Chapter 157 Shagula

After sealing the supernatural beast transformed by Bayoubi, Nakajiro removed the armor.

Although God still stood on his side in the end of this battle, allowing him to successfully repair the Earth Tiger Armor and complete the upgrade, becoming the Emperor Tiger Armor.

But looking at the mess all over the place, as well as the corpses of the victims, most of which were police corpses, placed haphazardly, I didn't know whether it was right or wrong not to summon Shura Armor this time.

Relying on Junmo's words to seal the affairs of the princes, one will succeed in a thousand bones.

In the past, when Nakajiro was supervising this poem, he just felt that a man should make a name for himself on the battlefield, so that his life would not be in vain.

But when I saw the devastation today, I realized how cruel it was.

Nakajima vomited it out on the spot. Although Nakajima had experienced a lot of battles, large and small, in the past, they all rushed to the battlefield in time, and death was actually relatively rare.

Although it was foreshadowed by the scene he saw at the police station last time, this time, Nakashima still found it difficult to accept it.

Nakajiro had the courage to fight with his own life, but now that he had lived to the end and saw the huge number of victims, he began to doubt himself.

Nakajiro wanted to check if there were any survivors, but as soon as he took a step, his feet went weak. After using his elemental control ability to fight until his energy was exhausted, he used the Emperor Tiger Armor to seal Bayobi.

Nakajima is now at the end of his strength and is close to running out of gas.

Nakajiro managed to stand still, took out the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor, and dialed Meizhen's phone number.

On the other side, Meizhen, who was in the laboratory in City S, had just subsided from the anger provoked by Nakajima when she received another call from Nakajima. Fortunately, Meizhen would not abandon her private life for public reasons.

Meizhen answered the phone and asked angrily: "What's the matter, Mr. Nakajima?"

Nakajiro didn't feel anything wrong just now, but after stumbling just now, he suddenly felt dizzy, and he felt that he couldn't distinguish between front, back, left and right.

At this time, Nakashima heard a voice from the other end of the phone. He didn't understand what was said on the other end. He spoke quickly: "I had an encounter with a supernatural beast on the highway at the junction of S City and Hope City. Fight, now the supernatural beast has been sealed, and there are many injured at the scene."

Before he could finish his words, Nakashima fainted.

Lying on the ground, the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor also slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

"Hey, hey, where is the specific location?" Meizhen called several times, but there was no response.

Hearing Nakajima say that he encountered a supernatural beast, because he knew that the Shura Armor was on Nakajima, Mizhen was relatively reassured about Nakajima's ability to cooperate with the Shura Armor, so Mizhen was not too anxious, but later he heard that there was an injury Those who took action immediately took action.

Meizhen quickly mobilized the satellite and locked the position of Nakashima.

After seeing the situation at the scene, Meizhen was also surprised. Originally, Meizhen thought that with Nakajima's Shura armor there, there would be no big problems, but she didn't expect that the scene would be so tragic.

Seeing that Meizhen was busy, Dongshan also came over. Originally, Dongshan wanted to come over to see if Meizhen needed help.

But Dongshan glanced at the screen and immediately discovered a major problem. Dongshan pointed to Nakashima lying on the ground in the satellite video and asked: "Is this Nakashima?"

Then he saw the Earth Tiger Armor Summoner that fell to the ground. This was a real blow. Meizhen didn't expect that Nakajima, who was carrying the Shura Armor Summoner, not only had no effective way to organize the supernatural beasts to commit crimes, but also even himself. , almost got in.

Just when Meizhen was about to contact someone for rescue, something unexpected happened.

Heidi appeared in the video wearing sunglasses.

Although Mizhen and Dongshan didn't see it with their own eyes, Nakahiro still came back with news about Lufa's possession of the Black Emperor.

Therefore, when they saw the Black Emperor, Mizhen and Dongshan knew that Lufa had appeared. Mizhen and Dongshan were shocked, but Lufa had already considered the issue of reinforcements when he sent out the supernatural beasts. The place we are now is beyond the transmission range of the ERP satellite transmission system.

Lufa slowly walked to Nakajima's side and took out the summoner of Shura Armor from Nakajima's body.

Meizhen and Dongshan, who had seen all this, were as anxious as ants on a hot pot when they saw Lufa approaching Nakajima who had lost consciousness.

Tosugi directly activated the satellite transmission system and sent himself to the location closest to Nakashima within the transmission range. Then he summoned the Wind Eagle Armor, intending to rely on the Wind Eagle Armor's unparalleled speed to rush to the rescue.

After Lufa got the transformer of Shura Armor, he didn't do anything to Nakajima.

Cooperating with the Shadow Legion means seeking skin from a tiger. Although he doesn't know what the Shadow Guardian is planning, Lufa is more vigilant towards the Shadow Realm than he is towards the armored warriors.

Although Lufa has never been a king, he has commanded the troops of Ares for many years, and has been spying on the development of civilization on the earth. He is not a novice.

Lufa still knows how to balance. Lufa has no intention of doing anything to the armored warriors this time. He still wants to keep Nakajiro to help him deal with the Shadow Guardian.

Near-Earth satellites are technologies that Ares has eliminated for thousands of years. The summoner of Shura Armor has been retrieved. Lufa smiled at the satellite and planned to leave here.

Just when Lufa was about to leave, a sound broke through the air. The sound came before anyone arrived.

Lufa looked back and saw that Dong Shan, wearing a Wind Eagle armor, had arrived.

Dongshan, who hurried over when he saw Lufa appeared, didn't know that Lufa had already obtained the summoner of the Shura Armor and was now preparing to leave.

Dongshan landed on the ground, glanced at the unconscious Nakashima, and asked Lufa: "Lufa, what did you do to Nakashima?"

Lufa was too lazy to tangle with Dongshan. Although the ultimate power of the five pairs of light and shadow armors were the same, the armor Dongshan summoned now was not enough for Lufa to take it seriously.

Lufa was not even interested in talking to Dongshan. He waved his hand, and a young man following the Black Emperor walked up.

A burst of blue flames burned through, and Shagula, who was fused with the magic spirit stone, stood in front of Dongshan.

Lufa left without looking back. Dongshan wanted to pursue him again, but was stopped by Shakura.

"If you want to deal with the general, you must at least pass my level."

Dongshan immediately solved Shakula.

But the Nether Demon that was fused with the Demon Spirit Stone was no match for him. With three punches and two kicks, Dongshan was knocked back several steps.

Shagula mocked: "With this little ability, you still want to do harm to the general?"

"Hmph." Dongshan snorted coldly and summoned the Wind Eagle Sword.

Relying on the power of the Wind Eagle Sword and Dongshan's family swordsmanship that he had practiced since he was a child, Dongshan barely forced Shakura back.

Shakura originally wanted to take out his weapon and educate Dongshan, but Lufa, who had already left, began to summon Shakura.

"Huh, you're lucky this time."

Shakura did not summon a weapon to continue fighting, but took the opportunity to take two steps back, then squatted down and disappeared underground.

(End of this chapter)

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