate kill. In this case, they don't know whether they can successfully seal Bad Shui under the ultimate kill, but Bing'er will probably be killed.

We still have to find a perfect way to seal away the evil water without harming Bing'er.

But Nakaji couldn't find any good method for a while, and he was also quite troubled by this.

But if it continues like this, I'm afraid that it won't be long before he has a nervous breakdown. Nakashima decided to ask the old man of Shenshan tomorrow to see if he can solve this problem.

His ancestors should have had the experience of capturing supernatural beasts alive, and their methods of solving them should be worth learning from.

In this way, Nakashima slept with one eye open.

Early the next morning, Nakashima couldn't wait to enter the virtual battle room, planning to ask the old man of Shenshan if he had any good ideas.

It was the familiar electronic female voice again, and the virtual battle room system was activated. After a period of rotation, Nakajiro came to the familiar mountain top again.

The Emperor's Man was already waiting for Nakashima.

The Emperor's Armor gives two solutions. The first one is straightforward. The Emperor's Armor is the incarnation of the Way of Heaven. It has infinite energy and can control everything in the world. If Nakajima can summon the Emperor's Armor, then everything will be possible. It won't be a problem.

The second method is more troublesome. According to Emperor Xia, thousands of ways lead to the same path. Whether it is the way of supernatural beasts possessing ordinary people or the way of Nether Demon possessing ordinary people, the principle is actually They are all the same, and Emperor Xia did not elaborate on the specific solution.

But even if the Emperor's Armor didn't elaborate, Nakajiro knew that he had actually considered this method, but because he didn't know if the method of dealing with the Nether Demon would be effective against supernatural beasts, he decided to ask the Emperor's Armor first.

In Armor Warrior Xingtian, Xiaotian initially wanted to solve the problem of the Tibetan cultivator Yuzi being possessed by a female Netherworld Demon Kula, and used a total of two methods.

One method is to use the Gennu Vajra to purify the genes of Pomelo. Through the purification of the genes, Kula is forced out and the grapefruit is cured. Due to various reasons such as the Gennu Vajra being taken away, the treatment was only done once. It was nothing, and in the end he didn't help Yuzu deal with Kula.

The second method is to use Shura Armor to go back to the past, and then change the past, using the past to influence the present, and solve the problem from the root.

If the Emperor's Armor is summoned, the Emperor's Armor summoned by Xiang Yang only has fighting instincts and is almost unable to communicate. It is probably too difficult for Xiang Yang to do such a delicate job.

It is still difficult for the five of them to combine to summon the Emperor's Armor. Summoning the Emperor's Armor together requires not only the internal factor of the five of them uniting together, but also the crucial factor of sufficient pressure from the Black Demonic Beast. external causes.

Without external pressure, even if the five of them unite, it may be difficult to summon the Emperor's Armor. Once the Black Beast appears, it means that the five Shadow Guardians, including Badwater, have merged into the Black Beast. At that time, no matter Bing'er was dead or alive, the bad water would definitely not be attached to Bing'er. In this way, a deadlock was formed. When they could unite and summon the Emperor's Armor, Bing'er probably no longer needed the Emperor's Armor to rescue her, but when Bing'er still needed the help of the Emperor's Armor, they couldn't do it. Fit.

If you can't count on the Emperor's Armor, you can only count on other methods. The Shura Armor's ability to travel through time and space is indeed breathtaking, but the Shura Armor has extremely high requirements for the summoner.

On the surface, as long as the Gennu Vajra is used to optimize the genes, the Shura Armor can be summoned. However, in fact, the Shura Armor summoned by ordinary people cannot exert its power at all. After a short battle, it will Due to lack of energy, he was forced to disarm his armor.

To unleash the true power of Shura Armor, one needs to possess the so-called aura of a king.

The aura of a king, in Nakajima's understanding, is the ultimate justice or the ultimate evil.

When Lufa first summoned the Shura Armor, he used the name of justice to cover up his evil nature. As a result, Lufa was forced to disarm the Shura Armor several times due to lack of energy.

Later, under the guidance of Emperor Yan, Lufa finally stopped covering up his evil with justice. Only then could he properly exert the power of the Shura Armor. But unfortunately, in the last battle, Lufa saw Xiaotian using the Xingtian Armor. The Summoned God of War Fiery Sword was filled with fear, which prevented him from exerting the true strength of Shura Armor at the last moment, and finally led to Lufa being sealed.

And Xiaotian is worthy of being a genius. Using Shura Armor, he successfully traveled through time and space and returned to when he was a child, wanting to save his parents.

But it is a pity that in the end, the work fell short and the modification failed.

Nakajiro doesn't think that he has the strongest aura of a king and can exert the power of the Shura Armor. Even among his team members, he doesn't think that any of his team members have the aura of a true king.

Maybe Xinnan, who had gone through all kinds of hardships in the original time and space, penetrated the black domain with one palm, and finally regained the right to summon the Flame Dragon Armor from Zhang Jian, could do it, but the current Xinnan is still far behind.

Then there is only the last way, and that is the Gennu Vajra, which is hidden in the Demon Sealing Tower.

In the play, Xiaogang casually found the Gennu Vajra, but it must have been designed by Ares's Terma Technique. Nakajima can guarantee that if he went to the Demon Sealing Tower in Hope City to find it now, Gennu Vajra, you will definitely get nothing and return empty-handed.

There is no news of the appearance of the Nether Demon in Hope City yet, which shows that it is still very early for the plot of Xingtian to begin, and it is still far away from the appearance of the Gennu Vajra.

However, Nakajima has known Yingying for a long time. According to Nakajima's speculation, if he takes Yingying with him, for the sake of welcoming the tantric practitioners, he might be able to find Gennu Vajra.

But that would require Nakajima to go to Hope City. Nakajima also misses the shy little girl, but now in S City, the supernatural beast is ready to move. If he leaves, Nakajima will really feel a little bit sad. I doubt whether the four of them, Xinnan, can survive this period of time.

This brings us to another dilemma.

 I participated in a 15-day training camp, and I had self-study until 11 o'clock every night. The updates during this period may be a bit stretchy, so please forgive me.

  (End of this chapter)

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